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SpiritOfWrath's writing!


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Woah... I have this totally awesome writing project right now, and it *kind of* worrying...

I'm going to first list the events (tentatively)

  1. 1. Sci-fi world of The Illuminated, a cold war situation. Two countries (though they can't use nukes bc of dragons) are competing, bitter enemies. They don't attack each other because (placeholder name) the dragonlands are right between them. The main characters are from thirdworld countries, basically the countries that the U.S. and warsaw pact took advantage of during cold war.
  2. Using materials found from dragon blood (this material is what allows them to fly/manuever + more) these people developed space travel. Haven't decided the political climate of the planet at this time. Also, explorers of the Dragonlands gain strange abilities (force manipulation)
  3. Many many generations later (these events will likely just be implied), this people are adept at space travel, and have catalogued many planets. Right now those with the abilities are generally in charge. They discover a variety of planets that have more concentrated forms of the dragon's special material, which are cohesive with their abilities. One of them also has a separate material, capable of cancelling out their powers. The people in charge forbid settlement there, as they are afraid of revolt.
  4. A nonenhanced person, Wriulin, starts to study this material, then leads followers into revolt, making them ingest the materials. They gain separate powers, but not all of his followers ingest some. Their revolt is catastrophic, because some of the newly enhanced people die, and Wriulin’s followers just barely escape, crashing (with little to no technology) on one of the planets with both magical material. (Wriulin did not ingest any of this material, instead, he was once stranded [on a similar planet], and had to eat local  fauna. The fauna had a way to access both of the powers even though they cancel out. His research was resulting from this, but he only found a way to give people one power, instead of both.)
  5. On the exile planet, a large number of unenhanced individuals break away, immediately splitting off bc they felt betrayed by Wriulin. These people move far enough away that eventually they are forgotten. (Wriulin and some Hasrathans still know of them)
  6. Meanwhile, Wriulin begins to lead the people as a dictator, Hasrathans (name of the enhanced people) being his underlings. They don't age, and slowly learn to control their abilities.
  7. Many many many years later, one of the Talis (the portion of the unenhanced population that didn't break away) gains powers (more on how later) and uses them to aid two Hasrathans (more ont that later too...) to overthrow Wriulin. Wriulin dies in the revolution, and these people take power. 
  8. Wriulin had certain safeguards (The main one being Hasrathans really never die) in place to prevent something, but these Hasrathans forget about it. This "it" is that when a Hasrathan dies, their power takes over and is very malicious (bc of the nature of the power. And since the power is in control, it is much more powerful than a Hasrathan.)
  9. Wriulin's city falls, right as an army of the break away humans attacks them. These break-away humans had access to the material from the dragons blood (it manifested as blue crystals here) and are able to cancel out the Hasrathan's powers. They crush the dead Hasrathans. (The reason they attacked is not just, coincidentally, “they felt like it right at the time Hasratha fell”, but bc a group of Hasrathans, including the revolutionaries [before they got the idea] visited them [though only a handful knew of the breakaways, Wriulin still allowed trade] and were amazed by all the technological advances the break aways have [since Wriulin was emperor, he suppressed this sort of progress so there would be no chance of killing them] and one of them, a spy from another faction, noticed their fascination and begins to think of them as weak, which, compared to the breakaways, they are)
  10. Protagonists find themselves trying to prevent the force that attacked Hasratha (Wriulin's nation) from taking over all the other factions of the break off humans
  11. The rest is undecided.

Will post the rest (magic systems, specifics, etc.) in a bit

Edited by SpiritOfWrath
Slight changes to plot, and correcting one inaccuracy.
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Ok so the next bit of this, the magic system, can be divided into two parts. These two usually cancel out, emitting a black color or light when they do. They also emit this when the should cancel, but don’t. All people have access to both, but because it’s both, they cancel. Imbalanced magic cause the powers.

1. Hasrathan: They have access to the “Strands” glowy yellow stuff that they can control with their mind… the strands have strength correlated to the ratio of the two magic parts within them. The strands also prolong their life, fighting off diseases for them, and  making them stronger. However, the cancel out turns their skin a charcoal color, starting from eyes and hands. They don’t need to eat. However if they are killed (not likely, since they are so powerful), the Hasrathan part of their power uses this as an opportunity to eliminate the lesser power. After this, the Hasrathan part has full control, and since there is no other power holding it back, they are much much much more powerful than any other Hasrathan… The power has an inherent aggression that is harder and harder to control the more powerful one is (more accurately, the more power required to do any given action sets their current aggression). This manifests with the manipulation of the Strands as the Strands are a second consciousness, albeit simplistic, pleading and trying to hurt things. However, the good thing about this is that the power is intelligent (again, not really enough for communication, just enough to have feelings and carry out tasks), and if controlled well enough, will carry out tasks given them with more detail than one would ever be able to do themselves.

2. Other power (I really have no name for it yet… I use Talic as a placeholder because the first user of this power I developed was Talic). Manipulation of any force anywhere. Is intelligent, but doesn’t assume anything. Only does exactly as ordered. Can also detect forces, and be used as sudo logic circuits (if knife approaches, stop it, except it has to specify exactly how to stop it, etc.). Prolongs life and makes the charcoal color, although only for eyes, like the Hasrathan power. Some may argue that it is much more powerful if used correctly, and that is ABSOLUTELY correct… Ok it also does eliminate the Hasrathan power after death, and take control. However, it is less like a murdering child trying to imitate an adult, and more like an adult trying to imitate an adult, and the only real downside is temporal decrease in motor function. (Losing muscle memory). Some cases are seen where the power is used to carry out a specific task, like the Illuminated (their only power is the ability to see others with the Talic power) and certain flora and fauna. For example, the dragons would use it for better maneuvering.

Lastly, the weird case where the two coexist. Usually this is accomplished by putting a barrier between the two. (Eating the genetic material of a creature that accomplished this does that. I know, gross) This gives them access to both the powers, as well as the ability to use them together. The biggest advantage (you know, other than the fact that you now have nothing holding either one back) of this is the ability to link the Talic power to an object of the Strands, which is invincible. One character takes advantage of this to create a cloak that protects him from any danger, among other things. 


And finally, specifics. I won’t give away much at all, but I will tell what times will have a perspective.

The Cold War like time.

The Revolution (and time leading up to it).

After the fall of Hasratha.

(Sorry for the double post. New here, still internalizing the rules.)

Edited by SpiritOfWrath
Double post apology…
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