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Crack Theory about the Rock in Kaladin's Pack

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So what do you think is going on with the rock in Kaladins pack? 

The quote


“Thanks, Leyten.” Kaladin turned the pack around on the counter, and noted the side pocket for personal effects. He unzipped it and found Wit’s flute: carved from dark wood, with some odd knobs partitioning it. Kaladin had sent it down with his other items, because nobody could pack for a ruck like Leyten. Kaladin always felt uncertain unpacking for the night, as he never knew if he’d be able to magic it all back together in a similarly tight and efficient way. In that same pocket was Tien’s small toy horse, along with… a rock?

Yes, a rock. Dull brown. Huh.

“Oh, sorry!” Leyten said. “I didn’t put that in there.” He reached for it, but Kaladin slipped it back in.

I think its likely that it could be Fortune/Spiritual realm shenanigans similar to Tien's horse but there is another option. 

I think there is a small chance its a proto Peakspren looking to bond Kaladin. We learn that 


In the physical realm peakspren can disappear into stone to stay hidden. to reappear they break out of nearby stone. even if it as as small as a pebble. 


We learn that in the pictures between chapters in I think Oathbringer or maybe RoW

I do not think its the most likely option but it is interesting to consider. 

I also think its possible because the horse is easily identified as connected to Tien, if the rock is also related to Tien why wasn't it described as "Tien's rock" or "a rock that Tien would have liked" 

It is also interesting that Leyten specifically says he didn't pack it, which by implication makes it sound like he did put the horse there because he was only surprised by the rock. 

I think adding a peakspren gets in the way of kaladins 5th ideal for this book but maybe its set up for stormlight 6-10 

What do y'all think? 

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Interesting theory. I think this could work assuming something happens to Syl (I don't think she would like to share). Syl could either die, be pulled into the physical realm or willingly break the bond because she has to do important ancient daughter stuff.


I do think that Kaladin's path is changing (that seems an understatement). There are too many lines to pick one but there are a lot about how kaladin is starting a new chapter of his life. The one below perhaps the most obvious.


“He’s already offered to do that,” Kaladin said. “But I think… I’m needed more elsewhere. Or maybe Wit would say I need to be doing something else. It’s time for me to find another path, Shallan.” (Ch. 13)

While he could continue the path as a windrunner this is specifically communicated as something new; not a continuation of his current path. 


I also think that Kaladin's decision to go to Shinovar isn't very "windrunner-y." Yes, windrunners follow orders but who is Kaladin protecting by going to Shinovar? Dalinar? The coalition? The shin? While I think any of those could be the answer they don't seem to be the main one as seen below.


Who was Kaladin to do this?

The only person available. Stormfather help them all. (Ch. 6)

Instead, Kaladin is stepping up because he's the only one with the skillset for this specific task. This matches up with what little we know about the order of stonewards as seen below (bolded for emphasis). 


Brandon Sanderson


I will be there when I'm needed

Stoneward oaths focus on team dynamics, on learning to work with others, and on being there for those who need them. They put the interests of others before their own, and will not bend their Ideals for the sake of convenience.

Stonewards are the infantry and ground troops of the Radiants and are renowned as their finest soldiers. (A title that, on occasion, the Windrunners dispute.) They tend to attract those who are most interested in warfare, prowess with weapons, or athletics of any sort. They like a challenge, and in times of peace are seen engaging in (and running) various sporting events of both a military and non-military nature. Many enjoy the outdoors, and you’ll find exploration enthusiasts among them, as well as those who just like the fresh air. They tend to be known for their can-do attitudes and for taking on enormous projects (sometimes more than they can handle). However, most agree that the primary attribute of the Stonewards is their dependability. Though sometimes gregarious, they are never flighty. If a Stoneward is your friend, they will be there for you, and that is a core tenet of their Order—to be there when they are needed. Another key attribute is their ability to take a difficult situation with few resources and make something better of it. Though not known as inventors or creators, they are good at improvising solutions to problems in the moment.

The Ten Orders of Knights Radiant (June 9, 2020)



And finally, just to touch on one of your points:

52 minutes ago, Elite01 said:

I also think its possible because the horse is easily identified as connected to Tien, if the rock is also related to Tien why wasn't it described as "Tien's rock" or "a rock that Tien would have liked" 

I agree it's weird that Tien would have two items. Why not just the horse or just the rock? Why both? I definitely think the rock isn't connected to tien, if it was then what's the point of the horse? Rather, the rock has to be some other thing. A hopeful peakspren is really the only option I can think of that can make sense. 

Edited by Atlas333
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I think this is very interesting and possible, though I don't think Syl has to die for it to happen. Kal could just be our first double Nahel Bond between orders.

Something you didn't bring up is that Taln and Kal have a bunch of parallels and Stoneward and Windrunner seem to be very compatibal, they're both soldier class radiants but both have oaths that allow you to not fight, assuming Stonewards don't have an oath forcing you to take up arms, right now we just know they "Stand where others fall" which doesn't have to be about fighting. Though now that I type it out, that oath is basically Kaladin's struggle of always surviving when everyone around him dies.

and our POV Stoneward is supposed to be Taln who's a herald not a radiant, so we need someone to feed us their oaths. I could see Taln bonding a Peakspren and that helping heal him, but perhaps Kaladin will be the one showing us the oaths, his very first story with Hoid and a good part of TWoK talks about him taking responsibility so I think if Syl hadn't claimed Kal a Peakspren would have done it a while ago.

Maybe the (possible) Peakspren is trying to bond Kal but will end up bonding Taln somehow healing him. Kal is trying to help the heralds so maybe (somehow) Taln will end up with Kal in Shinovar? Peakspren hiding as rocks as to come up eventually, that's not the type of detail you never take advantage of.

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I really like this, especially if as many expect the Stormfather will get destroyed in this book, and with Kaladin being prepped up to take over when Dalinar falls, which is also in keeping with Stoneward ideals, this dual bond would give him access to the Bondsmith surges and with Honor's limitations gone maybe he can learn to access their spiritual applications as well. 

It would be borderline a heresy if he doesn't swear his 5th ideal in this book and something happens to Syl or their bond, he can always acquire Jezrien's Honorblade later on and still technically be of both orders.

While the Bondsmith Honorblade is also still in play, I doubt it will be for long, I expect that nick that Nightblood left behind will come back into play and the blade will be taken out of the equation somehow, permanently cutting off the protagonists from Honor's remnants, and therefore making such a dual bond radiant the next best thing to a Bondsmith they can get.

Yeah I really like this, good catch, could also just be a stupid rock though, you never know.

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I love this theory. I had never considered that. 


If you'll allow me my own crazy addition to this theory - we don't know where Taln's blade is still....


With Kaladin heading to Shinovar, and the connection to stonewards that you have pointed out, is it possible the rock is actually Talns Honorblade? 


We know Honorblades are somewhat sentient - perhaps this is Brandon expanding on their lore. 


As to who put it there - I can only really think of Hoid.

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