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The book title that we lost.

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I remember seeing the YouTube video Sanderson made about the title of Stormlight 5. Sanderson had said he was originally considering naming the book "The Book of Endless Pages." His editors made him reconsider because it didn't make sense to name the book that, solely because it does not, in fact, have endless pages. This got me a little hot and bothered. Does his editors think the fans are going to be confused because the book has a finite amount of pages? Like we are all going to say "tHaT boOK iS nOt EndLeSs!" It has really got me storming because I think "The Book of Endless Pages" is a great title. Come on Brandon, don't let your brain dead editors push you around.

Sorry, this topic is more of just me venting my frustrations, but there's got to be more fans feeling this way. I kinda hate the title that was chosen. It doesn't even sound like a complete title. "Wind and Truth" really?🙄 

I would like to point out that this title choice in no way discourages me from being excited about getting my hands on "Wind and Truth." I think it's going be storming awesome. It just could have had a better title, is all.

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9 hours ago, ChetLee said:

I remember seeing the YouTube video Sanderson made about the title of Stormlight 5. Sanderson had said he was originally considering naming the book "The Book of Endless Pages." His editors made him reconsider because it didn't make sense to name the book that, solely because it does not, in fact, have endless pages. This got me a little hot and bothered. Does his editors think the fans are going to be confused because the book has a finite amount of pages? Like we are all going to say "tHaT boOK iS nOt EndLeSs!" It has really got me storming because I think "The Book of Endless Pages" is a great title. Come on Brandon, don't let your brain dead editors push you around.

I think that whatever you are referencing had their story a bit. . . off. The Book of Endless Pages was the Working Title for Words of Radiance. The original Working Title for the Szeth-focused book was Stones Unhallowed (back when it should have been book 3). Neither of them were changed "because it didn't make sense to name the book that". I could describe why they changed, but since we have Words of Brandon stating the reasons, I will let those answer "why."



Who’s going to be the focus for the next Way of Kings?

Brandon Sanderson

I spent a long time deliberating this, and eventually, in my plotting, I came upon one of those moments where you’re “Ah, this is what I need to do”, so it is going to be Shallan. So the focus for the next book is Shallan, and half of you want it to be Dalinar, and half of you want it to be Shallan, Dalinar will get his book, Shallan will get her book, but there’s a funny story here. In my original outline, I named many of the books, like Dalinar’s is named Highprince of War. Shallan’s book was actually named after the book that Jasnah gives her, which is very thematically important to her. But then I started telling it to people, and they started laughing, because the book that Jasnah gave her is called the Book of Endless Pages.

So, I thought that was a really cool title, but apparently, that’s going to give the reviewers too much fuel. So you can pretend in your head that it’s called that, but I’ll come up with a different name.

Alloy of Law release party (Nov. 7, 2011)


And I saw on facebook about the discussion about the name of the second book. This is more like a request, please, keep the name of it being The Book Of Endless Pages. That title is awesome! Oh and another suggestion, please, keep making huge books! Now, after reading your books, I expect books to be at least 600 pages, so you can see I get disappointed quite often lol

Brandon Sanderson

I will keep the books, in this series at least, long. It's what the story demands. As for title...it does have a certain charm, but I worry that it just feels wrong to too many people. Three out of four laugh when I mention it. That doesn't bode well...

17th Shard Forum Q&A (Sept. 28, 2012)

Questioner (paraphrased)

Sixteenth - there's a rumor about a second Elantris book.

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

Yes, that's coming someday, but Stormlight is the priority. Current schedule: Firefight is done, Rithmatist 2 is next, Stormlight 3 after that (working title might still be Stones Unhallowed if he can get it out before Rothfuss finishes Doors of Stone)

Words of Radiance Portland signing (March 7, 2014)


What's your working title for the third book [of The Stormlight Archive]?

Brandon Sanderson

It has two. The original working title was Stones Unhallowed. However, [Patrick] Rothfuss is using Doors of Stone, and I kind of feel like I might want to do something different, so my interim title is Skybreaker, but it has to be an in-world book. The in-world book for book 3 is kind of a different one, so I can do a lot with it, but Stones Unhallowed is easier.


I was gonna ask if this was gonna be a trend for the whole series--

Brandon Sanderson

It is going to be a trend.

Words of Radiance Philadelphia signing (March 21, 2014)


If he was gonna break it [the title ketek], then Stones Unhallowed was a cooler working title [for Stormlight Five].

Brandon Sanderson

Problem is, it no longer works for this book. As Szeth is no longer walking on stones. It's the only book where he isn't.

General Reddit 2023 (Dec. 19, 2023)


Hope that helps

9 hours ago, ChetLee said:

I kinda hate the title that was chosen.

Ditto. Once the plan became to abandon the title "ketek" I wish Brandon would have reverted to Stoned Unhallowed (since the conflict issue is past) rather than a truncated half-title that will always feel like a half-measure. Unfortunately, what made the title fit when Szeth's book was book 3, Brandon feels no longer applies at book 5.

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I found the video and yeah you're right, It was about WOR. Brandon still admitted to letting the editor pushing him around. I also think "The Book of Endless Pages" is a better title then "Words of Radiance" but I'll admit to being a little stubborn at the moment. I'm going to predict the last book in the series that will focus on Jasnah will be named The Book of Endless Pages.

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