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An Acquaintence Rediscovered

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I'm Lord Stormer and I am delighted to finally become a member of the 17th Shard.


One afternoon on an forgotten date back in 2015.

I stepped on a conveying elevator at the third floor of a shopping mall. I had hopes, but nothing specific. The fourth floor had a bookstore which I have visited often, but still, even at the verge of the entrance, my intent was less formed. I did not know exactly what book I should buy. The bookstore was spacious by local standards, but it wasn't size that drove me there. It was the stock of imported fiction. I knew most of the shelves and sections. So I stepped in.

Often I had left other stores empty-handed. I loathed when that happened. I was always selective ever since I began to read. Though I had no clue of what I should  buy, I would often find myself lingering around certain shelves. It wasn't my first visit nor my last. I'd seen similar titles, overviews, covers, and backcovers for years, and that didn't help much. Never what I'd wanted. That soft resentment did not disabuse me from the bookstores, instead it refined my preferences. I was desperate to the point I would rather write it myself.

I would often take a handful of hours strolling around, scrutinizing the same areas over again for what I might missed. The fantasy and science fiction shelves had failed me. Any age suitable non-earth space operas with a mix of fantasy? No, there was never. I was fourteen that day. I'd tolerated slight deviations to my preference. The time of closure was closing in and I haven't decided. The person who had accompanied me that day persuaded me to leave soon. I scrambled for a book, and snatched one from a shelf leaning against the wall. The shelf was about twice my height, but the book perched on a low ledge.

Steelheart by Brandon Sanderson. Firefight was on sale, but Calamity had yet to be published. That was the only detail I can recall that corroborated the year of the visit. It could still deviate slightly.

I had not high hopes, but I rushed to the cashier anyway.

I had not high hopes, so I read it with glances and not turning back on pages I did not fully understand. Four hundred pages were done in two days. Good, but it's not what I sought for.

And the years passed.


Eight and a half years later.

I'd lost that copy of Steelheart and did not read the sequels, yet that book was a candle that won't die. I've read other books before and after, but almost mystically it left an imprint in my mind. Despite the frivolous read, I remembered the scenes (especially the ending) better than any other books I've read up until 2018. I still don't have a sound explanation why. Maybe the author's themes really appeals to me. By the way, that bookstore closed in 2021.

Fortunately, the chain had another branch in another mall. April 2024, I visited it, still on the same pursuit. I still want an appropriate space opera. At March I bought a trilogy (clue: it won the Hugo where Brandon's work was in that same shortlist that year) in a book fair. I didn't like it, not my type at all. I badly wanted a space opera that suits me. I searched into titles and saw Skyward, yet somehow I was tentative. That book had been a regular fixture since 2021, but somehow I'd missed. I left empty handed.

At home I wondered what should I read. Thoughts swirled inside my head that I should seek again. I craved for a match, so I gave chance another try. I waded along the same alleys and saw the same paperbacks, then inevitably there was the Sanderson shelf. I lived away in Asia, but there's a whole shelf for this author. And there was Skyward with some Gollancz (same for the rest of his works) edition copies slumbered upon the top ledge. I was still tentative till that minute on 10th of April 2024. Yes, it's an appropriate space opera but somehow the premise of the story didn't fit me exactly. I knew, however, that it was my best chance.

I grabbed one copy and fled to the cashier.

I didn't look back ever since. Actually my timid self broke into Instagram and celebrated the fact that I've found the book I sought for more than a decade.

It would become the first series that I completed (other than The Lord of the Rings, of course, but some called it a single novel), and I did it in two months. I was a slug (reference intended) reader, in my truest form.

First Chapter

Sometimes you won't find what you desire, and that is good, because that longing would force you to write.

That lack of fantasy space operas had always enflamed my desire to write, although English is somewhere between my first and second language (that is very long tale). Sometimes I pray for things far fetched, and I still do. Sanderson was more than just an acquaintance rediscovered. I am fulfilled in terms of what I want to read and how to learn to write. While I rather learn by reading instead of by video, the resources had been immensely useful. I think you can spot my prevalent mistakes.

I am always easily obsessed, and it worried me. I had been obsessed with many topics in the past, and I had come to regret some of them. Will this last or fail?

By 7th of June, Cytonic (book three) had came to a conclusion. I bought the last copy of Defiant available nationwide, but yet I need something new once the series is done. By then I've realized that the best of Sanderson wasn't any that I've read. He is in many ways a fantasy writer. Mistborn... or The Way of Kings?

By then, I've been battered by an unhealthy amount of spoliers of both masterpieces. It was a result of my obsession, and I admit that I regretted it to an extent. I must make a decision. I've read both overviews, preferred Kaladin than Kelsier, and having gathered the fact that The Way of Kings is the epic, I went to the mall, took one escalator down, and entered the bookstore with a name in mind. I've never read a bulky paperback (other than The Lord of the Rings, which I read lazily for two and a half years), but I didn't care. It was an ambitious read, but honestly I don't really like prerequisites.

I sought for The Way of Kings Part I (Gollancz editions are divided into two) on that same day. That mall has two bookstores that sell Sanderson - though the other less frequently. I hurried to each, but stocks had gone empty on both. So as The Final Empire. When I bought Starsight and Cytonic on the same day at May, one was left for Part I. This store chain is the only one selling Sanderson books at a regular basis nationwide, and a restock would take months.

Trepidation filled me as I asked the cashier. The store chain has two branches. I'm going to ask on the other.

Second Chapter

"The Way of Kings Part I. May I know whether there is stock at the other branch?" That was my request translated.

The customer service employee searched the digital database and told to me that there was one. One.

I spoke gratitude and left for home. Another employee told me that The Final Empire is a successful title in my country even though no local editions exist even until the moment I am writing this. So I must haste. The second branch was about thirty kilometers from home, but fortunately my family planned for a takeout near that branch, and we went the next day. While the rest ate, I walked to claim the first entry of Roshar.

The read was no disappointment. I knew many had criticized the pace, but such a great world necessitated a long introduction. The build up was subtle as well. I didn't expect that I would commend so much a page laden hard fantasy. Everything looked fine up to this. If I can read a little more than one half part of each Stormlight Archive, I would be there with you all on December 6th.

Around two weeks later I went to the first bookstore for Part II. I knew where it would be. One was there at my last visit. Not anymore.

I had higher hopes when I requested a database search for Part II. This time, customer service declared that no copies were available. My spirits sunk. The date 6th of December haunted me. Every fan must have been waiting or even re-reading the series, but I'm stumbled upon a quagmire. A restock would take months.

Third Chapter

I've always resisted buying books online, a last resort for titles or editions not sold traditionally. I've never owned an e-book, let alone audiobook. I acknowledge that Sanderson fans are inclined to use audiobooks due to the length. I have absolutely no problem with that choice, but I've been a hardcopy on site buyer for more than a decade. It feels more intimate to own one directly rather "having the right to access a service" or something like that. No matter how forced am I, the furthest I'd go is an online buy. Customer service of any bookstore had informed me repeatedly that stocks can replenish anytime, but more likely at the end of a month. So I had a good reason not to buy online, especially when stocks could refill within six weeks of proposed delivery times.

I stalked the bookstores every few days, despite my favorite store lies eleven kilometers from home. Weeks passed since June, and my patience was as hopeful as flipping an hourglass. I bought Skyward Flight and Tress of the Emerald Sea during this period - on sale at some other store chains, providing me with something, but Brandon's Instagram posts about Wind and Truth brought me unsettled my days... and weeks. I have unruly OCD, and other than reading the rest to completion I could only comment despair on Brandon's updates and fiddling myself with fan posts. Sometimes spoilers leaked out like Stormlight. A few of my regrets.

Tress was nearing to its end, and on late August there was a book fair out of city. Someone offered me a service where they could search the fair (and the stores) and fetch books by request to be delivered. I gave it a try, but I knew I won't proceed even if they found either Elantris, The Final Empire, and The Way of Kings. The next day, 30th, I was unexpectedly invited for a lunch near the store where I got Part I. It was the end of the month. As I remembered that lunch, I ate eagerly. Then I ran two kilometers under the humid 34 degrees C sun. Exhaustive, but it was worth it, of course.

Four hundred meters from destination someone saw me running under the heat and offered me a FREE bike ride I never asked. How many times had that happened in my life? I couldn't recall. We arrived and parted, then I boarded the escalator up to the first floor. The glass sidedoors of the bookstore opened and I set my sights to the Sanderson shelf. No there was not Part II, just further entries of The Stormlight Archive. As expected. But I was drenched in sweat and I can't stop until I got a definite answer. One Words of Radiance Gollancz copy stood on one ledge. I removed it to see what's behind.

I broke the soothing silence of the store.

Fourth Chapter

I vividly remembered that hour. How the book was there all the time I did not understand. I speculate it was a data error. At the customer service desk I saw firsthand fresh copies of Frugal Wizard and some other titles being unpacked from delivery. They'd just arrived. As what you've expected, I asked for The Final Empire, and after checking the database an employee confirmed the stock, but it hadn't been on location. I can wait on that one. I walked away like a victory lap.

I went home with that the latter part of The Way of Kings, and on the way back one of the volunteers from the fetching service messaged me that The Final Empire copies were in stock at that mall branch I frequently visited. I won't let it slip this time.

Purchase was done the next day, and I could finally ward off the worries. Later installments of both series are much less scarce, so it's something I would worry about.

I winded through the rest of The Way of Kings. To be honest, I loved the emotions and the twists than the action. It might be an unpopular opinion, but my favorite chapter that is not from Part V is 44.

The epilogue was done at at Tuesday (24/9), and I'm taking a brief break (not really, I'm reading The Emperor's Soul I bought online at my birthday) before planning to start Words of Radiance this weekend.

I think that it would only do justice to register when I've passed a major Cosmere novel. I tried it at the hour of completion, but some issues prevented me to sign up, even to file a ticket. So I emailed @Chaos, hoping that he might help. Three hours before I began to write this post, it suddenly popped out from my email that an admin has created me an account. I am heavily indebted to whoever that admin is.

Wish me the best to finish of Rhythm of War by December. I have that in mind.

Journey before Destination - we might say.

Lord Stormer

Edited by Lord Stormer
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That was me! I responded to you saying so :)

Sorry about the spam filters. Long time members know the harrowing amount of spam we got... But it's not an exact science for sure.

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36 minutes ago, Through The Living Glass said:

Hey there! Welcome to the Shard!

Nice story. 😁

If you could visit any country on Roshar for a week (of the countries you know so far), which country would you visit and why??

I'm afraid my answer would be silly from the point of view of those who have finished Rhythm of War, so I say that I would like to relax on my boat at relatively storm-free Purelake.

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7 minutes ago, Lord Stormer said:

I'm afraid my answer would be silly from the point of view of those who have finished Rhythm of War, so I say that I would like to relax on my boat at relatively storm-free Purelake.

Not silly, don't worry. 😁

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