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I would like to propose that Dawncities were spren-cities, similar to what Urithiru is.

First possible hint of this is in Oathbringer, where on p. 611 Kaladin notes that the strata in Kholinar look like those of Urithiru.

Second, we now know that there were other ancient spren, such as Wind (possibly Stone), and they might not have been singular.

As a corollary, I would propose that spren of Dawncities became Unmade.
They were Made (into the Dawncities) and then Unmade (and cities partially broken with only some larger patterns remaining).

Second corollary, Shattered Plains were Shattered when Odium made failed attempt to form tenth Unmade from the spren of Stormseat (possibly due to Honor intervening).

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1 hour ago, therunner said:

I would like to propose that Dawncities were spren-cities, similar to what Urithiru is.

First possible hint of this is in Oathbringer, where on p. 611 Kaladin notes that the strata in Kholinar look like those of Urithiru.

Second, we now know that there were other ancient spren, such as Wind (possibly Stone), and they might not have been singular.

As a corollary, I would propose that spren of Dawncities became Unmade.
They were Made (into the Dawncities) and then Unmade (and cities partially broken with only some larger patterns remaining).

Second corollary, Shattered Plains were Shattered when Odium made failed attempt to form tenth Unmade from the spren of Stormseat (possibly due to Honor intervening).

I fully agree that Dawncities are strongly related to Urithiru because of their look. This is an interesting proposition and I think it's very likely. It all depends if the Sibling after Unmaking would still be bound to Urithiru or be free like other Unmades - which we don't know. But this does explain why they are so similar, why there are no spren manifested in Dawncities anymore and even what happened to the Shattered Plains. 

But then what do you think happened to the Stormseat spren after the failed attempt? 

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10 hours ago, Display-Names-Are-Stupid said:

Oooo, I like this as a theory! Who do you think matches up with which city?

Definitely Nergaoul with Kholinar.

Nergaoul and Kholinar is probably one of the few connections I would dare make.

But generally, we know very little about the Unmade, and even less about Dawncities. So matching them seems near impossible to me.

10 hours ago, alder24 said:

But then what do you think happened to the Stormseat spren after the failed attempt? 

I would guess it died/was broken, similar to what can happen to Shards, but on smaller scale.

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The strata in Kholinar have always bothered me.


Kaladin LOSES his stormlight, it removes the lightweaving Shallan placed.


At the time he assumes he did but he's touching the strata lines. I think you're right; they were truly alive cities.

Edited by BinarySecond
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6 hours ago, therunner said:

I would guess it died/was broken, similar to what can happen to Shards, but on smaller scale.

A Shard can't be fully killed, a spren can't be either. If a spren as big as an Unmade was killed, destroyed or broken, there would be some remnants of it somewhere. Some Deadeye, some lesser spren sharing a specific characteristic, or maybe it would have been reformed like a spren cut with a Shardblade, but we should see a sign of this somewhere. 

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1 hour ago, alder24 said:

A Shard can't be fully killed, a spren can't be either. If a spren as big as an Unmade was killed, destroyed or broken, there would be some remnants of it somewhere. Some Deadeye, some lesser spren sharing a specific characteristic, or maybe it would have been reformed like a spren cut with a Shardblade, but we should see a sign of this somewhere. 

Correct, however there are numerous spren that we know exist, yet there is little evidence of them so far.


  • Spren of stone/Ur (only Venli interacted with them)
  • Wind (only active post Odium exchange)
  • 2 Unmade (Dai-Gonarthis and Chemoarish)
  • Sibling (when pretending to be dead)

So the remnants might as well be present, but we have not yet seen them. Perhaps the free Listeners will encounter something of such nature, or perhaps as broken spren of Stone, such signs won't be visible to anyone who cannot Stoneshape.

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