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Two days ago i started a reread in anticipation of Stormlight 5 on the one hand for hype reasons and on the other to see if theres some foreshadowing i might have missed.

There were a few tiny things that stuck out, wind warping around Kaladin already in the first flashback etc.

But like the thing i kinda took a mental note of most was in Dalinars first vision. The wife of the character he plays in the vision uses the swear: Three gods.

There are like a few options here:
Odium, Honor & Cultivation (Unlikely cause why Odium)
Stormfather, Sibling, Nightwatcher (If Honor & Cultivation were around why call the Stormfather & Nightwatcher gods)
Stone, Spren & Winds (Seems limited to Dawnish related people Unkalaki, Singers & Shin and the vision was in Alethela)

Does anyone else have a different idea?

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In addition to this, Dalinar's vision was around 700 years ago, iirc, so Honor was dead well before the events of this vision.
However, no one knew that (in recent years anyway), until Dalinar started telling everyone that Honor was dead.

I doubt that the three gods are Stormfather, Sibling, and the Nightwatcher, as they are regarded more as spren (i.e. able to be bonded), although this was the past so who really knows.

I'd say it's more likely to be Honor, Cultivation, and Odium, because they're the three most prominent god figures. Though, it's probably more along the lines of "Almighty, Mother of the World, and [Odium]" (I couldn't think of the alias that the Rosharans colloquially know Odium as, but it could be the evil thats in the Tranquiline Halls)

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7 minutes ago, Njvodin said:

In addition to this, Dalinar's vision was around 700 years ago, iirc, so Honor was dead well before the events of this vision.
However, no one knew that (in recent years anyway), until Dalinar started telling everyone that Honor was dead.

Wait that recent i thought the Silver Kingdoms and being pre-Recreance point to pre Tanavasts death?

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53 minutes ago, Njvodin said:

In addition to this, Dalinar's vision was around 700 years ago, iirc, so Honor was dead well before the events of this vision.
However, no one knew that (in recent years anyway), until Dalinar started telling everyone that Honor was dead.


Its somewhere in the Heraldic epochs. Dialogue implies that desolations happen at most every several decades, so its not yet near Aharietam. 


Date is "three thirty seven of the Eighth Heraldic Epoch". Assuming that each Heraldic epoch lasts between one desolation to another, it would be less than halfway through epochs as far as desolations go (but probably more due to the epochs being shorter and shorter), so maybe ~5 000 years before the series. 3-37 likely doesn't mean 337 years, it would mean that Desolations still happen every several centuries - this doesn't quite work if every next epoch would be shorter, as it would take more than the entire Heraldic Epoch timeline to just reach this point.


53 minutes ago, Njvodin said:

I'd say it's more likely to be Honor, Cultivation, and Odium, because they're the three most prominent god figures. Though, it's probably more along the lines of "Almighty, Mother of the World, and [Odium]" (I couldn't think of the alias that the Rosharans colloquially know Odium as, but it could be the evil thats in the Tranquiline Halls)

Odium could be remembered as Passions, as he is even in modern Roshar. 


Or it could be something derived from the three moons, we know those are important for Natanatani people (probably both). 

Edited by Alcatur
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6 hours ago, MarcieIsForager said:

Odium, Honor & Cultivation (Unlikely cause why Odium)

I think this is the most likely case. Just because they accept Odium's place as a god on Roshar, doesn't mean they worship him. Due to the presence of Radiants, people back then might have been way more aware of things like this and would know that Odium is a god that tries to destroy them.

5 hours ago, Njvodin said:

In addition to this, Dalinar's vision was around 700 years ago, iirc, so Honor was dead well before the events of this vision.

It's happening way before Honor's death, because firstly it's a vision, all of them were created by Honor and most are showing visions of events he lived through, secondly it's the 8th Epoch, which means it's during the time of Heraldic Epochs, thirdly the vision takes place in Natanatan, one of the Silver Kingdoms, lastly they were expecting a new Desolation to come soon. And of course, there are Radiants in the vision, Recreance happened shortly before Honor's death, after which there were no more Radiants. WoK ch 19:


“This is Natanatan.”
Dalinar released an inhaled breath. Natanatan. The Shattered Plains lay in the land that had once been Natanatan. The kingdom had fallen centuries ago.
“It is Eighth Epoch, three thirty-seven.”
“Harkaylain says the Desolation is close, and he is not often wrong."


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