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Baxil says he could taste tea before his blessing and before his curse. Did the Nightwatcher give him this condition? 

Or is he like a Threnody cognitive shadow? Did he die with a threnody chain? Maybe he tried to steal it? 

Edited by teknopathetic
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For reference, Baxil was the thief in that TWoK interlude where we met Shalash. He had decided to go get a curse and boon. Seems he got a bit more than he asked for.

Interestingly, this set seems much more like a Cultivation pair than a Nightwatcher one… hard to tell. Cultivation seems to cause the more Invested changes.

Edited by Ashbringer
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Oh Almighty, this is 1 interlude character. I thought would never come back. It was certain he was completely irrelevant and was only. Way to give us a POV of ash without giving away her true identity. Apparently I was very, very wrong. Looks like he’s become another one of cultivations pawns.

13 minutes ago, teknopathetic said:

Baxil says he could taste tea before his blessing and before his curse. Did the Nightwatcher give him this condition? 

Or is he like a Threnody cognitive shadow? Did he die with a threnody chain? Maybe he tried to steal it? 

In his original interlude in way of kings, he says plans to go to the night watcher so I think that yes cultivation did do this to him the question is what this is

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6 minutes ago, teknopathetic said:

Maybe he asked to be the best thief ever and he got turned into a ghost

Well, in the original story, invisible man he is a thief and I do get strong, invisible men vibes from baxil. 
I can’t help, but wonder if he’s gonna become some sort of friend companion or something with Lift. 

I mean they are both former thief’s who were touched by cultivation Additionally, lift is probably the only one who can easily see or touch him. 

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I feel like people are being to quick to assume it's cultivation. We've seen more examples of her taking the nightwatchers job than actual boons and curses from the spren herself. It could be either, but I just wanted to note that the nightwatcher is perfectly capable of coming up with unusual curses and boons. Cultivation only interferes if she thinks it's really important, like Dalinar or Taravangian. I can't see Baxil becoming super relevent in one book. He definitly has a good chance at becoming a worldhopper though.

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Baxil in WoK wanted to go and ask Nightwatcher for courage and it looks like she made him immaterial so he can go everywhere without worrying of being detected. I said it in the Stormlight-only section thread, his current state looks a lot like Yumi and Nikaro's situation and even Kel's in SH. None could see them beside highly invested entities, they couldn't interact with regular matter etc. Baxil can do something more than that, people who look out for him can see him, but it's still very similar. Is his physical body still attached to him, or did something happen to it like in Yumi? Is he a kind of Cognitive Shadow because he feels like he's a step away from dissipating, or it's just something totally different?

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7 minutes ago, alder24 said:

Baxil in WoK wanted to go and ask Nightwatcher for courage and it looks like she made him immaterial so he can go everywhere without worrying of being detected. I said it in the Stormlight-only section thread, his current state looks a lot like Yumi and Nikaro's situation and even Kel's in SH. None could see them beside highly invested entities, they couldn't interact with regular matter etc. Baxil can do something more than that, people who look out for him can see him, but it's still very similar. Is his physical body still attached to him, or did something happen to it like in Yumi? Is he a kind of Cognitive Shadow because he feels like he's a step away from dissipating, or it's just something totally different?

My theory is that she did the same thing she did to Lift  but more so

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