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how would silver work?

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27 minutes ago, cobaltking360 said:



just a quickish question, i just watched a vid on fabrials, and wanted to know how silver would effect rosharan fabrials if there was a silver cage?

Oooohhhh...this is a dangerous question because we have very little good information to build on for this specific subject.

Thus far, silver seems to just totally annihilate (destroy itself and its target) cognitively-grounded forms of Investiture which have been corrupted from their original Intent, buuuuuuuut...maybe that's just a unique property of shades...?

The short answer is, we don't completely know yet in a documentation sort of way. From what I've seen, it's most likely system-specific to some degree. For example, I don't expect that bendalloy function as an acceleration catalyst in all Investiture systems; so too might silver have esoteric or world-specific applications.

Best guess? It would torture whatever spren was trapped in said cage until it died or twisted itself inside out and cause the machine to explode. But it might do literally anything else too, so...buyer beware. 😅

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31 minutes ago, cobaltking360 said:



just a quickish question, i just watched a vid on fabrials, and wanted to know how silver would effect rosharan fabrials if there was a silver cage?

BLUF: We do not yet know. 


There are probably some fan theories, but the only Fabrial we have seen (confirmed) with silver was an alloy that does not impact the fabrial's function:


Navani's Notebook - RoW Interior Art:


The ruby is housed in a metal other than Raysium; silver, maybe?

I can confirm: the metal is not Raysium but a silver-
nickel alloy and does not affect the dagger's function.


The only known (so far) interactions for Silver on Roshar are on the Coppermind  - Extract and WoBs:



On Roshar, silver could potentially be used to permanently kill spren, unlike aluminum.[34][10] A silver-nickel alloy houses the polestone on the pommel of at least one Raysium dagger used by the Fused, but the metal does not affect the dagger's function.[35]


Ace Heat

Would it be possible to use an aluminum spike to permanently kill a spren?

Brandon Sanderson

No, that's not gonna work. Silver, on the other hand, there's some possibility.

YouTube Spoiler Stream 4 (June 16, 2022)

Peter Ahlstrom

Silver is not Allomantically inert the way aluminum is. In that annotation, Brandon just meant that silver didn't do anything if you swallowed it and tried to burn it. It can be Pushed and Pulled. Years after Brandon wrote that annotation, what he means by "Allomantically inert" has changed.

Miscellaneous 2012 (March 14, 2012)


Does silver break Connection or bonds? If silver does have this effect, does it get used in the creation of unkeyed metalminds?

Brandon Sanderson

These are good questions. Silver, as I have it right now, is not capable of that. What silver's doing is is disrupting. It's more like interference. You know how, in White Sand, people can have these columns of sand. If you swiped silver through that, they would fall; but then they would be able to do it again. It's this little nullification for a short time. It's very dangerous to things like shades, and stuff like that. It's more disruptive. If you hit a spren with this, it would be like hitting them with a Shardblade. They're gonna come back together. They're not dead; they're gonna reform eventually, and probably won't take too long. So it's not severing Connection; you're gonna need anti-Investiture to do really destructive stuff. But you can disrupt with some silver. It's specifically bad for Shades for reasons maybe I'll get into someday.

Dragonsteel 2023 (Nov. 21, 2023)


Are there ten metals (and their respective alloys) that can be used in fabrials? The eight allomantic pure metals, silver, and then one more?

Brandon Sanderson

There are more than 10. :)

Dragonsteel Mini-Con 2021 (Nov. 22, 2021)


So, using an actual Silver Cage would likely have a deletrious effect (but may be useful for a saboteur). 

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