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Somewhat awkward question for TwiLyght--do you still have the Reader pony code? I forgot to save it to my code file last time you shared it with me. * embarrassed smiley *

I do, but it's on my computer at home. :/ I think I PM'd it to you, though, so maybe it's still there?

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I do, but it's on my computer at home. :/ I think I PM'd it to you, though, so maybe it's still there?


I'll look. Thanks.



I want there to be an actual Question that destroys Oregon. Like some Epic asks it to the Protagonists, right before erupting Mt. Hood or something.


"Doctor... who?"


Funtimes only stuck her tongue out.

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I'm not sure if it's there, or which one it'd be in, but I won't be home until late, so it might be faster. Maybe. :ph34r:

"Doctor Funtimes! Duh!" :P


Awesome, I found it. I'll do the fancy-smancy black and white image filtering first thing tomorrow.


Wait. If he existed in the Whoniverse, could Reader divine the Doctor's real name?  :blink:

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Awesome, I found it. I'll do the fancy-smancy black and white image filtering first thing tomorrow.

Wait. If he existed in the Whoniverse, could Reader divine the Doctor's real name? :blink:

Of all the people to uncover his true name, of all the people he's loved and lost over the years...a slontze from The Dalles figures it out. :mellow:

(Those witch ladies in the Shakespeare episode, though. They just said his real name was "hidden," so maybe Reader couldn't get to it after all. He can't see weaknesses, so maybe the Doctor's name is like that?)

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Of all the people to uncover his true name, of all the people he's loved and lost over the years...a slontze from The Dalles figures it out. :mellow:

(Those witch ladies in the Shakespeare episode, though. They just said his real name was "hidden," so maybe Reader couldn't get to it after all. He can't see weaknesses, so maybe the Doctor's name is like that?)


That's a good point. I wonder though... does that imply that the Doctor's real name is his weakness?


I wonder if that's a fundamental characteristic of how Reader's power works. I've been wondering for a while now why Reader is incapable of divining other Epics' weaknesses; obviously from a meta perspective this was done to nerf his abilities, but there must be an in-universe explanation. Perhaps Reader is incapable of sensing the one thing a person considers to be their "weakness?" For an Epic this would be their actual weakness, the thing that makes their powers falter. But when Reader is in the presence of a regular person, is there any deeply held "weakness" that's withheld from him?


Agh. I'm tired and not making any sense. :/

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Awesome, I found it. I'll do the fancy-smancy black and white image filtering first thing tomorrow.


Wait. If he existed in the Whoniverse, could Reader divine the Doctor's real name?  :blink:


I feel it appropriate to repost: 



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Apologies for double post, but Kobold, since you're on, what does Reader do while he's not tormenting pink-sunglass-wearing, past-seeing Epics?


I think he'd normally be left to his own devices, so long as he stayed around the cathedral or in other militarized areas of The Dalles. He's probably got a decent load of free time on his hands, but he'd be strongly discouraged from leaving the protection of The Dalles City Guard. The potential damage he could cause if captured by Quicksilver is too great to allow him free rein over the city. He must be guarded at all times.


Since that doesn't really answer your question: essentially, he's made to stay where The Dalles City Guard can keep an eye on him. Every now and then crooks and prisoners would be brought in for him to interrogate; probably at least once a day, maybe up to three or four times during crime sprees. What he does when he's boxed up in the cathedral with no one to torment is entirely up to you.

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I think he'd normally be left to his own devices, so long as he stayed around the cathedral or in other militarized areas of The Dalles. He's probably got a decent load of free time on his hands, but he'd be strongly discouraged from leaving the protection of The Dalles City Guard. The potential damage he could cause if captured by Quicksilver is too great to allow him free rein over the city. He must be guarded at all times.


Since that doesn't really answer your question: essentially, he's made to stay where The Dalles City Guard can keep an eye on him. Every now and then crooks and prisoners would be brought in for him to interrogate; probably at least once a day, maybe up to three or four times during crime sprees. What he does when he's boxed up in the cathedral with no one to torment is entirely up to you.


No one...to torment?  :(  :(  :P


Now I have to decide what Reader does when he's alone and has free time  :P

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No one...to torment?  :(  :(  :P


Now I have to decide what Reader does when he's alone and has free time  :P


Writes his secretive unfinished novel, in which he plagues the main character with all of the dark secrets and woes he's ever divined from people in his office? :P

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Writes his secretive unfinished novel, in which he plagues the main character with all of the dark secrets and woes he's ever divined from people in his office? :P


What? That doesn't exist, that never has existed! What are you talking about? Stop staring at me like that! Your mother never loved you!  :P


I actually have absolutely no idea what Reader would do in his spare time....

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What? That doesn't exist, that never has existed! What are you talking about? Stop staring at me like that! Your mother never loved you! :P

I actually have absolutely no idea what Reader would do in his spare time....

Write fanfics about Koschei, of course, shipping him with all the people he hates. :P

Also, I think I figured out the answer to your question about Reader and weaknesses, Kobold. Most Epic powers have failsafes, right? Steelheart can't turn living things to steel, Prof can only disintegrate inanimate objects, etc. Reader's inability to see weaknesses is what keeps him from becoming all-powerful. That's my theory, anyway.

He seems like the sort who'd write. Maybe tell the soldiers he was writing about them, but it's really a heartbreaking romance about an Epic who knows secrets and the coworker he loves but pretends to hate, because the one secret he wishes he didn't know is that she doesn't love him back. :P

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Write fanfics about Koschei, of course, shipping him with all the people he hates. :P

Also, I think I figured out the answer to your question about Reader and weaknesses, Kobold. Most Epic powers have failsafes, right? Steelheart can't turn living things to steel, Prof can only disintegrate inanimate objects, etc. Reader's inability to see weaknesses is what keeps him from becoming all-powerful. That's my theory, anyway.

He seems like the sort who'd write. Maybe tell the soldiers he was writing about them, but it's really a heartbreaking romance about an Epic who knows secrets and the coworker he loves but pretends to hate, because the one secret he wishes he didn't know is that she doesn't love him back. :P


He does kind of seem that way.... Maybe he will write that. Or maybe not. Even he himself doesn't realize his feeling for her  :D . He'd probably write a mystery novel, then publish it under a psuedonym, just so he could spoil the ending to everyone who read it. 

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He does kind of seem that way.... Maybe he will write that. Or maybe not. Even he himself doesn't realize his feeling for her  :D . He'd probably write a mystery novel, then publish it under a psuedonym, just so he could spoil the ending to everyone who read it. 


Ooooohhhhhh, is that a call for more shipping? :P 


There are lots of other things Reader could do with his time, including...


Ask the nearby soldiers about their home lives 

Attempt to set up a wine tasting and become irritated when the guards refuse to provide him with more than one type of wine

Use the church kitchen to pursue his pre-Calamity dream of appearing on Chopped; become irritated when the guards decline to try his creation made from pancake mix, celery, used tea bags, and almost-expired mayonnaise 

Learn which of his books the guards hate the most and read them aloud, giving each character an extremely annoying voice 

Stare at the ceiling and wish he had his very own llama 

When all else fails, torment Autumn 

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About Dalles, I'm not sure what to do for my Mistwraith post, which I will write after I figure out what I am going to really write for it. Mistwraith is going to Quicksilver's base(?), but I don't know what that is. 


Who is Quicksilver?


Quicksilver Is Vondra's Arch-nemesis. He's a powerful high Epic who can control metal, and he is the Crime-lord of the Dalles. He also happens to be Bus driver's boss. There's two viewpoints of his on page one of the Dalles thread. Check those out for further information. especially the second one. Or you could just read his bio on the Epics of Oregon page. So you can read a boring bio(which I recommend) or you can read an epic fight scene(which I recommend more).

I'll do a post for him soon. Mail-mi, if it's cool with you, Bus Driver will lead them to a building on the outskirts of town. Then I'll take it from there

Edited by Fatebreaker
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Well, I've had a change of heart and decided to join. Mind you, my posts will vary in length and quality depending on my time, and I may be slightly inactive at random times.


So, before I write up my profile, do I have to TwiLyght my weaknesses and such? Is it possible to be killed? 


Also, could someone please give me a TL;DR of what's happened so far?  There seems to be more words in the RP thread than the number of words in the entire Wheel of Time series.

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Even a TL;DR of What Happened in Oregon would require another TL;DR of its own to be even close to manageable. More likely, we need multiple nested levels of TL;DRs culminating in the final summary:


Awesomeness happened.


But I will attempt to paint the broad contours of the Oregon storyline for you.




So Nathan Sperry is about to have the worst night of his life (also, completely coincidentally, his last), when Dr. Funtimes shows up. Finding that Fortuity's preparations to murder the aforementioned Mr. Sperry lacked any semblance of fun, she promptly turned his gun into a hamster and his fedora into a murderous fedora monster. Then, being bored, she decided to take Nathan with her to Portland. Meanwhile, Sightline, himself an Epic, is murdering other Epics by teleporting them to significantly high distances and watching the splat at the end. Nobody has thought to point out to him the inconsistency in his policies. After finding that the Epic Corpsemaker just doesn't die after splatting, he decides instead to teleport him inside the wall of his own headquarters, leaving him there. Dr. Funtimes arrives on the scene, with Nathan in tow, and decides that Corpsemaker's former headquarters would be much more fun as a bouncy castle. So she makes it one.


Meanwhile, Nighthound shows up in Thoughttown, formerly part of Portland, and millions of voices cry out in terror, then vanish. Obi-Wan Kenobi senses a great disturbance in the Force, even though he is in an entirely different universe and fandom, and is separated by Nighthound by vast millennia. No, that does not express the sheer abject monstrosity that is Nighthound. How about this: Millions of suns burn out in horror that their light will someday fall on the paths that Nighthound once walked. A little better. You get the point. There are no redeeming qualities about Nighthound.


Altermind, a High Illusion Epic, is ruling over Thoughttown with wisdom and caprice. Or at least caprice. Mandatory intelligence levels, enforced by banishment, the whole nine yards. He does not take kindly to Nighthound's incursion. Nighthound moves to another part of Portland instead, where he tries to kill Voidgaze, just for fun. She resurrects, and is not pleased.


Meanwhile, Lightwards, self-proclaimed Emporer of Light, decides he needs more followers. Not confident enough to find them in the normal way, he decides to randomly kill vanilla humans and raise them as zombies, on the grounds that nobody can have too many adoring zombie followers. He promptly orders one of his zombies to think, leading her to run away.


Funtimes, Nathan, and Corpsemaker all show up at the bouncy castle, meeting Electro, Voidgaze, and Scorch (one of Altermind's Epics). They all try to kill each other. Scorch promptly joins Corpsemaker, along with Electro, Funtimes teleports away, and Voidgaze gets out somehow.


Funtimes meets up with Lightwards and Nighthound, and an Epic battle ensues, resulting in a car being transformed into a party tank, and then a jet, Nighthound taking more punishment than humanly possible, and Lightwards trying to stay out of it. Then they stop fighting and decide to become a team. Corpsemaker attacks an armory, killing a bunch of powerful Epics just to prove that he's more powerful. Funtimes and Lightwards and Nighthound all attack the Museum of Natural History, where Lightwards proves that he can make dinosaur zombies as well as human ones. He proclaims Portland his Empire, eviscerating several people to make his point. Remington, Revolution, Sam, and the Unicyclist all join up with Funtimes, who by this point has decided that Nathan should be called Traveller, and that he will pretend to have her teleportation powers.


Various side plots happen. Dozens of minor Epics show up and align with one of the three sides: Altermind, Lightwards, and Corpsemaker. Tensions rise. Corpsemaker gets mechs. Chicago Joe gets drunk. Buildings get blown up. Nighthound gets a Carnotaurus, and an (unwilling) girlfriend. Funtimes decides that Nathan is her boyfriend. Nathan decides to roll with it. They meet Nighthound's sister Lucentia. Nobody ends up happy. Sam gives high epics sass. Voidgaze joins up with Altermind, and meets Big Al. There is a moment of overwhelming cuteness, overshadowed only by the force of horror that is Nighthound. More shipping happens.


Altermind and Lightwards ally against Corpsemaker. Lucentia joins Lightwards. The Reckoners show up, get betrayed, and then get roped into a rebellion. Lightwards sends Backtrack to The Dalles to find dirt on Remington, then goes and zombifies one of Sam's family friends.


Meanwhile, in Madras, Paladin and his crew attack the Epic gang led by Ringmaster. Crowds are burned, crying girls are killed, and flying epics are used as ballistic weapons. Arvin Weeks rescues a little girl named Ari. The Miner survives and runs to the kingdom ruled by Ironmonger.


Meanwhile, in The Dalles, Quicksilver attacks a command post belonging to the city's mayor, Vondra. Backtrack sees into the mind of Koschei the Deathless (now dead). Millions more suns extinguish themselves rather than have to face the awfulness. The night sky is running out of stars now. Backtrack is captured, and interrogated by Reader. He has a bad day. You should feel sorry for him.


Meanwhile, in Portland, the city waits only for the drop of a pin to set off the climactic battle that will destroy the city. Will you be that pin?



This was done from memory - if anyone feels I've missed something important, feel free to add an addendum! Or chastise me. That works too. But you should still post the addendum.

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Well... that was a prime example of a random plot. I like it.  :D Thanks, Seonid!


Umm... should I write up my profile now without sending in my character's secrets? Also, who's who? Who is this much feared Nighthound? I know Funtimes is Twi, but that's it.


Here's a preview on my Character:



Name: The Panda


Age: Unknown


Appearance: Panda appears to be literally a panda. He isn't just wearing a suit. He's got every detail of a panda, down to every strand of fur.


Power: Soon to be revealed.

Edited by Lightsworn Panda
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Awesome, I found it. I'll do the fancy-smancy black and white image filtering first thing tomorrow.


Wait. If he existed in the Whoniverse, could Reader divine the Doctor's real name?  :blink:

I think if Reader tried to read the history of a time lord his brain would probably explode or something :P

@Panda there's a summary doc in my sig but it's a little out of date, still it has the major players in town and how they got set up.

The thread 'Epics of Oregon' has all the characters and who owns them

Edited by Voidus
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I originally left Jag's Tough Skin power weak so that he could fit in Portland or the Dalles, but I'm now changing it so that his skin is impervious.


War Smasher can make himself dense enough that bullets bounce off and knives don't cut. He can alternatively make himself empty enough that weapons just pass through.


Oh, I forgot about Metalmech. Should I give him one too or make him the least of the Four?


They don't need the tanks, but they're definitely helpful.


Oregon has to get destroyed at some point.

That does make him tougher, just to be sure (I say that a lot don´t I :P) is only his skin impervious or is he completly invincible.


Any amount of blunt force that could harm him? There´re also still his force fields.


I do have a lot of destruction in my backhand. :ph34r:

What? That doesn't exist, that never has existed! What are you talking about? Stop staring at me like that! Your mother never loved you!  :P


I actually have absolutely no idea what Reader would do in his spare time....

It would be kind of ironic if he keept a diary with the secrets of everyone else. :P


Well, I've had a change of heart and decided to join. Mind you, my posts will vary in length and quality depending on my time, and I may be slightly inactive at random times.


So, before I write up my profile, do I have to TwiLyght my weaknesses and such? Is it possible to be killed?



You shouldn´t kill of someone else character without asking them if your allowed to, then again we never had a situation where a character really should have been killed but only got away because of Plot armor.


A nice and humorous summary I must say, a bit wonky on some of the details but mostly right. What I would add is that Altermind also was in the bouncy bank (which Funtimes transformed) and except from Funtimes and Nathan the Epics present could see Altermind´s usually hidden real appearance, an Minor Epic Empire formed and that it is the Museum of Natural Awesome.



Well... that was a prime example of a random plot. I like it.  :D Thanks, Seonid!


Umm... should I write up my profile now without sending in my character's secrets? Also, who's who? Who is this much feared Nighthound? I know Funtimes is Twi, but that's it.

Pantsing all the way!


Given that some people have multiple characters it would be best to check the thread but if you want to know, I´m Nighthound :( and Voidgaze :lol: and Lucentia :( and Ray (who I´ve been way to mean to :unsure:)


I expected a Panda <_<:P

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Well... that was a prime example of a random plot. I like it.  :D Thanks, Seonid!


Umm... should I write up my profile now without sending in my character's secrets? Also, who's who? Who is this much feared Nighthound? I know Funtimes is Twi, but that's it.


Here's a preview on my Character:



Name: The Panda


Age: Unknown


Appearance: Panda appears to be literally a panda. He isn't just wearing a suit. He's got every detail of a panda, down to every strand of fur.


Power: Soon to be revealed.


Nice to have you with us! :D


If you want full bios on the RP's characters, check out the Epics of Oregon thread. It gives plenty of details on each character, and should work as a handy reference. Most current players have more than one character--I've lost track of how many I have--but as an incredibly brief rundown, TwiLyght has Doctor Funtimes, Mailliw has Altermind, The Only Joe has CorpseMaker and Sightline, Edgedancer has Nighthound and his sister, and I myself have Lightwards.


The city of Portland is currently the scene of very heavy political intrigue, just on the brink of a massively scaled Epic war. Many plans and schemes are already in action in this city, and High Epic characters are no longer permitted within its borders by the order of TwiLyght.


The city of The Dalles is currently where new players are being encouraged to start off. It's a highly militarized city ruled by a normal human who managed to seize control. Epics entering the city are given the choice between working for the mayor, leaving, or dying; however, those uninterested in working for The Dalles City Guard may find employment in the superpowered crime ring running rampant in the city, headed by the enormously powerful Quicksilver.


I hope that isn't too much information--I tried my best to keep it simple. You'll learn the lore best by immersion--I barely knew who anyone was when I joined, but now I can rattle off details about practically any character. :)


Looking forward to learning more about the Panda, and especially seeing him in action! :D

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Sparks! I go to sleep for 8 hours and everything happens. :P

Welcome, Panda! :D Like Kobold said, I would recommend starting off in The Dalles, simply because Portland is quite nearly a literal powder keg (correct use of literal because the Epics there could literally make it explode) and it would be difficult to integrate a new character seamlessly at this point.

Seonid provided you with perhaps the most finely crated summary I have yet read. :D Basically, the plot here is extremely loose (Oregon is destroyed) leaving room for plenty of awesomeness. The RP is extremely character-driven, but we do engage in short-range planning for large events, like the Empire taking the museum. If you ever have a question for another player, ask it here or PM them.

I would also recommend reading a few POV posts of the characters your character plans to meet up with first to get an idea of what you want your character's approach to be (for example, if you want him to pick a fight with Backtrack, prepare to be sorely disappointed by Backtrack's fighting skills but blown away by his non threatening threats. :P)

Like Edge said, player characters don't usually die (except for Scorch so far) but everyone has been good about avoiding plot armor. We have some very strong writers here, and they're all good at realistic consequences. (I take the death thing back: both Voidgaze and Lightwards have died, but they got better.)

Let's see...anything else? Oh yes.

I really, really look forward to seeing the Panda's first post. :D

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