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Re: Panda army...    :blink:  :D  :ph34r:


In order.


And I haven't even gotten the Paladin/Weeks timeline in sync with the rest of The Dalles yet. I'm 4 posts out from any of them actually showing up. Looks like I need to get another Ranger post up, to bring that number down to 3.


I'm thinking, depending on how long it takes me to catch up, that Paladin and crew are two days earlier than the rest of the thread. It's sunset now in Madras, so that will leave one day of travel (especially because I will need 24 hours to kill), so by evening in the Dalles time, everyone will have met up.

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I'll probably garner a bit of hate for this but WB was actually one of my least favourite of Brandons novels, still awesome of course but it's currently rated below Elantris, Mistborn, Stomlight, Rithmatist and Steelheart for me.



I think Way of Kings is probably better, but I'd rate Warbreaker above the others. Which really pains me, since I love all Sanderson books about equally--but I really enjoyed Warbreaker. I've read it three different times now, which is a big deal since I don't re-read books very often. :)


So Voidus, are Impact and MV likely to stay in The Dalles while Backtrack heads back to Portland?

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I think Way of Kings is probably better, but I'd rate Warbreaker above the others. Which really pains me, since I love all Sanderson books about equally--but I really enjoyed Warbreaker. I've read it three different times now, which is a big deal since I don't re-read books very often. :)


So Voidus, are Impact and MV likely to stay in The Dalles while Backtrack heads back to Portland?

If he heads back now then yeah they'll probably stay behind in the Dalles.

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If he heads back now then yeah they'll probably stay behind in the Dalles.


That should be a fairly sad farewell, from Backtrack's perspective. :(


...Or it would be, if he weren't currently the kind of guy who'd give Impact a pat on the rear on his way out.  -_- Someday he'll come back to The Dalles, and maybe then he'll finally finish his Scare 'Em Straight diploma. :P

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That should be a fairly sad farewell, from Backtrack's perspective. :(


...Or it would be, if he weren't currently the kind of guy who'd give Impact a pat on the rear on his way out.  -_- Someday he'll come back to The Dalles, and maybe then he'll finally finish his Scare 'Em Straight diploma. :P

There'll probably be some post-departure regret on the twins part too.

Just a thought, how's he getting past the panda army?

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There'll probably be some post-departure regret on the twins part too.

Just a thought, how's he getting past the panda army?


Five minutes after the tear-ridden departure, Backtrack came bursting again through the cathedral's main doors.


"Good news, ladies," he said with a nervous grin. "I don't have to leave!"


"What?" MV asked in surprise. "What about Lightwards?"


"Not even he can blame me for staying," Backtrack replied, sounding increasingly delighted. "Take a look."


MV peered out the cathedral window, followed shortly by her sister. They both found their jaws dropping in shock as the first sounds of battle began raging outside.


"That's... that's..."


"My lucky break," Backtrack said cheerfully. "Now I just need pigs to fly and Calamity to freeze over, and I can finally take you out on that date."


Long story short: Backtrack's departure will probably have to wait until pandas are declared extinct in Oregon once more. :P

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Would it be plausible that the church caught fire? Or maybe some soldiers came in and warned Reader...anyway, now I don't need to have Reader writing his own Reader Glass ship anymore :D;)

Depends on which edge of town the pandas invaded from. The church is near the southwestern edge, so if they were nearby, then the chances are pretty good the church caught fire.

Edited by TwiLyghtSansSparkles
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Wow. Great summary, though a couple small things were wrong. Nighthound didn't enter Thouhgttown. And Voidgaze got out of the bank by going with Altermind. But, good job! Especially for someone who wasn't here when it started. Panda, welcome! I'm glad to have you here. A good way to get caught up is to read the Portlandthread. There's a lot, but it's worth it. ;) The Dalles will also help, but it's not as detailed yet.

Actually, while he didn´t enter Portland there, he made a quick trip into Thoughtown, while the guards were distracted with the bomb set by... I  forgot.


You know, I'm beginning to wonder if there's some sort of Epic club located in the city, providing entertainment for bored Epics prohibited from using their powers.

Is Glamour the DJ?


In other news, I started Warbreaker.

That prologue. O.O

Concratulations, you started reading a good book, meet my favourite sociopathic sword. Now, go and meet Lightsong. :P


Reactions: Don´t mess with Saccharine. Why? Simple, she´ll somehow use shorth range teleportation to rip you into pieces, even if she can´t see the pieces, like you know organs and make them float in front of you. I don´t know about you but I don´t wanna mess with that.



"Heeeeeeeeeeeeeelooooooooo!" She said, pausing as they turned to regard her.

"Lightwards I presume?" She rattled on obliviously " Mind if I call you LW? Or Elldubs? Hmm... Wardy? Ah we'll figure it out, and who have we here? Lucentia? Ooooh! Lucy! I always wanted a friend called Lucy, and um... Houdini?"

On a scale of death probability that introduction gave her an 8 out of 5. You´re going next Kobold?


Well, the Panda time paradox has already be braught up, so I´ll just wonder, if Pandas walking on two legs, using human tools and having altered mental capacities are still Pandas or are they ponies?post-8809-0-18331800-1415430646_thumb.pn

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First, the Panda Pony is awesome!!!


Second, Kobold, is there any chance that I could get Paladin's page out of David's notebook? I'm still struggling with a quote for him, though...


Thirdly, I now fully intend on bringing Arvin Weeks into The Dalles on a dragon, incinerating a whole rank of pandas as he comes. I just have to get him there...


The dragon will make more sense in a post or two.

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First, the Panda Pony is awesome!!!


Second, Kobold, is there any chance that I could get Paladin's page out of David's notebook? I'm still struggling with a quote for him, though...


Thirdly, I now fully intend on bringing Arvin Weeks into The Dalles on a dragon, incinerating a whole rank of pandas as he comes. I just have to get him there...


The dragon will make more sense in a post or two.

Why thank you. ;)


Does he have the pony code for Paladin? Otherwise that could be difficult. As for a quote, he didn´t talk much but what about


I refuse to be saddled with a weakness.


:blink: I feared as much... poor the Dalles.

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Well, the Panda time paradox has already be braught up, so I´ll just wonder, if Pandas walking on two legs, using human tools and having altered mental capacities are still Pandas or are they ponies?attachicon.gif Panda.png


As endearing as your puny effort to convert me to your pony religion is, my faith in the Lightsworn Panda remains strong.  :D


And yes, they're still pandas, no matter what.


My next post may feature biologically altered pigs that can fly. Looks like Backtrack may get the date he always wanted...  <_<

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Whoops! Codes to follow:






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As endearing as your puny effort to convert me to your pony religion is, my faith in the Lightsworn Panda remains strong.  :D


And yes, they're still pandas, no matter what.


My next post may feature biologically altered pigs that can fly. Looks like Backtrack may get the date he always wanted...  <_<

There´s no need to choose, just embrace both. ;)


NO! You´re not supposed to be nice to Backtrack, that goes against his entire reason to be. :P

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On a scale of death probability that introduction gave her an 8 out of 5. You´re going next Kobold?

Yeah she tends to have that effect, that's why she's never there for the repercussions. :P

I think it would make more sense for Lucentia to interrupt first, Lightwards seems more the type to just go into a silent rage while figuring out how to deal with the latest insanity, Lucentia seems more like the type who'd try to shoot a leg off with some diamonds and then ask what the Sparks was going on :P

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Yeah she tends to have that effect, that's why she's never there for the repercussions. :P

I think it would make more sense for Lucentia to interrupt first, Lightwards seems more the type to just go into a silent rage while figuring out how to deal with the latest insanity, Lucentia seems more like the type who'd try to shoot a leg off with some diamonds and then ask what the Sparks was going on :P

Talking about not being there, what are her powers? Given her name, it might very well be something that made it harder to spot her approach.


Maybe but I would prefer not to put Kobold in another situation, where he has to write an entire post just to catch up and who knows Aldo might respond, unless being called Houdini.... is offensive to him.

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Oh sorry, thought I posted her bio but apparently not.

She's an Astral projection Epic, hence why she's not worried about getting murdered by a nearby raptor, if anyone does attack her the body will collapse into smoke and then reform.

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Oh sorry, thought I posted her bio but apparently not.


She's an Astral projection Epic, hence why she's not worried about getting murdered by a nearby raptor, if anyone does attack her the body will collapse into smoke and then reform.

Does she have to be nearby and watch the situation or does the projection gather information, giving this "minor" Epic an class A-ability/prime Invincibility? (Going by Regalia´s profile.)

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Does she have to be nearby and watch the situation or does the projection gather information, giving this "minor" Epic an class A-ability/prime Invincibility? (Going by Regalia´s profile.)


I've been rating it in my system as a tier 1 ability (The lowest rank of abilities, inverted from Tia's) although Regalia can 'interact' using her projection, NeverThere's is essentially an illusion, it's interaction is limited to speaking, so I imagine that drops the class level right down, and no she doesn't have any PI.

That class system is really weird, it's ranking complete hydrokinesis lower than Astral Projection? Apparently flooding an entire city is less powerful than being able to appear somewhere without actually being there.

EDIT: And actually thinking about it, if it's David's class system then Refractionary's personal invisibility is the same level as Regalia's city-flooding?  :huh: 

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