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You mean....you want me to ship him with a nuclear warhead seconds before it detonates in space so that if the explosion doesn't kill him, the icy cold airless environment will? Well, if you insist.... :P

Well, Funtimes could always teleport him out of the upper atmosphere....

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Profile pictures for Mailliw:






In other news, I got bored and drudged up another file from David's desk. He's going to get mad at me if I keep taking these without asking.




Thanks, Kobold! I also liked that post in the Dalles a lot! Can I get a physical description of Arsenal?


Would you mind making one for Altermind or any of my Epics really?

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Thanks, Kobold! I also liked that post in the Dalles a lot! Can I get a physical description of Arsenal?


Would you mind making one for Altermind or any of my Epics really?


Thanks.  ^_^


Arsenal's a tall man with darkish, somewhat leathery skin. Mixed race and in his 50s, and a bit frail in appearance. He wears a nice green turtleneck and somewhat more rugged blue jeans, with a gunbelt fixed with a number of heavy pistols at his side. He's best known for having a stern glare and perpetually angry eyebrows.


Sure, I can do that. :)

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Thanks.  ^_^


Arsenal's a tall man with darkish, somewhat leathery skin. Mixed race and in his 50s, and a bit frail in appearance. He wears a nice green turtleneck and somewhat more rugged blue jeans, with a gunbelt fixed with a number of heavy pistols at his side. He's best known for having a stern glare and perpetually angry eyebrows.


Sure, I can do that. :)




"They call me CorpseMaker now." 

"Well, they call me Arsenal." 

"Really. Last I heard you were working for vanillas." 

"And last heard you got trapped in some wall by a teleporter and some glitter lady had to let you out." 

CorpseMaker glared, and only one thing kept him from staring Daniel Dewhickey to death. "Seen Dad lately?" 

"Thought you killed him." 

"He hit the road." CorpseMaker glared at his half-brother again. Able to make weapons out of thin air, and he worked for some vanilla in The Dalles. 

What a slontze.


This has been Incredibly Unlikely Plot Twists with TwiLyghtSansSparkles. Tune in next time for the truth about Timeport, Upgrade, and the Kennedy assassination. 

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"They call me CorpseMaker now." 

"Well, they call me Arsenal." 

"Really. Last I heard you were working for vanillas." 

"And last heard you got trapped in some wall by a teleporter and some glitter lady had to let you out." 

CorpseMaker glared, and only one thing kept him from staring Daniel Dewhickey to death. "Seen Dad lately?" 

"Thought you killed him." 

"He hit the road." CorpseMaker glared at his half-brother again. Able to make weapons out of thin air, and he worked for some vanilla in The Dalles. 

What a slontze.


This has been Incredibly Unlikely Plot Twists with TwiLyghtSansSparkles. Tune in next time for the truth about Timeport, Upgrade, and the Kennedy assassination. 


Please tell me they go out for coffee after this.  :lol:


(I didn't know CorpseMaker's name was Cormac. I'm going to have a hard time not thinking of him as Jeffrey.  :mellow:  :P)

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Please tell me they go out for coffee after this.  :lol:


(I didn't know CorpseMaker's name was Cormac. I'm going to have a hard time not thinking of him as Jeffrey.  :mellow:  :P)


(He will always be Jeffrey to me. :P


There. New Autumn post up. Hope that was enough to scare little Backtrack. :D

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Arsenal. Complaining, as usual, about some nonexistent breach in protocol. Everything was a breach in protocol to that man. A pumpkin donut in her hand had once earned Autumn a lecture on the importance of displaying dignity and a "united front" to the troops. 


Oh, how I wish I could upvote a post more than once. I think everybody in my house heard me laughing over this line. :D

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"They call me CorpseMaker now." 

"Well, they call me Arsenal." 

"Really. Last I heard you were working for vanillas." 

"And last heard you got trapped in some wall by a teleporter and some glitter lady had to let you out." 

CorpseMaker glared, and only one thing kept him from staring Daniel Dewhickey to death. "Seen Dad lately?" 

"Thought you killed him." 

"He hit the road." CorpseMaker glared at his half-brother again. Able to make weapons out of thin air, and he worked for some vanilla in The Dalles. 

What a slontze.


This has been Incredibly Unlikely Plot Twists with TwiLyghtSansSparkles. Tune in next time for the truth about Timeport, Upgrade, and the Kennedy assassination. 


I am perfectly willing to declare this Cannon. 


And is the dominion still going to be attacked by MEE?


EDIT: and pir2h, nice new profile picture.

Edited by The Only Joe
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Edgedancer, what is Baxter Game's personality like? By which I mean, would it make sense for Autumn to call him "good at his work, but tread lightly; he hasn't been the same since he lost someone important to him," or to insinuate that he can be somewhat cranky and isn't pleasant when he's in one of his moods? Alternatively, is he secretly a LARPer, or does he sometimes wear a cloak out on the town just because? 


I guess what I'm trying to ask is: what traits could Autumn describe to Backtrack that might be interpreted by our favorite past-seer as "OH GREAT NOODLY ONE HE'S GOING TO SLIT MY THROAT SHOULD I CALL HIM YOUR EXCELLENCY OR YOUR GRACE?" :D

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Edgedancer, what is Baxter Game's personality like? By which I mean, would it make sense for Autumn to call him "good at his work, but tread lightly; he hasn't been the same since he lost someone important to him," or to insinuate that he can be somewhat cranky and isn't pleasant when he's in one of his moods? Alternatively, is he secretly a LARPer, or does he sometimes wear a cloak out on the town just because? 


I guess what I'm trying to ask is: what traits could Autumn describe to Backtrack that might be interpreted by our favorite past-seer as "OH GREAT NOODLY ONE HE'S GOING TO SLIT MY THROAT SHOULD I CALL HIM YOUR EXCELLENCY OR YOUR GRACE?" :D


Koschei's everlasting legacy: putting cloaks back in vogue. :P


I feel an inordinate amount of pleasure when one of my posts begins a new page in the RP.  :mellow:

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Koschei's everlasting legacy: putting cloaks back in vogue. :P


I feel an inordinate amount of pleasure when one of my posts begins a new page in the RP.  :mellow:


Hey, cloaks are awesome. Like masks, I think everyone will be wearing them in the future. :P 




It's….it's kind of like starting a trend. Not sure how you do it, but it just kind of happens, and it's pretty cool. 


I find it somewhat amusing and almost sweet how a little abject terror makes Backtrack so much friendlier. I have a feeling it won't last long when he realizes their "healer" is neither immortal nor wearing a circlet. :( 

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Hey, cloaks are awesome. Like masks, I think everyone will be wearing them in the future. :P




It's….it's kind of like starting a trend. Not sure how you do it, but it just kind of happens, and it's pretty cool. 


I find it somewhat amusing and almost sweet how a little abject terror makes Backtrack so much friendlier. I have a feeling it won't last long when he realizes their "healer" is neither immortal nor wearing a circlet. :(


...Can I start characterizing Lightwards as Oregon's Vizzini?


"Never go up against a necromancer when DEATH is on the line!"


I think there's a set number of posts that can exist on a single page. I think... something like twenty posts?


It's no secret that sympathetic!Backtrack began when Lightwards scared the wits out of him at the Museum. :P I've been thinking of how Backtrack will react to the revelation of Koschei's death; he'll probably be more inclined to start crying in relief than start firing into full slontze mode.


Of course, he'll have a fair bit more slontziness ahead of him when he returns to Portland and his forced to use his powers constantly. But I think he's neatly set up for a redemptive story arc if he manages to get back to The Dalles.  ^_^

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It's amazing how fast the Question thread can fill up.  <_<

Not sure how much knowledge an informant could uncover about Reader since he'd instantly know if someone was an informant and would probably report them or just talk to them until they wished he'd report them. :/

Don't forget to add them to the Epics of Oregon thread when you make them and clear them all with Twilyght, although I think pretty much any level of Epics are fair game in the Dalles at the moment, unlike Portland which is low-to-mid levels only.


Informant has a special power that makes him an ideal spy. Reader never remembered him  ;)


When I was seriously considering this, I wanted to make sure they were both thematic and awesome. (It wouldn't do to go through all that trouble setting it up as a plot point only for her to get Sausage McMuffin powers. :P)


Anyway, here they are. They'd have put her on higher-tier High Epic level.


Primary Ability: Infinite emission of raw energy. Revolution could have generated infinite reservoirs of raw energy within her body, which she could have radiated outwards as light, gamma particles, or in a raw state to unleash enormous amounts of damage. Essentially an energy Epic like any other, but one who glows, can give you cancer, or annihilate an entire city should she so choose.


Secondary Ability: Radiant form. In addition to generating energy, she would have gained the ability to convert her entire body and anything she touches into raw, conscious energy. It would have worked similar to the abilities of fire Epics, who convert their bodies into living fire. On a whim, she'd become a humanoid construct of glowing plasma, completely impervious to all forms of damage.


Passive Ability: Limited precognition. Revolution's body would instantaneously convert into energy six seconds before she would have been harmed. As an example, she would reflexively assume her radiant form, without knowing fully why, six seconds before a sniper would have killed her with a well-placed shot to the head.


As a side note, this ability can alter the future. If said sniper were about to kill her, but saw her adopting her energy form, he might very well decide not to fire the shot at all and leave his position. This ability only predicts what would have happened, not what will happen.


I put a fair bit of thought into it. Considering our good Sunburst probably won't get to radiate death and obliteration on Oregon any time soon, I might end up recycling that power set to another Epic.


Maybe Revolution has a sister...? :P




Cool! Reader getting kidnapped by the pandas would definitely be a twist. :D


Yep, it's based on the actual city in Oregon.


Funnily enough, my Energy Diffusi happens to be the perfect counter to Revolution.


Wouldn't the panda just get shot to pieces by his guards though? Come to that wouldn't Reader get shot to pieces by his guards?


The Panda won't be leading the abduction. One of his Panda subordinates will.


Oooohhhhh. Panda can turn people into pandas, but needs an Epic's consent, right? Maybe Vondra has reports of vanillas being changed unwillingly, so when he sees Reader in a heated argument with Panda ("Be a panda!" "But I don't WANT to be a panda!") he leaps from the helicopter to keep Reader from becoming a panda. Maybe Reader's refusal to transform is one factor that leads Vondra to allow him back into The Dalles, rather than shoot him to prevent his capture in the future?



I didn't intend to have Panda turn Reader into a panda, but I could try that.  :D


Just one question:

Do the pandas have wine :D?

I like this idea a lot. Reader would definitely want to stay human, and also alive, so if it would be possible for the panda to get him before it's possible for the all-too-eager soldiers to kill him, that woul be awesome.

Reader is also definitely in favor of Vondra winning, as people are much more fun to torment than pandas.


Yes, they have alcohol from sake to Western wine. All have been aged with Panda's ability.


It'll be a covert hit-and-run operation. The guards will never notice.


I think touch is the easiest way for him to do it, yes. I wonder how much difference distance makes? Or if Panda would be dissuaded by a loaded gun?

It's far too easy to picture him trying to torment zoo animals with their own secrets.


Touch is the easiest for turning someone for The Panda. However, while transforming someone into something like a bear would take Panda a few minutes, he's had sooo much experience turning things into pandas, it only takes him a few seconds to transform something into a panda. Also, the Panda has altered himself (and his minions) to have a much more tougher and resilient body. The Panda can also heal himself of a bullet wound quite easily.


I assume he'd at least need Line of Sight, I imagine that Vondra and his soldiers all probably carry a few flash grenades around to stun Epics with.


Who needs to see, when you can hear or smell them?  :ph34r:


Lightsworn, how close did the informant get to Reader?


He wouldn't remember.  :D


Profile pictures for Mailliw:






In other news, I got bored and drudged up another file from David's desk. He's going to get mad at me if I keep taking these without asking.




Great! I'm still not using that as my profile picture, however.  <_<


The Panda wouldn't mind a fedora. :)

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...Can I start characterizing Lightwards as Oregon's Vizzini?


"Never go up against a necromancer when DEATH is on the line!"


I think there's a set number of posts that can exist on a single page. I think... something like twenty posts?


It's no secret that sympathetic!Backtrack began when Lightwards scared the wits out of him at the Museum. :P I've been thinking of how Backtrack will react to the revelation of Koschei's death; he'll probably be more inclined to start crying in relief than start firing into full slontze mode.


Of course, he'll have a fair bit more slontziness ahead of him when he returns to Portland and his forced to use his powers constantly. But I think he's neatly set up for a redemptive story arc if he manages to get back to The Dalles.  ^_^


Only if Funtimes can be Inigo. 


"I'm going to fight him with a leaf blower that shoots exploding gummy bears!" 


Lightwards rolled his eyes. "You know what a hurry we're in!" 


She tilted her head, her smile darkening. "You'd rather I trapped him in tar and made him sink so low in the ground you never find the body?"


He blinked, eyes wide. "Uh, no…no, the gummy bears are fine."


If I went to a strange city where I thought a psychopath ruled, I'd be more inclined to cry in relief than call whoever told me he was dead names. 


He can manage it. You can do it, Backtrack! :D 

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I had a feeling you'd like Lightsong. But realistically, who doesn't? :D


Am I the only one who thinks Lightwards would be most boring Returned ever?


Horrible people. Horrible people do not like Lightsong. Nor do they like puppies and kittens and bunnies. Or cookies. :P


So….just like all the other Returned, then? :P


By the way, Kobold, Backtrack's terror inspired me in a really weird way. 


I think we should write a scene where he actually meets Koschei. Not in a memory, or through hearing about him, but he walks into a room and Koschei is there. Expecting him.

Edited by TwiLyghtSansSparkles
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Horrible people. Horrible people do not like Lightsong. Nor do they like puppies and kittens and bunnies. Or cookies. :P


So….just like all the other Returned, then? :P


By the way, Kobold, Backtrack's terror inspired me in a really weird way. 


I think we should write a scene where he actually meets Koschei. Not in a memory, or through hearing about him, but he walks into a room and Koschei is there. Expecting him.


Lightsong the Bold: Have you ever noticed that both our names begin with the word "light"?


Lightwards the Green: No, I can't say it ever entered my extraordinarily busy mind. Though I suppose yours is empty enough to entertain such things.


Lightsong the Bold: Oh, Lightwards. We really need to put a curb on that perpetual grumpiness of yours. In fact, I would even go so far as to say that you need to... lighten up.


Lightwards the Green: ...I hate you.


Color me interested--the idea's' as immensely intriguing as it is patently impossible.


The main drawback is that this would require Koschei still being alive, which is too horrifying to contemplate even for a second. :o

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Still waiting for one of you to make it happen.


Working on it. I'm waiting for the  MEE attack to be over.


Or maybe that would be the perfect cover for Fade. You'll have to find out. :ph34r:


It'll be a covert hit-and-run operation. The guards will never notice.


How do you not notice the largest Slotze in the Dalles getting abducted by pandas?


Only if Funtimes can be Inigo. 


"I'm going to fight him with a leaf blower that shoots exploding gummy bears!" 


Lightwards rolled his eyes. "You know what a hurry we're in!" 


She tilted her head, her smile darkening. "You'd rather I trapped him in tar and made him sink so low in the ground you never find the body?"


He blinked, eyes wide. "Uh, no…no, the gummy bears are fine."




I think Altermind would be Vinzzini

Altermind: Let me put it this way, have you ever heard of Plato, Aristotle, Socrates?

Lightwards: Yes.

Altermind: Morons

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