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I'm picturing her telling Nathan "Don't blink, don't even blink, blink and you're dead" before playfully grabbing his shoulders and shouting "Rah!" the second his back is turned. :D:P


"People assume time is a strict progression from cause to effect," Lightwards was explaining seriously. "But in actuality, from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint--"


Funtimes chose this moment to interject. "It's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey... stuff."



Sally Sparrow paused the video. "Is this whole video just the glitter lady trolling the guy in the bowler hat?"


Larry Nightingale nodded sagely. "He actually starts chasing her around the set when she starts singing 'The angels have the phone box.'"



Readers getting kidnapped? Cool! Who's kidnapping him? 



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Readers getting kidnapped? Cool! Who's kidnapping him? 


At least, we're pretty sure he will be. If Informant can make the soldiers forget that they have to fight him and forget that he's an intruder, then they have a chance at getting him.


EDIT: Is Informant a panda?

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Maybe Terry Bloom discovers that some of the pandas were humans transformed against their will. Then every panda the gaurd kills is potentially an innocent  vanilla.


like this idea. Then he can tell Vondra! 

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So, I've furthered the Siege of The Dalles with some flying pigs and rabid squirrels. More havoc!  :D


What do you think of this idea?


Sorry for not replying earlier. As long as Frequency is (or appears to be) fine with a panda-dominated city, sure.


What's next in the Siege of the Dalles?


You can see it now.  ;)


Readers getting kidnapped? Cool! Who's kidnapping him? 


The Shadow Pandas. 

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LP, that last post was awesome.

The squirrels totaly reminded me of Lightsong.

However I had a few issues to mention.


1. If panda can alter them with his mind, why do the shadow pandas have to paint their fur? Why not just make black pandas, or black bears for that matter?


2. I don't care how strong they are, you cannot create a panda that can survive falling several 'undred feet without a scratch. They would be juice, or at the least shatter all the bones in their legs and possibly their spines. Falling fifty feet and not suffering any damage is okay, several hundred is ridiculous. That would qualify as a superpower, not just enhanced pandas.

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Lightsworn, just a word of advice, try not to write for other people's characters in your posts. Reader would almost definitely not go "Wha...Wha...." at the Shadow Panda's entrance  :)


EDIT: That post was still awesome though  :lol:

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1. If panda can alter them with his mind, why do the shadow pandas have to paint their fur? Why not just make black pandas, or black bears for that matter?


2. I don't care how strong they are, you cannot create a panda that can survive falling several 'undred feet without a scratch. They would be juice, or at the least shatter all the bones in their legs and possibly their spines. Falling fifty feet and not suffering any damage is okay, several hundred is ridiculous. That would qualify as a superpower, not just enhanced pandas.


1. I get the feeling that Panda values the sanctity of the panda image above all other things. In his warped, bamboo-obsessed mind painting over the white spots might be OK, but removing them altogether would be sacrilege.


2. Maybe he altered their weight/densities? I'm not a physicist, but maybe that would soften their landings?


Otherwise he'd just have to fasten them with parachutes, which would be just as adorably awesome. :P

Speaking of awesome--that post was amazing. The fact that it's prompted so many questions and so much speculation only bespeaks the interest it's helped kindle in us all. :D
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I ought to apologize for the declining quality (and increasing sparseness) of my posts. I'm dashing them off these days on my 30-minute lunch break, which means that I don't have the time to polish them that I'd prefer. But life, I suppose, will go on.


In any case, you should see a new Paladin/Ranger/Weeks post go up in the next 15 minutes or so.

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I ought to apologize for the declining quality (and increasing sparseness) of my posts. I'm dashing them off these days on my 30-minute lunch break, which means that I don't have the time to polish them that I'd prefer. But life, I suppose, will go on.

In any case, you should see a new Paladin/Ranger/Weeks post go up in the next 15 minutes or so.

I hadn't noticed any decline in quality.

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Thanks for the positive feedback, guys!  :D



1. If panda can alter them with his mind, why do the shadow pandas have to paint their fur? Why not just make black pandas, or black bears for that matter?


2. I don't care how strong they are, you cannot create a panda that can survive falling several 'undred feet without a scratch. They would be juice, or at the least shatter all the bones in their legs and possibly their spines. Falling fifty feet and not suffering any damage is okay, several hundred is ridiculous. That would qualify as a superpower, not just enhanced pandas.

Good questions.  :D


1. A Panda isn't a panda if it doesn't have white fur, at least in the Panda's eyes.


2. Energy Difussi was helping. The gentic altering only partly helped in "not getting a scratch". He'll pop up in my next RP.  ;)

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I ought to apologize for the declining quality (and increasing sparseness) of my posts. I'm dashing them off these days on my 30-minute lunch break, which means that I don't have the time to polish them that I'd prefer. But life, I suppose, will go on.


In any case, you should see a new Paladin/Ranger/Weeks post go up in the next 15 minutes or so.


I haven't noticed a decline in quality either. :)


Awesome! I'm writing up a Backtrack/Arsenal post now too. Panda's last post was kind of a game changer, what with the swarm of flying death swine and all. :P

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I haven't noticed a decline in quality either. :)


Awesome! I'm writing up a Backtrack/Arsenal post now too. Panda's last post was kind of a game changer, what with the swarm of flying death swine and all. :P


Yes indeed :D


I'll start working on a BusDriver/Reader/Miner post.

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He wondered--would he be more or less inclined to slit random throats when he was nervous?

More. Definitely more. I'd say Backtrack was being surprisingly perceptive by guessing that, but you don't really have to be a genius to figure it out. :mellow:

And now I suddenly wonder how Koschei would have reacted to an army of flying pigs.

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1. A Panda isn't a panda if it doesn't have white fur, at least in the Panda's eyes.


2. Energy Difussi was helping. The gentic altering only partly helped in "not getting a scratch". He'll pop up in my next RP.  ;)


Alright then. I'll just have to take his word for it. I'm not one to argue with Sentient Anthropomorphic Panda Warlords.


So you're saying Panda can gift Energy Diffusion? Is that his secretive secondary power?

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Alright then. I'll just have to take his word for it. I'm not one to argue with Sentient Anthropomorphic Panda Warlords.


So you're saying Panda can gift Energy Diffusion? Is that his secretive secondary power?


Actually, he's a second Epic. he's also been turned into a Panda.


Edit: And I'll refrain from going God-mode next time in my RP, mail-mi. I think anyone would stammer at the sight of a squad of Pandas charging into a room, though.

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