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I like to think he passes out free guns to anyone who doesn't already have loads of them. That way he makes sure The Dalles is heavily armed while also getting a great excuse to use his powers all the time.

Headcanon: on Halloween, Arsenal passes out derringers and little bags of ammo instead of candy.

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I like Baxter. I like him a lot. :D

I am also wondering if Autumn telling Backtrack that the healer might give him some hot chocolate if he calms down and stops fidgeting would be comforting, or just heighten the horror. :ph34r:

I count that as an success. I´m not sure if it´s simply because Nighthound has that many evil attributes or because I need to cope but both Voidgaze and Baxter are good opposites of Nighthound. (The amount of contrast between Nighthound and Voidgaze wasn´t even intended.)


Hmmm... maybe a intended joke at the cat ruling with an iron pawn over the patients and not accepting objections, while ommiting that she isn´t talking about "the healer."

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I count that as an success. I´m not sure if it´s simply because Nighthound has that many evil attributes or because I need to cope but both Voidgaze and Baxter are good opposites of Nighthound. (The amount of contrast between Nighthound and Voidgaze wasn´t even intended.)

Hmmm... maybe a intended joke at the cat ruling with an iron pawn over the patients and not accepting objections, while ommiting that she isn´t talking about "the healer."

He's definitely nothing like Nighthound. And I fail to see how that could be anything but a very good thing. :P

Ooh, I could work that in. Though the more I think about it, the more I can see Koschei giving his prisoners hot cocoa. Only it would be poisoned so as to give him another way to control them. :o


He never met Nighthound.

He never met Nighthound.

He never met Nighthound.....

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I like to think he passes out free guns to anyone who doesn't already have loads of them. That way he makes sure The Dalles is heavily armed while also getting a great excuse to use his powers all the time.


Quicksilver will never want for firearms then. No wonder he loves this place.

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I want to say that the last Panda post is awesome but I want to get opinions first on something that seems like a pretty big flaw to me, not the viewpoint explicty said that it was their body structure that safed them, which by now is agreed on to be impossible and used the power difusi as justification, not that using Backtrack´s and Autmn´s conversation as a bench mark makes it unlikely that an hour has passed, those are minor but that for the post to work the Dalles city guard would have to be incompetent.


Let me list the points, whit each one becoming worse.

1)No outpost noticed the obvious change in scenery created by the forts.

2) A 50 pig squadron would be obviously different and probably more important than the other pigs, giving the guards more than enough time and opportunity to shoot them down, while they move towards the (almost) center of town.

3)The guards outside the bunker know they are under siege by bear people and yet they don´t shoot or make a call when the Pandas land but only stare dumbfounded at them like some rookies that never heard of Epics.

4)They left Reader alone! I don´t care how dire the situation is, if they can afford to position guards outside the building they can afford posting two guards in the same room as the high security prisoner. One aiming the rifle at the door and shooting as soon as it opens and another aiming at Reader and shooting imediately, if the effect of just shooting the intruders is in doubt, maybe even earlier could they get away with it.

One or two of these points I could take, with the exception of four but take all of them together and Arsenal´s complains go from being grumpy to completly justified and almost to soft.


Thanks for pointing that out. It's always good for someone to point out inconsistencies.


1. Panda grew under the cover of the night. Informant also made the guards forget the presence of the trees. (This was why I wanted to have the siege in the morning.)


2. Actually, the flying pigs were covering most of the city. 50 pigs in one spot would be a bit hard to notice.


3. The Pandas are heavily enhanced spec op Pandas. The guards put up a bit of a fight, but they still went down.


4. One of the Pandas caused a distraction while the others snuck up and broke the Guards' necks. Easy.


The Reader thing...what got me about that was that the school was their bunker. Schools are notoriously difficult to defend. Big glass doors, wide windows, ceilings that can be cut through with relative ease--those things all make a school a rather unlikely choice for a bunker. And leaving Reader alone seems more like a rookie mistake than one a group of former police and National Guard soldiers would make.

Why not have the pandas ambush Reader's transport vehicle instead? Do it in such a way that it looks like they're attempting to kill everyone inside so the guards don't shoot Reader, use a combination of drugs and Kung fu to render everyone unarmed and unable to fight back, and take Reader and the guards all back to base?


I thought Reader was already in the Bunker by the time the abduction began... 


Looks like Informant is our plot-hole solution.  :D

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Here's a fun exercise: Add our favorite chant to whatever documents you happen to view at work or school. For example, I work at a car dealership with a service department.

"Customer requests replacement of rear shocks per recommendation. Found rear shocks leaking fluid. Rear shocks replaced and then Nighthound died."

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Here's a fun exercise: Add our favorite chant to whatever documents you happen to view at work or school. For example, I work at a car dealership with a service department.

"Customer requests replacement of rear shocks per recommendation. Found rear shocks leaking fluid. Rear shocks replaced and then Nighthound died."



(I'm writing a zoology book.)


"To cope with the chilly polar oceans, Arctic fish possess special adaptations for keeping them from freezing. Nighthound, having no adaptations, would swiftly freeze to death in these icy waters."

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Sorry for not replying earlier. As long as Frequency is (or appears to be) fine with a panda-dominated city, sure.

Hmm, how insistent would Panda be that Freq would have to become a panda too?



2. Energy Difussi was helping. The gentic altering only partly helped in "not getting a scratch". He'll pop up in my next RP.  ;)


Are we going to get a bio for him soon?



Just a warning, when Quicksilver and the Splinters get involved in the invasion, things are going to get messy. Quicksilver tends to be, thorough.


What exactly would Quicksilver do? Which side would he fight? I'm trying to decide if Frequency would join him, the Pandas, or lay low.  

Lightwards looked at the faintly glowing woman with a confused look, which changed subtly into a smile. He could almost have been impressed.


"Well, Ms. Jones," he said, tipping his hat. "It seems there was a kernel of potential within you. How nice to see you bloom and flourish--and perhaps you can take your place alongside the Empire."


Revolution's eyes scanned the necromancer, the smile never departing from her face. Lightwards shuffled his feet, unsure of what to make of her gaze.


"What is it you want?" Lightwards asked, trying to sound appeasing. "Epics in my service will be greatly rewarded. Fight on my side and name any continent you like--it will be yours when this world is ours."


"The old man," Revolution said, still smiling with that cool stare.


Lightwards frowned. "Who?"


"The old man," she repeated. "The old man you disemboweled on the day I first saw you."


"You want a Warrior? The feeblest of my Warriors?"


"No." Revolution took a few steps forward, coming into Lightwards' personal space. "I want you to let him go. I want you to undo the havoc you've wreaked in his mind. I want you to stop calling him a Warrior, and make him an independent, precious human being again."


Lightwards glared in obvious discomfort, but he didn't back away. "Human life is precious," he said with a sneer. "But a great mind is even more so. He's better off part of something more than his feeble physique and intellect."


The woman's stare drilled into him, but before cutting off into a high, cold laugh. "Your great mind?" she asked mockingly. "I am sure your Empire is firmly on the path to success, with such a bold and clever man at its head. Why--with your mind and their bodies, you're unstoppable, aren't you?"


The necromancer flushed. "I will not put up with your disrespect," he said dangerously. "You deign to speak to me as an equal--your power is great, but you're still Funtimes' pet."


Revolution leaned in closely to him, whispering a single word into your ear. "Wrong."


Her hand shot forward, shoving against his chest. There was a flare as bright of the sun, and Remington could only hear a single dying scream from the necromancer. In a flash, Lightwards was reduced to a pile of smoldering dust at Revolution's feet.


"I'm not a pet," she proclaimed. "I'm neither pet nor friend nor idealist any more. I am Oregon's savior. You Epics want to destroy my state? You'll have to go through me."


She smiled at her growing audience, seeming almost innocent as she batted her eyelashes to them.


"Any questions?"


One by one, the Empire's Epics were gathered around the new queen.


"Aldo, was it?" Revolution asked politely. "How many people have you killed since you came to Portland?"


"None," the magician replied without missing a beat.


Revolution's eyes narrowed, though her smile never left her face. "Tell me the truth, Aldo."


This prompted a nervous cough. "Ah... a bartender. A single bartender downtown."


"Hold out your arm."


Aldo raised an eyebrow. "Why--"


"Do it."


The magician did so, and was prompted to roll up his sleeve. When he had done so--for he had no choice--Revolution pressed a finger into his wrist.


"Agh!" Aldo yelped, hopping backwards. "Why--"


"That mark is for the man you killed in cold blood," Revolution said coolly. "Go forth and kill no more, save by my instructions."


In this way she went through each of the Empire's Epics, questioning and branding them as she saw fit. Those who tried fleeing were instantly vaporized--most saw fit to do as she said. Only Backtrack escaped unbranded, though the man was frightened to tears.


"Finally," Sunburst proclaimed at last, smiling at her new minions. "A reformed Empire of Light. And for once that name makes some sense."


Her smile briefly disappeared as the final Epic was brought in front of her. Nighthound smirked, fingering his smooth ponytail as he approached her.


"You are an affront to nature," Sunburst said severely. Her eyes narrowed. "Do you have anything to say in your defense?"


"Yeah, I do," Nighthound replied with a leer. "When you say 'affront to nature...' do you mean in bed, or just in general?"


There was a brilliant flash of golden light, and Nighthound was no more.


...Revolution just became my favorite Epic. Can we make this canon? After she starts to flirt with Altermind's guard guy, whose name I forgot.


I actually really like Arsenal right now.

I do too. He's a fun character. I'll have an Edgerunner post up tonight probably.

I'm writing the Destructors' first post and I'm having them take over a city. Do you guys have any ideas for a couple of Epics who are powerful enough to control a city of 5,000 and decide to resist the four Epics, but who aren't High Epics?

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I'm writing the Destructors' first post and I'm having them take over a city. Do you guys have any ideas for a couple of Epics who are powerful enough to control a city of 5,000 and decide to resist the four Epics, but who aren't High Epics?

By High Epics do you mean Epics with Prime Invincibilities? Or just that power level? Either way I'm sure I can probably provide some for you.



Kobold, where would Edgerunner report to? Voidus, would it work if I had her report to where Scribbler is and they could fight together?

Sounds good, though as a side note Scribbler's really not fond of other Epics.

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...Revolution just became my favorite Epic. Can we make this canon? After she starts to flirt with Altermind's guard guy, whose name I forgot.

I do too. He's a fun character. I'll have an Edgerunner post up tonight probably.

Yeah, but that's at the beginning of her reign. Imagine her when all the worst Epics are obliterated, but she's still convinced there are evil doers out there. So she looks to the vanillas. And the decent Epics. And before anyone knows it, you can get a death sentence for failing to say hello to someone and "darkening the day of a precious, beautiful human being." :o (I might be going a little far with that, but these are Epics. Jumping off the slippery slope is practically a sport.)

I'm finding myself liking the resident grouch, too. ;)

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What exactly would Quicksilver do? Which side would he fight? I'm trying to decide if Frequency would join him, the Pandas, or lay low.  


where would Edgerunner report to?


He likes Vondra's Regime. It's orderly, provides stability, and makes for a great front. Running his crime ring is something that would normally attract the attention of other Epics, but as it is, Attackers such as Panda Target Vondra, not him. Plus Vondra is an excellent opponant, whom Quicksilver enjoys the contest of trying to out-maneuver each other. Which means Quicksilver will make sure Panda is defeated. He's given the Slivers license to go wreak some havoc on the Pandas. He's not one of those Epics who manifests insanity or believes he's been given a holy mission. He's very practical and calculating. And he enjoys killing people.

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...Revolution just became my favorite Epic. Can we make this canon? After she starts to flirt with Altermind's guard guy, whose name I forgot.


Forrest Smith, I think?


Yeah, I find myself increasingly fond of the idea. This may be at least partly because I never quite found a hook to make her character more interesting, though--I fear that making Revolution an Epic for reals would just end up as a shallow gimmick born from a writer running out of ideas.  :unsure:


There's also the adjectives "tragic" and "overpowered," which could easily be applied to our alternate Sunburst.


Kobold, where would Edgerunner report to? Voidus, would it work if I had her report to where Scribbler is and they could fight together?


Since Vondra will be busy, I think she'll mainly be following orders from other vanilla commanders and fighting the invasion. Think Avengers-esque Epics protecting the city, but substitute pandas and flying squirrels for the Chitauri. :P

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Yeah, it kind of did. Joe, do you want to have the Reckoners go next, or should I have Remington respond? (also waiting on the meeting to start to catch up with Funtimes.)


Sheesh, you guys write too much. So then. I have an Essay for Shakespeare to write tonight, (Which I should be doing right now.) so If I finish that before I go to bed I'll start a Reckoners Post. So you might as well write up what Remington will do.


EDIT: Gratz Twi on being the new Lord Ruler.

Edited by The Only Joe
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Sheesh, you guys write too much. So then. I have an Essay for Shakespeare to write tonight, (Which I should be doing right now.) so If I finish that before I go to bed I'll start a Reckoners Post. So you might as well write up what Remington will do.

EDIT: Gratz Twi on being the new Lord Ruler.

All right. I may be able to get that up tonight, when I get off work. Not entirely sure how he'll react--Max's reaction might make him a tad suspicious, so he'll send the "proceeding ith caution" signal to Funtimes. (He's just paranoid, is all.)

Agh! I became The Lord Ruler? Why am I always the last to know these things? :P Thanks. :D

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Hmm, how insistent would Panda be that Freq would have to become a panda too?


Are we going to get a bio for him soon?


What exactly would Quicksilver do? Which side would he fight? I'm trying to decide if Frequency would join him, the Pandas, or lay low.  


Not very. He'd just give him the choice.




It's up to him.



Umm... I can't think of anything random for the next stage in the siege, so I'll start doing some flashbacks for the Panda and give Informant his first post, and maybe Energy Diffusi. 

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By High Epics do you mean Epics with Prime Invincibilities? Or just that power level? Either way I'm sure I can probably provide some for you.



Sounds good, though as a side note Scribbler's really not fond of other Epics.


I want mid-to-high level Epics without a PI, but they can have something like Edgerunner's type of healing. Something that the Destructors could still defeat with ease, but strong enough that they put up a good fight.


That could be interesting. Edgerunner would probably prefer Scribbler's company to just about all of Vondra's other Epics.


He likes Vondra's Regime. It's orderly, provides stability, and makes for a great front. Running his crime ring is something that would normally attract the attention of other Epics, but as it is, Attackers such as Panda Target Vondra, not him. Plus Vondra is an excellent opponant, whom Quicksilver enjoys the contest of trying to out-maneuver each other. Which means Quicksilver will make sure Panda is defeated. He's given the Slivers license to go wreak some havoc on the Pandas. He's not one of those Epics who manifests insanity or believes he's been given a holy mission. He's very practical and calculating. And he enjoys killing people.


Okay, in that case, what do you think of Frequency helping Quicksilver out?


Forrest Smith, I think?


Yeah, I find myself increasingly fond of the idea. This may be at least partly because I never quite found a hook to make her character more interesting, though--I fear that making Revolution an Epic for reals would just end up as a shallow gimmick born from a writer running out of ideas.  :unsure:


There's also the adjectives "tragic" and "overpowered," which could easily be applied to our alternate Sunburst.



Since Vondra will be busy, I think she'll mainly be following orders from other vanilla commanders and fighting the invasion. Think Avengers-esque Epics protecting the city, but substitute pandas and flying squirrels for the Chitauri. :P


That's it.


Okay, she can do that then. Her skills are more of assassination ones though, so she won't be a huge force on the battlefield.

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