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"I know, Reader. I know." She grinned. "I'm planning to kill him too. Which side of these plans do you want to be on?"

(I'd write more, but I have the feeling Reader wouldn't handle dark!Funtimes very well. I'm not sure how you're supposed to handle dark!Funtimes except by screaming for help, but still.)

Agreed. Pretty sure even Steelheart would cower before dark!Funtimes. ;)

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Agreed. Pretty sure even Steelheart would cower before dark!Funtimes. ;)


Steelheart? Nah, he'd just call her "little Epic" and attempt to blast her to smithereens. She might turn his cape pink before teleporting far away, but she might also not want to risk having such a powerful Epic come after her. 

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Steelheart? Nah, he'd just call her "little Epic" and attempt to blast her to smithereens. She might turn his cape pink before teleporting far away, but she might also not want to risk having such a powerful Epic come after her. 


She'd do better against him than Backtrack. I'm afraid Backtrack would be so terrified, he would render Steelheart permanently immune to his own weakness. :P



Still working on a Portland post. Not sure if it'll be up today--I keep getting interrupted by various things, and Sam's always been the toughest POV to write.


Not to mention the fact that I keep needing to stop and fetch new tissues.


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She'd do better against him than Backtrack. I'm afraid Backtrack would be so terrified, he would render Steelheart permanently immune to his own weakness. :P



Still working on a Portland post. Not sure if it'll be up today--I keep getting interrupted by various things, and Sam's always been the toughest POV to write.


Not to mention the fact that I keep needing to stop and fetch new tissues.



I get the feeling Backtrack would cower in fear of Indian food. 


"Come on, Backtrack, take a bite." 

"I can't! It's too spicy! It's…it's…" 

"Are you crying?" 

"It's gonna burn my mouth and I'll never be able to eat anything ever again!" 


To be fair, he would probably have a similar reaction to sushi. :P 


At least you need new tissues because of your cold. If you were crying over the beardapalooza, I would worry. :P All the same, hope you feel better soon. 

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I get the feeling Backtrack would cower in fear of Indian food. 


"Come on, Backtrack, take a bite." 

"I can't! It's too spicy! It's…it's…" 

"Are you crying?" 

"It's gonna burn my mouth and I'll never be able to eat anything ever again!" 


To be fair, he would probably have a similar reaction to sushi. :P


At least you need new tissues because of your cold. If you were crying over the beardapalooza, I would worry. :P All the same, hope you feel better soon. 


"W-why can't we just eat normal food?"


* sigh * "Fine. We'll go for burgers next time."


"B-but--there was a salmonella case in Boston last year! I could die!"


There are many, many reasons Steve Lawrence could never get a date. :P



But... Funtimes just wants people to love her! Why won't they love her? Why won't they take the free shinies?





Edited by Kobold King
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"W-why can't we just eat normal food?"


* sigh * "Fine. We'll go for burgers next time."


"B-but--there was a salmonella case in Boston last year! I could die!"


There are many, many reasons Steve Lawrence could never get a date. :P



But... Funtimes just wants people to love her! Why won't they love her? Why won't they take the free shinies?






"What do you even eat? Gruel?" 

"No, that's gross!" 

*sigh* "Fine, let's go for pancakes." 

"But—but Funtimes made it rain pancakes and she's scary!" 

"Are you crying again?" 


They're even free! And they won't kill you, like Lucentia's shinies. Funtimes' shinies are benevolent things. 

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I just realized that I could use a couple of Epics for the next Nighthound segment. Voidus I would appreciate some suggestions, if you feel like it. I´m looking for something that can fight but doesn´t really pose a danger for Nighthound. Your decision whether or not they are affiliated with the MEE, they are most definetly going to die though.

Bloom: Can create energy constructs in the shape of flowers.

Grandmaster: Can cause chess pieces to grow and become animated, limited to one full set of pieces at a time.

DeepFreeze: Cryomancer, can lower the temperature around him.

Ivory: Osteokinesis, Ivory has complete control over her skeleton, she can manipulate individual bones at will and can rapidly regenerate any lost bones, can also generate completely new bones.

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"Oh yeah? Well your 'friends' are the real non-believers! They're all trying to run away from you!" :P

I´m sorry Reader but Nighthound already tried that once.


Silverstorm: An Epic with transformation abilities. Anything into silver. He can also control the weather.

The Knifeketeer: capable of pulling infinite throwing knives out of the bandolier strung across his chest. Possesses superhuman aiming abilities.

Bloom: Can create energy constructs in the shape of flowers.

Grandmaster: Can cause chess pieces to grow and become animated, limited to one full set of pieces at a time.

DeepFreeze: Cryomancer, can lower the temperature around him.

Ivory: Osteokinesis, Ivory has complete control over her skeleton, she can manipulate individual bones at will and can rapidly regenerate any lost bones, can also generate completely new bones.

Thanks for the ideas, given that Voidus didn´t say anyting about it I guess the one that end up making it will be unaffiliated.


... So are we going with the Guards/Reader situation like with the Funtimes chainsaws a living diamond wall and just let it stay?

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Oh right, Ivory's probably a little strong to be with the MEE, the others can all be affiliated or not although if they're with the MEE I'll need to think of a reason for them to be wherever they get attacked.

It really doesn´t matter for what I have in mind, it´s essentially Nighthound going to town and picking a fight to check something. Them being MEE membrs would mostly be a continuity nod. Meaning there´s no need to force yourself to come up with something.

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Well they wouldn't have managed to recruit every non-alligned Epic in town so it would still make sense to be unalligned as well but as long as they're not right next to the museum it could also easily just be some MEE members taking time off.

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You know what we need? A massive AU shiny duel. Funtimes vs Altermind vs Electro vs Sunburst. :P



vs Lucentia and I now feel like going to the pony creator and making a really shiny Epic.



All of the shinies combined into one massive, unstoppable shiny that could be seen for miles. Millions were blinded as the sun struck this shiny, rendering them helpless as the sunlight was refracted through Lucentia's diamonds as though through a magnifying glass and Oregon burned. 


And that is what happened in Oregon. 

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All of the shinies combined into one massive, unstoppable shiny that could be seen for miles. Millions were blinded as the sun struck this shiny, rendering them helpless as the sunlight was refracted through Lucentia's diamonds as though through a magnifying glass and Oregon burned. 


And that is what happened in Oregon. 


"I win!"--all of the competitors, simultaneously.

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Lucentia was a bit too slow in declaring victory, and the other competitors unanimously declared her the loser. She spent the rest of her natural life wandering the earth, complaining about how nobody understaaaaaannnnnnds her. 


And then Aldo reached into his sleeve and played the world's tiniest violin for her. :P

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And then Aldo reached into his sleeve and played the world's tiniest violin for her. :P


Can this happen in canon? Or if there's no tiniest violin to be played, can some immortal Epic who can't be hurt by her diamonds break into a rousing chorus of "First World Problems" the next time she starts complaining? :P

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