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What's the point of the Question thread, if not to make insane suggestions that may someday become canon? :P


Agreed on every point. :D One thing I'm really grateful for is that they got a brilliant actress to pull off the first gender switched regeneration. If they had gotten a sub-par actress who'd made an unfortunate mess of the material, then all the haters would start spouting the I-told-thee-so comments; "See, I told you it was just a stunt casting," "They shouldn't shake things up just for the sake of shaking things up," "Moffat sucks," etc. Honestly I've stopped looking at most Doctor Who fansites, since a lot of them have no sense of enthusiasm or positivity whatsoever.  <_<


But I digress. Overall I immensely enjoyed Dark Water. Peter Capaldi was brilliant as the Doctor; Jenna Coleman did beautifully as Clara; Michelle Gomez did a superb job of playing Koschei the Deathless. I also adored Chris Addison as Seb. :D




I wasted far too much time clicking every one of those.  :mellow:





Sorry? We can always take the conversation to the designated Doctor Who thread. I could rail for hours about [DATA EXPUNGED].


Agreed on every point. She owned that character. It's usually somewhat easy to tell if an actor or actress doesn't like their character (a famous example is Kirsten Stewart and Rob Pattinson loathing their characters in the Twilight movies), but it was clear Gomez loved her role. I haven't done any research on this point, but going off her appearances in this series alone, I would wager she's a longtime Whovian. What can I say? Fans do it right. :D


Also I just realized that since I subscribed to this topic I get emails whenever someone posts which don't use the code for spoiler boxes so I can see what's in them without opening them all if I just check my inbox :P






Would it help if I said I have no context for that problem, and so spoiled things out of ignorance as to how the email alerts work? (I'm on this site far too much for email alerts to be useful. :mellow::P

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Agreed on every point. She owned that character. It's usually somewhat easy to tell if an actor or actress doesn't like their character (a famous example is Kirsten Stewart and Rob Pattinson loathing their characters in the Twilight movies), but it was clear Gomez loved her role. I haven't done any research on this point, but going off her appearances in this series alone, I would wager she's a longtime Whovian. What can I say? Fans do it right. :D







Would it help if I said I have no context for that problem, and so spoiled things out of ignorance as to how the email alerts work? (I'm on this site far too much for email alerts to be useful. :mellow::P


According to this interview, she seems to have wanted to be on the show for a while.


And yeah, you're definitely right about that. I remember reading a Marvel interview (I can't remember if it was conducted with Joss Whedon or Kevin Feige) talking about their selection process for finding a good Guardians of the Galaxy director. Supposedly director after director filed into the Marvel office trying to sell their pitches--almost all of which involved making the source material "palatable for modern audiences." In particular, a lot of directors wanted to cut out Groot and Rocket Raccoon as being too campy.


James Gunn, on the other hand, came into the office with a cassette tape full of classic songs and pitched a movie with Groot and Rocket Raccoon as the emotional backbone of the whole film. And it worked beautifully


You won't get a decent piece of work from someone who despises the job. You get true art out of someone who loves what they're doing, and is devoted to making you love the object of their affection as much as they do.

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According to this interview, she seems to have wanted to be on the show for a while.


And yeah, you're definitely right about that. I remember reading a Marvel interview (I can't remember if it was conducted with Joss Whedon or Kevin Feige) talking about their selection process for finding a good Guardians of the Galaxy director. Supposedly director after director filed into the Marvel office trying to sell their pitches--almost all of which involved making the source material "palatable for modern audiences." In particular, a lot of directors wanted to cut out Groot and Rocket Raccoon as being too campy.


James Gunn, on the other hand, came into the office with a cassette tape full of classic songs and pitched a movie with Groot and Rocket Raccoon as the emotional backbone of the whole film. And it worked beautifully


You won't get a decent piece of work from someone who despises the job. You get true art out of someone who loves what they're doing, and is devoted to making you love the object of their affection as much as they do.


Honestly, I can see why so many directors wanted to do that. It's for the same reason DC balks at creating a Wonder Woman or Static Shock movie: they're scared of the source material. It's different. But, as I think the latest Superman reboot proved, being scared of the source material doesn't usually result in a good movie. And I do think that was at the heart of all of Man of Steel's problems: In canon, Superman is the hero. Period. He fights for the common man out of the goodness of his heart, possesses godlike powers but never sees himself as a god, and believes the best of the people he protects. I can imagine the director and screenwriters sitting in an office somewhere, talking about how "nobody wants a big blue Boy Scout in a post-9/11 world. They want gritty answers to gritty questions." But…that's not what we want. We might say we do, but we don't, not really. We want to believe there's still a chance for heroes. 


And I think that's one of many things Marvel did right with Guardians. Like you said, they found someone who loved the source material—and who saw the potential in it. A talking raccoon and a living tree? That's different. But in theaters flooded with CGI battle sequences between humanoid men with bulging ab muscles, different is good. And don't get me wrong, I love me some superhero movies. But I also like things that are off the beaten path, and Rocket and Groot are about as far from the beaten path as you can get. Gunn believed that they could carry a story, and we believed it, too. 


Sorry. Tangent. 


I hate to imagine what Doctor Who would be like if the Doctor—or even a companion—were played by someone who never liked the series. Someone who thought it a stupid waste of time and looked down on all the fans, and carried that into their role. I mean, you can see the result of people disliking a series on FF.net, where people who despise Harry Potter change everything and ruin all the fun. While it's true that terrible things can be improved by people who dislike them (my brother once did a humorous interpretation of Twilight for a debate tournament, and it was a thing of beauty), I think good things—like Doctor Who—can only be improved by people who love them. And Gomez, it's clear, loves the show as much as Capaldi.

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Agreed on every point. She owned that character. It's usually somewhat easy to tell if an actor or actress doesn't like their character (a famous example is Kirsten Stewart and Rob Pattinson loathing their characters in the Twilight movies), but it was clear Gomez loved her role. I haven't done any research on this point, but going off her appearances in this series alone, I would wager she's a longtime Whovian. What can I say? Fans do it right. :D







Would it help if I said I have no context for that problem, and so spoiled things out of ignorance as to how the email alerts work? (I'm on this site far too much for email alerts to be useful. :mellow::P

All good, I'm very practiced at recognizing and ignoring spoilers before I get too far into them :P

What's going on in Corpsemakers territory right now?

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I can't believe how many pigs have been blown to shreds/cut apart/sent plunging out of the sky/been sacrificed heroically in the past few RP posts. What have those pigs ever done to you!?

Bombarded the town with angry squirrels? Conspiring to destroy what might be the last Vanilla Stronghold? Granted, it might not be their fault given that the Panda seems to have some kind of mind control power but that just shows what kind of monster the Panda is.


Dark Water: (Careful Voidus)

Very much enjoyable but it kinda piled on some headscratchers for me after they arrived at 3W, even if the performance was exquisite.

Admittedly having a femal Master was nice but shouldn´t the Doctor have recognized her(/him?) immediately? You know the whole Time Lords can always tell each other apart even after regenerating deal. I also wanted a bit more out of the return of Gallifrey/the Master but that´s just me. How did Missy get in and out of the Nethersphere? Why does no one remember the Cyberman invasion from Doomsday and I´m not sure if it was necessary to cast the Cyberman for this at all.

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Bombarded the town with angry squirrels? Conspiring to destroy what might be the last Vanilla Stronghold? Granted, it might not be their fault given that the Panda seems to have some kind of mind control power but that just shows what kind of monster the Panda is.


Dark Water: (Careful Voidus)

Very much enjoyable but it kinda piled on some headscratchers for me after they arrived at 3W, even if the performance was exquisite.

Admittedly having a femal Master was nice but shouldn´t the Doctor have recognized her(/him?) immediately? You know the whole Time Lords can always tell each other apart even after regenerating deal. I also wanted a bit more out of the return of Gallifrey/the Master but that´s just me. How did Missy get in and out of the Nethersphere? Why does no one remember the Cyberman invasion from Doomsday and I´m not sure if it was necessary to cast the Cyberman for this at all.

Haha, thanks for the heads up :P

Well they have also given Vondra a reason to jump out of a helicopter so they've done some good too :P

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Are there any redheads in the Dalles? If so we could continue with Marvels tradition of badchull characters jumping out of a plane with no parachute while talking to a redhead.

Autumn is a ginger, but she's currently escorting Backtrack and the twins to the town healer doctor.

Maybe....maybe Vondra flies to Portland for reasons, airlifts Ray away from Nighthound, and chats with her all the way back to The Dalles, where he jumps out of a helicopter? :P

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Autumn is a ginger, but she's currently escorting Backtrack and the twins to the town healer doctor.

Maybe....maybe Vondra flies to Portland for reasons, airlifts Ray away from Nighthound, and chats with her all the way back to The Dalles, where he jumps out of a helicopter? :P

This definitely needs to happen, if this doesn't happen I'm shaving PPs beard off in retribution :P

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Bombarded the town with angry squirrels? Conspiring to destroy what might be the last Vanilla Stronghold? Granted, it might not be their fault given that the Panda seems to have some kind of mind control power but that just shows what kind of monster the Panda is.


Dark Water: (Careful Voidus)

Very much enjoyable but it kinda piled on some headscratchers for me after they arrived at 3W, even if the performance was exquisite.

Admittedly having a femal Master was nice but shouldn´t the Doctor have recognized her(/him?) immediately? You know the whole Time Lords can always tell each other apart even after regenerating deal. I also wanted a bit more out of the return of Gallifrey/the Master but that´s just me. How did Missy get in and out of the Nethersphere? Why does no one remember the Cyberman invasion from Doomsday and I´m not sure if it was necessary to cast the Cyberman for this at all.


I can't think of any precedent for Time Lords recognizing each other on sight. The Tenth Doctor didn't recognize Professor Yana in Utopia; granted, there were extenuating circumstances in that the Master was a disguised human at the time, but it still seems noteworthy.


Here's a more important point, though: in Day of the Doctor, the War Doctor couldn't recognize two versions of himself standing in front of him until they'd showed sonic screwdrivers. It seems like if Time Lords had a sixth sense for recognizing each other, this sense would have been activated and told him immediately who he was talking to.


As for people not recognizing the Cybermen: Moffat's takeover the series had some properties of a soft reboot. In Victory of the Daleks it is made explicitly clear that Amy Pond had no memories of the Daleks or the Battle of Canary Wharf, and it is implied that the events were wiped from the timeline. While some events and entities may have returned when the Doctor rebooted the universe, it seems that most (if not all) of the massive finales of RTD's era were deleted from DW canon.



Autumn is a ginger, but she's currently escorting Backtrack and the twins to the town healer doctor.

Maybe....maybe Vondra flies to Portland for reasons, airlifts Ray away from Nighthound, and chats with her all the way back to The Dalles, where he jumps out of a helicopter? :P


Only if he first kills Nighthound. :P

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I can't think of any precedent for Time Lords recognizing each other on sight. The Tenth Doctor didn't recognize Professor Yana in Utopia; granted, there were extenuating circumstances in that the Master was a disguised human at the time, but it still seems noteworthy.

Here's a more important point, though: in Day of the Doctor, the War Doctor couldn't recognize two versions of himself standing in front of him until they'd showed sonic screwdrivers. It seems like if Time Lords had a sixth sense for recognizing each other, this sense would have been activated and told him immediately who he was talking to.

As for people not recognizing the Cybermen: Moffat's takeover the series had some properties of a soft reboot. In Victory of the Daleks it is made explicitly clear that Amy Pond had no memories of the Daleks or the Battle of Canary Wharf, and it is implied that the events were wiped from the timeline. While some events and entities may have returned when the Doctor rebooted the universe, it seems that most (if not all) of the massive finales of RTD's era were deleted from DW canon.

Only if he first kills Nighthound. :P

Vondra lands the helicopter on Nighthound and leaves with Ray safely in his custody and Nighthound dead by helicopter landing squarely on his face.

Most importantly , PP's beard is saved.

Everyone wins. Except for Nighthound. :P

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I can't think of any precedent for Time Lords recognizing each other on sight. The Tenth Doctor didn't recognize Professor Yana in Utopia; granted, there were extenuating circumstances in that the Master was a disguised human at the time, but it still seems noteworthy.


Here's a more important point, though: in Day of the Doctor, the War Doctor couldn't recognize two versions of himself standing in front of him until they'd showed sonic screwdrivers. It seems like if Time Lords had a sixth sense for recognizing each other, this sense would have been activated and told him immediately who he was talking to.


As for people not recognizing the Cybermen: Moffat's takeover the series had some properties of a soft reboot. In Victory of the Daleks it is made explicitly clear that Amy Pond had no memories of the Daleks or the Battle of Canary Wharf, and it is implied that the events were wiped from the timeline. While some events and entities may have returned when the Doctor rebooted the universe, it seems that most (if not all) of the massive finales of RTD's era were deleted from DW canon.




Only if he first kills Nighthound. :P

Yana wasn´t a Timelord period and if I remember right 10 recognized the Master as soon as he re-Time Lorded himself. The actual quote about recognizing comes from the Sound of Drums, should my memory not fail me. Why the war Doctor didn´t recognize himself... I dunno.


I forgot the continuity wipe though.

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Yana wasn´t a Timelord period and if I remember right 10 recognized the Master as soon as he re-Time Lorded himself. The actual quote about recognizing comes from the Sound of Drums, should my memory not fail me. Why the war Doctor didn´t recognize himself... I dunno.


I forgot the continuity wipe though.


Granted Yana isn't a very good case. I guess what I'm saying is, we don't have any clear cases to make us believe Time Lords can recognize each other telepathically. However, we have plenty of reason to believe that they can't, since the Doctor failed to recognize either himself or Missy.


Vondra lands the helicopter on Nighthound and leaves with Ray safely in his custody and Nighthound dead by helicopter landing squarely on his face.

Most importantly , PP's beard is saved.

Everyone wins. Except for Nighthound. :P


It sets a bad precedent to let Voidus to govern the RP by holding Phoenix's beard hostage, but Nighthound's death is too big an opportunity to pass up. :P

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Granted Yana isn't a very good case. I guess what I'm saying is, we don't have any clear cases to make us believe Time Lords can recognize each other telepathically. However, we have plenty of reason to believe that they can't, since the Doctor failed to recognize either himself or Missy.



It sets a bad precedent to let Voidus to govern the RP by holding Phoenix's beard hostage, but Nighthound's death is too big an opportunity to pass up. :P

Too late, between my existing dominion through the dark alley and the new revelation of beard power my tyranny of the forums has begun!

As my first act as resident tyrant I... um... hm, I should have thought this out more.

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Granted Yana isn't a very good case. I guess what I'm saying is, we don't have any clear cases to make us believe Time Lords can recognize each other telepathically. However, we have plenty of reason to believe that they can't, since the Doctor failed to recognize either himself or Missy.

Shortly after the 1 minute mark.


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Crushed by a helicopter, freezing to death in the Arctic, death by indecision....I feel like we should put all of these ideas into a book: And Then Nighthound Died: 500 Writing Prompts to Destroy Evil and Restore Your Faith in Humanity. :P

Nightblood would really like that book ;):P

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Autumn is a ginger, but she's currently escorting Backtrack and the twins to the town healer doctor.

Maybe....maybe Vondra flies to Portland for reasons, airlifts Ray away from Nighthound, and chats with her all the way back to The Dalles, where he jumps out of a helicopter? :P

Funny, I thought should Nighthound ever be sent over to the Dalles that would be a good moment to give Ray some freedom, by having Lucentia keep her as collateral. Maybe not the best trade but still better than Nighthound. (Killing Nighthound is of course even better. :ph34r: )


Too late, between my existing dominion through the dark alley and the new revelation of beard power my tyranny of the forums has begun!

As my first act as resident tyrant I... um... hm, I should have thought this out more.

As a Steel Inquisitor I shall take command over your puny little research facility and steal said rule from you. My first demand is this: Be awesome! :P


Nightblood would really like that book ;):P

So that´s what they imagined with "destroy Evil." Their purpose was to eliminate Nighthound, true heroes!


Oh and congratulations on making Steel Inquisitor Edge!

<Is jelly

I´m sure you´ll make it soon yourself. But you shouln´t be that exited. Looking at your current Lord Ruler the job has become... more exciting than before. Now excuse me, I have to repaint the age room with pink glitter. Do you know how hard that is without proper eyesight?


Not too long ago, someone mentioned Funtimes as an Awakener.

I'm picturing it. O.O

Wasn´t that comparison made with Voidgaze? :huh:

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Funny, I thought should Nighthound ever be sent over to the Dalles that would be a good moment to give Ray some freedom, by having Lucentia keep her as collateral. Maybe not the best trade but still better than Nighthound. (Killing Nighthound is of course even better. :ph34r: )

As a Steel Inquisitor I shall take command over your puny little research facility and steal said rule from you. My first demand is this: Be awesome! :P

So that´s what they imagined with "destroy Evil." Their purpose was to eliminate Nighthound, true heroes!

I´m sure you´ll make it soon yourself. But you shouln´t be that exited. Looking at your current Lord Ruler the job has become... more exciting than before. Now excuse me, I have to repaint the age room with pink glitter. Do you know how hard that is without proper eyesight?

Wasn´t that comparison made with Voidgaze? :huh:

Was it Voidgaze? She would actually be cool as an Awakener. Funtimes would be terrifying, if only because she would storm the city with a glitter blizzard to conceal her army of dancing Lifeless.

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Was it Voidgaze? She would actually be cool as an Awakener. Funtimes would be terrifying, if only because she would storm the city with a glitter blizzard to conceal her army of dancing Lifeless.

I´m pretty sure mail-mi braught it up, because of her tassels. I wonder how Breath would try to deal with Funtimes insane commands, it might simply be incapable of keeping up.

Edited by Edgedancer
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