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I´m pretty sure mail-mi braught it up, because of her tassels. I wonder how Breath would try to deal with Funtimes insane commands, it might simply be incapable of keeping up.

She would be seriously disappointed when the mass of ribbons failed to "float in the air in the shape of a happy kitty," and might even cry when her Commands that did work drained things of color.

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She would be seriously disappointed when the mass of ribbons failed to "float in the air in the shape of a happy kitty," and might even cry when her Commands that did work drained things of color.

I don't think Lightwards would ever stop sulking if Funtimes gained the ability to create Lifeless servants. :P

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As a Steel Inquisitor I shall take command over your puny little research facility and steal said rule from you. My first demand is this: Be awesome! :P


Whoa, whoa, hold yer horses (or or your case ponies). Firstly, My research facilities(plural) are not exactly puny. You need alot of space when working on Krakenquisitors. Secondly, it'd take alot more than a single Steel inquisitor to take command of the Dark Alley. Come back when you're a Shard, and maybe it'l be a little more even.

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I like Nightblood. He may be a sociopath, but he's not rude. Really, how much more polite can you get than "Hello, would you like to kill somebody today?" :P

He's horrifyingly hilarious.

The Vasher Nightblood dynamic might be my favourite part of the novel. (Granted, there is a lot of fridge horror in that little sword, innocent destroyer and all that) Just wait ´till you see him in action. :lol: It´s very easy to imagine that he´s leaving behind Nightound´s corpse. ;) 


Given how awesome he is he deserves that potential sequel being named after him, he just can´t get enough books. :ph34r:

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The Vasher Nightblood dynamic might be my favourite part of the novel. (Granted, there is a lot of fridge horror in that little sword, innocent destroyer and all that) Just wait ´till you see him in action. :lol: It´s very easy to imagine that he´s leaving behind Nightound´s corpse. ;)

Given how awesome he is he deserves that potential sequel being named after him, he just can´t get enough books. :ph34r:

I've seen him in action a few times. That line just stuck out to me because of how funny it was. :D And he is full of Fridge Horror, but he's awesome enough that it isn't nagging.

Nighthound vs. Nightblood is a fight I would like to see. Oohhhhh....you know what would be interesting? A sequel named for him, told from his perspective, where Nighthound is destroyed. I mean, sure it would mean Brandon would need to read this RP and accept it as canon, and then be convinced to write an Earth/Cosmere crossover novel, but if it means we get to read Nightblood's POV on destroying Nighthound, then we can manage all that, right? :ph34r:

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I've seen him in action a few times. That line just stuck out to me because of how funny it was. :D And he is full of Fridge Horror, but he's awesome enough that it isn't nagging.

Nighthound vs. Nightblood is a fight I would like to see. Oohhhhh....you know what would be interesting? A sequel named for him, told from his perspective, where Nighthound is destroyed. I mean, sure it would mean Brandon would need to read this RP and accept it as canon, and then be convinced to write an Earth/Cosmere crossover novel, but if it means we get to read Nightblood's POV on destroying Nighthound, then we can manage all that, right? :ph34r:

I meant a very awesome high action scene, not just his normal, tempt people to use him action.


The best thing about that fight is that Nightblood would win hands down, because destroying Nighthound is essentially the very purpose of our favourite sword here. Let´s bring this to the big B then.

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I can't believe how many pigs have been blown to shreds/cut apart/sent plunging out of the sky/been sacrificed heroically in the past few RP posts. What have those pigs ever done to you!?


Sorry, once Edgerunner starts using her powers, she gets violent. She also stops thinking of herself as Emma.


I´m pretty sure mail-mi braught it up, because of her tassels. I wonder how Breath would try to deal with Funtimes insane commands, it might simply be incapable of keeping up.

Yeah, I thought of the same thing with Voidgaze. Her and her ability to use white.

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Of Course! Voidgaze will wield Nightblood in the ultimate fight against Nighthound after having apprenticed under Vasher. It all makes sense now!

And the best part? It's all told from Nightblood's perspective. We'd get to hear his opinions on Vasher, on Voidgaze, and what it was like to destroy the creepiest source of evil he'd ever seen! :D

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I like Nightblood. He may be a sociopath, but he's not rude. Really, how much more polite can you get than "Hello, would you like to kill somebody today?" :P

He's horrifyingly hilarious.


I want a t-shirt that says that. :D


Nightblood is one of my favorite characters from any novel. He's funny, founded upon an awesome premise, and above all else, immensely sympathetic. He has the innocence of a small child, but his identity is built around a dark task he's mentally incapable of performing. There are implied layers to his character we're never quite treated to, which makes me all the more excited for his namesake sequel. :D



Sorry, once Edgerunner starts using her powers, she gets violent. She also stops thinking of herself as Emma.


I noticed that in the post, actually. That she slowly stopped thinking of her real name as she fought. It was a nice touch. :)



And the best part? It's all told from Nightblood's perspective. We'd get to hear his opinions on Vasher, on Voidgaze, and what it was like to destroy the creepiest source of evil he'd ever seen! :D


All the win.


Then we can give the ol' Nightblood test to the rest of Oregon characters. (I'm actually quite curious as to what would happen if Funtimes held Nightblood.)

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I noticed that in the post, actually. That she slowly stopped thinking of her real name as she fought. It was a nice touch. :)


Cool! I wondered if it was too subtle. I decided that she is one of the more human Epics, what with the power restrictions and all, but that when she did use her powers, she becomes callused and uses her Epic name more. Mare does the same thing with calling herself Night-Mare.

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I want a t-shirt that says that. :D


Nightblood is one of my favorite characters from any novel. He's funny, founded upon an awesome premise, and above all else, immensely sympathetic. He has the innocence of a small child, but his identity is built around a dark task he's mentally incapable of performing. There are implied layers to his character we're never quite treated to, which makes me all the more excited for his namesake sequel. :D




I noticed that in the post, actually. That she slowly stopped thinking of her real name as she fought. It was a nice touch. :)




All the win.


Then we can give the ol' Nightblood test to the rest of Oregon characters. (I'm actually quite curious as to what would happen if Funtimes held Nightblood.)


Is this sequel actually going to happen? Because I really want it to happen. :D


Funtimes? Her external reaction would depend on a variety of factors. Her thoughts, however…well, remember that dark!Funtimes you keep insisting isn't invited to parties? :mellow: 


Remington might be slightly tempted, but he would resist. Nathan, I am happy (?) to report, would almost certainly throw up. 


Cool! I wondered if it was too subtle. I decided that she is one of the more human Epics, what with the power restrictions and all, but that when she did use her powers, she becomes callused and uses her Epic name more. Mare does the same thing with calling herself Night-Mare.


I like Edgerunner. :) The way she's written is a very realistic look at an Epic trying to do the right thing, but without all the facts. The way her corruption translated into anger toward the pigs is probably what most people would experience—and, like Edgerunner, would probably rationalize it away as protectiveness and nothing more. 

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Great! More Epics to Pandafy interact with!


mail-mi, since I have to pull the Shadow Pandas out soon, and since they don't take a question as coming with them willingly, would you mind if I dragged reader off in a sack?


The Destructors aren't actually in the Dalles. They will be in Astoria when that comes, but for now they're in Washington, and the closest city we have is the Dalles, hence why its posted there. 


When are we going to do What Happened in Astoria?





I like Edgerunner. :) The way she's written is a very realistic look at an Epic trying to do the right thing, but without all the facts. The way her corruption translated into anger toward the pigs is probably what most people would experience—and, like Edgerunner, would probably rationalize it away as protectiveness and nothing more. 



Thanks. I'm glad you enjoy her, I do too. It's nice to write as a more human character who still has cool powers. And it's fun to write her thoughts (especially about eyebrows.;)).

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Is this sequel actually going to happen? Because I really want it to happen. :D


Funtimes? Her external reaction would depend on a variety of factors. Her thoughts, however…well, remember that dark!Funtimes you keep insisting isn't invited to parties? :mellow:


Remington might be slightly tempted, but he would resist. Nathan, I am happy (?) to report, would almost certainly throw up. 


It's been confirmed that Brandon's writing a sequel to Warbreaker, and he's said many times that the tentative title for said sequel is "Nightblood." He's also given a rough idea of what the sequel would be about, but regrettably I can't pass on that info until you finish the book. The sequel will apparently build off of revelations that you only learn at the end of Warbreaker. :)


Revolution wouldn't use Nightblood at all, as she's a very strict pacifist. Nightblood doesn't have the mind-altering effect that Calamity has, so she couldn't be corrupted into using the sword. She'd definitely feel very sick upon touching it.


Sam would also feel nauseous upon touching the sword, but...


Nightblood: Hello! Would you like to destroy some evil today?


Sam (grimacing): Let me think about it...


* one mental image of Nighthound later *


Sam: Sure. Let's get started!


I think she'd adopt Vasher's trick and start leaving Nightblood out where nasty Epics would see and draw him.


Lightwards, Aldo, and probably Cricket would all kill themselves with the sword, without a doubt.  The only interaction I'm not quite sure of is Backtrack, but I like to think he'd get away with just a spat of nausea. He'd probably throw up on Reader's carpet.

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The Destructors aren't actually in the Dalles. They will be in Astoria when that comes, but for now they're in Washington, and the closest city we have is the Dalles, hence why its posted there. 


It wouldn't be that hard for the Shadow Pandas to make an intercept-and-run mission.  ;)


Altermind would probably end up dead with Nightblood in his chest. Chi could probably use it for a bit, but he would be very nauseous. Flashpoint would be very nauseous, but probably not die. The Destructors would all die. 


I've always wondered about Nightblood's opinion on pandas...

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Great! More Epics to Pandafy interact with!

mail-mi, since I have to pull the Shadow Pandas out soon, and since they don't take a question as coming with them willingly, would you mind if I dragged reader off in a sack?

Not at all, although it would be nice if they at least answered his question (or it maybe brought up some deep past human thing).

Timeport and Reader would kill themselves with him, Terry might be tempted, as with BusDriver, and I'd like to think that Mommy would feel sick.

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