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Is this sequel actually going to happen? Because I really want it to happen. :D


Funtimes? Her external reaction would depend on a variety of factors. Her thoughts, however…well, remember that dark!Funtimes you keep insisting isn't invited to parties? :mellow:


Remington might be slightly tempted, but he would resist. Nathan, I am happy (?) to report, would almost certainly throw up. 


It's been confirmed that Brandon's writing a sequel to Warbreaker, and he's said many times that the tentative title for said sequel is "Nightblood." He's also given a rough idea of what the sequel would be about, but regrettably I can't pass on that info until you finish the book. The sequel will apparently build off of revelations that you only learn at the end of Warbreaker. :)


Revolution wouldn't use Nightblood at all, as she's a very strict pacifist. Nightblood doesn't have the mind-altering effect that Calamity has, so she couldn't be corrupted into using the sword. She'd definitely feel very sick upon touching it.


Sam would also feel nauseous upon touching the sword, but...


Nightblood: Hello! Would you like to destroy some evil today?


Sam (grimacing): Let me think about it...


* one mental image of Nighthound later *


Sam: Sure. Let's get started!


I think she'd adopt Vasher's trick and start leaving Nightblood out where nasty Epics would see and draw him.


Lightwards, Aldo, and probably Cricket would all kill themselves with the sword, without a doubt.  The only interaction I'm not quite sure of is Backtrack, but I like to think he'd get away with just a spat of nausea. He'd probably throw up on Reader's carpet.

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The Destructors aren't actually in the Dalles. They will be in Astoria when that comes, but for now they're in Washington, and the closest city we have is the Dalles, hence why its posted there. 


It wouldn't be that hard for the Shadow Pandas to make an intercept-and-run mission.  ;)


Altermind would probably end up dead with Nightblood in his chest. Chi could probably use it for a bit, but he would be very nauseous. Flashpoint would be very nauseous, but probably not die. The Destructors would all die. 


I've always wondered about Nightblood's opinion on pandas...

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Great! More Epics to Pandafy interact with!

mail-mi, since I have to pull the Shadow Pandas out soon, and since they don't take a question as coming with them willingly, would you mind if I dragged reader off in a sack?

Not at all, although it would be nice if they at least answered his question (or it maybe brought up some deep past human thing).

Timeport and Reader would kill themselves with him, Terry might be tempted, as with BusDriver, and I'd like to think that Mommy would feel sick.

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It wouldn't be that hard for the Shadow Pandas to make an intercept-and-run mission.  ;)



I've always wondered about Nightblood's opinion on pandas...


Hahaha :D They'd have a lot harder time with one of the Destructors. They'd be killed before they got anywhere close enough to grab one.

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Funtimes….I don't think she'd kill herself, but she would have a very difficult time resisting Nightblood. Her intentions are (usually) good at the core, so that might make a difference; however, I think the best thing for her would be to stay as far away from Nightblood as she could. 


I need more clever ways to say "NO" under Nighthound's column on the shipping chart. :mellow: 

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I don't mean to be picky, but I thought Edgerunner could only alter her own friction and that of inanimate objects. Pigs are living, and thus not inanimate, so how does that work? I checked her bio and it confirmed this.


Edit: Ah, the baskets. Missed that. Nevermind.


I think all of my Epics except Prankster and Sandman and possibly Fade would kill themselves. Maybe not the Mad Ballooner and Schultz

Edited by Fatebreaker
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I don't mean to be picky, but I thought Edgerunner could only alter her own friction and that of inanimate objects. Pigs are living, and thus not inanimate, so how does that work? I checked her bio and it confirmed this.


I think all of my Epics except Prankster and Sandman and possibly Fade would kill themselves. Maybe not the Mad Ballooner and Schultz


Are the pigs carrying or wearing any objects whose friction she could alter? 


On another note, I wonder what kind of powers Epics named Fridge Horror and Fridge Logic would have….:ph34r:


There's more than one of him?? O.o. Calamity have mercy!!






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Here is Rewind's profile, open for criticism. (His powers are a little wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey, so if you see any snarls, please don't hesitate to bring them up.) 


Also, one of his powers is a reference to something many people in this game enjoy. :ph34r:


Primary Power: Looping—Rewind can create small, stable time loops around an area of up to about 50 feet. Within this loop, he can control up to 5 seconds of time. These five seconds can be rewound for up to a minute; after that minute time will resume from the last second Rewind rewound to—that is to say, people within the loop will pick up where they left off, but be 55 seconds behind those outside the loop. People within the loop can be killed by ranged weapons from those outside the loop. 


Secondary Power: Déjà vu—When Rewind loops a group of people, they have no idea they are being looped until the loop is broken. Sharp ones might think something feels vaguely familiar, but that will be forgotten once the same 5 seconds are rewound once more. 


Tertiary Power: Silencing—for as long as Rewind keeps up the loop, he will remain unnoticed by those caught in the loop. 


Note: Rewind's powers are dependent upon his being in the presence—preferably within line of sight—of a clock. If taken to a room without a clock, he will be powerless, and always wears multiple watches for this purpose.

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I don't mean to be picky, but I thought Edgerunner could only alter her own friction and that of inanimate objects. Pigs are living, and thus not inanimate, so how does that work? I checked her bio and it confirmed this.


Edit: Ah, the baskets. Missed that. Nevermind.


I think all of my Epics except Prankster and Sandman and possibly Fade would kill themselves. Maybe not the Mad Ballooner and Schultz


Are the pigs carrying or wearing any objects whose friction she could alter? 


I almost had her affect the pigs, but then I remembered her limitation, so yes, she affected the baskets. 


There's more than one of him?? O.o. Calamity have mercy!!



Haha, when I wrote that, I thought of the same thing.

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Here is Rewind's profile, open for criticism. (His powers are a little wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey, so if you see any snarls, please don't hesitate to bring them up.) 


Also, one of his powers is a reference to something many people in this game enjoy. :ph34r:


Primary Power: Looping—Rewind can create small, stable time loops around an area of up to about 50 feet. Within this loop, he can control up to 5 seconds of time. These five seconds can be rewound for up to a minute; after that minute time will resume from the last second Rewind rewound to—that is to say, people within the loop will pick up where they left off, but be 55 seconds behind those outside the loop. People within the loop can be killed by ranged weapons from those outside the loop. 


Secondary Power: Déjà vu—When Rewind loops a group of people, they have no idea they are being looped until the loop is broken. Sharp ones might think something feels vaguely familiar, but that will be forgotten once the same 5 seconds are rewound once more. 


Tertiary Power: Silencing—for as long as Rewind keeps up the loop, he will remain unnoticed by those caught in the loop. 


Note: Rewind's powers are dependent upon his being in the presence—preferably within line of sight—of a clock. If taken to a room without a clock, he will be powerless, and always wears multiple watches for this purpose.


I like him! :) (I was going to remark on some sort of "awesome Silence reference," but I can't remember what that's all about.  :ph34r:)


I like that his weakness isn't the presence of an object so much as the absence of an object. That's a neat type of weakness implied by the novel but, as far as I can tell, seldomly thought of or used in the RP.


To be honest though, I'm not crystal clear on his powers. (Probably more a result of my being tired from a hard day's work then an error on your part.) To get this straight: he is capable of causing people within a certain radius to experience the same five seconds in a continuous loop, for up to a minute of relative time. Is that close to accurate, or am I hugely misunderstanding what you wrote?



On another note entirely... sorry guys, I'd hoped to get the next Portland post up tonight, but that's not going to happen.  :unsure: I've been very busy these past couple of days--today in particular. And while I had every intention of finishing the next post tonight, RL work has to come first for now. I'll be working hard to deliver a very important Portland post soon.

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I like him! :) (I was going to remark on some sort of "awesome Silence reference," but I can't remember what that's all about.  :ph34r:)


I like that his weakness isn't the presence of an object so much as the absence of an object. That's a neat type of weakness implied by the novel but, as far as I can tell, seldomly thought of or used in the RP.


To be honest though, I'm not crystal clear on his powers. (Probably more a result of my being tired from a hard day's work then an error on your part.) To get this straight: he is capable of causing people within a certain radius to experience the same five seconds in a continuous loop, for up to a minute of relative time. Is that close to accurate, or am I hugely misunderstanding what you wrote?



On another note entirely... sorry guys, I'd hoped to get the next Portland post up tonight, but that's not going to happen.  :unsure: I've been very busy these past couple of days--today in particular. And while I had every intention of finishing the next post tonight, RL work has to come first for now. I'll be working hard to deliver a very important Portland post soon.


Thanks! :)


Me neither….:blink: 


Yes. Given that his powers only affect a certain (relatively small) radius, he tends to only use them on isolated individuals (for assassinations, he simply causes them to relive the same five seconds until an associate can shoot them) or on rooms full of people. He reserves looping rooms for making a getaway rather than assassinations, as removing one or more people from the loop creates a paradox, thus breaking the loop. (I still haven't decided whether Koschei accepted this limitation at face value, or if he insisted upon testing it. :mellow:


Sorry RL has been taxing, Kobold. :( Take your time; we're in no rush. :) 

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Not at all, although it would be nice if they at least answered his question (or it maybe brought up some deep past human thing).

Timeport and Reader would kill themselves with him, Terry might be tempted, as with BusDriver, and I'd like to think that Mommy would feel sick.


Sadly, their human sides have been completely repressed, if not twisted. The Shadow Pandas, strangely enough, think it normal to be asked such questions.  :ph34r: 



Here is Rewind's profile, open for criticism. (His powers are a little wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey, so if you see any snarls, please don't hesitate to bring them up.) 


Also, one of his powers is a reference to something many people in this game enjoy. :ph34r:


Primary Power: Looping—Rewind can create small, stable time loops around an area of up to about 50 feet. Within this loop, he can control up to 5 seconds of time. These five seconds can be rewound for up to a minute; after that minute time will resume from the last second Rewind rewound to—that is to say, people within the loop will pick up where they left off, but be 55 seconds behind those outside the loop. People within the loop can be killed by ranged weapons from those outside the loop. 


Secondary Power: Déjà vu—When Rewind loops a group of people, they have no idea they are being looped until the loop is broken. Sharp ones might think something feels vaguely familiar, but that will be forgotten once the same 5 seconds are rewound once more. 


Tertiary Power: Silencing—for as long as Rewind keeps up the loop, he will remain unnoticed by those caught in the loop. 


Note: Rewind's powers are dependent upon his being in the presence—preferably within line of sight—of a clock. If taken to a room without a clock, he will be powerless, and always wears multiple watches for this purpose.



Pretty cool power, Twi. Reminds me of Zilean. (C'mon, someone get the LoL reference...)  :D


I have some questions for your power, though. What would happen if Rewind was killed whilst mid-loop? Would he be able to avert that death? Could you step into the looping zone while it was active, and what would happen?

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Pretty cool power, Twi. Reminds me of Zilean. (C'mon, someone get the LoL reference...)  :D


I have some questions for your power, though. What would happen if Rewind was killed whilst mid-loop? Would he be able to avert that death? Could you step into the looping zone while it was active, and what would happen?


Thanks! :D Voidus came up with the original idea; I just built on it.


I got it….after I Googled it. :ph34r:


The effects of a mid-loop death would depend upon whether he was inside or outside the loop. Outside, he would die and the loop would break. Inside, he might be able to avoid it, if he caught it early enough. Since it's the same five seconds, that would give him time to dodge a bullet if he heard it coming, or get out of the way if someone named Steven Vondra or Remington Springfield jumped out from behind a tree with a garrote or something. (Haven't quite decided exactly how this will go down, so that's not technically a spoiler. Just two of the more likely people to try something like that. :P) He would have to catch it within his five-second limit, however; otherwise, he would simply relive the seconds before his death until his minute expired. Which would be useful in that he could warn others, or determine the identity of his killer and send his associates to avenge his death, but wouldn't do him much good in terms of surviving the attack. 


Stepping into the looping zone would create a paradox and break the loop, which is why he was very careful to ensure his loops were not interrupted. (Of course, if they were, he could always create a new loop with the newcomer inside.) 

Edited by TwiLyghtSansSparkles
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Nice job with Rewind Twi, I like him :D

A few tricks I have on file for him:

Stasis: If he's received a serious wound that may cause him to bleed out he can yell for help and then loop his own time so that help can arrive.

Interrogate: Looping a person he can then question them on various aspects of their life except on the final loop where he says nothing, once they exit the loop with no knowledge of what happened he could reveal this knowledge (Less likely with your powerset since he can't be noticed but I thought I'd include it anyway)

Strategist: By looping someone in a fight with someone else he can analyse their style of attack and powers from all angles.

Reparation: By looping an objects time back to before it was broken Rewind can repair objects.

Something I did just think of though is that if Rewind himself was in the bubble and he has no more memory of the time looping than anyone else then he'd accidentally keep looping the time, each time thinking it was the first.

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Nice job with Rewind Twi, I like him :D

A few tricks I have on file for him:

Stasis: If he's received a serious wound that may cause him to bleed out he can yell for help and then loop his own time so that help can arrive.

Interrogate: Looping a person he can then question them on various aspects of their life except on the final loop where he says nothing, once they exit the loop with no knowledge of what happened he could reveal this knowledge (Less likely with your powerset since he can't be noticed but I thought I'd include it anyway)

Strategist: By looping someone in a fight with someone else he can analyse their style of attack and powers from all angles.

Reparation: By looping an objects time back to before it was broken Rewind can repair objects.

Something I did just think of though is that if Rewind himself was in the bubble and he has no more memory of the time looping than anyone else then he'd accidentally keep looping the time, each time thinking it was the first.


Reparation opens up an interesting possibility, namely: can he rewind time, five seconds at a time, to take an object backward? I think he could, though it would take quite some time, since he's limited to five-second bursts. 


His silencing and deja vu don't affect him, only those he's looping. So he could reasonably keep looping people and retain full memory of each loop. 


Do not open if you haven't read Warbreaker. 


Seriously, just stop here. 


My reaction to Lightsong's identity and what came after, in order: 



Initial reveal




A certain goddess




How he died


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Reparation opens up an interesting possibility, namely: can he rewind time, five seconds at a time, to take an object backward? I think he could, though it would take quite some time, since he's limited to five-second bursts. 


His silencing and deja vu don't affect him, only those he's looping. So he could reasonably keep looping people and retain full memory of each loop. 


Do not open if you haven't read Warbreaker. 


Seriously, just stop here. 


My reaction to Lightsong's identity and what came after, in order: 



Initial reveal




A certain goddess




How he died


Me too. :( it was so sad. blushweaver's was awful, but Lightsong's was beautiful.

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Reparation opens up an interesting possibility, namely: can he rewind time, five seconds at a time, to take an object backward? I think he could, though it would take quite some time, since he's limited to five-second bursts. 


His silencing and deja vu don't affect him, only those he's looping. So he could reasonably keep looping people and retain full memory of each loop. 


Do not open if you haven't read Warbreaker. 


Seriously, just stop here. 


My reaction to Lightsong's identity and what came after, in order: 



Initial reveal




A certain goddess




How he died



I am quite serious--dead serious, you might say--when I tell you that I found Warbreaker's climax one of the most invigorating, emotionally impacting conclusions to a novel I have ever read.


The only book I can think of at the moment which bests it is The Way of Kings, also by Brandon Sanderson. It says a lot about an author when the only books that can rival his are other books of his.


Lucy's hand drifted briefly to her breast, touching the tattoo that lay there for comfort. Her ultimate fail safe should she ever feel that the tainted power had taken too strong a hold on her. But no, it was not time for that yet, she still kept to her goal, she still protected the innocent from the atrocities that her fellows had committed.


Scribbler, as it so happens, has a self-destruct button.  :o (and for some reason it's not her belly button, because that would have been too bizarre even for this RP.) :P

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