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I am quite serious--dead serious, you might say--when I tell you that I found Warbreaker's climax one of the most invigorating, emotionally impacting conclusions to a novel I have ever read.


The only book I can think of at the moment which bests it is The Way of Kings, also by Brandon Sanderson. It says a lot about an author when the only books that can rival his are other books of his.



Scribbler, as it so happens, has a self-destruct button.   :o (and for some reason it's not her belly button, because that would have been too bizarre even for this RP.) :P

So true :P

That she does... or does she!?!

No, she definitely does. :P

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I am quite serious--dead serious, you might say--when I tell you that I found Warbreaker's climax one of the most invigorating, emotionally impacting conclusions to a novel I have ever read.


The only book I can think of at the moment which bests it is The Way of Kings, also by Brandon Sanderson. It says a lot about an author when the only books that can rival his are other books of his.



Scribbler, as it so happens, has a self-destruct button.   :o (and for some reason it's not her belly button, because that would have been too bizarre even for this RP.) :P


I spent most of today wishing I could've slept in a little longer, but I'm sure I'll stay up late finishing Warbreaker. I've just got a few more chapters to go, anyway. How bad can it be? :P 


And from what I can tell, he just keeps getting better and better. I've had a few favorite authors Jump the Shark on me, but it doesn't look like that'll be a concern with Brandon. *fingers crossed* :D


Too bizarre? In an RP where weather reports are two steps and a competent reporter away from reporting pancake showers, followed by powdered sugar blizzards and a strong chance of getting murdered by a hungry raptor and raised back to life as the zombie slave of a green-hatted necromancer? :P 




Now that you mention it, a belly button self-destruct button would be far more humorous than the idea of a self-destruct button deserves. I mean, really. The only thing a character with a self-destruct belly button could say when pressing it is "Boop," which doesn't exactly fit the drama and tragedy of the scene. :P 

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So true :P

That she does... or does she!?!

No, she definitely does. :P


For a more serious question... is there any reason she can't simply make a tattoo that would compel her to be a nice person? It seems like going full Doofenshmirtz with a chest tattoo might be overkill for her particular problem. :o



I spent most of today wishing I could've slept in a little longer, but I'm sure I'll stay up late finishing Warbreaker. I've just got a few more chapters to go, anyway. How bad can it be? :P


And from what I can tell, he just keeps getting better and better. I've had a few favorite authors Jump the Shark on me, but it doesn't look like that'll be a concern with Brandon. *fingers crossed* :D


Too bizarre? In an RP where weather reports are two steps and a competent reporter away from reporting pancake showers, followed by powdered sugar blizzards and a strong chance of getting murdered by a hungry raptor and raised back to life as the zombie slave of a green-hatted necromancer? :P




Now that you mention it, a belly button self-destruct button would be far more humorous than the idea of a self-destruct button deserves. I mean, really. The only thing a character with a self-destruct belly button could say when pressing it is "Boop," which doesn't exactly fit the drama and tragedy of the scene. :P


See, I got the Warbreaker climax during a busy afternoon. People kept calling me away from my precious book to do tasks, while all I really wanted to do was find out what happened next. :P


All I can say is to keep reading, and to report back to us here when you've read the last page. :D



Everyone assumed that Scribbler shunned crop tops and bikinis out of modesty... no one could have predicted the truth. :P

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For a more serious question... is there any reason she can't simply make a tattoo that would compel her to be a nice person? It seems like going full Doofenshmirtz with a chest tattoo might be overkill for her particular problem. :o




See, I got the Warbreaker climax during a busy afternoon. People kept calling me away from my precious book to do tasks, while all I really wanted to do was find out what happened next. :P


All I can say is to keep reading, and to report back to us here when you've read the last page. :D



Everyone assumed that Scribbler shunned crop tops and bikinis out of modesty... no one could have predicted the truth. :P

She could but she's the one who decides what 'nice' is, so as Calamitys corruption sets in her opinion of what's nice might change from 'Don't murder people' to 'Don't murder people's cats too horribly before you murder them' she could possibly do it to someone else but probably not another Epic.

It is now canon that Scribbler has a tattoo that says 'boop' on her belly button :P

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She could but she's the one who decides what 'nice' is, so as Calamitys corruption sets in her opinion of what's nice might change from 'Don't murder people' to 'Don't murder people's cats too horribly before you murder them' she could possibly do it to someone else but probably not another Epic.

It is now canon that Scribbler has a tattoo that says 'boop' on her belly button :P


That makes sense. Would it be possible for her to create a tattoo that would permanently prohibit her from harming other human beings, though?


My mental images for these characters just keep getting weirder. :P Could you add Scribbler to the Epics of Oregon thread? I can't seem to find her bio or description at the moment.

Edited by Kobold King
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That makes sense. Would it be possible for her to create a tattoo that would permanently prohibit her from harming other human beings, though?


My mental images for these characters just keep getting weirder. :P Could you add Scribbler to the Epics of Oregon thread? I can't seem to find her bio or description at the moment.

I think she probably could although she probably wouldn't realize it, it would be easier for her to alter herself like that than another Epic and she wouldn't practice her abilities on vanillas so she'd not be aware of the extent of her powers just yet. I think I also gave a limit to how many she could actualize at a time so it would cut down on her limit if she kept one like that permanently activated.

Bio's up in EoO.

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I think she probably could although she probably wouldn't realize it, it would be easier for her to alter herself like that than another Epic and she wouldn't practice her abilities on vanillas so she'd not be aware of the extent of her powers just yet. I think I also gave a limit to how many she could actualize at a time so it would cut down on her limit if she kept one like that permanently activated.

Bio's up in EoO.

Again, logical enough. I'm just trying to think of good alternatives to self-destruction for her. We have too few decent Epics for the ones we have to go around blowing themselves up. :P

(Thanks. :))

Since I'm apparently spamming the Question thread with a bunch of questions any way: does Scribbler use her inkokinesis to put the words in her skin, or does she require a tattoo artist?

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Again, logical enough. I'm just trying to think of good alternatives to self-destruction for her. We have too few decent Epics for the ones we have to go around blowing themselves up. :P

(Thanks. :))

Since I'm apparently spamming the Question thread with a bunch of questions any way: does Scribbler use her inkokinesis to put the words in her skin, or does she require a tattoo artist?

She's less decent than you might think  :ph34r: 

She can do it herself, although the ones on her back were mostly done by a tattoo artist. (Also Inkokinesis is the best name for her power :P)

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Do not open if you haven't read Warbreaker. 


Seriously, just stop here. 


My reaction to Lightsong's identity and what came after, in order: 



Initial reveal




A certain goddess




How he died



Ah, yes. Lightsong's sacrifice. It was noble enough to enter my "Top 10 List of Noble Fictional Sacrifices". I'm not sure if I'm recalling correctly, since I don't have a copy of Warbreaker on me, but I think the reason why the death touched me so much was because of how Lightsong smiled when he recited his last words (which were pretty noble and badchull). The fact that Lightsong made the ultimate sacrifice twice made it even more noble.



So true :P

That she does... or does she!?!

No, she definitely does. :P


You had me high-lighting for white text there. Sanderson Elimination has rubbed off too much on me...  <_<


Also, one last question before I RP. Who's the Leader of The Dalles? From the RP, it seems to be Arsenal, amiright?

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Ah, yes. Lightsong's sacrifice. It was noble enough to enter my "Top 10 List of Noble Fictional Sacrifices". I'm not sure if I'm recalling correctly, since I don't have a copy of Warbreaker on me, but I think the reason why the death touched me so much was because of how Lightsong smiled when he recited his last words (which were pretty noble and badchull). The fact that Lightsong made the ultimate sacrifice twice made it even more noble.




You had me high-lighting for white text there. Sanderson Elimination has rubbed off too much on me...  <_<


Also, one last question before I RP. Who's the Leader of The Dalles? From the RP, it seems to be Arsenal, amiright?

It's special white text that appears blue when highlighted :P You shall nevar find it!!

Vondra is the leader of the Dalles.

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Also, one last question before I RP. Who's the Leader of The Dalles? From the RP, it seems to be Arsenal, amiright?


Nope. The Leader of The Dalles is Stephen Vondra, a vanilla human who hasn't appeared on-screen yet. All indications point towards his first viewpoint scene being jumping out of a helicopter into a panda army.

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First Destructors post up.

Fancy. I noticed you didn´t updates Jag´s profile with impervious skin. I also realized that they shouldn´t approach Lucentia in their vehicles or half of them (maybe even Hawkin depending on where he reforms) will get an early grave before they can get out of them.


Great! More Epics to Pandafy interact with!


mail-mi, since I have to pull the Shadow Pandas out soon, and since they don't take a question as coming with them willingly, would you mind if I dragged reader off in a sack?

To late, their ponification already started. :ph34r:


Just out of curiosity, your not planning the shadow pandas to get out of town unnoticed, are you?

When are we going to do What Happened in Astoria?

I think around the time Portland ends. Not sure, if people want to start it earlier, though.


I've always wondered about Nightblood's opinion on pandas...

Let´s kill them. They don´t even get along with their own kind and see those Pandas? They are killing people, that has to be evil. We should kill them. :P


Ray/Deathgale: Death Ray. WHY DID I NOT SEE THIS BEFORE? 

:blink: Interesting prospect... myabe I need to rework his character :ph34r:


Do not open if you haven't read Warbreaker. 


Seriously, just stop here. 


My reaction to Lightsong's identity and what came after, in order: 



Initial reveal




A certain goddess




How he died


Now you´ve made me cry again. R.I.P Lightsong, we shall build a lifeless squirrel army in your honor.


From my Epics, Voidgaze is the only one that wouldn´t just impale herself but the nausea might just kill her anyway. Should she posses Nightblood for an extended period she might just treat Nightblood enough like a person to make a difference.

Since I'm apparently spamming the Question thread with a bunch of questions any way: does Scribbler use her inkokinesis to put the words in her skin, or does she require a tattoo artist?

Muhaha! Now you now how I feel. :P

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Huh. No wonder why there was so much hype about that happening...


So Stephen's a vanilla human... Yay! Another unwilling human to be shown the true light of Pandaness!


Only if he gets to be a badchull panda who breaks free of Panda's control. :P


I think around the time Portland ends. Not sure, if people want to start it earlier, though.


That would make sense. Lucentia seems like the type who would try to use her involvement in the CM war to bolster her reputation; maybe Lucentia could begin proclaiming that she' responsible for the destruction of Portland? It would cement her fearsome reputation, but it would also draw Epics like Blackwave and the Destructors to Astoria.

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Only if he gets to be a badchull panda who breaks free of Panda's control. :P



That would make sense. Lucentia seems like the type who would try to use her involvement in the CM war to bolster her reputation; maybe Lucentia could begin proclaiming that she' responsible for the destruction of Portland? It would cement her fearsome reputation, but it would also draw Epics like Blackwave and the Destructors to Astoria.


Vondra the Panda would be quite worthy of wearing the traditional Brown Fedora of Awesome. :P


"I destroyed Portland!" Lucentia stood atop a small incline, diamond arm glittering in the muted sunlight. "Does anyone now dare challenge my rule?" 


Sam could take it no longer. "Tell 'em how you destroyed it, Lucy!" 


Lucentia turned sharply, glaring, casting glances through the crowd in search of her. Sam ducked and moved a few feet to the left. 


"Tell 'em how you just stood there and complained until buildings literally crumbled to try and shut you up!"


"That is physically impossible," Lucentia said, her cheeks flushing in anger. 


"Well, it happened," Sam continued. "Even the city didn't want to listen to her!" 


"How dare you insinuate such a thing! Why, if I had to listen to your accusations any longer, I would go mad! You have been a thorn in my side for long enough, you impudent vanilla, and I have enough to deal with as it is—" 


A tree trembled, cutting off Lucentia's complaining. 


"Come on," Nathan said, nudging Sam's shoulder. "Let's get out of here before there's an actual earthquake."


In other news, I just finished Warbreaker.





Edited by TwiLyghtSansSparkles
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Vondra the Panda would be quite worthy of wearing the traditional Brown Fedora of Awesome. :P


"I destroyed Portland!" Lucentia stood atop a small incline, diamond arm glittering in the muted sunlight. "Does anyone now dare challenge my rule?" 


Sam could take it no longer. "Tell 'em how you destroyed it, Lucy!" 


Lucentia turned sharply, glaring, casting glances through the crowd in search of her. Sam ducked and moved a few feet to the left. 


"Tell 'em how you just stood there and complained until buildings literally crumbled to try and shut you up!"


"That is physically impossible," Lucentia said, her cheeks flushing in anger. 


"Well, it happened," Sam continued. "Even the city didn't want to listen to her!" 


"How dare you insinuate such a thing! Why, if I had to listen to your accusations any longer, I would go mad! You have been a thorn in my side for long enough, you impudent vanilla, and I have enough to deal with as it is—" 


A tree trembled, cutting off Lucentia's complaining. 


"Come on," Nathan said, nudging Sam's shoulder. "Let's get out of here before there's an actual earthquake."


In other news, I just finished Warbreaker.






My reader reactions to Warbreaker (expressed in ponies, with spoilers):



Reading the prologue:





Reading a Lightsong scene for the first time:





Denth and Tonk Fah making jokes:





Denth and Tonk Fah murdering Bluth in the basement:




Pretty much every twist after that:




The ending (oh, that ending!):




Seriously, that was an incredimazible book. :D I can hardly wrap my mind around the sheer awesomeness epitomized by that book.


And the fact that he has it for free on his website--that such an amazing work of literature is essentially a free sample--that will never cease to amaze me.

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My reader reactions to Warbreaker (expressed in ponies, with spoilers):



Reading the prologue:





Reading a Lightsong scene for the first time:





Denth and Tonk Fah making jokes:





Denth and Tonk Fah murdering Bluth in the basement:




Pretty much every twist after that:




The ending (oh, that ending!):




Seriously, that was an incredimazible book. :D I can hardly wrap my mind around the sheer awesomeness epitomized by that book.


And the fact that he has it for free on his website--that such an amazing work of literature is essentially a free sample--that will never cease to amaze me.

It was after reading Warbreaker that I realized


The Jokers philosophy in life was just not designed for the level of awesome that is Brandon Sanderson

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My reader reactions to Warbreaker (expressed in ponies, with spoilers):



Reading the prologue:





Reading a Lightsong scene for the first time:





Denth and Tonk Fah making jokes:





Denth and Tonk Fah murdering Bluth in the basement:




Pretty much every twist after that:




The ending (oh, that ending!):




Seriously, that was an incredimazible book. :D I can hardly wrap my mind around the sheer awesomeness epitomized by that book.


And the fact that he has it for free on his website--that such an amazing work of literature is essentially a free sample--that will never cease to amaze me.


What he did with his characters—that was beautiful. Vivenna's arc alone would have made a spectacular book—my reaction to her character are as follows: 


Introduction: "You seem nice." 

Going to get Siri: "I think we'll get along." 

Meeting Denth and Tonk Fah: "You seem to know what you're doing." 

Sharing her opinions on Hallandren: "That's a little stuck-up." 

More opinions on Hallandren: "You're a little stuck-up." 

Denth and Tonk Fah's reveal: "BUT THEY SEEMED SO NICE!" 

On the streets: "Is it bad I kind of feel vindicated seeing her brought down a peg? I mean, I feel bad for her, too, but…" 

Seeing Vasher again: "Now I feel really bad for feeling vindicated. I mean, seriously. No one should have to be brought down that low." 

With Vasher: "Aw, you're getting better! GO VIVENNA! YOU CAN DO IT!" 

Ending: "I like you, Vivenna. You're awesome." 


And the most amazing part of this book? Every single character had an arc like that. Every single character had an arc that would be just as rich if it were in a standalone book. And together, not a single arc felt out of place. The story never felt crowded or overstuffed. It was like one of those old cathedrals with stained-glass windows: Each window depicts a different scene, and there are so many windows you'd think the cathedral would feel overcrowded, but it doesn't. Every window is necessary, although every window would be a work of art on its own.


And hosting it for free on his website? Sanderson did what so many writers and librarians only pay lip service to: He actually decided that this particular work of art belongs to the people and gave it to them. That alone makes me wish I felt wealthy enough to buy it. A dozen copies of it. In hardcover.

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What he did with his characters—that was beautiful. Vivenna's arc alone would have made a spectacular book—my reaction to her character are as follows: 


Introduction: "You seem nice." 

Going to get Siri: "I think we'll get along." 

Meeting Denth and Tonk Fah: "You seem to know what you're doing." 

Sharing her opinions on Hallandren: "That's a little stuck-up." 

More opinions on Hallandren: "You're a little stuck-up." 

Denth and Tonk Fah's reveal: "BUT THEY SEEMED SO NICE!" 

On the streets: "Is it bad I kind of feel vindicated seeing her brought down a peg? I mean, I feel bad for her, too, but…" 

Seeing Vasher again: "Now I feel really bad for feeling vindicated. I mean, seriously. No one should have to be brought down that low." 

With Vasher: "Aw, you're getting better! GO VIVENNA! YOU CAN DO IT!" 

Ending: "I like you, Vivenna. You're awesome." 


And the most amazing part of this book? Every single character had an arc like that. Every single character had an arc that would be just as rich if it were in a standalone book. And together, not a single arc felt out of place. The story never felt crowded or overstuffed. It was like one of those old cathedrals with stained-glass windows: Each window depicts a different scene, and there are so many windows you'd think the cathedral would feel overcrowded, but it doesn't. Every window is necessary, although every window would be a work of art on its own.


And hosting it for free on his website? Sanderson did what so many writers and librarians only pay lip service to: He actually decided that this particular work of art belongs to the people and gave it to them. That alone makes me wish I felt wealthy enough to buy it. A dozen copies of it. In hardcover.

I really do need to read it again, I think I only found it  bit lackluster because I immediately read Way of Kings after it which is just such a great book.

I know what you mean, I got the free version off his site but I've now got a paper and hardback copy sitting on my shelf with the rest of his books, although I am still missing Alcatraz.

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Hey, Kobold. Remember how Remington viewed Lightwards' love of Spam as evidence of how deeply deranged he was? Well, if you want to take his derangement even further, a Facebook link took me to some "foods" he could profess to enjoy….


Warning: Do not read while eating.

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Only if he gets to be a badchull panda who breaks free of Panda's control. :P



That would make sense. Lucentia seems like the type who would try to use her involvement in the CM war to bolster her reputation; maybe Lucentia could begin proclaiming that she' responsible for the destruction of Portland? It would cement her fearsome reputation, but it would also draw Epics like Blackwave and the Destructors to Astoria.

HaHa, it seems that badchull beats Panda afterall! :P


I don´t think she would brag about it just at random and even then news wouldn´t really spread out of Astoria. After all from her perspective, she´s already perfect enough that no bragging is needed. Naturally, she is bound to exaggerate her own part should it ever come up in a conversation.


Congrats on finishing Warbreaker. The book is just awesomeness written down and it has a magic system that can make shinies even more shiny. :P  Furthermore, you´re now ready to read the Stormlight archives. (Don´t forget that cryptic reference I made by the way. :ph34r:)

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Congrats on finishing Warbreaker. The book is just awesomeness written down and it has a magic system that can make shinies even more shiny. :P  Furthermore, you´re now ready to read the Stormlight archives. (Don´t forget that cryptic reference I made by the way. :ph34r:)


Yes. Yes, I am. (Which cryptic reference? There were so many I just started taking everything said to me while reading Warbreaker as a cryptic reference. :P

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The one about Tarachin.


Oh, right, that cryptic reference. I should keep a notebook of cryptic references that I can consult while reading Stormlight. :P:ph34r: (Honestly, though, that's part of what I love about this site—all the cryptic references whenever someone picks up a new-to-them book. :D

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Oh, right, that cryptic reference. I should keep a notebook of cryptic references that I can consult while reading Stormlight. :P:ph34r: (Honestly, though, that's part of what I love about this site—all the cryptic references whenever someone picks up a new-to-them book. :D

Just wait till we make cryptic references to the Cryptics... ups to late. :P

The only reason I didn´t keep a journal writting down everything that might be important wile reading WoR is that I spend all time available to me (which was a lot thanks to holidays) until I finished (in about 2 or 3 days). Then did I put down my theory, references ect. list. :P 

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