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Can this happen in canon? Or if there's no tiniest violin to be played, can some immortal Epic who can't be hurt by her diamonds break into a rousing chorus of "First World Problems" the next time she starts complaining? :P


If we retcon Glamour to have a prime invincibility he could start playing it. :P


Or Aldo could do it. I like to think his sleeves are filled with props for visual gags. :P

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If we retcon Glamour to have a prime invincibility he could start playing it. :P


Or Aldo could do it. I like to think his sleeves are filled with props for visual gags. :P


I used Backtrack, Lucentia, and Lightwards (the three biggest complainers) for the comic "First World Problems," but you could probably do an entire comic focusing only on Lucentia and using the lyrics from the actual song for inspiration. :P 


You could probably also write an extensive essay comparing Lucentia to the vanillas, contending that her dissatisfaction—despite having the ability to conjure and control diamonds, allowing for healing and devastating offensive power—exemplifies a typical first world attitude of deliberate discontent in the face of overwhelming excess. Conclusion: Lucentia must be depowered posthaste and forced to live as a Newcago vanilla for one year. An impoverished Newcago vanilla. 


The ending would come across as didactic, now that I think about it….:P

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If we retcon Glamour to have a prime invincibility he could start playing it. :P


Or Aldo could do it. I like to think his sleeves are filled with props for visual gags. :P

Combined with the storage capacity of the Carlisles clothes the MoNA hasn't just got an ace up its sleeve it's also got some sand, a few pebbles, a few types of poison, some chairs, a tea set and a page from wikipedia about dinosaurs.

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Do you want me to go back and edit those posts? 

Meh, I don´t really care anymore. It´s just that we talked about it at the time, agreed that it didn´t really make sense and then no edits happend anyway. Agreeing on just letting stuff like this stay isn´t really a problem, they aren´t downright impossible even if they raise a few eyebrows, but the instance came more from forgetting/stopping to talk about it, which seems like a bad habit to start.

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Meh, I don´t really care anymore. It´s just that we talked about it at the time, agreed that it didn´t really make sense and then no edits happend anyway. Agreeing on just letting stuff like this stay isn´t really a problem, they aren´t downright impossible even if they raise a few eyebrows, but the instance came more from forgetting/stopping to talk about it, which seems like a bad habit to start.


So what do you want now? At the time, you said you liked the plan; then, when it went forward, it came out that, oh yeah, the diamonds are living so chainsaws wouldn't have worked. 

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So what do you want now? At the time, you said you liked the plan; then, when it went forward, it came out that, oh yeah, the diamonds are living so chainsaws wouldn't have worked. 

I´m not 100% sure what you mean with now, if you mean the Panda invasion than I want to make sure that leaving things as they are now is an actual decision, which I would have no problem with, and not people just kinda stopping to talk about it.

When we planned about the Funtimes Lucentia fight that was already after the chainsaw-wall moment. To be precise it was the part with Funtimes moving through the ground and unleashing her bird-machine-things, which by the way was a good moment.

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When it happens, link please. I don't want to miss this. :)


Will do. :) At the current rate things are going, it'll be tonight at 8 pm MST.

And that, kids, was how the Sanderson Elimination topic was annexed by Oregon.

Oregon conquers all! And, Alv brought that upon himself' choosing a steelheart game. :P He does read this though, so he understands it, which is why he let me write up Altermind's death.

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Will do. :) At the current rate things are going, it'll be tonight at 8 pm MST.

Oregon conquers all! And, Alv brought that upon himself' choosing a steelheart game. :P He does read this though, so he understands it, which is why he let me write up Altermind's death.

Altermind, one of the few individuals to get to die twice. :P


Yay, we have a fan! :D  Just don´t let him see the sitcom that would destroy our credebility. :P



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I´m not 100% sure what you mean with now, if you mean the Panda invasion than I want to make sure that leaving things as they are now is an actual decision, which I would have no problem with, and not people just kinda stopping to talk about it.

When we planned about the Funtimes Lucentia fight that was already after the chainsaw-wall moment. To be precise it was the part with Funtimes moving through the ground and unleashing her bird-machine-things, which by the way was a good moment.


What I meant was, do you want me to go back and figure out a different way through the living-diamond-wall thing (which I could do)? To be honest, I'm getting kind of weary of having it brought up again and again as an example of poor planning, so I wouldn't mind editing it. 

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What I meant was, do you want me to go back and figure out a different way through the living-diamond-wall thing (which I could do)? To be honest, I'm getting kind of weary of having it brought up again and again as an example of poor planning, so I wouldn't mind editing it. 

If you pin me down then yes I would prefer it being edited and would be thankful should you do so, I´m a perfectionist like that but can also promise you that I won´t bring it up again. Should you make the decision to edit it might be safer to ask Kobold first, given that he would also have to change his reaction post accordingly.

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If you pin me down then yes I would prefer it being edited and would be thankful should you do so, I´m a perfectionist like that but can also promise you that I won´t bring it up again. Should you make the decision to edit it might be safer to ask Kobold first, given that he would also have to change his reaction post accordingly.


All right then. Kobold, would you be all right with an edit? 

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All right then. Kobold, would you be all right with an edit? 


Sure thing. Just let me know when you've changed the post, and I'll follow it up with a re-write for mine.


In the meantime, how about we all enjoy the one thing that unifies us all--the desire to see Reader punched in the face?



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Sure thing. Just let me know when you've changed the post, and I'll follow it up with a re-write for mine.


In the meantime, how about we all enjoy the one thing that unifies us all--the desire to see Reader punched in the face?




Cool. Edge, would Funtimes cutting through the floor to yank her friends to safety work, or were the diamonds covering the floor, too? 


That comic. O.O 


Is it possible to give the Nobel Peace Prize to a fan-made webcomic starring ponies based on fanfic? I think it should be. :D

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Cool. Edge, would Funtimes cutting through the floor to yank her friends to safety work, or were the diamonds covering the floor, too? 


That comic. O.O 


Is it possible to give the Nobel Peace Prize to a fan-made webcomic starring ponies based on fanfic? I think it should be. :D

That would be perfectly fine from how I remembber the scene.


And I agree on that comic. Time for even more people to punch him. :P

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That would be perfectly fine from how I remembber the scene.


And I agree on that comic. Time for even more people to punch him. :P


Okay, so she cuts through the floor, goes through the crawlspace, cuts a hole to get where Nathan is, and "uses" him to teleport everyone else to the kitchen—sound all right? 


I think there's a line. A rather long line, if my guess is correct, and we'll need to go to the end. Some people, like Terry Bloom and Autumn Glass, have literally been waiting for years to punch him. 


Does The Dalles thread need a flashback scene of Remington punching Reader? I think it does. :P

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Cool. Edge, would Funtimes cutting through the floor to yank her friends to safety work, or were the diamonds covering the floor, too? 


That comic. O.O 


Is it possible to give the Nobel Peace Prize to a fan-made webcomic starring ponies based on fanfic? I think it should be. :D


The world is probably better served by people doing humanitarian work in Africa, but I appreciate the sentiment. :P:D


(Oddly enough, the idea for the third panel is what prompted me to do a comic in the first place... Remington' reaction was an organic extension of the core concept, though. :P)

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The world is probably better served by people doing humanitarian work in Africa, but I appreciate the sentiment. :P:D


(Oddly enough, the idea for the third panel is what prompted me to do a comic in the first place... Remington' reaction was an organic extension of the core concept, though. :P)




I wonder if it's possible to make the last panel my desktop wallpaper….:D:ph34r:

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Okay, so she cuts through the floor, goes through the crawlspace, cuts a hole to get where Nathan is, and "uses" him to teleport everyone else to the kitchen—sound all right? 


I think there's a line. A rather long line, if my guess is correct, and we'll need to go to the end. Some people, like Terry Bloom and Autumn Glass, have literally been waiting for years to punch him. 


Does The Dalles thread need a flashback scene of Remington punching Reader? I think it does. :P

Sounds like a plan.


I have a method to compensate, they simply get to claim multiple spots in the line.

The world is probably better served by people doing humanitarian work in Africa, but I appreciate the sentiment. :P:D


(Oddly enough, the idea for the third panel is what prompted me to do a comic in the first place... Remington' reaction was an organic extension of the core concept, though. :P)

Unless Africa turned into an Utopia, thanks to a very lucky mix of Epics that just so happend to take care of each other.


Are these Fan-fics ever coming up in the RP? :P

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Probably not, but anything's possible. :P


Lightwards X Lucentia: the couple that really deserves each other.


Out of curiosity, who does she ship herself with? I mean, if she's writing Mary Sue self-insert fanfics, she must be shipping herself with a canon character, right? Does she make herself half of a true power couple and ship herself with Remington? Does she go for the sweet, everyman balance to her phenomenal cosmic power and ship herself with Nathan? Does she take the nontraditional route and ship herself with Sam? Or does she create a truly terrifying combination and ship herself with Doctor Funtimes? :P


I'm picturing a judge pounding his gavel and saying "I sentence the two of you to lasting, lifelong matrimony, unable to be dissolved by any court of law. May God have mercy on your souls." :P

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Out of curiosity, who does she ship herself with? I mean, if she's writing Mary Sue self-insert fanfics, she must be shipping herself with a canon character, right? Does she make herself half of a true power couple and ship herself with Remington? Does she go for the sweet, everyman balance to her phenomenal cosmic power and ship herself with Nathan? Does she take the nontraditional route and ship herself with Sam? Or does she create a truly terrifying combination and ship herself with Doctor Funtimes? :P


I'm picturing a judge pounding his gavel and saying "I sentence the two of you to lasting, lifelong matrimony, unable to be dissolved by any court of law. May God have mercy on your souls." :P

As a Mary Sue proper author she´s of course going with the most realistic option. A harem, including even Voidgaze and people she doesn´t know yet, like big Al. ;)

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As a Mary Sue proper author she´s of course going with the most realistic option. A harem, including even Voidgaze and people she doesn´t know yet, like big Al. ;)


Well what other options are there? I mean, it'd be stingy to keep the awesome ship naming power of Revolution to a traditional monogamous relationship. :P


Though let' take a minute to consider how terrifying a Sunburst/Nathan/Funtimes love triangle would be, with Nathan as the troubled object of affection in the center.

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Well what other options are there? I mean, it'd be stingy to keep the awesome ship naming power of Revolution to a traditional monogamous relationship. :P


Though let' take a minute to consider how terrifying a Sunburst/Nathan/Funtimes love triangle would be, with Nathan as the troubled object of affection in the center.


Why don't we just ship her with everyone who catches her eye and call it Love Revolution? :P 


"Uh, Remington? Can I get your advice on something?" 

Remington frowned at Nathan. He seemed slightly nervous at the best of times, but at this moment he looked as though he were ten seconds from fleeing to the nearest bunker. "Shoot." 

"What would you do if—and this is just a random example—if you had two girls who both liked you? And let's say just for fun that one of them could turn your clothes to acid, and the other one could turn you to dust with a blinding flash of pure energy if you chose wrong?" 

Remington regarded him with a raised eyebrow. "So let me get this straight. You got two powerful Epics who both like you more than they should." 


"And you've got a date with both of them, probably tonight." 


He paused, mulling it over, before he returned to cleaning his rifle. "Seems to me the best thing to do there'd be to fake your own death. Flee the country. But don't," he added, shaking a finger in Nathan's face, "go anywhere some pretty lady Epic'll see you." He snorted. "If didn't know any better, I'd take you for an Epic." 

Nathan seemed slightly insulted. "Why?" 

"You got two pretty Epics who want you for their own. Gotta be a power or something."

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