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Well, he was meant for her, at any rate. Revolution has more romantic options than anyone else in the RP, for her name alone. :P

First world problems:

Reader: People keep breaking my cups!

Lucentia: People keep ruining my clothes!

Lightwards: People keep calling me a Leprechaun!

Revolution: People only love me for my name!

Oregonians: No that's ok guys, you keep complaining, we can put out this fire, rebuild our houses and kill Nighthound ourselves, we don't need any help or anything.

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Well, he was meant for her, at any rate. Revolution has more romantic options than anyone else in the RP, for her name alone. :P

What!? You mean Forest isn´t a completly realized character with his own justification to exsist. :blink: damnation, first the Dalles city guard and now him. Will there ever be a soldier to meet my expectations? :P

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Jingleberry/Night-Mare: Holy Night?


Then what is Jingleberry/Nighthound be O.o?



If we did an OTT with Backtrack, Jingleberry, and Mistwraith, would we have the Ghost of Christmas Past? :blink:



SO MUCH YES. And Timeport/Jingleberry/Wraith would be the Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come.

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Lucentia + Timeport = Diamonds are Forever

Lucentia+Strongsteel: Diamond is unbreakable.


Then what is Jingleberry/Nighthound be O.o?




SO MUCH YES. And Timeport/Jingleberry/Wraith would be the Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come.

The Unholy Night.


And Reader/Jingleberry/Mistwrath is the Ghost of christmas present.

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OH! OH! Nighthound/Quota: And then Nighthound Cried! 

Is acceptable as a prelude to a OTT ending with 'And then Nighthound and Quota Died'

O.o I forgot about Strongsteel.

Corpsemaker + Strongsteel = Die Hard.  B)

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As is Purple Phoenix x Purple Phoenix at some point if he dies enough to create a female personality.




Can't believe you gave me such a small number of upvotes to use on all this awesome. You suck, Quota. I'll make sure Funtimes is especially angry when she kills you. 

Edited by TwiLyghtSansSparkles
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