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Incredimazable? I think you spelled "insane" wrong.  :P

Case in point: "incredimazable" is now one of the words added to my phone's autocomplete.

But seriously, thank you. You're all incredimazable to roll with and add to the insanity.  :D


All of our Epic names (and a few ship names) are being steadily assimilated into my Kindle's dictionary. :P


This RP really has a wonderful playerbase. Together they make the RP dramatic but not overbearing, absurd but not completely ridiulous. "Incredimazible" is the one adjective I can think of that comes close to describing it. :D



Scientific Progress goes Boop?


Silly Joe. Belly button self-destruct buttons go "Boop." Everyone knows that. :P

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Clarification on Timeport's resurrection: He resurrects to the age he was when he got his powers (so 19) and resurrects in the same body, but is completely healed. So if he was, say, shot to death with a motorcycle, his body would remain dead for the 5 requisite minutes, then suddenly appear 5 feet away completely healed.

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Clarification on Timeport's resurrection: He resurrects to the age he was when he got his powers (so 19) and resurrects in the same body, but is completely healed. So if he was, say, shot to death with a motorcycle, his body would remain dead for the 5 requisite minutes, then suddenly appear 5 feet away completely healed.


Shot to death….with a motorcycle? As in, someone fires a motorcycle from a gun and it tears through his chest, killing him? 




I had no idea Funtimes and Aldo hated him enough to team up for that one. :P 

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Shot to death….with a motorcycle? As in, someone fires a motorcycle from a gun and it tears through his chest, killing him? 




I had no idea Funtimes and Aldo hated him enough to team up for that one. :P


I was more thinking of when Kyle burst into the airport on the motorcycle and killed him, but that works too ;)


Well, Timeport's a very hate-able person :P

Edited by mail-mi
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He is not a sympathetic or nice character, no. Although I am curious as to whether or not Funtimes and Aldo could pull that one off. :ph34r:


...I actually really want this to happen now. Can they pretty please shoot Timeport with a motorcycle?? :P


EDIT: and you'll see just how "not sympathetic or nice" Timeport is in his next post (spoiler alert: Mailliw and I are doing a compilation post :D)

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Kobold? Would shooting Timeport with a motorcycle be in character for Aldo? :D

I think if Funtimes insisted someone do something with a slightly stern expression then it's in character for pretty much anyone to do anything :P

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...I actually really want this to happen now. Can they pretty please shoot Timeport with a motorcycle?? :P


EDIT: and you'll see just how "not sympathetic or nice" Timeport is in his next post (spoiler alert: Mailliw and I are doing a compilation post :D)

There's a very special viewpoint in that post too. ;)

A question for those with a better understanding of physics than me: If Smasher fell from a very large height, while he was at maximum density, would he break any bones? What about break the ground/surface he lands on? Would he be able to preform a video game esque body slam where people near get thrown back by the force?

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There's a very special viewpoint in that post too. ;)

A question for those with a better understanding of physics than me: If Smasher fell from a very large height, while he was at maximum density, would he break any bones? What about break the ground/surface he lands on? Would he be able to preform a video game esque body slam where people near get thrown back by the force?

I'd have to know specifics to figure it out but I think that yes he would break bones to the same extent anyone else would, the increased resilience would be offset by having a higher terminal velocity, Depending on the surface he'd probably send up some cracks but no I don't think shockwaves are likely

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If he was dropped by, say, an Epic with wings from twentyish meters onto a group of soldiers on an asphalt street near a steel factory? Hypothetically, of course. And would it make a difference if he had a large metal shield held under him when he fell? Or what if he was the least dense he could be with the shield at maximum density?

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Well if he had virtually no density while falling so that the speed he reached wasn't massive then increased his density as he hit he could survive pretty much any fall, although then you wouldn't get the cool cracks and whatnot.
Having a shield under him would be more likely to project an outward force as he hit, the air under the shield being pushed out, although probably still not enough to knock people from their feet.
20m fall would only take about 2 seconds which is not enough to reach terminal velocity, I think he'd survive that without breaking anything whatever his density was, although I'd need to do some research to be sure, material science is not really my thing.

EDIT: Actually thinking about it, if he kept density at a constant he'd only be able to survive the same fall anyone else could, because the extra strength his bones gain is offset by the increased force of his landing being dependent upon his mass, if he vastly decreases his density just before he hits so that air resistance slows him significantly then he could survive any fall and if he knows he'll survive the fall he could increase his density to increase the shockwave/impact. So the ideal solution would be to fall as normal then a couple metres above the ground go virtually intangible so the air cushions the fall, then just as he hits the ground go full density to create the impact.

Edited by Voidus
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For some reason, 

 makes it very easy to picture Oregon Epics singing the verses—though I can't decide. Is Scar played by Nighthound, Koschei, or both? :P

I can picture it too. 0.o (though for every bit of terror the thought invokes, there's humor to be had in Oregon Epics mimicing the villains' choreography. :P)

I guess the question boils down to whether Nighthound or Koschei is more likely to strip down to a lion skin cape and smear himself with face paint. :P

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I can picture it too. 0.o (though for every bit of terror the thought invokes, there's humor to be had in Oregon Epics mimicing the villains' choreography. :P)

I guess the question boils down to whether Nighthound or Koschei is more likely to strip down to a lion skin cape and smear himself with face paint. :P




Depending on the reasoning involved, I can see either of them doing that. Nighthound would do it to creep Ray out. Koschei would do it if he thought it would make him look more fearsome. 


So….yeah, still a tie. :P 

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Depending on the reasoning involved, I can see either of them doing that. Nighthound would do it to creep Ray out. Koschei would do it if he thought it would make him look more fearsome. 


So….yeah, still a tie. :P

We could make it a triple tie--kill Lightwards a few times and he might do it. :P

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A vivid imagination can be a blessing and a curse. :P But hey, Lightwards' theme song is "Be Prepared" after all; he needs a shot at being Scar, no matter the costs to sanity and nearby retinas. :P

(Just so you know, I've watched that video three times now. I don't know what it is that makes it so awesome to me. The tune, the lyrics, the costumes, the strong message about being like Scar and reaching for your goals? Whatever it is, it's the best song I've heard all day and I'd try to recreate it with ponies if I had the time.)

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Who votes colored sunglasses become a Thing in The Dalles? :P

I can make that happen. :ph34r: mhmmmmmm


Actually, I think only Jag would be stuck. Hawkwing would die and reform probably not in the diamond, Smasher's forcefield could break the diamond, or he could go incorporeal and leave it. Metalmech would get his tank to blow him up and then heal himself.

I figured that Smasher would go intangible but how would forcefields help destroying solid matter? For Metalmech, that´s one way to get wout of the tank but it would turn him into so tiny bits that he could just be impriosioned again before healing enough to move.


Pretty much the best Backtrack can hope for at this point is that Reader's bullet gives him a cool scar. That, or he actually meets a woman who finds his patheticness somewhat attractive. :P


Aside from Saccharine, what other Yandere characters do we have?

Knowing him he might just confuse being turned into a not completely mistreated lackey and scoring a date.... mhmmmm :ph34r:


Voidgaze might join their rankes eventually and then there is Bloody Mary.

All of the Epics I make as Jokes seem to get claimed and introduced to the RP somehow, how the heck did Jingleberry get claimed?

I don´t even remember all my jokes that turned into canon... mhmmmm... Shiny Sparkle was only supposed to be a joke but three mhmmmms in a row, yeah if no one minds I think I´ll write up a profile for her and put her in the Dalles. ;) 


Clarification on Timeport's resurrection: He resurrects to the age he was when he got his powers (so 19) and resurrects in the same body, but is completely healed. So if he was, say, shot to death with a motorcycle, his body would remain dead for the 5 requisite minutes, then suddenly appear 5 feet away completely healed.

Healed includes rejuvenating then?


Well if he had virtually no density while falling so that the speed he reached wasn't massive then increased his density as he hit he could survive pretty much any fall, although then you wouldn't get the cool cracks and whatnot.

Having a shield under him would be more likely to project an outward force as he hit, the air under the shield being pushed out, although probably still not enough to knock people from their feet.

20m fall would only take about 2 seconds which is not enough to reach terminal velocity, I think he'd survive that without breaking anything whatever his density was, although I'd need to do some research to be sure, material science is not really my thing.

EDIT: Actually thinking about it, if he kept density at a constant he'd only be able to survive the same fall anyone else could, because the extra strength his bones gain is offset by the increased force of his landing being dependent upon his mass, if he vastly decreases his density just before he hits so that air resistance slows him significantly then he could survive any fall and if he knows he'll survive the fall he could increase his density to increase the shockwave/impact. So the ideal solution would be to fall as normal then a couple metres above the ground go virtually intangible so the air cushions the fall, then just as he hits the ground go full density to create the impact.

Are we back to using scientific density, instead of some magical firmness?

Anyway, still not sure if that would work. He can´t go completly intangible or the wind won´t stop him but also has to be very light for it to properly work. With density that low his body should be very fragile, so the air resitance might just rip him appart. Using the shield poses some problems as well, even assuming that it would not smash into his body, depending on the speed of the process, his low weight means the smales iregularity in the air would send it spinning around at random.




Depending on the reasoning involved, I can see either of them doing that. Nighthound would do it to creep Ray out. Koschei would do it if he thought it would make him look more fearsome. 


So….yeah, still a tie. :P

With the amount of clothing damages he takes he isn´t far away from not wearing a shirt anyway this might be the next logical step for him. :P

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Are we back to using scientific density, instead of some magical firmness?

Anyway, still not sure if that would work. He can´t go completly intangible or the wind won´t stop him but also has to be very light for it to properly work. With density that low his body should be very fragile, so the air resitance might just rip him appart. Using the shield poses some problems as well, even assuming that it would not smash into his body, depending on the speed of the process, his low weight means the smales iregularity in the air would send it spinning around at random.


With the amount of clothing damages he takes he isn´t far away from not wearing a shirt anyway this might be the next logical step for him. :P

It's not my call but I'd be inclined to call it tangibility rather than anything else, decreasing density can't  cause you to go intangible. My scientifizing of it (Which is now a word) would be that his power weakens or strengthens all of his body's/objects interactions with the rest of the universe, so not just physical mass but also electromagnetism, gravitation, etc. which would allow phasing although I'd have to think a lot about the consequences of a power like that.

You'd want to reduce your density (Or whatever we call it) to aboutthe point where the air around you is relatively as dense as water to a non-altered body, so yes it would be capable of pushing you around a bit but I think if you left it til late enough it wouldn't get that much of a chance. 

Do you ever think we overthink superpowers Edge?


Neither do I :P

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It's not my call but I'd be inclined to call it tangibility rather than anything else, decreasing density can't  cause you to go intangible. My scientifizing of it (Which is now a word) would be that his power weakens or strengthens all of his body's/objects interactions with the rest of the universe, so not just physical mass but also electromagnetism, gravitation, etc. which would allow phasing although I'd have to think a lot about the consequences of a power like that.

You'd want to reduce your density (Or whatever we call it) to aboutthe point where the air around you is relatively as dense as water to a non-altered body, so yes it would be capable of pushing you around a bit but I think if you left it til late enough it wouldn't get that much of a chance. 

Do you ever think we overthink superpowers Edge?


Neither do I :P

Yeah, I´m just asking because I though we already settled that density was a bad term and now your talking about it again. I kinda got the impression that only his "tangibility" got changed but as you say that´s not our call.


Isn´t landing into water after falling long enough still rather painful, especially if you aren´t in the right position? He could slowly change his density to avoid that on a longer fall but then his decent would also be rather slow, giving the ground time to react.


No not at all. It´s not like we wonder how he would be able to walk without being tangible enough to touch the ground after all. :P

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Yeah, I´m just asking because I though we already settled that density was a bad term and now your talking about it again. I kinda got the impression that only his "tangibility" got changed but as you say that´s not our call.


Isn´t landing into water after falling long enough still rather painful, especially if you aren´t in the right position? He could slowly change his density to avoid that on a longer fall but then his decent would also be rather slow, giving the ground time to react.


No not at all. It´s not like we wonder how he would be able to walk without being tangible enough to touch the ground after all. :P

It is painful, but still less painful than falling into concrete :P Yeah that's the problem, the extra strength wouldn't help offset the impact you'd need to introduce a braking force but then that slows the descent and makes him more obvious.

<Has frequently wondered that about ghosts and other intangibles, also talking, how can they talk without being tangible enough to move the air with their lungs? If someone shot Nightwielder in the lungs while he was mid-sentence would he die?

On the topic of Nightwielder something that's been bugging me since I read Steelheart and still don't know the answer to, if UV light pierces Nightwielders shadows then how in the name of Calamity did he keep the city shrouded in darkness? Shouldn't the sunlight have pierced the cover over the city as easily as the UV torches did?

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It is painful, but still less painful than falling into concrete :P Yeah that's the problem, the extra strength wouldn't help offset the impact you'd need to introduce a braking force but then that slows the descent and makes him more obvious.

<Has frequently wondered that about ghosts and other intangibles, also talking, how can they talk without being tangible enough to move the air with their lungs? If someone shot Nightwielder in the lungs while he was mid-sentence would he die?

On the topic of Nightwielder something that's been bugging me since I read Steelheart and still don't know the answer to, if UV light pierces Nightwielders shadows then how in the name of Calamity did he keep the city shrouded in darkness? Shouldn't the sunlight have pierced the cover over the city as easily as the UV torches did?

A short to medium fall emergency break it is then. ;) 


(What makes Nightwielders power easier to wrap my head around is that there is no attempt at a scientific explanation. Physical things just pass through him, end of process. Does it make sense? Maybe not but it isn´t really supposed to.)

Maybe his weakness only gets activated after a certain treshold is passed, he started his powers indoors and after that his clouds are some kind of magic UV-filter? Which makes me think, is there any mention to Newcagonians being very pale, because that would make David very easy to pick out in the sequel? Purely speculative of course.

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