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Are we back to using scientific density, instead of some magical firmness?

Anyway, still not sure if that would work. He can´t go completly intangible or the wind won´t stop him but also has to be very light for it to properly work. With density that low his body should be very fragile, so the air resitance might just rip him appart. Using the shield poses some problems as well, even assuming that it would not smash into his body, depending on the speed of the process, his low weight means the smales iregularity in the air would send it spinning around at random.


With the amount of clothing damages he takes he isn´t far away from not wearing a shirt anyway this might be the next logical step for him. :P

It's not my call but I'd be inclined to call it tangibility rather than anything else, decreasing density can't  cause you to go intangible. My scientifizing of it (Which is now a word) would be that his power weakens or strengthens all of his body's/objects interactions with the rest of the universe, so not just physical mass but also electromagnetism, gravitation, etc. which would allow phasing although I'd have to think a lot about the consequences of a power like that.

You'd want to reduce your density (Or whatever we call it) to aboutthe point where the air around you is relatively as dense as water to a non-altered body, so yes it would be capable of pushing you around a bit but I think if you left it til late enough it wouldn't get that much of a chance. 

Do you ever think we overthink superpowers Edge?


Neither do I :P

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It's not my call but I'd be inclined to call it tangibility rather than anything else, decreasing density can't  cause you to go intangible. My scientifizing of it (Which is now a word) would be that his power weakens or strengthens all of his body's/objects interactions with the rest of the universe, so not just physical mass but also electromagnetism, gravitation, etc. which would allow phasing although I'd have to think a lot about the consequences of a power like that.

You'd want to reduce your density (Or whatever we call it) to aboutthe point where the air around you is relatively as dense as water to a non-altered body, so yes it would be capable of pushing you around a bit but I think if you left it til late enough it wouldn't get that much of a chance. 

Do you ever think we overthink superpowers Edge?


Neither do I :P

Yeah, I´m just asking because I though we already settled that density was a bad term and now your talking about it again. I kinda got the impression that only his "tangibility" got changed but as you say that´s not our call.


Isn´t landing into water after falling long enough still rather painful, especially if you aren´t in the right position? He could slowly change his density to avoid that on a longer fall but then his decent would also be rather slow, giving the ground time to react.


No not at all. It´s not like we wonder how he would be able to walk without being tangible enough to touch the ground after all. :P

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Yeah, I´m just asking because I though we already settled that density was a bad term and now your talking about it again. I kinda got the impression that only his "tangibility" got changed but as you say that´s not our call.


Isn´t landing into water after falling long enough still rather painful, especially if you aren´t in the right position? He could slowly change his density to avoid that on a longer fall but then his decent would also be rather slow, giving the ground time to react.


No not at all. It´s not like we wonder how he would be able to walk without being tangible enough to touch the ground after all. :P

It is painful, but still less painful than falling into concrete :P Yeah that's the problem, the extra strength wouldn't help offset the impact you'd need to introduce a braking force but then that slows the descent and makes him more obvious.

<Has frequently wondered that about ghosts and other intangibles, also talking, how can they talk without being tangible enough to move the air with their lungs? If someone shot Nightwielder in the lungs while he was mid-sentence would he die?

On the topic of Nightwielder something that's been bugging me since I read Steelheart and still don't know the answer to, if UV light pierces Nightwielders shadows then how in the name of Calamity did he keep the city shrouded in darkness? Shouldn't the sunlight have pierced the cover over the city as easily as the UV torches did?

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It is painful, but still less painful than falling into concrete :P Yeah that's the problem, the extra strength wouldn't help offset the impact you'd need to introduce a braking force but then that slows the descent and makes him more obvious.

<Has frequently wondered that about ghosts and other intangibles, also talking, how can they talk without being tangible enough to move the air with their lungs? If someone shot Nightwielder in the lungs while he was mid-sentence would he die?

On the topic of Nightwielder something that's been bugging me since I read Steelheart and still don't know the answer to, if UV light pierces Nightwielders shadows then how in the name of Calamity did he keep the city shrouded in darkness? Shouldn't the sunlight have pierced the cover over the city as easily as the UV torches did?

A short to medium fall emergency break it is then. ;) 


(What makes Nightwielders power easier to wrap my head around is that there is no attempt at a scientific explanation. Physical things just pass through him, end of process. Does it make sense? Maybe not but it isn´t really supposed to.)

Maybe his weakness only gets activated after a certain treshold is passed, he started his powers indoors and after that his clouds are some kind of magic UV-filter? Which makes me think, is there any mention to Newcagonians being very pale, because that would make David very easy to pick out in the sequel? Purely speculative of course.

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A vivid imagination can be a blessing and a curse. :P But hey, Lightwards' theme song is "Be Prepared" after all; he needs a shot at being Scar, no matter the costs to sanity and nearby retinas. :P

(Just so you know, I've watched that video three times now. I don't know what it is that makes it so awesome to me. The tune, the lyrics, the costumes, the strong message about being like Scar and reaching for your goals? Whatever it is, it's the best song I've heard all day and I'd try to recreate it with ponies if I had the time.)



With the amount of clothing damages he takes he isn´t far away from not wearing a shirt anyway this might be the next logical step for him. :P


Must….resist….urge…to….ponify Nighthound, Lightwards, and Koschei with lion skin capes….not….resisting….well….


Seriously, if I didn't have somewhere to be this morning, you would all be treated to the three of them cosplaying as Scar. :P

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Must….resist….urge…to….ponify Nighthound, Lightwards, and Koschei with lion skin capes….not….resisting….well….


Seriously, if I didn't have somewhere to be this morning, you would all be treated to the three of them cosplaying as Scar. :P

PP: *Nudges Scar cape under bed with foot*

       "How ridiculous you all look!"  <_<

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Must….resist….urge…to….ponify Nighthound, Lightwards, and Koschei with lion skin capes….not….resisting….well….


Seriously, if I didn't have somewhere to be this morning, you would all be treated to the three of them cosplaying as Scar. :P

Who would count as more authentical, Nighthound with possesed lions or Lightwards with zomby lions?


I also just wondered, if Lightwards could resurect something around himself.

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Did any of you notice the Figment contest with Brandon. This is the writing prompt:


“If you were a super-villain, what would your one power be? And how would you use it to conquer the world?” – Tag it #BrandonSanderson.

Sadly, the word limit is 1000, so we can´t submit this RP. :P

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I also just wondered, if Lightwards could resurect something around himself.


Depends on what you mean by that.


If Lightwards were to wear an authentic lion skin cape, he could resurrect it as a healthy but mindless lion at any time. Any thread used in the apparel's sewing would break apart and be expelled from the body, and the skin would slide off of his body before fully reanimating. He would not end up inside of a living lion for his efforts.


Similarly, if he were to smear himself in whale fat and then tried to resurrect the whale, the fat would either slide off his body while reanimating, or he would be violently ejected from the vicinity of the resurrection (basically like bullets popping out of Wolverine's head when he heals.)



Did any of you notice the Figment contest with Brandon. This is the writing prompt:

Sadly, the word limit is 1000, so we can´t submit this RP. :P


I also see no indications that Steelheart fanfiction would be allowed, or else I'd be tempted to clean up and enter Lightwards' introduction post.  :ph34r:

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Depends on what you mean by that.

If Lightwards were to wear an authentic lion skin cape, he could resurrect it as a healthy but mindless lion at any time. Any thread used in the apparel's sewing would break apart and be expelled from the body, and the skin would slide off of his body before fully reanimating. He would not end up inside of a living lion for his efforts.

Similarly, if he were to smear himself in whale fat and then tried to resurrect the whale, the fat would either slide off his body while reanimating, or he would be violently ejected from the vicinity of the resurrection (basically like bullets popping out of Wolverine's head when he heals.)

I also see no indications that Steelheart fanfiction would be allowed, or else I'd be tempted to clean up and enter Lightwards' introduction post. :ph34r:

Shame. I was totally not looking forward to seeing him resurrect that dinosaur skin jacket and wind up eaten by it instead.

I mean...oh, how nice of Calamity to make sure her grumpiest child isn't murdered by his own powers. Very nice indeed.

That fun wrecker. :P

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Shame. I was totally not looking forward to seeing him resurrect that dinosaur skin jacket and wind up eaten by it instead.

I mean...oh, how nice of Calamity to make sure her grumpiest child isn't murdered by his own powers. Very nice indeed.

That fun wrecker. :P

I bet he could still end up inside it´s mouth. :ph34r:


I just realized something, given the potential relationship with MV, how old is Backtrack exactly?

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I just realized something, given the potential relationship with MV, how old is Backtrack exactly?


"And with the sound of crumpling paper and editing timelines, Kobold King realized his timeline for Backtrack was the murkiest, most undeveloped, and most nonsensical of them all..."


I've been thinking of him as 21 years old, but 16 is apparently the minimum age for working as a 7-Eleven employee. If he was at the minimum age in 2016 (the latest year I can imagine a 7-Eleven operating in the post-Calamity world), then he'd have to be 23 years old by the time this RP starts.


That would make him four years older than MV.

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"And with the sound of crumpling paper and editing timelines, Kobold King realized his timeline for Backtrack was the murkiest, most undeveloped, and most nonsensical of them all..."


I've been thinking of him as 21 years old, but 16 is apparently the minimum age for working as a 7-Eleven employee. If he was at the minimum age in 2016 (the latest year I can imagine a 7-Eleven operating in the post-Calamity world), then he'd have to be 23 years old by the time this RP starts.


That would make him four years older than MV.


That's not too bad, honestly. And MV is 19, so a relationship with a 23-year-old is neither out of the question nor incredibly creepy. (On its own—if he acts creepy, then their relationship would be creepy no matter how old she is.) But as things stand, that doesn't seem too implausible to me. 

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That's not too bad, honestly. And MV is 19, so a relationship with a 23-year-old is neither out of the question nor incredibly creepy. (On its own—if he acts creepy, then their relationship would be creepy no matter how old she is.) But as things stand, that doesn't seem too implausible to me. 


His more creepy tendencies are already getting smoothed out. He's having a particularly self-conscious day, and he'll hopefully have his more pressing character flaws eradicated once he eventually takes up permanent residence in The Dalles.


And on the bright side, he has the mindset of a whiny twelve year-old, so the age difference is hardly the most pressing obstacle for a MV/Backtrack relationship. :P

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"And with the sound of crumpling paper and editing timelines, Kobold King realized his timeline for Backtrack was the murkiest, most undeveloped, and most nonsensical of them all..."


I've been thinking of him as 21 years old, but 16 is apparently the minimum age for working as a 7-Eleven employee. If he was at the minimum age in 2016 (the latest year I can imagine a 7-Eleven operating in the post-Calamity world), then he'd have to be 23 years old by the time this RP starts.


That would make him four years older than MV.

The age diference is acceptable and if it makes you feel better I don´t have a set age for any of my characters, just their general age group. ;)


More worrying is that whole vision nonsense.


Here she is,

Epic Name: Shiny Sparkle


Normal Name: Liz Tanner


Primary Power: Sparkleplosion: Can cause solid matter to explode. Instead of the fireballs one might expect from random explosions they erupt in a shower of colorful sparkles, whose brightness can range from festival fireworks to an effective flashbang. Both force and shrapnel are existent and dependent on the object exploded. For example destroying someone’s clothes like this wouldn´t really harm them but probably manage to cause a moment of shock, an explosion from a rock would kill a person and glasses wouldn´t make a very strong explosion but the shrapnel would be very dangerous.

Size wise she can cause something about a bit larger than a head explode but there isn´t an actual cooldown for her ability. Should an object be larger than her effective size, she can explode a section of it.

Everything except living animals and humans can be affected. For clarification´s sake, she could for example explode someone´s tooth only after it was punched out but while it is still in their mouth.    

Line of sight or another means to pin down the exact location, such as touch, is required.


Secondary Power: Teleportation: Causes sparkling non-harmful explosions to appear along with her. She can take with her only about as much as she could carry herself, so one maybe two persons including clothes at most, when physical contact exists. Range is about 100 miles and cannot end in a solid object.


Tertiary Power: Shinyfication: The power to make every surface she touches shiny. The object still keeps its original color but the shine emitted from it will be a bright shade, even in the case of darker shades in the actual object. White is special, causing it to sparkle in all colors of the rainbow.


Appearance: Shiny Sparkle is a woman in her mid-twenties, has full red hair that goes down a bit longer than her shoulders and wears jeans combined with a white blouse underneath a light jacket, depending on mood clothes may or may not sparkle.

Furthermore, she wears sunglasses that have a bright green tint. Hidden behind her glasses are her eyes, who have turned prismatic, meaning that instead of a single color they are a swirl made up from all colors

Edited by Edgedancer
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The age diference is acceptable and if it makes you feel better I don´t have a set age for any of my characters, just their general age group. ;)

More worrying is that whole vision nonsense.

Here she is,

Epic Name: Shiny Sparkle

Normal Name: Liz Tanner

Primary Power: Sparkleplosion: Can cause solid matter to explode. Instead of the fireballs one might expect from random explosions they erupt in a shower of colorful sparkles, whose brightness can range from festival fireworks to an effective flashbang. Both force and shrapnel are existent and dependent on the object exploded. For example destroying someone’s clothes like this wouldn´t really harm them but probably manage to cause a moment of shock, an explosion from a rock would kill a person and glasses wouldn´t make a very strong explosion but the shrapnel would be very dangerous.

Size wise she can cause something about a bit larger than a head explode but there isn´t an actual cooldown for her ability. Should an object be larger than her effective size, she can explode a section of it.

Everything except living animals and humans can be affected. For clarification´s sake, she could for example explode someone´s tooth only after it was punched out but while it is still in their mouth.

Line of sight or another means to pin down the exact location, such as touch, is required.

Secondary Power: Teleportation: Causes sparkling non-harmful explosions to appear along with her. She can take with her only about as much as she could carry herself, so one maybe two persons including clothes at most, when physical contact exists. Range is about 100 miles and cannot end in a solid object.

Tertiary Power: Shinyfication: The power to make every surface she touches shiny. The object still keeps its original color but the shine emitted from it will be a bright shade, even in the case of darker shades in the actual ogject. White is special, causing it to sparkle in all colors of the rainbow.

Appearance: Shiny Sparkle is a woman in her mid-twenties, has full red hair that goes down a bit longer than her shoulders and wears jeans combined with a white blouse underneath a light jacket, depending on mood clothes may or may not sparkle.

Furthermore, she wears sunglasses that have a bright green tint. Hidden behind her glasses are her eyes, who have turned prismatic, meaning that instead of a single color they are a swirl made up from all colors

I think Funtimes has a new bestie. ;) Unless, of course, they decide to fight each other in the shiniest, sparkliest battle ever. :P

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I think Funtimes has a new bestie. ;) Unless, of course, they decide to fight each other in the shiniest, sparkliest battle ever. :P

She only likes her for her sparkles. It´s almost as bad as Revolution and her name. :P (Her personality probably isn´t going to be as bubbly as her powers might imply.)

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She only likes her for her sparkles. It´s almost as bad as Revolution and her name. :P (Her personality probably isn´t going to be as bubbly as her powers might imply.)

Yes, but imagine the sparklies! The shinies! When Lightwards sees it, he'll be so horrified that he'll have a massive coronary and just decide not to come back! Together, Funtimes and ShinySparkle could destroy evil. :P

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Yeah, I´m just asking because I though we already settled that density was a bad term and now your talking about it again. I kinda got the impression that only his "tangibility" got changed but as you say that´s not our call.


Isn´t landing into water after falling long enough still rather painful, especially if you aren´t in the right position? He could slowly change his density to avoid that on a longer fall but then his decent would also be rather slow, giving the ground time to react.


No not at all. It´s not like we wonder how he would be able to walk without being tangible enough to touch the ground after all. :P

I've just used density because that was the word used on that original wiki page I based the powers off of. It's kinda like closeness of atoms, I my mind. Something like that. Do you two, Voidus and Edgedancer, have any ideas of how Smasher could do what I suggested? I really just want Hawkwing to drop him into a crowd of soldiers, smashing them all. :P

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I've just used density because that was the word used on that original wiki page I based the powers off of. It's kinda like closeness of atoms, I my mind. Something like that. Do you two, Voidus and Edgedancer, have any ideas of how Smasher could do what I suggested? I really just want Hawkwing to drop him into a crowd of soldiers, smashing them all. :P

Hmm, well there are workarounds to increase his compressive strength more than his mass increases, if it were just the closeness of the atoms I think that would work, although that would also shrink him a bit and then his weight wouldn't be any different so he'd not get the shockwave.

I think Edge and I were agreed that if he lowered his density first to slow his fall he'd be able to survive and if he vastly increased his density/tangibility just as he hit he'd still get a bit of a shockwave.

An alternative would be to just increase the density of say his skeleton which is about 15% of the body's mass to maximum and leave the rest of his body (Except for whichever parts actually make contact with the ground, he'd need to increase those too to avoid massive bruises), he'd then be able to survive a fall roughly 6x higher than an ordinary person (Assuming the skeleton was increased to the point where the rest of body mass is negligible comparatively) He'd then still produce a shockwave although only 1/6th of the size as if his whole body had gone dense, still depending how dense he can get it should still be enough.

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Continuation of Do you want to be a panda?

Do you want to be a panda?

Or maybe a flying pig?

We'll go conquer the Da-a-lles, just you and me

Cover'd in black and whiiiiiiite!

You used to be a human, but now you're not.

You are controlled by me!

Do you want to be a panda?

It doesn't have to be a panda.

Edited by mail-mi
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Continuation of Do you want to be a panda?

Do you want to be a panda?

Or maybe a flying pig?

We'll go conquer the Da-a-lles, just you and me

Cover'd in black and whiiiiiiite!

You used to be a human, but now you're not.

You are controlled by me!

Do you want to be a panda?

It doesn't have to be a panda.

Go away, Panda!

Okay, die.

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Continuation of Do you want to be a panda?

Do you want to be a panda?

Or maybe a flying pig?

We'll go conquer the Da-a-lles, just you and me

Cover'd in black and whiiiiiiite!

You used to be a human, but now you're not.

You are controlled by me!

Do you want to be a panda?

It doesn't have to be a panda.

Go away, Panda!

Okay, die.


This needs to be an entire song parody. Then I can start a collection of "Do You Wanna Build a Snowman" parodies based on WHIO, coupling it with "Do You Wanna Conquer Portland." :D


Unrelated, but if Lightsong the Bold were a pony, what would his cutie mark be?  :huh: I'm thinking either 


Colored balls in a juggling pattern, a red panther, or a ship. Depends on whether or not Returned ponies get new cutie marks after death.

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This needs to be an entire song parody. Then I can start a collection of "Do You Wanna Build a Snowman" parodies based on WHIO, coupling it with "Do You Wanna Conquer Portland." :D


Unrelated, but if Lightsong the Bold were a pony, what would his cutie mark be?  :huh: I'm thinking either 


Colored balls in a juggling pattern, a red panther, or a ship. Depends on whether or not Returned ponies get new cutie marks after death.


We could have an assortment, with "Do you want to be a panda," "Do you want to be my Warrior," "Do you want to be my nighthound" "Do you want to hear your secrets," "Do you want to kill some children," among others. 

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