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This needs to be an entire song parody. Then I can start a collection of "Do You Wanna Build a Snowman" parodies based on WHIO, coupling it with "Do You Wanna Conquer Portland." :D

Unrelated, but if Lightsong the Bold were a pony, what would his cutie mark be? :huh: I'm thinking either

Colored balls in a juggling pattern, a red panther, or a ship. Depends on whether or not Returned ponies get new cutie marks after death.

It makes sense that they would. I vote the ship, since it also seems sensible that a Returned pony's new cutie mark would have something to do with what they Returned from. Kind of goes along with the notion that keeping them from learning about their former lives only holds them back from being everything they Returned to be. That's more my personal headcanon, though.

Edit: mail-mi, what about "Do You Want to Have a Party"?

Edited by TwiLyghtSansSparkles
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It makes sense that they would. I vote the ship, since it also seems sensible that a Returned pony's new cutie mark would have something to do with what they Returned from. Kind of goes along with the notion that keeping them from learning about their former lives only holds them back from being everything they Returned to be. That's more my personal headcanon, though.

Edit: mail-mi, what about "Do You Want to Have a Party"?



Ah, how could I forget. Also, "Do you want to drink some coffee?" and "Do you want to take a test?"

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It makes sense that they would. I vote the ship, since it also seems sensible that a Returned pony's new cutie mark would have something to do with what they Returned from. Kind of goes along with the notion that keeping them from learning about their former lives only holds them back from being everything they Returned to be. That's more my personal headcanon, though.

Edit: mail-mi, what about "Do You Want to Have a Party"?


Ooh, I like that idea a lot. It certainly seems to make sense--the idea of hiding their past lives away seems only to serve the Hallandren need for deities. I wonder what an organization dedicated to finding Returned, telling them about their past lives, and helping them to do what they Returned to do would be like.


I actually had a Vasher pony on my computer at some point (with a badchull cutie mark in the shape of a black sword.) I'll try to find it tomorrow; hopefully it wasn't on my old computer and I won't have to recreate it.



"Do you wanna share this whiskey?

Well that's too bad because it's mine..."

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​Do you want to throw a party?

Save the guy you're gonna kill?

Fortuity: Wait, what?


He looks like so much fun

And I'm not the only one

Who doesn't want to read his will...

Fortuity: Go back to that last part.


You're a boring meanieface

​And you make me want to sigh….

I'll just be so freaking random

That you want to cry

Nathan: I'll join your party!

Funtimes (hugging Nathan)

Okay, bye!

Ooh, I like that idea a lot. It certainly seems to make sense--the idea of hiding their past lives away seems only to serve the Hallandren need for deities. I wonder what an organization dedicated to finding Returned, telling them about their past lives, and helping them to do what they Returned to do would be like.

I actually had a Vasher pony on my computer at some point (with a badchull cutie mark in the shape of a black sword.) I'll try to find it tomorrow; hopefully it wasn't on my old computer and I won't have to recreate it.

"Do you wanna share this whiskey?
Well that's too bad because it's mine..."

I kind of hope that's what Vasher and Vivenna will do in the sequel. :D

Edited by TwiLyghtSansSparkles
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​Do you want to throw a party? 

Save the guy you're gonna kill? 


Fortuity: Wait, what? 



He looks like so much fun 

And I'm not the only one 

Who doesn't want to read his will...



Fortuity: Go back to that last part. 



You're a boring meanieface 

​And you make me want to sigh….

I'll just be so freaking random

That you want to cry


Nathan: I'll join your party! 


Funtimes (hugging Nathan) 

Okay, bye!





I kind of hope that's what Vasher and Vivenna will do in the sequel. :D




Do you want to hear your secrets?

Come sit and have some wine.

I'll tell them to everyone

that comes, for fun.

Your secrets will be mine! 


I used to work for Koschei,

and now, he's dead.

Springfield can tell you why! 


Do you want to hear your secrets?

They don't have to be your secrets.



Go away, Reader.



I'll never say bye!

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You guys didn´t even reach the next page. :huh:

I've just used density because that was the word used on that original wiki page I based the powers off of. It's kinda like closeness of atoms, I my mind. Something like that. Do you two, Voidus and Edgedancer, have any ideas of how Smasher could do what I suggested? I really just want Hawkwing to drop him into a crowd of soldiers, smashing them all. :P

Does his weight/mass actually change?

Edited by Edgedancer
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My thoughts exactly.

People learned making someone feel guilty from cats, just like earthbenders learned from badgermoles.


Do you think someone could see that there is something in the sky over the Dalles from the other side of the river?

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So long as it's in a cloud of sparkles, I'm good. :P


(I may or may not like shiny things almost as much as Funtimes.) 

Actually I´m thinking happy festival fireworks right now. ;)


(Why, that sounds as if there are people that don´t love shinies. :P )

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Actually I´m thinking happy festival fireworks right now. ;)


(Why, that sounds as if there are people that don´t love shinies. :P )


Me gusta. :P 


(I was going to say that evil people don't like shinies, but Lucentia's entire power is conjuring and controlling shinies, while even Lightwards seems to like them deep down. And then there's the fact that canon Epics, like Fortuity, wore as many shiny rings as possible, and Steelheart's energy blasts were also shiny. So….yeah, it seems like just about everyone, secretly or openly, likes shinies. ;)

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Me gusta. :P


(I was going to say that evil people don't like shinies, but Lucentia's entire power is conjuring and controlling shinies, while even Lightwards seems to like them deep down. And then there's the fact that canon Epics, like Fortuity, wore as many shiny rings as possible, and Steelheart's energy blasts were also shiny. So….yeah, it seems like just about everyone, secretly or openly, likes shinies. ;)

Shinies rule supreme! :P


An idea that just grazed my mind is that Shiny Sparkle is the perfect solution to Backtrack´s "insane panda invasion is keeping me from visiting a Doctor" problem.

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Shinies rule supreme! :P

An idea that just grazed my mind is that Shiny Sparkle is the perfect solution to Backtrack´s "insane panda invasion is keeping me from visiting a Doctor" problem.

But...but when he gets to the doctor, he'll realize Koschei is dead, and it's kind of fun watching him squirm.

Yes, he does need a doctor badly. How could she solve the problem?

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But...but when he gets to the doctor, he'll realize Koschei is dead, and it's kind of fun watching him squirm.

Yes, he does need a doctor badly. How could she solve the problem?

(Well, she might have heard of Koschei but not of his death, so she can torture him a bit until then.)


Teleportation combined with Autumn´s directions and some arial surveilance.... just realized that would mean leaving the twins alone for at least a moment.

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(Well, she might have heard of Koschei but not of his death, so she can torture him a bit until then.)

Teleportation combined with Autumn´s directions and some arial surveilance.... just realized that would mean leaving the twins alone for at least a moment.

(So that's a yes on "We're taking him to the healer." "Oh. THAT guy. Sucks to be you." :P)

If Arsenal says yes on sending the twins to assist, it won't be too much of a problem.

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(So that's a yes on "We're taking him to the healer." "Oh. THAT guy. Sucks to be you." :P)

If Arsenal says yes on sending the twins to assist, it won't be too much of a problem.

(Pretty much, yes. ;) )


Should I wait until everyone involved gives their okay or just leave it open whether or not she meets someone on the ground?

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And it is done, with lots of sparkles. Bonus points for everyone guessing why I mentioned nail polish. :ph34r:

So she can make it sparkle if she wants? I could see someone with her powers using sparklefied nails as an effective distraction, holding her hands up to the sun and using them like little mirrors to temporarily blind an opponent.

That, or she just likes color and is a perfectionist when it comes to her appearance.

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Me gusta. :P


(I was going to say that evil people don't like shinies, but Lucentia's entire power is conjuring and controlling shinies, while even Lightwards seems to like them deep down. And then there's the fact that canon Epics, like Fortuity, wore as many shiny rings as possible, and Steelheart's energy blasts were also shiny. So….yeah, it seems like just about everyone, secretly or openly, likes shinies. ;)


Nightwielder. Nightwielder doesn't like shinies. :P



I like Ms. Sparkle so far (no not that one.) Is she from The Dalles, or has she just arrived in the city? Also, do I need to do a Backtrack post soon?

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Nightwielder. Nightwielder doesn't like shinies. :P

I like Ms. Sparkle so far (no not that one.) Is she from The Dalles, or has she just arrived in the city? Also, do I need to do a Backtrack post soon?

Considering he worked for one dictator with shiny powers and a coworker who could both create shinies and

resurrect in a burst of shiny shininess

his tolerance of shinies keeps him from Complete Monster status. :P Then again, since even Koschei wore shinies, I'm not sure it means much.

Mostly we just need a reply from Arsenal.

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You guys didn´t even reach the next page. :huh:

Does his weight/mass actually change?


I can't decide. I think his weight would, but it wouldn't be so heavy that he couldn't move.


Hmm, well there are workarounds to increase his compressive strength more than his mass increases, if it were just the closeness of the atoms I think that would work, although that would also shrink him a bit and then his weight wouldn't be any different so he'd not get the shockwave.

I think Edge and I were agreed that if he lowered his density first to slow his fall he'd be able to survive and if he vastly increased his density/tangibility just as he hit he'd still get a bit of a shockwave.

An alternative would be to just increase the density of say his skeleton which is about 15% of the body's mass to maximum and leave the rest of his body (Except for whichever parts actually make contact with the ground, he'd need to increase those too to avoid massive bruises), he'd then be able to survive a fall roughly 6x higher than an ordinary person (Assuming the skeleton was increased to the point where the rest of body mass is negligible comparatively) He'd then still produce a shockwave although only 1/6th of the size as if his whole body had gone dense, still depending how dense he can get it should still be enough.


I like that skeleton idea. Only Smasher isn't really very smart in science things, so there wouldn't be this whole explanation, just that his skeleton was increased, but the rest of his body wasn't. Except for whichever parts of his body hit the ground. So, with the shield idea, it'd be him falling from Hawkwing's flight and used the shield held underneath him to help break the fall, he'd increase his skeleton all the way and leave the rest of himself normal. Correct?

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Mostly we just need a reply from Arsenal.


All right-y. I'll figure out a reply and get something written when I can. I hope to be able to post in The Dalles and Portland this weekend. (Maybe before then. I'd really like to post before then.)


Changed my profile picture, by the way. Might change it back, if I get tired of my own pony face smiling smugly at me from the screen. :P

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