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Actually, what´s your opinion for having Shyiny Sparkle landing close by to Autumn&co and Arsenal giving out the okay for the twins to join the fight?

Fine with me, it'll be a pretty large scale use of their powers so it'd move their ultimate corruption forwards a bit.

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I´m not doing this because it´s fun but I think I should mention a couple points.


The extraction was almost perfect, with Lieutenant Porkchop and his squadron and his squadron of flying porkers arriving on the second, and the Shadow Pandas were air-lifted away in a basket. Back at the Bunker, a man with a fedora slipped quietly out of the compound. It had been a long and tiring day for him, but it had yet to finish.

Reapeated words also the pigs group flying in there we can talk about but landing and flying away again is even worse.



His task had turned out far simpler than he had thought. Earlier today, an acquaintance of his had jammed the devices of the Guards of The Dalles.

I have to call on this three ways at once. 1)No way in Damnation that no one would notice such a sabotage, even if someone managed to pull this off.

2)The communication of the Dalles has already been shown to work perfectly.

3)The plan still collapses as soon as one scout meets someone before making it towards headquarters and tells them in person, for example at one of the outposts... furthermore wouldn´t Vincent remember what he was suppossed to be doing the moment Informant left the tower and thus stopped using his powers on him?

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Since I have some extra time on my hands, I thought I'd give you a meeting nobody asked for: The Panda and Slaughterhouse. 


Slaughterhouse stepped back, admiring his handiwork with a grin. "Dragonfly wings," he said admiringly. "Can't believe I didn't think of that before." 


The vanilla whimpered as a stiff breeze sent pain fluttering through the gossamer wings. 


"Ah, quit your whining," Slaughterhouse said. "You sound like that Backtrack guy." 


As the vanilla tried and failed to contain another whimper, a furry mass of black and white ambled toward them, gnawing contentedly on a piece of bamboo. Before Slaughterhouse could blink, the panda had a hand stretched out toward his newest creation. Skin bubbled, fur sprouted, another cry of pain tore from his lips—


And a panda fluttered its delicate wings. 


"What the—dude! That was mine!" 


The panda polished off his bamboo.


"You don't do that! You can't just come up and turn my art into a sparking panda!" 


"Just did." The panda ambled over to a gagged woman and, with a touch of his paw, transformed her into a panda. 


"Stop that!" 


The panda reached out a paw toward Slaughterhouse. "Care to join them?" 




"Do you want to be a panda?" There was a faint singsong note in the panda's voice. "Wear some fur of black and white?" 


Slaughterhouse backed away, not daring to take his eye off the panda bear. "You've got a problem."


"Do you want to be a panda?"


Slaughterhouse did something he hadn't done since before Calamity: He turned tail and ran.

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Since I have some extra time on my hands, I thought I'd give you a meeting nobody asked for: The Panda and Slaughterhouse. 


Slaughterhouse stepped back, admiring his handiwork with a grin. "Dragonfly wings," he said admiringly. "Can't believe I didn't think of that before." 


The vanilla whimpered as a stiff breeze sent pain fluttering through the gossamer wings. 


"Ah, quit your whining," Slaughterhouse said. "You sound like that Backtrack guy." 


As the vanilla tried and failed to contain another whimper, a furry mass of black and white ambled toward them, gnawing contentedly on a piece of bamboo. Before Slaughterhouse could blink, the panda had a hand stretched out toward his newest creation. Skin bubbled, fur sprouted, another cry of pain tore from his lips—


And a panda fluttered its delicate wings. 


"What the—dude! That was mine!" 


The panda polished off his bamboo.


"You don't do that! You can't just come up and turn my art into a sparking panda!" 


"Just did." The panda ambled over to a gagged woman and, with a touch of his paw, transformed her into a panda. 


"Stop that!" 


The panda reached out a paw toward Slaughterhouse. "Care to join them?" 




"Do you want to be a panda?" There was a faint singsong note in the panda's voice. "Wear some fur of black and white?" 


Slaughterhouse backed away, not daring to take his eye off the panda bear. "You've got a problem."


"Do you want to be a panda?"


Slaughterhouse did something he hadn't done since before Calamity: He turned tail and ran.

It´s saying a lot if you are, when contrasted with Slaughterhouse, the more insane guy. Naturally, neither of them is Kars but only few people reach the level of body manipulation that is Kars.

Still, it´s kind of impressive that Backtrack´s whining has gotten memetic enough for Slaughterhouse to know of it. Maybe it became a lot more famous after Lightwards punished him after returning from the Dalles with little useful information and losing two Epics for the Empire... he´ll need something to balance that out, won´t he?

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It´s saying a lot if you are, when contrasted with Slaughterhouse, the more insane guy. Naturally, neither of them is Kars but only few people reach the level of body manipulation that is Kars.

Still, it´s kind of impressive that Backtrack´s whining has gotten memetic enough for Slaughterhouse to know of it. Maybe it became a lot more famous after Lightwards punished him after returning from the Dalles with little useful information and losing two Epics for the Empire... he´ll need something to balance that out, won´t he?


Well, Backtrack was from San Francisco, while Calamityville was taken from Northern California. I like to think that as Backtrack traveled from town to town, attempting to survive by doing errands for more powerful Epics, he whined about it so much that the powerful Epics who hired him whined about it to their friends, who told their friends, allowing word to eventually make it to Slaughterhouse. By this point, Backtrack's whining wasn't just memetic; it was legendary. :P

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Well, Backtrack was from San Francisco, while Calamityville was taken from Northern California. I like to think that as Backtrack traveled from town to town, attempting to survive by doing errands for more powerful Epics, he whined about it so much that the powerful Epics who hired him whined about it to their friends, who told their friends, allowing word to eventually make it to Slaughterhouse. By this point, Backtrack's whining wasn't just memetic; it was legendary.  :P

...Does that mean the true reason for the reality bubble around Calamityville is that they don´t want to deal with Backtrack´s whinning. :huh:

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...Does that mean the true reason for the reality bubble around Calamityville is that they don´t want to deal with Backtrack´s whinning. :huh:


Yep. That whole "You aren't allowed to escape because you are my subjects and I control your existence" thing was just a lie to keep the masses in check. Had they known their queen actually trapped them in a pocket universe to shield herself from Backtrack's whining, they would have assumed whining to be her weakness, and before long Calamityville would be nothing more than one gigantic whine-fest. ;) 

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Yep. That whole "You aren't allowed to escape because you are my subjects and I control your existence" thing was just a lie to keep the masses in check. Had they known their queen actually trapped them in a pocket universe to shield herself from Backtrack's whining, they would have assumed whining to be her weakness, and before long Calamityville would be nothing more than one gigantic whine-fest. ;)

Just imagine the tragedies to happen should they have decided to bring in Lucentia as a secret weapon. :unsure:

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….I…I like to think Lucentia was shipped with Backtrack and they were too busy whining about their budding romance to be enlisted by Calamityville. :o

Updated the shipping chart with whinefest. (The amount of shipping we have might just reach critical mass :ph34r:)

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Updated the shipping chart with whinefest. (The amount of shipping we have might just reach critical mass :ph34r:)


"This is such a perfect restaurant. Why did you have to pick a perfect restaurant, Backtrack dear?" 

"Why do you have to sip your wine so gracefully?" 

"Why do you have to be so cute when you're complimenting me?" 


(Many of those cells are sadly empty. And we haven't even added crack ship fuel like Mister Hamsterface and Lightwards' hat to the chart yet. Though I'm now starting to wonder what a Calamity/Lightwards' hat ship would be called….:ph34r::P

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"This is such a perfect restaurant. Why did you have to pick a perfect restaurant, Backtrack dear?" 

"Why do you have to sip your wine so gracefully?" 

"Why do you have to be so cute when you're complimenting me?" 


(Many of those cells are sadly empty. And we haven't even added crack ship fuel like Mister Hamsterface and Lightwards' hat to the chart yet. Though I'm now starting to wonder what a Calamity/Lightwards' hat ship would be called…. :ph34r::P

The conversation ended with "Why do you bleed so much when I stab you?"


(The mind of evil.)

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"This is such a perfect restaurant. Why did you have to pick a perfect restaurant, Backtrack dear?" 

"Why do you have to sip your wine so gracefully?" 

"Why do you have to be so cute when you're complimenting me?" 


(Many of those cells are sadly empty. And we haven't even added crack ship fuel like Mister Hamsterface and Lightwards' hat to the chart yet. Though I'm now starting to wonder what a Calamity/Lightwards' hat ship would be called…. :ph34r::P


Calamity/Timeport has to have a better ship name than the ones I'm thinking about right now :P

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The conversation ended with "Why do you bleed so much when I stab you?"


(The mind of evil.)


On the upside, the world was soon rid of at least one whiner. :P



Calamity/Timeport has to have a better ship name than the ones I'm thinking about right now :P


TimeStar? Mayor of Creepytown? :P


Edit: We need to ship Nighthound with a character who likes pasta so we can call it Creepypasta. :P 

Edited by TwiLyghtSansSparkles
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On the upside, the world was soon rid of at least one whiner. :P




TimeStar? Mayor of Creepytown? :P


Edit: We need to ship Nighthound with a character who likes pasta so we can call it Creepypasta. :P

 TimeStar Worship?

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I´m not doing this because it´s fun but I think I should mention a couple points.


Reapeated words also the pigs group flying in there we can talk about but landing and flying away again is even worse.


I have to call on this three ways at once. 1)No way in Damnation that no one would notice such a sabotage, even if someone managed to pull this off.

2)The communication of the Dalles has already been shown to work perfectly.

3)The plan still collapses as soon as one scout meets someone before making it towards headquarters and tells them in person, for example at one of the outposts... furthermore wouldn´t Vincent remember what he was suppossed to be doing the moment Informant left the tower and thus stopped using his powers on him?


Plot holes and mistakes seem to dog my writing at every step and turn...  <_<


Fixed the repeated word.


1) I'm not going to bother explaining this. My mentality is wearing thin, and coming up with solutions will tear a hole.


2) See above.


3) Informant doesn't have a range. All he needs is for you to see him, and you're within his abilities, and since Informant had taken a merry stroll around the guard barracks and the wall, every guard was within his power. Informant was using the telescope to make sure the guards would forget before they ran into someone.



Since I have some extra time on my hands, I thought I'd give you a meeting nobody asked for: The Panda and Slaughterhouse. 


Slaughterhouse stepped back, admiring his handiwork with a grin. "Dragonfly wings," he said admiringly. "Can't believe I didn't think of that before." 


The vanilla whimpered as a stiff breeze sent pain fluttering through the gossamer wings. 


"Ah, quit your whining," Slaughterhouse said. "You sound like that Backtrack guy." 


As the vanilla tried and failed to contain another whimper, a furry mass of black and white ambled toward them, gnawing contentedly on a piece of bamboo. Before Slaughterhouse could blink, the panda had a hand stretched out toward his newest creation. Skin bubbled, fur sprouted, another cry of pain tore from his lips—


And a panda fluttered its delicate wings. 


"What the—dude! That was mine!" 


The panda polished off his bamboo.


"You don't do that! You can't just come up and turn my art into a sparking panda!" 


"Just did." The panda ambled over to a gagged woman and, with a touch of his paw, transformed her into a panda. 


"Stop that!" 


The panda reached out a paw toward Slaughterhouse. "Care to join them?" 




"Do you want to be a panda?" There was a faint singsong note in the panda's voice. "Wear some fur of black and white?" 


Slaughterhouse backed away, not daring to take his eye off the panda bear. "You've got a problem."


"Do you want to be a panda?"


Slaughterhouse did something he hadn't done since before Calamity: He turned tail and ran.


(Applause)  :D

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Plot holes and mistakes seem to dog my writing at every step and turn...  <_<


Fixed the repeated word.


1) I'm not going to bother explaining this. My mentality is wearing thin, and coming up with solutions will tear a hole.


2) See above.



No offense, but the communications problem especially is kind of a big hole, so I think that at least should be addressed. Maybe only a few radios were jammed, or the pandas used some sort of wibbly-wobbly technology we don't have in the present to broadcast a false signal? Maybe one of the pandas is an Epic illusionist and made the guards whose radios were jammed think they were working perfectly? Actually, an illusionist panda could potentially solve a lot of the plot hole and continuity problems with that post. 

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No offense, but the communications problem especially is kind of a big hole, so I think that at least should be addressed. Maybe only a few radios were jammed, or the pandas used some sort of wibbly-wobbly technology we don't have in the present to broadcast a false signal? Maybe one of the pandas is an Epic illusionist and made the guards whose radios were jammed think they were working perfectly? Actually, an illusionist panda could potentially solve a lot of the plot hole and continuity problems with that post.

I wish to solemnly suggest that the panda illusionist be called "The Bamboozler."

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