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(That made me laugh maybe harder than I should have. :D) I would like to read about the Nyssan Gazelle-People, though. Maybe you could make an entire species the main character somehow? :P


I totally understand. Really. When you just don't feel like doing anything at all, except maybe eating ice cream, which doesn't taste the same…seriously, I've been there. :( I don't know what to say except that it'll get easier. 


And, if we must, we can always put Lightwards on a bus. By which I mean Saccharine can make some knockout darts and Funtimes can tie Lightwards hand and foot and toss him onto a bus. Probably one driven by BusDriver. :P


In the meantime, please enjoy this ponified Susan Gillespie. 



There wasn't the exact hairdo I wanted (I've always pictured her with curly hair, but not the stylized sort of curls this creator has) but I think this captures her pretty well.


Whitelaw is giving me fits, though. 


I've actually seen some awesome science fiction focused around a species as a whole. I might actually play with that idea, since the Nyssans are my current worldbuilding project.


That is an awesome Gillepony. :) Now I just need to figure out how to ponify a Gazelle-Person...


You have such an amazing journey ahead of you. :D


But if you get the chance, go back and watch the best of 9 and 10. Most of Nine's episodes are good, but "The Empty Child/ The Doctor Dances" are a definite must-see. As for Ten, definitely watch "New Earth," "The Girl in the Fireplace," "Army of Ghosts/ Doomsday," "Smith and Jones," the "Utopia" cycle, "Fires of Pompeii," "Silence in the Library/ Forest of the Dead," and "Journey's End."


Oh, who am I kidding. Just go back to Season 1 and watch every single episode except "Love and Monsters." DO NOT watch "Love and Monsters." Whatever you do. DO NOT WATCH IT. 


Let me give you an idea of what I'm saving you from. 


Take the stupidest thing you can think of. 

Multiply it by six. 

Add a bejeweled loincloth. 

You heard me—a bejeweled loincloth

Just skip "Love and Monsters," all right? You'll thank me for this one day. 


Doctor Who's an amazing program. You're in for a treat, mail-mi.


I concur with TwiLyght's episode recommendations, and would like to add "Blink" and "Human Nature / The Family of Blood." Scratch that, just watch the whole series, it's amazing. :)


Oh. "Love and Monsters." It says a lot about the episode that the main antagonist was the creation of a small child who won a contest. While I've seen some amazing things come out of a child's imagination, the villain of "Love and Monsters" really feels like a contest winner. :/

Edited by Kobold King
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Oh. "Love and Monsters." It says a lot about the episode that the main antagonist was the creation of a small child who won a contest. While I've seen some amazing things come out of a child's imagination, the villain of "Love and Monsters" really feels like a contest winner. :/

That explains a lot.


I'm keeping my pony!

Thanks! :D Wouldn't a Gazelle-Person already be, by definition, ponified? :blink:

I knew I forgot some awesome episodes on there. :/ Yeah, just watch the whole series. :P

Don't watch it! Please! Don't watch it!

Depends, are they Gazelles of higher inteligence or antropomorphic people with antlers? Anyway, there are antler options in the creator.

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I'm keeping my pony!

Thanks! :D Wouldn't a Gazelle-Person already be, by definition, ponified? :blink:

I knew I forgot some awesome episodes on there. :/ Yeah, just watch the whole series. :P

Don't watch it! Please! Don't watch it!


Actually, no. You see, ponies belong to the horse family, which in turn is part of the larger order Perissodactyla, or the odd-toed ungulates. Gazelles, however, are a part of Artiodactyla, the even-toed ungulates. There are a number of radical morphological dissimilarities between ponies and gazelles, beginning with the number of toes that make up their respective hoof structures...




Ahem. Sorry, you awakened the armchair zoologist that lives in my head. :P


The worst part is that "Love and Monsters," like "Daleks in Manhattan," was founded upon an intriguing premise that simply went in the wrong direction. 

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Kobold, a question that kind of went under: Could Backtrack show other people his own past by using his power and what would he need to make up for the fact that he´s most likely going to lose two Epics (the Twins) for the empire?


Whoops, sorry.


Backtrack can see the past of any location provided he's physically present in said location. When he's in The Dalles he sees The Dalles' history; when he's in Portland he sees Portland's history. In this respect he's quite similar to the camera in Legion.


His secondary power is gaining an innate sense of where people have been throughout their lives, but only if he meets them face-to-face. When he met Lightwards, he was able to sense that he'd lived much of his life in Sacramento; when he saw Remington, he was able to tell that he'd lived in The Dalles.


The first power can be shared with anyone he touches, allowing them to see the past of a location. The secondary power can not be shared, and even if it could, his personal history power is far more abstract.


In short, no. In order to show Lightwards What Happened in The Dalles, he'd have to first transport Lightwards to the city. He has to be physically present in a location in order to see said location's history.

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Whoops, sorry.


Backtrack can see the past of any location provided he's physically present in said location. When he's in The Dalles he sees The Dalles' history; when he's in Portland he sees Portland's history. In this respect he's quite similar to the camera in Legion.


His secondary power is gaining an innate sense of where people have been throughout their lives, but only if he meets them face-to-face. When he met Lightwards, he was able to sense that he'd lived much of his life in Sacramento; when he saw Remington, he was able to tell that he'd lived in The Dalles.


The first power can be shared with anyone he touches, allowing them to see the past of a location. The secondary power can not be shared, and even if it could, his personal history power is far more abstract.


In short, no. In order to show Lightwards What Happened in The Dalles, he'd have to first transport Lightwards to the city. He has to be physically present in a location in order to see said location's history.

I see, so what you are saying is that Funtimes has to "borrow" Backtrack for a trip to the Dalles, if she wants to see the flying pigs and shiny explosions.

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I see, so what you are saying is that Funtimes has to "borrow" Backtrack for a trip to the Dalles, if she wants to see the flying pigs and shiny explosions.

If she hears about that, Backtrack will definitely be "borrowed" for a sudden "vacation." Though I'm kind of worried as to how Vondra would react to a colorfully dressed Epic standing in the middle of the street, hands on Backtrack's shoulders, laughing as she sees the flying pigs and shiny explosions. :P

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If she hears about that, Backtrack will definitely be "borrowed" for a sudden "vacation." Though I'm kind of worried as to how Vondra would react to a colorfully dressed Epic standing in the middle of the street, hands on Backtrack's shoulders, laughing as she sees the flying pigs and shiny explosions. :P

I don´t know what his reacton would be, given that he wasn´t on screen yet but I would facepalm, not only because the whiny guy is back but also because it seems that the Dalles is now the new hangout for sparkling teleporters.

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Here in the US, Thanksgiving is coming up. With that in mind, my pastor preached about grumbling. How it steals our joy, puts the focus on ourselves instead of others, and makes us forget the blessings we do have.

I seriously could not stop thinking about Lucentia.


We totally need a non-canon Thanksgiving special where Lucentia makes up with her brother and learns to be grateful for her lot in life. :P

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Here in the US, Thanksgiving is coming up. With that in mind, my pastor preached about grumbling. How it steals our joy, puts the focus on ourselves instead of others, and makes us forget the blessings we do have.

I seriously could not stop thinking about Lucentia.

Good think your pastor isn´t Koschei. Maybe Autumn could deliver that preach.


We totally need a non-canon Thanksgiving special where Lucentia makes up with her brother and learns to be grateful for her lot in life. :P

Yes, making up with her brother....... I will run away now. :ph34r:

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We totally need a non-canon Thanksgiving special where Lucentia makes up with her brother and learns to be grateful for her lot in life. :P

Maybe one where Funtimes and Backtrack pull a Ghost of Christmas Past and show her scenes from the vanillas' lives, reminding her of just how good she's got it? :P

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Maybe one where Funtimes and Backtrack pull a Ghost of Christmas Past and show her scenes from the vanillas' lives, reminding her of just how good she's got it? :P


It's debatable how cooperative Backtrack might be in this endeavor.


"And to your left you'll see the defining moment that tore the Trattner family apart. But you haven't seen anything yet! Look to your right and you'll see me asking Charlotte Taylor out on a date in high school. Do you see that? She totally blew me off! OH THE HUMANITY!!"

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Maybe one where Funtimes and Backtrack pull a Ghost of Christmas Past and show her scenes from the vanillas' lives, reminding her of just how good she's got it? :P

I wonder how that would go...

*Sam´s father getting killed* Just because you show me this doesn´t mean I´ll start liking you.

*Nathan and other servers being misstreated* That was awful, no one should get such a bad service on christmas.

*Koschei tormenting people* The worst about this is that I know that dreamy guy is already dead.


The thing with Lucentia is this, even if you get her to like you 80% of the times you´re screwed anyway.

Edited by Edgedancer
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It's debatable how cooperative Backtrack might be in this endeavor.

"And to your left you'll see the defining moment that tore the Trattner family apart. But you haven't seen anything yet! Look to your right and you'll see me asking Charlotte Taylor out on a date in high school. Do you see that? She totally blew me off! OH THE HUMANITY!!"

A little of that would make Funtimes smack him upside the head. A moderate amount would make her break out the duct tape. There's no telling what a lot would do. :ph34r:

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AAAH! CHANGE! TOO MUCH CHANGE! The pictures are all different!!!

Oh well. :P


Yup, that's the idea. I think the skeleton thing is simple enough that you don't need to be too science minded to at least try it out so should still be in character. :) Maybe reference getting some bruises from the early times he tried it when he forgot to reinforce the skin that made contact too? Combined with the shield this should produce a decent shockwave too.

I think there'd be a bit of muscle stiffness after any particularly large falls like this, but it wouldn't do any lasting damage, it'd actually probably be the equivalent of a decent workout all over his body so he'd get pretty strong if he did this regularly enough.


Okay, thanks! I'll be using that in Smasher's post. :)

I'm working on an amazing combined Chi/Timeport post with Mailliw, then I'll be writing a Miner post that introduces Ironmonger to the Dalles, so sorry if I'm holding things up :-/ just let it be known that the hold up will be worth it ;)


Yes, you should be excited for that combined post. It's pretty awesome, if I do say so myself. ;) hopefully it should be done in the next day or two.

You didn´t know that until now... I feel sorry for you.

...I didn't know that either...

Sorry I've been busy this weekend and haven't had much time. And what with Thanksgiving coming up, I don't know how much time I'll have to post this week. Monday and Tuesday, I should be able to get on, but after Wednesday, don't expect much, if anything from me until Sunday.

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I wonder how that would go...

*Sam´s father getting killed* Just because you show me this doesn´t mean I´ll start liking you.

*Nathan and other servers being misstreated* That was awful, no one should get such a bad service on christmas.

*Koschei tormenting people* The worst about this is that I know that dreamy guy is already dead.

The thing with Lucentia is this, even if you get her to like you 80% of the times you´re screwed anyway.

The worst part there is that Nathan and the others were trained to give excellent service, no matter how many bruises they had. Lucentia wouldn't have an excuse to complain unless she was offended by the time Nathan had his foot broken and had to spend the rest of his shift in the infirmary. Which she would. She totally would.

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I don´t know what his reacton would be, given that he wasn´t on screen yet but I would facepalm, not only because the whiny guy is back but also because it seems that the Dalles is now the new hangout for sparkling teleporters.

One does not simply out-sparkle Doctor Funtimes.

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A little of that would make Funtimes smack him upside the head. A moderate amount would make her break out the duct tape. There's no telling what a lot would do. :ph34r:


It will be interesting to see how Funtimes reacts to Backtrack, since the two have never officially met. Would she see him as a potential friend, trying to gather him into her party? Or would she brush him off as simply one of Lightwards' lackeys?


Perhaps most importantly--would Funtimes admire his sunglasses? :P

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It will be interesting to see how Funtimes reacts to Backtrack, since the two have never officially met. Would she see him as a potential friend, trying to gather him into her party? Or would she brush him off as simply one of Lightwards' lackeys?


Perhaps most importantly--would Funtimes admire his sunglasses? :P



Your. Hat. Is. Amazing! —Doctor Funtimes, upon seeing the longest, wildest, most impressive beard ever wearing a purple bowler hat 


She would definitely admire Backtrack's sunglasses. :P 


After that favorable first impression, her reaction to him would depend upon how he reacted to her—and, most importantly, her vanillas. If he was friendly, or at least not outwardly hostile, toward them, she would be willing to give him an invite to her party. If he treated them rudely, she would ignore him, shooting him a glare now and then until he apologized. If he mentioned something about going to The Dalles in an attempt to give Lightwards the means to control Remington, she could very well turn his sunglasses into something unpleasant and offer to change them back only when he said he wasn't with Lightwards anymore, he didn't like it much in The Dalles because that Koschei guy was a freak and he hated looking into his mind, what kind of a guy slits a toddler's throat, anyway, all of a sudden he liked that redneck a whole lot more and he would've tossed a coin into the fountain around Remington's statue but he didn't have any money on him because he got chased out of the museum by that Nighthound guy, and speaking of freaks….


So her reaction to Backtrack would depend upon just how sniveling repentant he was. :P 

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