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Timeport, I'm pretty sure God isn't that...um...creepy. Seriously.

Chi, would you like to hold my pugs? You look like you could use a pug hug.

I loved the compilation post. :D


We told you it would be awesome :D

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Mollie doesn't want Chimera to be sad. :)e111c73e02e434d8c6858ef503b0395b.jpg


She says Chimera will be much happier if he feeds her beef jerky. 


She's, uh, kind of self-serving. But she's cute!

He thinks she'll be happier if she ha a poofy, furry tail and floppy rabbit ears. What do you say?

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He thinks she'll be happier if she ha a poofy, furry tail and floppy rabbit ears. What do you say?

Mollie would prefer flight, or some sort of levitation ability, so she can reach food on the counter. And if he could throw in something that lets her open the fridge, that'd be great.

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Mollie says yes, but I say no. I like pugs; Eldritch abominations, not so much. ;):P

Chi needs something to replace Kyrie. A cute little flying pug sounds perfect. ;)

To make sure I'm clear, Joe is next in Attica and Kobold's up in the meeting, correct?

Edited by Mailliw73
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Pardon my interruption of what will certainly turn into a cascade of terrible puns and jokes, but I've finished my Profiles for the Bamboozler and Energy Diffusi. 


The Bamboozler


Appearance: The Bamboozler has been pandafied.


Primary Power: Bamboozling.


The Bamboozler fills someone's mind with bamboos. The affected person can only comprehend, think, taste, feel and see piles upon piles of bamboos. Occasionally, a Panda can be seen in the mass of bamboos. The Bamboozler can "Bamboozle" someone that is within 10 metres of him, and has heard, seen, felt, tasted or smelt him before (in short, someone that has made contact with him through the five senses. Contact through electronics such as phones doesn't work). The Bamboozling can last for a minute at the longest. The Bamboozling can Bamboozle anyone within 10 metres of him. People who have been Bamboozled will be disorientated after the Bamboozling, and will have partial amnesia and may even be in shock. The Bamboozler can still perform actions mid-Bamboozling.


Secondary Power: Prime Invincibility


Invincible, except for his weakness.


Energy Diffusi


Appearance: Energy Diffusi has been pandafied. He's also a member of the Shadow Pandas.


Primary Power: Energy Diffusi


Energy Diffusi can, as his name suggests, Diffuse energy that's being transmitted. For example, if a bullet is fired at him, Energy Diffusi can diffuse the kinectic and thermal energy in the bullet, rendering the bullet harmless. Energy Diffusi can even create patches of shadow and darkness by diffusing the energy in light.


Energy Diffusi's power is limited to a certain area. This area, measures 30 cubic metres, although this areas of influence isn't a cube-shaped area, can be altered in shape (for example, it can be stretched out). Energy Diffusi can focus on up to as many objects as he can comprehend in that area.


The energy that is diffused is generally diffused into the air, although it can be transmitted into select objects if Energy Diffusi wishes so.


Secondary Power: None


Feedback on my characters would be appreciated. Thanks!.  :D


I´m not sure, if the Bamboozler fits the role he was pitched for. Namely, covering for the lack of communication in a specific area. Not only is the 10 meter range way to short a distance but the potential trauma would make it more likely for them to draw attention in a unpredictable way.


Could Energy Diffusi stop someone from walking?

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I like the Bamboozler and Energy Diffusi!

And yes, I am still working on that post. It'll be up as soon as I can manage,which shouldn't be too much longer. * crosses fingers *

I am considering hosting an epic (haha puns) rap battle between Susan Gillespie and Lightwards as a very random characterization exercise.

Good idea or terrible idea?

I would characterize this as a terrifically awesome idea. :D

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I like the Bamboozler and Energy Diffusi!

And yes, I am still working on that post. It'll be up as soon as I can manage,which shouldn't be too much longer. * crosses fingers *

I would characterize this as a terrifically awesome idea. :D


Can't wait! :D 


Then it shall be written. And ponified. Can't have a proper rap battle without ponies. :ph34r:


Also, Remington/Architect shipping is now known as House Hunters. :P

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Wait, we're allowed to use Chibi's as our profile picture? I thought we had to use Ponies.

I need to go find all my old Chibi's.

Ponies are at the top of the hierarchy, but are by no means the only thing allowed. If you want to continue having a ruler of the forum as your profile pic, keep the pony. :P

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Wait, we're allowed to use Chibi's as our profile picture? I thought we had to use Ponies.

I need to go find all my old Chibi's.


Ponies are the undisputed "Most Awesome" type of profile picture, but we're tolerant enough to accept chibis and the like. :P


I am the best at finding hidden messages, since I have the OCD-habit of highlighting text as I read it.

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Ponies are the undisputed "Most Awesome" type of profile picture, but we're tolerant enough to accept chibis and the like. :P

I am the best at finding hidden messages, since I have the OCD-habit of highlighting text as I read it.

Lightwards is back in the saddle, folks! Because I love you, I suggest you run. :P

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