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I think Backtrack is in love. (Just how many ships will this wimp get. :P)


Backtrack/Trixie... an unconventional ship, that's for sure. :P



Quick question, Kobold: How long has Lightwards had Claudius? (I think it was mentioned in one of the Question threads before, but I'm not sure which one or when. :unsure:)


I seem to remember answering this question too... which is bad, because I can't remember precisely how I answered.  :wacko:


If I recall correctly, then Claudius has been with him since he left Sacramento in around 2016. He's currently the oldest Warrior he has.

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Backtrack/Trixie... an unconventional ship, that's for sure. :P




I seem to remember answering this question too... which is bad, because I can't remember precisely how I answered.  :wacko:


If I recall correctly, then Claudius has been with him since he left Sacramento in around 2016. He's currently the oldest Warrior he has.


Oh, jeez. Can you imagine how annoying they would be as a couple, with her bragging and his whining? 


All right, cool. Just ensuring the general background information I have is accurate. :ph34r:

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Just got back from seeing Mockingjay: Part 1. 


"The Hanging Tree" fits surprisingly—almost disturbingly—well with the Reckonersverse. :blink:


And it's also one of the most beautifully haunting songs I've ever heard. 


I haven't seen the movie--or read the series past the first book, for that matter. But I'll be keeping an eye on YouTube to see if the song gets released on its own.



So what's everyone been up to lately?


General work and business; nothing interesting. Been reading up on Australia, (very) basic philosophy, and the life cycles of walruses and other Arctic critters.

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Mostly just editing my latest school project, due Sunday; stressing about my next two projects; and wondering what the heck I'm going to do next in my WIP. 



Publish it? :P



Playing Minecraft and Running a MAG Campaign.

Ah Minecraft, I'd join you but then I'd wake up on Thursday wondering what the heck happened over the last week :P



I haven't seen the movie--or read the series past the first book, for that matter. But I'll be keeping an eye on YouTube to see if the song gets released on its own.




General work and business; nothing interesting. Been reading up on Australia, (very) basic philosophy, and the life cycles of walruses and other Arctic critters.

Woo Australia! XD What kind of philosophy? Just basic argumentation or a specific type?

I've just been sitting at home bored mostly, trying to get Dragon Age Inquisition to work on something and mentally composing violent emails to Bioware.

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Woo Australia! XD What kind of philosophy? Just basic argumentation or a specific type?

I've just been sitting at home bored mostly, trying to get Dragon Age Inquisition to work on something and mentally composing violent emails to Bioware.


It's a travel book called In a Sunburned Country. I have no idea how accurate or inaccurate it might be. :P


Um... yes? :P It's a book called Sophie's World, and I'm not that far into it so far. It's cool so far, though.

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It's a travel book called In a Sunburned Country. I have no idea how accurate or inaccurate it might be. :P


Um... yes? :P It's a book called Sophie's World, and I'm not that far into it so far. It's cool so far, though.

Does it mention that we all ride around inside Kangaroos? If it doesn't mention the riding Kangaroos it's not a proper guide :P

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I think it mentioned that in the chapter on platypus-jousting.

You can all keep your horses, we choose to ride on the back of possibly the weirdest creature on the earth, a cross between a mammal, reptile and fish. :P

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I haven't seen the movie--or read the series past the first book, for that matter. But I'll be keeping an eye on YouTube to see if the song gets released on its own.


It's not a perfect series by any stretch, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't cry at least once during each book and movie. Here is the song. 


Publish it? :P


Well—yes, but first I have to write and title it. :P 

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It's not a perfect series by any stretch, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't cry at least once during each book and movie. Here is the song. 



Well—yes, but first I have to write and title it. :P


I liked The Hunger Games. The first-person present tense writing style bugged me at first, but I ended up enjoying it more than I thought I would.


Cool. I'll listen to it once I get my headset out.


"Gillespie the Super-Spy"? Doesn't matter if she isn't actually a spy. I think the rhyme is good enough to ignore technicalities like that. :P

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Playing Minecraft and Running a MAG Campaign.


Ah, Minecraft. Fun times.


Key in the following command on your chat. Remember to have cheats enabled:


/summon Fireball ~ ~1 ~ {ExplosionPower:100,direction: [0.0,0.0,0.0]}


Hit the resulting fireball at anything that's not the sky or water.




Disclaimer: Lightsworn Panda is not responsible for the detruction or immolation of structures caused by the above command.


It's a travel book called In a Sunburned Country. I have no idea how accurate or inaccurate it might be. :P


Um... yes? :P It's a book called Sophie's World, and I'm not that far into it so far. It's cool so far, though.


Sunburned is quite an apt name for Australia. To give you an idea of how sunbaked we are, I once left a piece of bread outside in the sun in the middle of summer. I came back 10 minutes later, only to find a perfectly good piece of toast. 


We also have temperatures of around 45 degrees Celsius, or 113 degrees Fahrenheit. Makes you wonder why a Panda is living in such conditions.

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I liked The Hunger Games. The first-person present tense writing style bugged me at first, but I ended up enjoying it more than I thought I would.


Cool. I'll listen to it once I get my headset out.


"Gillespie the Super-Spy"? Doesn't matter if she isn't actually a spy. I think the rhyme is good enough to ignore technicalities like that. :P


I liked the way Collins sort of deconstructed a revolution while playing it straight—she showed how the war brought down an oppressive dictatorship that needed to topple, yet also showed the personal cost of becoming the symbol of a revolution. 


Is she more of the Tony Mendez type of spy, or more the James Bond type? Because if she's more the James Bond type, then I'll have no choice but to add Funtimes to the story somehow. There is no other way to give Whitelaw metal teeth or a lethal bowler hat with this world's technology. :P


I have been toying with the idea of having her go full superhero, though. Not to clean up the crime in Spokane, but just to get the people's attention. 






Sunburned is quite an apt name for Australia. To give you an idea of how sunbaked we are, I once left a piece of bread outside in the sun in the middle of summer. I came back 10 minutes later, only to find a perfectly good piece of toast. 



I'll have to try the toast thing here. 115 degree summers aren't unusual. It's less than a month from Christmas, and it was 81 degrees today.  <_< I can't wait to get my degree and move somewhere with snow. 

Edited by TwiLyghtSansSparkles
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Sunburned is quite an apt name for Australia. To give you an idea of how sunbaked we are, I once left a piece of bread outside in the sun in the middle of summer. I came back 10 minutes later, only to find a perfectly good piece of toast. 


We also have temperatures of around 45 degrees Celsius, or 113 degrees Fahrenheit. Makes you wonder why a Panda is living in such conditions.


I've never been there, but from what I've heard Australia seems a bit... inhospitable.  :mellow: If you don't mind me prying into your personal habitat, are venomous creatures like spiders or snakes a problem where you live?



I liked the way Collins sort of deconstructed a revolution while playing it straight—she showed how the war brought down an oppressive dictatorship that needed to topple, yet also showed the personal cost of becoming the symbol of a revolution. 


Is she more of the Tony Mendez type of spy, or more the James Bond type? Because if she's more the James Bond type, then I'll have no choice but to add Funtimes to the story somehow. There is no other way to give Whitelaw metal teeth or a lethal bowler hat with this world's technology. :P


I have been toying with the idea of having her go full superhero, though. Not to clean up the crime in Spokane, but just to get the people's attention. 


Hmm. Maybe I should read the rest of the books. (If nothing else, it would give me an excuse to speculate how Oregon characters would fare against one another in the Hunger Games. :P)


I think either would be cool, though I'm perhaps biased towards Funtimes. I don't think there's a story in the world that couldn't benefit from Funtimes' introduction. 


That's a neat idea. What are Susan Gillespie's powers again? I believe the behind-the-scenes interview with the writer said that her power was a form of precognition, but I'd have to search for it to be sure...

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Hmm. Maybe I should read the rest of the books. (If nothing else, it would give me an excuse to speculate how Oregon characters would fare against one another in the Hunger Games. :P)

I think either would be cool, though I'm perhaps biased towards Funtimes. I don't think there's a story in the world that couldn't benefit from Funtimes' introduction.

That's a neat idea. What are Susan Gillespie's powers again? I believe the behind-the-scenes interview with the writer said that her power was a form of precognition, but I'd have to search for it to be sure...

Not a single one would be reaped. Lucentia would complain, Funtimes would turn her name into a piece of candy, and Lightwards would shoot Effie in the chest and order her to reap Funtimes vanillas instead. Funtimes and Lightwards would have their very own two-person Hunger Games right there while Lucentia complained and Purple Phoenix had his fourteenth existential crisis. :P

Even Lord of the Rings?

"Saurman, you poopieface! Stop killing all the awesome tree people or I'll turn your robe into a toilet!"

"A what?"

"Too late."

Or Narnia?

"Whaddya mean, this eternal winter sucks? I just made hot cocoa and turned all the snow in the driveway into cheeseburgers!"

Or Batman?


I'm not sure the world is ready to see Funtimes meet the Joker. :o

She can see multiple potential futures. She's blind to her own, but she could use an opponent as a mirror to determine when to duck or when to shoot. So if she got into a duel with, say, Nighthound, she could look at his futures and determine when he was going to carry out his more devastating attacks and when would be the best time to beat him with a crowbar. (Answer: immediately.) However, she prefers to use them for long-range strategy.

I'm considering adding a Dragon who is also a precog, though. Like I said, I'm not entirely sure where I'm going next. :mellow:

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I've never been there, but from what I've heard Australia seems a bit... inhospitable.  :mellow: If you don't mind me prying into your personal habitat, are venomous creatures like spiders or snakes a problem where you live?

Only when you don't know how to cook them ;)

They're way less of a problem than you'd think, I'd be way more worried in the US, here be it a drought, flood, snake or spider at least you can see it coming. I'm not sure how I'd cope knowing that at any moment the earth could decide to shift a few metres and crush my house.

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I'm not sure the world is ready to see Funtimes meet the Joker. :o

She can see multiple potential futures. She's blind to her own, but she could use an opponent as a mirror to determine when to duck or when to shoot. So if she got into a duel with, say, Nighthound, she could look at his futures and determine when he was going to carry out his more devastating attacks and when would be the best time to beat him with a crowbar. (Answer: immediately.) However, she prefers to use them for long-range strategy.

I'm considering adding a Dragon who is also a precog, though. Like I said, I'm not entirely sure where I'm going next. :mellow:


I think she'd be horrified at his atrocities at her best... Harley Quinn's rival for his attentions at her darkest.  :blink:


Gotcha. That is a pretty awesome power, and I like that she prefers using her abilities strategically instead of charging into battle with them like a Hollywood action hero.


You said that, and for a moment I actually had the mental image of a dragon that sees the future and fights superheroes. (An awesomeness for another story, perhaps? :P) Having Susan face another precog could definitely be a neat scenario though.



Only when you don't know how to cook them ;)

They're way less of a problem than you'd think, I'd be way more worried in the US, here be it a drought, flood, snake or spider at least you can see it coming. I'm not sure how I'd cope knowing that at any moment the earth could decide to shift a few metres and crush my house.


I've lived in several states and have never experienced an earthquake. I've never lived on the West Coast though. (Or been there for that matter.)

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Only when you don't know how to cook them ;)

They're way less of a problem than you'd think, I'd be way more worried in the US, here be it a drought, flood, snake or spider at least you can see it coming. I'm not sure how I'd cope knowing that at any moment the earth could decide to shift a few metres and crush my house.


It's not that bad, honestly. The only time I ever experienced a natural disaster was when I was much younger and my family lived in North Carolina the year Hurricane Fran hit. We lived at the top of a hill, so there wasn't really any flooding in our house. Our yard was a wreck, and I remember the ground was so wet your feet went skeersh every time you took a step on anything that wasn't concrete, but we made it through unscathed. Mostly, it was a lot of raining, and a lot of wind during the night. 


Even living on the West Coast, there's not a lot of excitement. Then again, I've never lived in California, nor do I plan to, so I've stayed away from most of the earthquakes. 


I think she'd be horrified at his atrocities at her best... Harley Quinn's rival for his attentions at her darkest.  :blink:


Gotcha. That is a pretty awesome power, and I like that she prefers using her abilities strategically instead of charging into battle with them like a Hollywood action hero.


You said that, and for a moment I actually had the mental image of a dragon that sees the future and fights superheroes. (An awesomeness for another story, perhaps? :P) Having Susan face another precog could definitely be a neat scenario though.



I'd much rather think about her befriending Batman. :P 


Thanks. :D I wanted to try writing a different kind of superhero, with the same sort of power that would make her combat capable. Just to see what other sorts of applications there are for powers like that. (Hopefully, I can come up with something more exciting than "visualizing the synergy of our company's assets and stockholders for long-term synergizationitizing." :mellow:


Earthbound fiction doesn't give a lot of opportunities for massive reptilian foes. (Unless, of course, you're in an RP with Lightwards. :P) The more I think about it, the more I like the idea of having her face another precog. Not Whitelaw—I'm thinking he's more the evil advisor type. Maybe make him the Master to Susan's Doctor. 

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Is she more of the Tony Mendez type of spy, or more the James Bond type? Because if she's more the James Bond type, then I'll have no choice but to add Funtimes to the story somehow. There is no other way to give Whitelaw metal teeth or a lethal bowler hat with this world's technology. :P


I have been toying with the idea of having her go full superhero, though. Not to clean up the crime in Spokane, but just to get the people's attention.

How about the Rico Rodriguez school of spies. You know the one´s with the car surfing that get around with an infinite supply of parachutes and grappling hooks.


Sounds like an effective PR action.

She can see multiple potential futures. She's blind to her own, but she could use an opponent as a mirror to determine when to duck or when to shoot. So if she got into a duel with, say, Nighthound, she could look at his futures and determine when he was going to carry out his more devastating attacks and when would be the best time to beat him with a crowbar. (Answer: immediately.) However, she prefers to use them for long-range strategy.

I'm considering adding a Dragon who is also a precog, though. Like I said, I'm not entirely sure where I'm going next. :mellow:

Crowbars sound good. Although I always figured someone that only has precog and no further enhancements wouldn´t really stand up to Nighthound. He still physically outmaches them by a couple miles, can outlast them stamina wise and even if she dodges he can adjust his punches, even though that might break his arm. The crowbar still sounds awesome.


Though choice on the one hand dragons aren´t exactly earthnative on the other they are storming awesome.

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Earthquakes aren't that bad. As a resident of California who lives just outside Los Angeles, I've experienced my fair share. Most aren't that bad, but there have been a few where the whole house shakes violently and you're trying to keep things from falling. It's a bit like that scene in

Marry Poppins. But beside the Earthquakes, the Fires, and the rare Flood, it's not that bad. Honestly, I've camped across the US multiple times, and California is still my favorite state. The surfing is the best, and we're the home of In-n-Out, and we have pretty much any habitat you could want, excluding tropical rain forests. Alpine, desert, forest, farmland, ocean, caverns, we got's it t'all. I do wish we had more reptiles though. As someone who's a herpetology major, and a zoology fanatic in general, I reeeeeeeaaaaally want to go to Austrailia. You guys have all the coolest critters.


Speaking of cool critters, KbK, have you heard of Velvet Worms? If not, you've GOTTA check oot this video




Man I had a great Thanksgiving. I invented a new sport: Aquascooting! Who knew riding scooters into the Ocean was so much fun? As long as you time it right it's a blast. If your timing is off, you get smashed with a wave to the face. I'll add this to the list of sports I've invented, along with Ohmyface and Plumbago Jumping.


I should be able to make a post soon. I had one written, but my computer unexpectedly decided to do an emergency shut-down, so I lost it.

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