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How do you know that Funtimes wasn't the dumpee of the relationship? :P  

Darn it Calamity. If it weren't for you Steelheart would have been a romantic comedy, and this RP could have been a sitcom about librarians and Oregon landscape developers. :P




I don't know. I do know he dumped her like a sir. :P 


A romantic comedy….about terrorists? Face it, that's what the Reckoners are, to virtually every Epic they meet. :P 


What are the plans for the Dalles at the moment? Trying to vaguely plot out some character arcs, although the stubborn ones keep deciding that it's a waste of time and just do whatever they want anyway.



Plans? What are those? :mellow::P 


Um, I say just plot out the character arcs and let them lead. 

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How do you know that Funtimes wasn't the dumpee of the relationship? :P  

Darn it Calamity. If it weren't for you Steelheart would have been a romantic comedy, and this RP could have been a sitcom about librarians and Oregon landscape developers. :P

I don't know how he could dump her without being a stupid meanieface full of lame but if anyone could it would be Earl Greyback.

Yet another AU? :P

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So he can embrace his destiny as Weasel-Man! The man who looks like a weasel and....um....


"Aaaaaaaauuuugh no! No! No no no no no no no!"--Backtrack, upon being informed of this idea.


Also, I made a comic depicting one of Funtimes' failed relationships. :P



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Just stay away from the one that swims in a chain mail bikini. He's still not happy about that. :P (Also, he's swimming in chain mail. He's kind of an idiot.)

Men like Heracles tend to remove themselves from the gene pool. :P

I wonder whether Greyback could best Heracles in a round of old-fashioned fisticuffs. :P

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Men like Heracles tend to remove themselves from the gene pool. :P

I wonder whether Greyback could best Heracles in a round of old-fashioned fisticuffs. :P


Could he? What are Greyback's powers, anyway? Healing and/or resurrection, definitely, to explain the poison tea thing, but what offensive powers does he have? 


(Although, I get the feeling it doesn't matter too much. Heracles' answer to most problems was "punch it until it goes away." :P

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Could he? What are Greyback's powers, anyway? Healing and/or resurrection, definitely, to explain the poison tea thing, but what offensive powers does he have? 


(Although, I get the feeling it doesn't matter too much. Heracles' answer to most problems was "punch it until it goes away." :P


You know, I've never quite decided what Earl Greyback's precise powerset is. I'm considering giving him the power to transmutate liquids; that way he could change poisons in his bloodstream into harmless chemicals, transfigure his guest's beverages into lethal toxins, and brew the perfect mug of tea at will.


Maybe I'll give him a healing factor as well, to explain his love of experiencing poisons and documenting what their effects feel like.

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You know, I've never quite decided what Earl Greyback's precise powerset is. I'm considering giving him the power to transmutate liquids; that way he could change poisons in his bloodstream into harmless chemicals, transfigure his guest's beverages into lethal toxins, and brew the perfect mug of tea at will.


Maybe I'll give him a healing factor as well, to explain his love of experiencing poisons and documenting what their effects feel like.


Oh, that would be a nice twist on the "healing and resurrection" power set. And perhaps a reason why he was initially receptive to a romantic relationship with Funtimes: She has powers similar to his. 


Hey Kobols, on a Scale of Nathan to Fortuity, about how sadistic is Brother Sharkbait?


Nathan is the standard for harmlessness now. Not a fluffy bunny. Not a puppy. Not a brick secretly made out of porridge. Nathan. :D 


(I get the comparison, though.) 

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Hey Kobols, on a Scale of Nathan to Fortuity, about how sadistic is Brother Sharkbait?


He has a mental connection to his sharks, causing him to feel their urges and emotions.


When the sharks are in a normal, non-feeding mode of thought, Sharkbait is apathetic and immoral, feeling no qualms about murdering or torturing those in his path. He does not actively seek out bloodshed, however.


When his sharks are in a feeding frenzy, though... in that situation he shares their predatory bloodlust. He becomes savage and berserk, killing and maiming anyone in his path, unrestrained by thought or inhibitions. I imagine Blackwave probably keeps him away from the vanilla crewmen when he's in a frenzy.


Because he's an Epic and is therefore a terrible excuse for a human being, Sharkbait greatly enjoys his frenzies and has become mildly addicted to them.



Oh, that would be a nice twist on the "healing and resurrection" power set. And perhaps a reason why he was initially receptive to a romantic relationship with Funtimes: She has powers similar to his. 



Nathan is the standard for harmlessness now. Not a fluffy bunny. Not a puppy. Not a brick secretly made out of porridge. Nathan.  :D


(I get the comparison, though.) 


Liquid transmutation it is, then. :D Ooh, maybe that's how he governs his territory in Nevada? Perhaps he changed the only water source for miles around into a pool of oil, and redistributes it as water to those who are loyal to him.

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He has a mental connection to his sharks, causing him to feel their urges and emotions.


When the sharks are in a normal, non-feeding mode of thought, Sharkbait is apathetic and immoral, feeling no qualms about murdering or torturing those in his path. He does not actively seek out bloodshed, however.


When his sharks are in a feeding frenzy, though... in that situation he shares their predatory bloodlust. He becomes savage and berserk, killing and maiming anyone in his path, unrestrained by thought or inhibitions. I imagine Blackwave probably keeps him away from the vanilla crewmen when he's in a frenzy.


Because he's an Epic and is therefore a terrible excuse for a human being, Sharkbait greatly enjoys his frenzies and has become mildly addicted to them.




Liquid transmutation it is, then. :D Ooh, maybe that's how he governs his territory in Nevada? Perhaps he changed the only water source for miles around into a pool of oil, and redistributes it as water to those who are loyal to him.


What a pleasant man Brother Sharkbait is. <_<


So that would mean their breakup could have been triggered by Funtimes' insistence that he turn the oil into soda instead. When he pointed out that it would turn to sickly-sweet syrup in the desert sun, she said "Fine!" and turned it into water just to spite him. He quickly turned it back to oil, but the seeds of their breakup were sown. :P

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What a pleasant man Brother Sharkbait is. <_<


So that would mean their breakup could have been triggered by Funtimes' insistence that he turn the oil into soda instead. When he pointed out that it would turn to sickly-sweet syrup in the desert sun, she said "Fine!" and turned it into water just to spite him. He quickly turned it back to oil, but the seeds of their breakup were sown. :P


Sharkbait hoo ha ha! 


Ahem. Sorry, I meant to say, yes, yes he is. :P



I'm picturing them irritably changing it back and forth from oil to water, with a thirsty and oppressed populace watching on in fear and confusion. :P

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Sharkbait hoo ha ha! 


Ahem. Sorry, I meant to say, yes, yes he is. :P



I'm picturing them irritably changing it back and forth from oil to water, with a thirsty and oppressed populace watching on in fear and confusion. :P


Run from Brother Sharkbait! 


Sharkbait hoo…bah…ba-doo. :P 



I'm imagining one or two brave souls who run back to their homes for pitchers and buckets, then plant themselves as close to the edge of the reservoir as they can manage, waiting for it to turn to water so they can scoop up as much as they can. Then, after he dumps her, Funtimes gives those people nice cold glasses of water just to annoy her ex. :P 

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I'm imagining one or two brave souls who run back to their homes for pitchers and buckets, then plant themselves as close to the edge of the reservoir as they can manage, waiting for it to turn to water so they can scoop up as much as they can. Then, after he dumps her, Funtimes gives those people nice cold glasses of water just to annoy her ex. :P


"Hello, people of New New England. A pleasure to speak to you, as usual. I'm here to express the regrettable news that my former lover Doctor Funtimes has officially made herself an enemy of New New England. She is responsible for the heinous act of hijacking the royal water supply, and even spreading our aqueous treasure to unauthorized personnel! No need to panic, my good chaps, I have the matter under control. The recipients of the stolen water have been rounded up and tied to stakes in the middle of the desert. Anyone with information related to the good Doctor's location is requested to bring said information to myself at their earliest opportunity, or else have their blood slowly mutated into liquid cement.


"I am confident enough in my people's blind devotion to the laws of New New England to not inflict door-to-door searches and random executions throughout the town. Pray do not make me regret my good manners.


"Tally ho and pip pip. Obey or die."

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"Hello, people of New New England. A pleasure to speak to you, as usual. I'm here to express the regrettable news that my former lover Doctor Funtimes has officially made herself an enemy of New New England. She is responsible for the heinous act of hijacking the royal water supply, and even spreading our aqueous treasure to unauthorized personnel! No need to panic, my good chaps, I have the matter under control. The recipients of the stolen water have been rounded up and tied to stakes in the middle of the desert. Anyone with information related to the good Doctor's location is requested to bring said information to myself at their earliest opportunity, or else have their blood slowly mutated into liquid cement.


"I am confident enough in my people's blind devotion to the laws of New New England to not inflict door-to-door searches and random executions throughout the town. Pray do not make me regret my good manners.


"Tally ho and pip pip. Obey or die."


"Allow me to take this opportunity to remind you of my deep and abiding hatred for any musical works extolling the virtues of the now-defunct United States of America. Whoever informed the good Doctor of how passionately I despise the works of Toby Keith will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. However, if one of you happens to locate the mysterious stereo blaring 'Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue' and destroy it, you will be rewarded handsomely for your diligence." 


(Maybe the sequel game will involve a now-reformed Funtimes attempting to dismantle the regimes of her League of Evil Exes, to atone for making their people suffer through her breakups.) 

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"Allow me to take this opportunity to remind you of my deep and abiding hatred for any musical works extolling the virtues of the now-defunct United States of America. Whoever informed the good Doctor of how passionately I despise the works of Toby Keith will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. However, if one of you happens to locate the mysterious stereo blaring 'Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue' and destroy it, you will be rewarded handsomely for your diligence." 


(Maybe the sequel game will involve a now-reformed Funtimes attempting to dismantle the regimes of her League of Evil Exes, to atone for making their people suffer through her breakups.) 


Now I wonder how Funtimes stumbled across his weakness in the first place.  :ph34r:  :P


When you say "League of Evil Exes," you're implying that they'll all team up right? Because I want to imagine all of them teaming up. :P

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I´m back! Activity in Portland, I´m touched beyond tears. ;) Anyway, I´ll write a catch up for Lucentia as soon as possible but I just arrived and it´s late over here, so probably not before tomorrow.


Funtimes league of exes sound like they could make a good faction... targeting Nathan ala Scott Pilgrim.

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Now I wonder how Funtimes stumbled across his weakness in the first place.  :ph34r:  :P


When you say "League of Evil Exes," you're implying that they'll all team up right? Because I want to imagine all of them teaming up. :P


Oh, please. He founds New New England in a place that would make most Brits cry (and Americans, for that matter….but let's not get into that :ph34r:), talks like an English lord, dresses like he just drove off the set of Downton Abby in one of those vintage cars they use for shoots….it's a wonder none of his people have stumbled across his weakness before. :P 


I´m back! Activity in Portland, I´m touched beyond tears. ;) Anyway, I´ll write a catch up for Lucentia as soon as possible but I just arrived and it´s late over here, so probably not before tomorrow.


Funtimes league of exes sound like they could make a good faction... targeting Nathan ala Scott Pilgrim.


Yay! Edgedancer's back! 




Just pretend that sign says "Welcome Back" and not "Happy Birthday." But if you're having a birthday soon, then it fits perfectly, so don't pretend that. :P



Nathan is targeted by the League of Evil Exes. What would we call that? 


Nathan Sperry vs. the Epic League of Evil Exes 

Nathan Sperry vs. Every Guy Funtimes Has Ever Dated and Holy Burning Calamity That's a Lot of Guys 


Nathan Sperry Teams Up with Steelheart in a Desperate Attempt to Fight Off Some of These Epics 

Nathan Sperry Has Forsaken All Material Possessions and Hidden Himself Away in an Underground Bunker, Thanking His Lucky Stars Funtimes Never Dated an Earth Epic 


It…it'd be more of a series, really. :P

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