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Quick Fix Game 4: Conversions (Name liable to change, if someone comes up with a better one.)

General Rules: Standard Quick Fix Game (QF) Procedure. Fast paced Cycles lasting 24hrs with write-ups including the results of the lynch, Votes, and any mentionable Actions.

This game can run with as little as 12 people, but will run best with 16+.

All players will be only allowed to submit 1 Action per Cycle.

Each Cycle will end at 9PM Pacific Standard Time, with the next write up being posted about an Hour later.

The Seventeenth Shard Wins if they can find and get rid of all of the Converted and Hoid, and the Converted and Hoid win if they outnumber the Seventeenth Shard.

The Roles:

The Terris Nurse: (Classic Protection): Once per cycle, you may target any player. That player is immune to all kill attempts during the next Cycle, including Lynchings.

The Researcher: (Classic Seeker): Once per Cycle, you may spy on someone, learning their Role. (Nurse, Renegade, Researcher, Wit, Letter Bearer, Converted, Regular)

The Renegade: Takes two cycles to kill a player. (On Cycle one, Renegade choose to Target Meta, at the end of Cycle 2, Meta gets assassinated. After Meta has been Targeted, the Renegade cannot take back his Action.)

The Letter Bearer: You are the only one who can freely send and receive PM's. If two people wish to Open communications, you can choose to allow it or not. You get a Google Doc for all PM's that you aren't a part of. (See the PM Section)

The Wit: Hoid. he has access to the powers of Lightweaving, Allomantic soothing, and Stormlight Healing. He may only use one power per Cycle, in addition to his Conversion power.
Lightweaving: If the Researcher targets you, you come up as a Whatever you want it to be.
Soothing: He may change someone's Vote. This does Not Cancel his own Vote
Seeking: Can determine the Role (But not Alignment) of any one player.
Healing: He survives all attempts on his Life for this Cycle. He may Not use this Ability twice in a row.

In addition, once per Cycle he may Convert a Sharder to his way of thinking. He may only Convert 25% of the Original Players. Once he's reached his Quota, he can't convert. He may convert and use a Power in the same Cycle. He may not participate in the Converted Kill.

The Converted: You've been convinced by Hoid to join him. You keep any abilities you had, and get a group kill, you also get a Doc to talk in with Hoid.

PM's: Anyone may send in an Order at any Time to start a PM Conversation the Next Cycle. But this Conversation will not be Started until the Letter-Bearer agrees to deliver messages. He will be able to see what you write in your Conversation, even they're not included.

Votes: If there is a Tie in the Votes, the Player who has received more Total votes in past cycles gets killed.

Inactivity: Every Cycle that a Player does not post at least once, they receive an additional Vote on them the Next. These votes are cumulative. If a player is lynched solely due to their own Votes, Then two players are lynched. Them and who ever the Village voted to lynch.

RP: You may RP on any World, in any time period as anyone you wish. Excluding Earth Variant’s. If you want to die in a specific way due to Lynching, (Such as killed in one of Szeth’s raids, or eaten by Shades) send me a PM, and I’ll work it in.

Write-ups: Don’t expect anything too elaborate. I'll include relevant Actions in the Writeups. Such as the Nurse’s Protection, if they’re target gets attacked. Writeups may include Cameo’s by Senior Sharders (Former Players from previous Games.), So if you’d like to have one of your old characters included, Send me another PM.

Order of Actions:
Lynch Votes
Hoid's Soothing
Nurse Protection
Lynch Kill
Renegade Kill
Hoid's Healing
Hoid's Lightweaving
Researcher Ability
Hoid's Conversion Power

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(This post saved for Player list and Rule Clarifications)

Current Players:
1. (Lightsworn Panda) Jain, a Jindo man with a toy Panda.
2. (Alvron)  Second of the Sky, a trapper from the isle of Suluko.
3. (Wrymhero) Heron, a Hemalurgic Scholar
4. (pir2h) Kae, a Steel Inquisitor,
(Kasimir) Drax Erikell, Mistborn, unwilling kinslayer Poisoned
5. (Satrams) Sarams, the mercenary
6. (Mailliw73) 
Aili, a Returned 
7. (Metacognition) M, The Death Note Sliver
8.  (Jasnah Damodred) Damon Shan
9. (Araris Valerian) Hadrian Penrod

10. (Ashiok) Ashette Cett, Flamboyant Coinshot
11. (Surgebound Rainspren) Karlin, a Jah Kahved-Purelaker
12. (Newan) NuWin, a Kandra Whitespine

13. (AonarFaileas) Aonar, a chronologically challenged person
14. (Luckat) Lucy, An Awakener

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Second of the Sky is in, as is his Aviar Soki.  A trapper from the Pantheon isle of Suluko.


Edit:  It's the fourth QF game Joe not the fifth.  :P

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So we already have a metagame (I will never cease to find that word amusing in this context) if Meta doesn't die...


Heron, a Hemalurgic Scholar, shall sign up for this. After barely surviving the riots in Kholinar, he's looking for somewhere to recouperate and recharge his metals, so it's kind of a shame that he's chosen to rest in the middle of a rather violent debate on the nature of the Cosmere between Hoid and the Sharders...

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Reasons why Kas shouldn't join this:

1. 2 papers due next week.
2. Exams soon after.
3. Thesis proposal due by two weeks.
4. Still recuperating from shoulder issues. [RSI]
5. ...NaNoWriMo.


Oh, sod it. I'm in, if only for the amusement of being able to sign Drax Erikell (you may remember him: Mistborn, unwilling kinslayer, with a somewhat reduced sense of humour) up  :P But expect sporadic activity/inactivity >>




"Back again, I see," Kasir said.


Drax was sifting curiously through the contents of the cart. "Don't suppose you've got some decent metals, do you?" he asked, wistfully. He hadn't filled up on those the last time he'd been on Scadrial, and his own supplies were starting to dwindle at an astonishing rate. "Oh, what's this?" He picked up a series of brightly-coloured feathers and frowned down at them. "What did you do, pluck a bird?"


"Only for you, my friend," Kasir declared. "These are the feathers from astonishingly rare birds that confer powers to their owners! Look at the wonderful plummage--see!" He deftly plucked a feather from Drax's fingers and stuck it behind his ear. "That one protects you from people tampering with your emotions."


"Really," Drax said, flatly. "Couldn't have told that." He wished he had some brass or zinc, enough to actually try. "And this?" He set down the feathers and unrolled the scroll lying next to a bag of glass knives. He could get some, he thought. Just for old times' sake. It was a painting, he realised, a beautiful depiction of a forest with a splashing waterfall; birds fluttering off into the sky. He couldn't read the fine words scribbled on it, but noticed the unobstrusive red seal on the painting and rolled it back up again.


"A work by the great artist, Han ShuXen, in his youth!" Kasir exclaimed. "Truly a marvellous work of art, wouldn't you agree? Said to bring luck to its owner as well--"


Drax folded his arms across his chest. "Metals," he repeated, slowly. "Naturally, I expect them to be Allomancer's metals."

"But of course," Kasir said, with that slippery grin that Drax had never quite trusted; the eager-to-please merchant vanishing in an eyeblink. It was the thing about Kasir, Drax thought, he peddled faces just as much as he did his goods. It was a strange sort of game to him. He pulled out his knife and managed to work open a concealed compartment in his cart to reveal a few metal vials, tucked away carefully and padded with straw to prevent breakage. "Would I try to cheat you, my friend?"


"Kasir," Drax drawled, "I'm pretty sure you'd cheat your own mother. Pull another one." He picked up the vials, examining them. No brass or zinc, he thought; just steel and--he gripped the second vial tightly, recognising the metal. Would it never stop creeping up on him? The bitter taste of an orange slice in his mouth; the dessicated whisper of the pages of an old book. When did it ever end, he wondered, guilt at killing, guilt at surviving, guilt at having been so terribly used...


"I'll take them all," he said, roughly. "How much?" Steel, iron, and pewter. All combat metals, but then again, those were the ones he'd hate to run low on.


Kasir scratched his head. "I'd usually ask for five sapphire broams, but from you, two."


"You're going to Roshar?" Drax was in the middle of pocketing the vials. "And no, that is far too much for metals, and you know it. Three ruby broams, and for anything better, I'd expect the metals to be atium."


"You're not going to Roshar, are you? You won't need those broams."


"Five," Drax said. "My final offer."


"Fine." Kasir pocketed the broams, shaking his head as he closed up the secret compartment. "Stop trying to rob an honest merchant of his gains--you'll beggar me before I even reach Roshar to sell off some of my goods."


"Keep an eye out for some metals the next time you're on Scadrial."

Drax heard Kasir whistling as the cart trundled away.

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So we already have a metagame (I will never cease to find that word amusing in this context) if Meta doesn't die...


Heron, a Hemalurgic Scholar, shall sign up for this. After barely surviving the riots in Kholinar, he's looking for somewhere to recouperate and recharge his metals, so it's kind of a shame that he's chosen to rest in the middle of a rather violent debate on the nature of the Cosmere between Hoid and the Sharders...

Sarams stared at Heron. The mercenary was pretty sure Heron had died during the Riots, though he didn't want to say anything. He assumed it would be impolite. He decided not to trust his previous employer. You couldn't trust a man who wouldn't die.


This is going to be like the greatest hits version of Sanderson Elimination, isn't it? Anyways, Sarams, the mercenary with a sling is back to finally kill Hoid.

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Joe, this is going to put you even further ahead in rep. :(;)

I'm in.MAili is a Returned from Nalthis. She's back to try and keep the world in order. Maw is a Tineye and her friend and companion. Aili will be my actual character, but Maw will be in the RP and may have some POV posts.

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M didn't like to stay in one spot; too easy for people to find you if you did that. Didn't matter who it was; Parents, Police, Gang members, Friends... staying in one spot meant that eventually they'd find you and if they found you, then you'd be known. 


M didn't want to be known. Being known caused problems. He had learned that early in life. So, from a young age, he had kept moving. By the time he was 22, he had already traversed  almost all 48 of the continental U.S. and most of Europe. It wasn't until he wound up in Japan that everything changed though....


M didn't mind the rain. He had survived in both rural and urban environments and the only constant was that Mother Nature didn't care. If She wanted to drop torrents of water on you, or shake the ground underneath you, or throw you into the sky using the wind, She would do so whether you wanted it or not. M figured that's why people called it "weather."


That was why he was alone on the street when he found the notebook. M almost walked right past it before his thoughts caught up to his senses and he stopped in his tracks. At first he shook his head. His mind must have been playing tricks on him, but he still turned back to confirm what he had seen. 


In a drenching downpour, the notebook was completely dry. And somehow, it was staying dry. Every drop that hit the pages turned as black as ink and pooled together into a perfect circle on one of the pages. 


Unable to resist, M reached out with a hand that was surprisingly steady. When his fingers hadn't done more than graze the inky void, he heard a loud cracking noise and a surge of energy coursed through him. As he fell to the ground, his body wracked with pain, he would later claim to have heard a whisper in his head before his passed out. "I like apples," it said. 


The next time M woke up, he was in a hospital. M hated hospitals. They were places with charts and files and tests. They were places of knowing. The doctors there told him that he must have been struck by lightning, but there was no scarring and no signs of a strike around where he had been found. In fact, the only difference that M found was that the inky pool from the notebook, that he still held clutched in his grip, was gone. 


Speaking of gone, it was well past time he was. Now that he was awake, the doctors and nurses were starting to ask questions. Questions like what his name was? Where did he live? Did he have anyone they needed to contact? How did he feel? What had happened to him? What did he remember?


Bad questions. That was when M discovered something had happened to him. As he tried to shut them all out, the world around him blinked. Once second he was in the hospital room, then next he was...somewhere else. The more they pestered him, now asking things like what was going on, the more M shied away and thus, the more the world blinked, until eventually, the hospital was no more and M stood in a foreign place. The only thing he was sure of was that this wasn't Earth. 


That had been years ago and M had slowly learned about his new found powers. He learned about Shards and Shadesmar, and of all the worlds in between. And he loved it. What better place for someone who didn't want to be found than between worlds? 


I took a few liberties, but I wanted to create a character based off of my self-appointed title for a worldhopping game! ;) M, holder of the Death Note Shard (More of a sliver really, but who's counting?) is ready to tangle with Hoid!

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Joe, this is going to put you even further ahead in rep. :(;)

I'm in.MAili is a Returned from Nalthis. She's back to try and keep the world in order. Maw is a Tineye and her friend and companion. Aili will be my actual character, but Maw will be in the RP and may have some POV posts.

That gives me an Idea for a Lynch Write-up.  :ph34r:


I took a few liberties, but I wanted to create a character based off of my self-appointed title for a worldhopping game! ;) M, holder of the Death Note Shard (More of a sliver really, but who's counting?) is ready to tangle with Hoid!

What Font are you using for that M?

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What Font are you using for that M?


Georgia. I choose one of the more readily accepted ones, just in case, but you can do with it as you want. I just wanted to highlight the name a bit more, since having a single letter as a name is sometimes difficult to notice! 

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I would like to sign up as Hadrian Penrod once again, he felt like those 17th shard folks were just a bit too serious and decided to see if he could have a little fun at their expense.


"Anybody want a free pen? They are great for plotting when you have an expensive tablecloth to write on."

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"I told you so."

Drax made a heroic effort not to throw up. As it was, he failed. Simir scowled at the mess left on his boots. "Sorry," Drax gasped, "I seem to have a great difficulty holding it in when people tell me they knew I was going to end up..." he heaved again.


"It's Kasir," Simir said, still scowling. "You know he thrives on cheating people. And you thought that metal was safe enough to burn?"


"Not..." Drax managed, "My nursemaid." His head pounded and the room spun dizzying arcs around him. He wished he could get some rest, if only to escape his current misery. Unfortunately, sleep seemed determined to elude him.


"I'm the only one with a lick of sense in this area," Simir muttered. "And you're buying me new boots." Whenever you're finished, he thought. Metal poisoning took a while to work its way out of the system, he knew, and it looked like Drax wasn't going to be done for a while.


Storming Drax and his storming chull-ridden ideas. Why, by the Stormfather's sassy beard, had he decided to drop by Roshar, of all places?




Joe: Sorry--I don't like to do this too often but due to issues with my health and studies, I really will have to withdraw, after all, and I shouldn't have signed up in the first place, but I let my excitement with the game override my good sense. Fell sick again and I don't think I can play after all.


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