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Jackpot! We've unearthed a Convert! I'll be voting for you, Newan.


So, we've gotten one out of the possible 3 Converts (considering the pace at which the Hoid is converting, there's a high chance that Hoid will Convert again this Cycle). Also taking into mind that Newan, an inconspicius and not very dominant player was converted, we can assume that the last Convert (I'm assuming Hoid can't re-recruit after a Convert dies) won't necessarily be an experienced or influential player.


Edit: Colour. COLOUR. COLOUR!

Edited by Lightsworn Panda
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Dang it, Newan, I thought I could trust you. I probably won't have the time to write up a decent RP today, so here's my vote.


Seeing how everyone that I wanted to conceal my role from definitely knows it now, I figure I may as well make it public, so everyone can figure it in to their calculations. I'm a Nurse.


Oh, and a word of advice, Vron, when you receive information that will guarantee someone is lynched, don't share it immediately, even in a quick fix. If you had held, back, we might have tricked the other convert/Hoid into arguing against him being lynched. Now, we will learn almost nothing from this lynch. 

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Guys, don't bandwagon yet.  You'll regret it.  I am one of the renegades, and if Hoid has converted the other one, you don't want to lose me.  Alvron, are you also in contact with a researcher as well as a letter bearer?  Because the accusation doesn't even make sense, otherwise.  And did the researcher specify that I was the renegade he was talking about?  Because I'm wondering if the other renegade is the convert, or if it is self-proclaimed researcher.


I don't think it's Alvron.  The bad guys wouldn't want to reveal themselves like that.  But I do think that Alvron is mistaken.

Edited by Newan
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I am going to take a moment here for us to think about what is going on. Meta pointed out that if we lynch incorrectly here then we are down to 5-4, but I think, since we had 14 players, we lose 1 for wit, 3 for converts, 2 for last night and 2 for today and we end up at 6-4. That isn't too important, however, since it just means that another bad choice puts us at 4-4 which is basically good game. If Newan is an eliminator, then all is fine and dandy, although Hoid could convert Alvron and we might lose some ground there. If Newan is clean, then next cycle, at 6-4, we have to look at both Alvron and the person he claims to be in communication with. Making another bad choice between those two would pretty much end the game. Another possibility is that one of Alvron or the LB is converted, and Hoid grabs the other one up tonight and the two of them can both lead us on a wild goose chase after somebody to finish off the game. I'm not going to put out a vote yet for that issue.


Ummm, Joe, you said we needed at least 2 votes to kill someone. So shouldn't Lucy still be alive?

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Unless by lying about my alignment, they managed to kill a very important player, like the renegade. Plus, you could be converted or killed tonight. Then nobody would even know who this researcher was. How would they lynch him then?

Edited by Newan
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There are two important players here. Researcher and LB. Everybody else is expendable, and it's really bad if our kill role is converted for obvious reasons. Renegade is not a role we want in hoid's hands, nor used irresponsibly by the general populace. So if you're a renegade, all the more reason to kill you

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"So let me get this straight. The Letter Bearer revealed his role to Alvron. However, we have no idea why he would do such a thing, especially since Alvron might be evil. I don't think that's a good reason for a lynch. However..." Satrams paused as he watched the kandra try to make his case to the crowd. "that thing is protesting way too much. Newan, it's time to see what's behind that skin of yours."

This reminds me a lot of LG7. Twei was subject to a colossal amount of bad luck, which caused her to be revealed as a Skaa (the bad guys in that game). Though the scenario didn't make a lot of sense at the time, it was eventually revealed to be the truth. Furthermore, Twei protested vigorously, which appears to be happening here. Me thinks he doth protest too much.

Edited by a smart guy
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The LB contacted me.  And given what they revealed about the PMs I am involved with makes me think they are telling the truth.  Is the LB a convert? I couldn't say.  Why they contacted me? I couldn't say.  Maybe the researcher scanned me, maybe it is just a leap of faith, maybe they have been converted and are using me as a screen.


The only way to know is to wait until the write up and find out.

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They were all turning on him.  They had always been unsettled by his presence.  Maybe choosing the bones of a whitespine hadn't been the best of ideas.  


Then again, it had its benefits.  Without the strength and agility this body provided, NuWin never would have been able to catch Heron, crush his body, then stab him over and over again until his metalminds ran out.  


Newin hadn't taken any of Heron's spikes.  It would have given away the fact that a hemalurgic construct was the perpetrator.  But he had helped himself to the man's bendalloy.  Ever since being banned from Scadrial by the other kandra, NuWin's bendalloy spike had been useful only as a metalmind for the power granted by his pewter spike.  You can't burn one of your spikes.  But now he had bendalloy to spare.  


"Before you all team up and try to kill me," NuWin growled, "there's something I've always wanted to try."


NuWin suddenly felt very hungry as he quickly started storing food energy in the large chunks of bendalloy he had swallowed.  

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Sorry Newan. I pretty much got the exact same message Alv did, so I was just hoping you'd help me find the rest of your brethren. Unfortunately, I've had to be away from my computer all day. 


If I makes you feel any better, I was actually somewhat defending you until I got the PM. Well Played!

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NuWin walked through the Empty halls, towards where everyone was meeting Jost. He knew that they wanted to lynch him, but none of them had ever killed a Kandra before. This would be too easy. So he walked with confidence. The halls were empty, except for him and a woman walking the opposite way. She was holding a sheaf of papers and seemed to be in a hurry, though she glared at him as she passed. He smirked, and continued on.

There was a noise behind him, he whirled instinctively bringing his arms up in a defensive position. The woman was on the ground bleeding. How had that happened? A door in the hall opened, and a glowing figure stepped out. He bent down, and touched the woman, then fled. Nuwin continued to watch, confused. After a minute, the Woman got to her knees, and fled down the hall after the figure. Odd. He turned, and continued on his way.

When he opened the door to the hall, he was surprised to see a much smaller crowd than normal. Only the 11 other suspects, and Jost Joslin, standing with three strangers. Jost had his Shardblade out, both hands on it’s hilt, with the point in the ground before him. NuWin closed the door behind him. “You voted without me? How unfair.”

Jost spoke, his voice ringing with authority. “NuWin, Kandra of Harmony, you are charged with the Murder of Heron, Initiate of the Seventeenth Shard, and with Conspiracy to commit Treason. How do you answer?”

“Murder Heron? Why, he still lives.” NuWin reached out, as if attempting to hug the Crowd, and shifted, his flesh changing until he wore the true shape of his Bones. Heron’s bones, Stolen after his Burial. “Look, here I am. Alive and well.”

The crowd was silent, but simmering with Anger now. Jost tightened his grip, and glared. “You make a Mockery of us. So be it. You are found guilty, and sentenced to death.” He suddenly glowed brightly, then vanished.

And then there was a Shardblade sticking out of his ribs. Nuwin gasped, then tapped his bendalloy minds, creating new Flesh before his soul could leave his body. He walked forward off the blade, leaving behind a greying Corpse. Turning, he laughed. “You don’t know how to kill a Kandra. Why are you even trying?” His Executioner smirked at him. Creepy.

“I had to try. And besides. I have friends who do know how to kill Kandra.” He flicked a finger, gesturing to the crowd behind NuWin.

NuWin smiled, and turned. Then froze. The three strangers skin had turned translucent, revealing Obsidian Bones. The middle one spoke up. “Hello NuWin. Did you really think Harmony wouldn’t find you?”

“TrelVin! Is that MitthRawn and NaVorl with you? Cremlings. Betraying one of your own?”

TrelVin merely frowned at that. “You betrayed us. are you going to come quietly, Or will we have to burn you Alive? We’re fresh out of Acid I’m afraid. Joel needed it.”

NeuWin glared. then looked around. He could still win this. “I choose the Fire.” He burned Bendalloy, his stolen Spikes giving him the ability, Instantly, hundred of Calories he had stored were multiplied. He quickly converted these to flesh. Growing quickly, abandoning Heron’s bones after they didn’t fit. Everyone was panicking know. Except for five figures. The Kandra, Jost, and M. Perfect. He pushed, sending a tentacle of muscles towards the five of them. Jost simply disappeared, and the Kandra shifted, flattening to the floor. Only M couldn’t Dodge. He was engulfed, and digested in a manner of seconds. He manipulated his Skull upwards, to the top of his mass, and formed a mouth. “Ha! Now how will you defeat me? I am-”

An explosion. Heat. He felt himself burning. He formed an eye on his other side, as quick as he could. Jost was on his other side with NaVorl. Both were emptying Barrels of Alcohol and Elendel Oil on to him, which NaVorl lit by Compounding Heat.

Nuwin screamed, and tried to move his mass, before realizing that he had no limbs with which to do so. He hadn’t made any. He pulled Heron’s bones to the front, and formed a Normal sized body desperately trying to get away. But then, the other Kandra were there, with more Flame. They burnt his eyes, blinding him. He desperately tried to escape, but there was so much heat, and he couldn’t see. Eventually, he gave up.

A sad voice spoke in his ear. Why did you disobey me NuWin? Why?” But he could no longer answer.

NuWin has been Lynched. He was a Converted renegade!
Meta was killed by the Converts. He was a Normal WorldHopper!

Newan(7): Alvron, Metacognition, Lightsworn Panda, AonarFaileas, Mailliw73, a smart guy, pir2h, Surgebound Rainspren,

Edited by Alvron
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A Quick note that I forgot to add in the Writeup, Hoid did Convert. He no longer has the ability do do so.

Well that explains why the LB hasn't been answering the PMs I sent.  They probably think I am the last convert and want to wait until the Researcher has checked or something.


I should've said something earlier but was waiting to hear back.  As far as I know the Researcher didn't find another convert.  I don't know who they seeked so they might've and are just not telling me.


Rainspren, you are also in contact with the LB or so you say.  Have you heard anything?

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"That was disgusting. The good news is, we managed to kill that monster. That said, we lost M, who was helping to spur discussion. So, where do we go from here? I for one, want to hear from Damon. I've been in contact with him for the past 3 cycles. He's insinuated that he has a role, and was trying to avoid conversion. Well, Hoid won't be able to convert anymore. Not after that."


We need a lot more discussion. A no lynch greatly benefits Hoid, since he can continue killing us off, one by one. Even worse, he can sway the vote any way he want's to right now, which is not good in the slightest.

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Wow. Without Meta, there's a lot less discussion. Come on guys. Araris, I was informed by Meta that he sent a PM to Newan with what he thought that Hoid would do. Soon after, you posted a lot of the same ideas. Care to defend yourself?

Aili looked around. This place, Scadrial, was a lot less colorful than her home world. Why had Maw enjoyed it here? Everything was grey. Even the people. Kae wore grey as an Inquisitor. Aonar wore black and white, which to Aili was the same thing as grey. White was only better because she could Awaken it at her tenth heightening. Hadrian was one of the few from this world who actually wore color. He was rich enough to afford it. Or was it lightweaving?

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@Maill: I'm not quite sure what you are saying, Maill, and I don't have too much time too deal with it tonight, but the only communication that I received from Meta was that Newan had been scanned and revealed as converted. If you are implying that I am the LB then you are wrong, but if you look at past games then you will find that I tend to make lists when I can rule out human action and break everything down to numbers. Last cycle I had a good opportunity to do that and I was also a bit confused over Luckat's death, first since I thought you did it on purpose and then second because I don't think she actually should have died. That was mostly why I never voted for Newan.He was already wrapped up and I thought I had found something else that turned into a dead end. I'm not too sure who to vote for but I will try to get back on one more time tonight and actually place a vote since I haven't done a great job of that this game.

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What I'm saying is: I got a PM from a confirmed innocent, Meta, who I'm inclined to believe, that Newan asked his thoughts on what Hoid would do. He said that if he were Hoid, he'd turtle out and wait for us to do his work. Shortly after, you posted about Hoid wanting to wait for his last convert until late game. What Meta, and what I'm saying is: it's suspicious that you had the same idea Meta told Newan about. The Converted doc would be a great place to discuss that, don't you think?

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