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I'm going to vote for Jain since nobody else has placed a vote yet and because you implied that the eliminator teams would either need to be new or trolling to take Ash down. However, Ash didn't make any claims that would connect her death to somebody else. Pretty much everyone that proposed a plan or something had a back and forth discussion that would at least give us a start for who to lynch next. Ash, on the other hand, was a fairly safe choice since we really don't have much to work with directly because of her death.

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I am a little confused as to why some poke votes were retracted while others were not. Is it simply that they didn't need to be as the vote would be tied anyway? Or is there something else to it. It just seems odd when others were very vocal about retracting when conditions were met. Just an explanation would be nice.

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I'm going to vote for Jain since nobody else has placed a vote yet and because you implied that the eliminator teams would either need to be new or trolling to take Ash down. However, Ash didn't make any claims that would connect her death to somebody else. Pretty much everyone that proposed a plan or something had a back and forth discussion that would at least give us a start for who to lynch next. Ash, on the other hand, was a fairly safe choice since we really don't have much to work with directly because of her death.


Normally, mostly harmless players like Ashiok would be killed off by the Eliminators around Mid-Game (Cycle 3-5). Like I said before, for Ash to be killed off at the start while there were more dangerous players running around is a bit of an oddity to me. he may have been a "safe choice", but Eliminators don't tend to kill "safe targets" at the start.

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Actually, I am terrible at subtly. I have no idea how the Role Selector works, I do not even know which one you use. I have no real reasons for anything I do. I am really bad at implications, besides implying I'm guilty, which is counterproductive. Even after four games, I really need to improve on my SE skills. Anyone willing to give me pointers I will be in debt for. Actually, I probably won't deliver, but either way SOS! *facepalm* I'm just going to stop implying things (on purpose, anyway. Accidents do happen) until I get more evidence. I have no idea how you guys pull these theories out of the hat like this. This is my game #4, can anyone tell my why I am not suddenly good at this? Hopefully I will survive a little longer this time. At this point, I've just dug my "guilty" hole deeper, haven't I?



EDIT: Storming color.



Color editor hates everyone, I think. I've been having more issues with it lately than I usually do.


As for pointers. There's no correct way to play these games. Everyone has their own style and that's what makes it fun. If we all played the exact same, it would be boring. You're doing fine. You're learning, and that's the important thing. As for digging your hole deeper, not necessarily. If someone asks you to explain your motivation for doing or saying something, as long as you can give an explanation that makes sense (in that people can understand why it makes sense within your playstyle), you should be fine. But beyond that, I'd hesitate to give pointers, since that would turn you into one of us. And then we'd lose the flair of uncertainty you add to the games (and that flair isn't a bad thing, even if it gets you targeted. You survived almost the whole game in Joe's Quick Fix, so that's something. :P )



I am a little confused as to why some poke votes were retracted while others were not. Is it simply that they didn't need to be as the vote would be tied anyway? Or is there something else to it. It just seems odd when others were very vocal about retracting when conditions were met. Just an explanation would be nice.


That's pretty standard. Could be timezones or real life or any number of other things. Some of the poke votes (like Joe's) were to get people to talk a little more, but the person didn't, so it wasn't removed. Some of them might not have really been poke votes. I'm not too worried about it since there wasn't a lynch.

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I am a little confused as to why some poke votes were retracted while others were not. Is it simply that they didn't need to be as the vote would be tied anyway? Or is there something else to it. It just seems odd when others were very vocal about retracting when conditions were met. Just an explanation would be nice.


Yeah, it's mostly because it would just be a tie anyway, I think.  Although, I am getting a bit tired of these poke votes (yes, I made two yesterday, but I'm beginning to change my mind about them), as they are generally not all that useful, especially in a sort of game where inactives will be killed anyway.


Let me say this: I’ve noticed that in many of our recent games, we’ve become a bit lackadaisical in our votes.  We need more people to vote!  Sure, posting plans and observations is good and all, but voting is what the whole game is centered around.  The game’s called Sanderson Elimination for a reason!  We need to be more bloodthirsty!  Even if you only have a scintilla of suspicion towards someone, cast a vote towards them; it’s the whole point of the game!  And don't retract your votes too easily, because pressuring another player enough can get them to reveal things they normally would not with a poke vote.


And yes, I will be voting soon (hopefully), once I get my notes and evidence together.

Edited by Renegade
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I am really bad at implications, besides implying I'm guilty, which is counterproductive. Even after four games, I really need to improve on my SE skills.

This is my game #4, can anyone tell my why I am not suddenly good at this? 

You are quite good at finding a guilty player.  In all of your prior games you have found a guilty player early and have repeatedly called them out.  It is just your reasoning that you never share that gets you into trouble.

None of us are good at this.  Each game is different and each player changes their style depending on role and faction.


We need to be more bloodthirsty! 

Don't let Wilson see that.



I would like to hear from Aonar.  He tends to post early in cycles when good and tries to hide when evil.

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Don't let Wilson see that.


Too late. The damage has been done. :D



...Unfortunately, Ren, I cannot act on my bloodthirsty nature quite yet. But it's very close. I just need a little more evidence, and then I'll be in business.


(Gosh dang it. I wasn't planning on being bloodthirsty this game! Why'd you have to mention that?!)

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WC, Wilson and Ren, thank you for the clarification.


Now. Perhaps if people wish to refrain from voting until they have more to go off, we could bring up the target for light eyes vote this cycle? It may be subject to change when people start to vote later, but I think me need to get the discussion started, as Torwel mentioned earlier, the later we leave it, the more likely there will be non-votes and or eliminator shenanigans. 


Edit: Colour

Edited by Eolhondras
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Mek watched his squadleader put his ear to the ground, listening for the supply caravan that was scheduled to rumble past in a few hours. This would be his first time in real combat. No more simple training exercises. He was about to kill a man. Or perhaps be killed himself. Whichever it was. He'd imagined this moment for months now, though before, he had thought he'd be preparing for a massive battle, not a routine raid on another Highprince's food supplies. There were no battle jitters. He was ready.

Time passed. His squad was hiding in a large hollow of rock. Other soldiers were scattered across this section of road, waiting for the signal to spring out and attack. Mek just looked at his squadleader. The man carried a little fabrial that was set to blink as soon as its twin was turned in its mounting. Every squadleader on the raid had one, and the sergeant had a little device that turned them on at the same time. It was a very basic method of signaling, but worked fine for synchronizing attacks.

Mek's squadleader bent down to listen again, and his eyes grew wide. He held up his hand for silence, not that anyone was talking anyway. Soon, Mek heard it himself. The low trumpets of chulls and the squeak of wagon wheels. He still didn't peek out to look. His squadleader was staring intently at the fabrial. The man held up his fist, preparing to signal.

The fabrial blinked.

Mek's squadleader threw down his hand. Mek rose and charged. Battle cries rise over the plain as over 200 soldiers attacked in unison. The caravan's guards were much fewer in number. A few squads of Vamah's soldiers were marching single-file down the sides of the road, and started at the sudden attack. Mek's squad was the farthest away, and by the time he got to the caravan, the skirmish had already begun. He reached the epicenter of the fighting and fell into an impromptu line with some other soldiers, using his shieldmate for protection while stabbing repeatedly at his opponent's defenses. Other Kholin soldiers surrounded the enemy formation and in the confusion, Mek managed to stab an enemy soldier in the throat

The skirmish only lasted a few minutes before the remaining guards surrendered. Other soldiers began to burn the wagons and set the chulls loose. The captured guards would be led back to the Kholin camp, where they could be interrogated or used in prisoner exchanges. Mek smiled. If everyone's raids had gone this well, Vamah's war effort would be crippled. He'd never be able to launch that attack on Sadeas. The Stormfather was on their side, it seemed. So long as those spies didn't interfere, Alethkar would be united without question.

EDIT: This feels... out of place among all of the serious discussion, but I don't have any bright ideas on tracking down the spies, so... meh   :mellow: 

Edited by mckeedee123
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Wow. You guys got busy today. Only eight hours and already 37 posts. :P

I've been busy all day and still have a lot to do before bed, so I don't have much, but for now, Wilson. The storming light eyes are so mean to us darkeyes. :P She's also very good at being bad. Something in my just wants to trust her right now and I don't know why that is. Something about her seems too innocent. I know, this is awful reasoning, but it has been right for me on occasions.

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I have a calc test and a paper due tomorrow, so I'm busy until tomorrow afternoon. At that point, I'll go over everything I've been thinking so far. I will say this, right now, Kaddar and Kenara are both on my list of suspects and I'll try to clarify more later. 

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Wow. You guys got busy today. Only eight hours and already 37 posts. :P

I've been busy all day and still have a lot to do before bed, so I don't have much, but for now, Wilson. The storming light eyes are so mean to us darkeyes. :P She's also very good at being bad. Something in my just wants to trust her right now and I don't know why that is. Something about her seems too innocent. I know, this is awful reasoning, but it has been right for me on occasions.

Too innocent? Is that even a thing? Perhaps I seem innocent because I am. I think it's been obvious since the first cycle what my alignment is, but I've been told it's far easier for a person to see their tells than it is for others. Still, your vote amuses me. You can keep it, little darkeyes. Without punishment. :P

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... I have a Battle of Wits list. Right now, the only people on it are Meta, Gamma, and Aonar (although I know Wyrm really wants to be on it too). Gamma and Aonar should've dropped off after LG9, but they were kind enough to state that they weren't fully paying attention to the game. So now I get to try manipulating them again in the (hopefully) near future. I hear that I'm very good on Team Evil, so believe me when I say that you don't want to be on my list. It's not pretty. :P )


Hey now, Wilson. I take being on lists like that as a personal point of pride. Don't you dare take that away from me. :P I gave you a pass on LG9. I already regret it, and it's not happening again. ; )

Anyways, on to more serious matters:


I would like to hear from Aonar.  He tends to post early in cycles when good and tries to hide when evil.


Yeah, sorry about that. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I help teach a (well, three technically) karate class(es), so with the cycles starting generally just as I'm making supper/doing homework before running out of the house, don't expect much from me on those days. Not really much else to say. Wilson is a suspect because she's always a suspect; she hasn't really done anything suspicious, but on my personal lists, I have 'do not trust' in large capital letters next to her name, so... :P


Kas has been acting a little strange, but his behaviour strikes me as reasonable assuming either that he is the Wit, or really stressed about exams. It doesn't strike me as particularly reasonable assuming him being a Spy. Trolling tends not to be conducive to successful Eliminator play. (Unless you've been outed, of course.)


I really haven't had the time to start finding strong suspicions. I have little things, quirks and anomalies that might be tells, but could just as easily be paranoia. 


So, instead of pointlessly going over my own paranoid, largely unsubstantiated guesses, let's talk about Ash's death for a moment.


He made all of one post, the whole game, and not a very useful one at that. To quote:




I'm confused and not able to contribute much right now. Why do we want the WIt to lose? And seeing as protection is maintainable, can't we have Important role X step up and claim? Then we can protect them. Also, with messenger PMs, they just lost a message with the rule change, because they would have had one at the middle of this cycle (if they wanted it). Now, everything is set back by half a cycle...

Tl;Dr: I'm rambling and asking questions. Goodnight


He really just asked a bunch of questions, and made a random statement about the Messenger power. One had to do with the Wit, and one about an important role stepping up and claiming. Unless Ash was a heterochromic, he couldn't have been the Wit. He could have been the Messenger, but it would be a little blunt to make reference to it like that. 


However, the strategic question is the most interesting thing out of here. Only one role really benefits from being outed and unkillable, and that would be the Messenger. (As they can actually organize and communicate privately without relying on untrusted third parties.) In conjunction with his other statement, it starts to build a case for him being a Messenger.


It would still be one Calamity of a guess, though. Not anything worth basing a kill off of. Even new players though, wouldn't really target Ash over Meta, Wilson, or some of the other more experienced players. However, if a middlingly experienced player felt certain that Ash was a Messenger, and thought dangerous players likely to be protected, then Ash might start looking like an appealing option. That is where we should start our search, I think.


So my top suspects based on actual halfway logical analysis then would be: Newan, Odysa, Macen, Damon, maybe Jain, maybe Alinel, maybe Torwel, maybe Tal. Doesn't really narrow things down all that much, and it's only one spy team, but it's a start, I think. 

Edited by Aonar Faileas
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Kas has been acting a little strange, but his behaviour strikes me as reasonable assuming either that he is the Wit, or really stressed about exams. It doesn't strike me as particularly reasonable assuming him being a Spy. Trolling tends not to be conducive to successful Eliminator play. (Unless you've been outed, of course.)

Sorry, Aonar, I'm the Wit you deserve, but not the one you need right now :P

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And then we'd lose the flair of uncertainty you add to the games (and that flair isn't a bad thing, even if it gets you targeted. You survived almost the whole game in Joe's Quick Fix, so that's something. :P )

She Technically survived to the very end. She was the last kill.


I'm still gathering Information. I play this game a bit differently than most. Rather than looking for the Eliminators, I look for the Innocents. I proof to myself that these people are Innocent, then go from there, figuring out the rest as I go. Though I do have a 'Special' List of people who I will never declare Innocent unless there's Irrefutable Evidence. 


Basically, I don't have any Suspicions yet. Also, look! a Journal!


The First Day

Spoken By Brightlord Joslin. Penned by Sani Joslin

When, Captain America throws his mighty Shield!  All those who chose to oppose his Shield must Yield!

I have decided to record these events. Perhaps by reading over what happened, I will be able to make Connections I would have missed. Yesterday ended in Failure. I focused on Brightlady Kenara and the two Horneaters, One of which is now dead. I am uncertain why. There was no Rhyme or Reason to her death, but then, when is there any reason to murder in Cold blood. I believe that Brightlord Ace is highly suspicious of me, despite our Past. Have I not proven myself his Ally on Multiple occasions? I will have to investigate more.

If he's led to a fight and a duel is due, Then the red and white and blue'll come through!

I feel I am somewhat to blame for this. Sani tells me I have been rather Harsh with the Darkeyes, and that could have driven them to seek other masters. I'll try to be better about that. Have more Caution when I talk to them. Betab Willing, I will catch these Spies.

When Captain America throws his mighty Shield!

~Brightlord Jost Joslin

Edited by The Only Joe
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Hey now, Wilson. I take being on lists like that as a personal point of pride. Don't you dare take that away from me. :P I gave you a pass on LG9. I already regret it, and it's not happening again. ; )

I'll do what I want with my list and those on it. :PCareful there.It's statements like that that got you on the list in the first place. Challenge accepted.

Wilson is a suspect because she's always a suspect; she hasn't really done anything suspicious, but on my personal lists, I have 'do not trust' in large capital letters next to her name, so... :P

Though I do have a 'Special' List of people who I will never declare Innocent unless there's Irrefutable Evidence. 

....I'm wounded at your lack of trust. :(

And now, to give into Ren's call for bloodthirstiness. Thanks to Alv's comment earlier about pir2h's past playstyle, I went back and looked at the games I wasn't able to follow (namely the Rithmatist game). She's been acting differently this game, which I realize is hard to determine with her since she's rather unpredictable; however, Alv is right. She typically pegs people pretty early on, and she also normally participates more in the votes. She hasn't been this time around, except for the vote on Jasnah. She's not RPing this game as much as she normally does, which could be just her trying something new, or it could be her being an eliminator and not knowing how to RP as one. I'm inclined to think the latter, particularly since it explains why she jumped on Jain as much as she did. She drew eliminator on her 4th game, but she doesn't want people noticing, so she tried to shunt attention onto the person who's drawn Team Good in over 12 games in a row (I think that's the number now).

I wish I was on my laptop right now, because I'd be be able to put a little more evidence from my notes, but alas, all I have is my phone. And since I really should be sleeping right now, I'm just going to end with

Odysa. I'll put more in the morning when I'm on a computer.
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Alinel. I know we're usually at loggerheads over that, but you do usually have a plan in most of the games we've played together. What do you have in mind at the moment?
In addition, I think we should be considering the possibility that it doesn't necessarily make sense for our standard 'threat-kill' strategy as Eliminators to work out very well in this game. Think about it: there are x number of Eliminator teams who don't know who each other are. If players haven't been giving out clear markers of being loyal to Dalinar (and perhaps even then), killing a player just because that player's good is damaging.
Let me make it clearer: think about what happened in LG7, when Sart targeted Meta. The whole point of that, as we discussed, is that it doesn't really make sense to attack good players in the hopes that they aren't on your side. It's blind, and at worst, you likely shoot yourself in the foot.
My suggestion is that at this point, this is exactly the predicament confronting Spy teams. (And I'm not saying this because I'm a Spy :P ) You could kill the brilliantly scary players, but if they turn out to be Spies from different teams, then you're knee-deep in crem. In which case, Eliminator strategy might take a different turn. They might be struggling--just as we are--to figure out who the other Eliminators are likely to be, and until then, they're going to be more cautious about their kills.
And of course, it would be remiss of me, as one of the two surviving representatives of the House of Paranoia, not to even consider the possibility that some of the players we're puzzled about (see: why aren't they dead? They're usually dead?) are on a Spy team, and their team's kill made it through. I don't think we can entirely rule that out yet.

Edit: I greened out Araris, because I brilliantly got confused by the Ookla there and didn't realise he was the Ookla in question. My apologies! Well, then, I'd like to flag Alv. I know you generally like to keep in the background on the thread, but what do you make of things so far?

Edited by Kasimir
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King: If a Lighteyes elects to skip a week's battle, is it directly reflected in the write-up? Or does it only show if they were slated for death? And because you might remember a certain incident from LG5: if a Lighteyes has been protected, and then skips a battle/skirmish they would die in, what is reflected in the write-up?


If a Lighteyes skips a week's Combat, then they are removed from the list for that Cycle and put into the next Cycle's. They are, effectively, not a viable choice for it. The same is true for Spies in Combat with their own army: They will not be on the list for that Cycle, though they won't be added to the next like a Lighteyes skipping Combat. Neither will be given any indication in the writeup.


I have a Battle of Wits list. Right now, the only people on it are Meta, Gamma, and Aonar (although I know Wyrm really wants to be on it too)


If it's not 200 people long, I'm not interested :P

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The Infirmary bed made for a pleasant change to the barracks dank and unembellished furnishings. Once you learned to ignore the screams of anguish from fellow comrades, it really was a nice place to spend an afternoon. The only nuisance was the lack of tolerable company, but then again, that couldn't be helped when you were surrounded by the halfwits that got themselves injured in the last skirmish.


Eoldren wasn’t injured of course, but he certainly wasn’t going to be telling anybody else that.


It always struck him as odd that you get stuck with one lousy spear, and bam! you’ve got a first class ticket to paradise. An oddity that could be taken advantage of none the less, and so by the time the triage nurse finally made the discovery that the ‘arrow’ piercing his hand was really just a two millimetre splinter, Eoldren had managed to spend almost three hours relaxing in relative luxury. Glory spren hovered around his head for just a second, drawn by his little achievement, however with his cunning little ploy revealed, no choice remained but to head back to the garrison.

The others were all sitting around a fire in almost complete silence. ‘Those damnation spies..’ Eoldren muttered under his breath. ‘They’ll be the end of any decent conversation around here..’


“Have no fear! I am safe and well, had a little scare there for a minute, but please do not waste your prayers tonight on my behalf!”


Nobody moved. It wasn't the first time such a proclamation had been made.


“Yes! It takes a combination of skill, spinelessness and bold caution to stay out of harms way and caution has served me well once again!”


Again nothing.


With a sigh he took an empty place by the fire and resolved to stare ominously at people until they said something.



Edit: Perhaps I'll stare at Reihmer for a little seeing as you want some votes in play, but mainly because I'd like some poetry. :) 

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Well, then, I'd like to flag Alv. I know you generally like to keep in the background on the thread, but what do you make of things so far?

Nothing really.  As I stated in other games, I never have any really strong suspects until the third or fourth day.


However, I am a little wary of Meta and Maill as they both volunteered to be the target for the lighteyes vote but only if the vote that was on them was removed.  They could've just asked for volunteers but instead chose to put their hand up and get the votes off them even though they were in no danger of being lynched.  Could be that they just wanted to be helpful or they might just want to make it look like they are innocent.  Also neither one of them has offered to be the vote target again despite both being on and posting.


Aonar as I already stated was being quieter than normal but that has been addressed.


Winter Cloud has been acting out of character for the few games that they have played.


Wilson is being Wilson.  Someone that is on my list to never ever trust but always want to.  


One thing I have been thinking about is Ashs death.  Due to Wyrms post about messages being set up at the end of the cycle has me thinking that maybe Ash sent in orders early to contact someone and Wyrm set it up before realizing his mistake.  Thus Ash could've contacted someone and revealed he was a Messenger to a spy.  Question is who would Ash trust enough to contact in the first cycle.  Renegade springs to mind as they were eliminators together during QF3.


Unfortunately none on my current list of suspects really stands out.  Most have already been called out so my vote will be held back until some of my suspects respond to the claims I and others have raised.

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Wilson is being Wilson.  Someone that is on my list to never ever trust but always want to.  


I just want you all to know that I'm collecting these statements for my future amusement. And it is highly amusing to me. I had no idea I'd garnered that much of a rep. :P

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I have a hard time taking that vote seriously. Especially since your reasoning (or what I understand of your reasoning) doesn't fit what I've been doing at all. I've been talkative (far more than past games), yes, but I'm not harmless. I'm not naive enough to ever classify myself as harmless, even on Team Good, which is far from my specialty (even in LG1 when I was totally taken in by Barty, I was still the first one to peg Claincy and Aether with near certainty, and those two had flown under the radar for over half the game).....


Actually, scratch that. I'm not following what you're saying. Are you saying that the eliminators are going to be leading the discussion, trying to find out who's harmless and who isn't? And because they're leading the discussion, they can't be guilty? That's never the case, just so you know. I can link you to any number of games on here where some of the most vocal players were eliminators. So we all know not to trust someone just because they're talking a lot. It's about what they're saying. And doing. And even then, there's no certainty, if someone's good enough (at being evil).


I'll give you guys a bit of a clue: I haven't tried to manipulate once in this game. Not actively (and yes. I know by saying that, you guys are probably going to think that I'm trying to manipulate you with that statement. I'm not. But I don't expect you to believe me. :P). I honestly don't care if people trust me or not. I'm simply getting a kick out of seeing the responses of people who want to trust me but know that they shouldn't from past games. I have no expectations that I'm going to survive this game, but I knew that when I signed up. I'm simply making the most of the time that I'm alive, because heck, if I can call out some eliminators before I die, and Team Good wins because of it, great. That's really all that matters.


Your vote seems to me to be a thing of desperation, which makes me a little more certain that you actually are a spy. Methinks the lady doth protest too much.


Also, I might as well add that that last post of Kas' had red flags waving right and left for me. It seemed to be worded more towards the eliminators, giving them pointers on how to find their teammates than towards Team Good and how to help us strategize in finding them. Just the entire wording of that post set off alarm bells. I don't know if anyone else felt the same way, but I figured I'd mention it just in case.

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Wilson, I was thinking the same thing about what Kas said - it does seem rather suspicious. His logic is sound, and very similar to why I thought Ash may have been targeted - but him pointing it out is like saying "hey other spies, this is why I targeted Ash - try to follow my idea".

We'll see what he has to say in regards to his defense.

As far as you go Wilson, everyone is always going to assume you're evil - you scare the crem out of us when you are. ;)

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I just want you all to know that I'm collecting these statements for my future amusement. And it is highly amusing to me. I had no idea I'd garnered that much of a rep. :P


Even after you knew you were on the Kill-on-Sight list? :P


BothwWilson and Odysa's votes are weird to me. Odysa particularly feels wrong. Wilson, my current suspicions have been relieved, but of course, not completely. Odysa voted foraWilson because she talks a lot and then retracted it easily andtquickly. That's just toocweird to me, but Ihwant to give herka chance to defendaherself.s


Alv, I didn't volunteer again because I didn't think it necessary. You all know that I volunteer as that tribute, and I'm not retracting that offer. I don't plan on restating that every cycle though. LIGHTEYES, vote for me in the secret ballot. 

Edited by Mailliw73
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