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1. "Well, what you've been posting reads awfully like messages to fellow Eliminators."

Indeed, I have been unmasked! The shame! The horror! I'm sending cunning messages telling my fellow Spies how to play (and really, y'all should contact me, tsk.)


Very simply, I disagree with the basic premise that Wilson and Macen seem to be endorsing. I do agree that some things shouldn't be talked about because we don't want to help my fellow Eliminators too much. For instance: talking about who the Surgeons should protect. At the same time, I honestly think that as much as the idea can be flawed in implementation--bringing up things, even if it's obvious, helps the Village. I don't mean to say that being Captain Obvious and nothing more is helpful, but I do find it constructive to throw possibilities out there, to let people think about it, and really, to keep ideas flowing. I think that keeping silent and keeping it to myself isn't really a smart thing to do. It's something I've tended to do in past games (see Meta's QF) and I've ended up paying for it. So perhaps I'm overcompensating, but at this point, I do believe that talking more is better, and I've decided that responding to Jain and trying to make sense of Ash's death (even though it is, at this point, a singular data-point) is well worth it. Why do you disagree, Wilson and Macen?


Missed this last night, since it was an edit. :P


I don't disagree with bringing things up for discussion in the thread, especially since PMs are so limited this game (assuming we even have a Messenger left to have any at all). My beef with that post was more with the way you worded it than what you were saying. You seemed to be addressing it more to the eliminators than to Team Good, which, since the spies are separated out into teams, could make sense. I also happened to read it right after I woke up from a nasty sleep (and I don't mean I didn't get much sleep. I mean it was the Sleep of Death and I remember nothing that night, which is absurdly unusual for me). Hence, I'm not sure I completely trust my mindset at that point in time. I've since read back over that particular post and it doesn't read nearly as much as directed to eliminators as I'd thought.


I still can't read you though. Your blatant acceptance of being a spy could be because you are actually a spy, and since I know you dislike being an eliminator, it could make sense that you're just accepting people have discovered your duplicitous nature, and you're rolling along with it. Or it could be that you're not a spy but have accepted that everyone thinks you are. However, I'm less-inclined to think that. Outside of that one very curt post from your mobile, you haven't had the defeated tone I would expect. So basically, I have no idea what to make of you. Congratulations.


Something about Wilson has been on my radar, but I think that’s just an unfounded feeling. I might just be being influenced by everyone else though. It might have something to do with how she keeps insisting that it’s obvious she’s on Dalinar’s side, even though no one else seems to think so. She said that her playstyle this game is different from how she plays when she’s evil, but is it the same as how she has played in the past when she’s good? I don’t really know well enough to say.


Well. I have yet to play the same playstyle in a game, regardless of what team I'm on. The only time I've been remotely this talkative, though, was when I was the Mayor, but I think this beats even that, if we don't count PMs. And it is obvious to me which side I'm on. That's probably because I just got done with LG9, so the juxtaposition is making my tells very, very clear to me. But of course I'm noticing my tells. It's far easier for me to see the difference than it is for you guys. I guess my thing is that it's so obvious to me, that I figure that it must be at least a bit suggestive to you guys. But maybe it isn't. Or maybe I've simply played so well on team evil that you guys think I'd so adamantly declare my innocence like this (I'll admit, I did consider that toward the end of LG9. I chose against it because it's something that would only work once (assuming it even worked), regardless of what team I'm on. I guess I'm choosing to use it now, so I can't when I'm actually evil.)


Wilson: Something doesn't seem right about her. It seems almost like every second post she's reminding us that she's innocent, that she's using a more active playstyle, or that she's a scary Eliminator. It feels like she's trying to compensate for the (re)new(ed) wariness from LG9 by playing noticeably differently. That might be trying to avoid a lynch as a loyal scribe, or it could be trying to seem helpful and trustworthy as a spy. Or hint to the other spies.


....oops. I guess this is another one of those posts, isn't it? I'm not trying to compensate for anything. I jumped into this game expecting my new threat level to kill me off early. Because of that, I wasn't really taking the game totally seriously at first. I jumped votes to promote discussion and get everyone to check in, but I wasn't really expecting to be of any help. I think that's part of the reason why I didn't consider the time left in the cycle before I posted the vote-switch idea. I wasn't expecting to come up with any good ideas before I died, but then I did. And yes, I was highly amused by comments about my threat level. I'd think anyone would be, in my position.


However, now I'm fully taking the game seriously. I noticed that shift starting when I was responding to Odysa's vote on me yesterday. I started that post taking the vote as more of a joke than anything, and I ended it actually starting to take it seriously, and from that point on for the rest of the night, the shift only got more pronounced. I'm now actively looking at wording and any possible attempt at manipulation. And let me tell you something: your post just red-flagged you. You're not high on my suspect list, but you're on there. Possibly even as Odysa's teammate. 


Another reason why I'm not RP is that this is an "One world thing" and nobody is giving me anything to play off of. Should I just do more trudging through the mud or what? More walking around? More being suspicious of everyone and being sure of nobody? And, if I was an Eliminator, don't you think my partner in spy would give me some tips on how to play now? Assuming that he/she was not new as well.


You've never really needed other RPing to play off of in the past.


That's a good point. So let's look at your behavior once again, shall we? You're acting differently. This could be your own choice as an eliminator, or it could've been help from your teammate. Doesn't really matter which one. Your frantic questions in the thread about changing your playstyle could've been because you asked your teammate for advice, and they're like "Dude. I have no freaking clue. I thought the trolling would work, but she's still zeroed in on you. I have no other ideas" or something to that effect. The point is, either your teammate wasn't online at the time or they didn't know how to help you. But the biggest indicator to me of a teammate trying to help you out is your sudden random RP. They probably told you "hey, it seems they're mostly on you because you're not RPing. So RP a bit."


And that tells me that your teammate definitely isn't Meta, Aonar, Maill, or Joe. None of them would encourage you to respond like that when I'm zeroed in on you. So it could be someone brand new, but I don't think it is. I think it's someone who's played a few games but hasn't played many with me. Nor have they really watched many games with me, so they don't know what advice to give you when I'm accusing you. Which mostly just leaves Newan and Twei, although technically Jasnah, Rainspren, and Macen could be on that short list too. I'm leaning more toward Twei than Newan right now, although it could be him. His post exonerating me reads slightly as if he's toying with me. 


My offer still stands though. If you're actually good, explain your motives very clearly. Lay it out all there, because it can't hurt you if you're good. If you're evil, continue ignoring this. I'm trying to give you an out, and the fact that you're not taking it but instead still offering up excuses indicates that you don't think you can explain yourself in a way that will get you off the hook. Still, you should probably try.

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I don't have much time now, but I'll say a few things.


First, there's just over three hours left in the cycle. Are we going to go for a lynch? There's five people with a vote each on them. We can't keep tying the votes if we want to learn anything, but I think it's a bit late in the cycle to start anything. Since we'll likely learn a lot from the deaths and shardblade distribution this cycle, as it's a battle, and we're not sure of anything, perhaps we don't need a lynch yet.


Second, there hasn't been a decision for where the Lighteye vote should go. There's been a little discussion, but no decision. That needs to be decided in time for all of the Lighteyes to send the order in, and hopefully have a chance to give input too. Should it be Jasnah, since she's the only one who hasn't posted yet this cycle who hasn't been voted for?

Well. I have yet to play the same playstyle in a game, regardless of what team I'm on. The only time I've been remotely this talkative, though, was when I was the Mayor, but I think this beats even that, if we don't count PMs. And it is obvious to me which side I'm on. That's probably because I just got done with LG9, so the juxtaposition is making my tells very, very clear to me. But of course I'm noticing my tells. It's far easier for me to see the difference than it is for you guys. I guess my thing is that it's so obvious to me, that I figure that it must be at least a bit suggestive to you guys. But maybe it isn't. Or maybe I've simply played so well on team evil that you guys think I'd so adamantly declare my innocence like this (I'll admit, I did consider that toward the end of LG9. I chose against it because it's something that would only work once (assuming it even worked), regardless of what team I'm on. I guess I'm choosing to use it now, so I can't when I'm actually evil.)

Your insistence that you have to seem good looks fishy to me after you suspected Kas because of him saying he was good as part of his analysis. Personally, I think it looks manipulative, even though you said you haven't been manipulating people this game. Also, if you know your own tells so well, then I'd expect them to at least be less prominent, if not completely absent, the next time you're an eliminator.

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Your insistence that you have to seem good looks fishy to me after you suspected Kas because of him saying he was good as part of his analysis. Personally, I think it looks manipulative, even though you said you haven't been manipulating people this game. Also, if you know your own tells so well, then I'd expect them to at least be less prominent, if not completely absent, the next time you're an eliminator.


I was wondering when someone was going to mention that. It occurred to me late last night. To be honest, there's not much. I'd say it's about the initial post--if it's a blatant statement or more of a hint--but I've said it so much in the last few days that there's really not much difference between how Kas brought it up and what I'm doing. I can see how it looks fishy, and I'd be suspicious of me as well for that very fact. Ah, well. If nothing else, I've learned that I really, really don't like this playstyle. I dislike being this talkative.


In theory, yes. We'll see if it works the same way in practice. I know that my time as Witless in LG6 helped me last game, and while I'm seeing tells this game, I'm also using a playstyle I'm never going to use again, so what I'm doing isn't something I'll be able to adapt into the games where I'm evil, and that's normally what I do: an instinctive adapting rather than an active incorporation of tells. So I'm not sure.

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To that, I can only reply: Guilty, guilty, guilty. I am a Spy. I make no attempt to deny it. Also, we should stop focusing on me, because it lets the other non-harmless Spies skitter by in the background.


You seem to really want us to think you are a spy, but I'm not buying it.  I need proof! Tell us the name of another spy, and if we lynch him and he's bad, then we can kill you. yay!



Which mostly just leaves Newan


and Twei, although technically Jasnah, Rainspren, and Macen could be on that short list too. I'm leaning more toward Twei than Newan right now,


although it could be him. His post exonerating me reads slightly as if he's toying with me. 

Ellipses mine.



Wait. yay!


Wait. nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


(But seriously now, I wasn't toying with you.  I actually think you're nice.  You were encouraging me though my actions have helped eliminators in the past, and there was another player who you were encouraging, and it was just nice.)

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Lightsworn Panda(2): Araris Valerian/Ookla the Alko, and Myself.

Wilson(1): Mailliw

Jasnah Winter cloud(1): Wilson

Rain Spren(1): Renegade

Mailliw(1): Meta

Macen(1): Kasimir


We need a Lynch today. We don't have enough Information. So, I'm going to vote for one of the above people based on two Qualifications. How much Info we'd get from their Death, and How Innocent I think they are.



Wilson, Panda and Macen are all Lighteyes. Killing them Would make the Vote easier to Manipulate for any spies among the lighteyes.


Discovering Wilson's Alignment would Help us figure out whether or not she was being truly Helpful or not.


Killing Rainspren or Jasnah would net us No Information at all, since they haven't posted enough. Like wise Mailliw hasn't done enough.



Wilson's been playing for Funsies. Not actually trying, because she assumed she would be killed early on. So far, she's acted consistently with that Assumption. She wouldn't do that if she had a Partner who would die with her. She would actually try to make sure she survived, rather than what she's doing now. So I think She's Innocent, but I still won't trust her ever.


Jasnah's playstyle has been consistant with the rest of her games. Lurking to the point of Inactivity. She continues to post to avoid the Inactive death though. I think she's also Innocent.


Rainspren literally hasn't done anything. He's posted twice, both RP with no Analysis or votes. He's looking Suspicious right now.


Macen hasn't done much at all. Just sat back and watched. No feelings about him at the moment.


Mailliw has claimed he's busy and won't post much. He then got on and asked the Lighteyes to wast their vote on him, if Alvon removed his vote first. That could have ensured that people wouldn't vote for him. Slightly Suspicious, but I think he's innocent.


Jain specifaclly asked how the eliminator teams work, and ranted about being Good again. I've used the Tactic of asking something I know to look like I don't before, and he decided a game or two ago that Ranting was useless. I'm suspicious of him as well.



So I can Choose to lynch Wilson, gaining lots of Information, but probably killing an Innocent, or I can choose to kill Panda, Who I'm suspicious about and will get us a bit of Information. I don't feel at all good about this, But I'm going to vote for Panda.

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Real quick right now, as I'm in my phone. Joe, as I pointed out to Kas last night, Mailliw retracted his vote for Wilson, so she isn't a viable lynch choice right now. Also, Wilson's vote is on Winter Cloud right now, not Jasnah, and Jasnah might be the choice for the lighteye lynch. I just want to make sure your analysis is based on correct information.
Edit: Color

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What? really?


Could of sworn I checked those. Anyway, even if those are true, Then Panda is still my most Viable Lynch Target. Thanks for pointing those out though.


EDIT: Found them. I though Oddysa was Jasnah's Character. Somehow my Notes are wrong.

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Oh, Norlav, that's not how the lighteye voting is supposed to work. Once we have a few suspects for the cycle (which is why we need to get the ball rolling on that), then the lighteyes' vote should go on someone that isn't up for the lynch. If someone volunteers to be the target, then that would be suspicious to me (see my vote), as they'd be trying to negate themselves from the pool of possible suspects for that cycle. If no one finds me suspicious enough to throw a vote my way, then by all means, the lighteyes could use me as the vote sink again, but that's up to them and should be based off of who hasn't received any votes yet. Personally, I'd suggest using Tal or Damon right now, as poke votes should be outlawed, in my opinion. So unless we're going to just lynch one of them for inactivity (and Wyrm has already taken care of that), they're a safe place to store the vote for now. 

The point I was trying to raise was that both you and Mal only offered to be the vote sink if the votes placed on you were removed.  But the next cycle when there wasn't any votes on you, you didn't make the same offer again of give an alternative place for the vote to go.  That is what made me wary of the two of you.

I think this game has had the most white text since Claincy brought it in for LG2.

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I wonder if anyone will look ABOVE the Quote for White Text?

The point I was trying to raise was that both you and Mal only offered to be the vote sink if the votes placed on you were removed.  But the next cycle when there wasn't any votes on you, you didn't make the same offer again of give an alternative place for the vote to go.  That is what made me wary of the two of you.

I think this game has had the most white text since Claincy brought it in for LG2.

Exactly! It ensures that nobody will vote for them. As for the Lighteye Vote, as Far as I can tell we never decided anything. Luckat suggested Jasnah, but no body actually responded to that. I'm putting mine Elsewhere.

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I wonder if anyone will look ABOVE the Quote for White Text?

Exactly! It ensures that nobody will vote for them. As for the Lighteye Vote, as Far as I can tell we never decided anything. Luckat suggested Jasnah, but no body actually responded to that. I'm putting mine Elsewhere.


I put mine on Jasnah.

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The point I was trying to raise was that both you and Mal only offered to be the vote sink if the votes placed on you were removed.  But the next cycle when there wasn't any votes on you, you didn't make the same offer again of give an alternative place for the vote to go.  That is what made me wary of the two of you.

I think this game has had the most white text since Claincy brought it in for LG2.


That makes no sense. If I offered myself up with the vote on me last cycle, then I'd have been killed; thus the vote would have to be removed if people wanted to use me as the target. As far as why I didn't suggest someone else, people would assume that I'm collaborating with that person to protect them and since I didn't/don't trust any of you, I wasn't about to give anyone a free pass on the first day. 

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I wonder if anyone will look ABOVE the Quote for White Text?

Exactly! It ensures that nobody will vote for them. As for the Lighteye Vote, as Far as I can tell we never decided anything. Luckat suggested Jasnah, but no body actually responded to that. I'm putting mine Elsewhere.

 Well, when I press Ctrl A because I suspect there might be white text, I notice it...

I suggested Jasnah because Meta had already suggested Jasnah/Damon because an inactive is a good place to put the vote when we're specifically trying to make it so that it doesn't affect the outcome, and because no one else has been actually suggesting anything for it and we really should figure out who the lighteye vote is going to earlier than a few hours before the cycle ends. 


So you still want to lynch Jain over Odysa? How suspicious are you of her? Also, Jain is a lighteyes and if he's innocent, lynching him could lead to spy vote manipulation. If the lighteyes aren't going with the plan of keeping that vote together (like you, apparently), that might not matter, or it might make it matter so much more.


I'm going to withhold my vote this cycle because I feel like it's too late in the cycle for me to vote when I don't have particularly strong suspicions. I agree that a lynch could give us useful information, but if it's just a matter of two people voting for someone they only kind of suspect, it might not be helpful. If other people want to cause a lynch, I won't do anything to stop them.

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I'll throw a vote on Jain, even though I don't suspect him, just to make sure that someone gets lynched and give us some information to go off of! 


...That and I suspect I'm dead in a half hour anyways, so you all won't have to worry about me being evil for very much longer anyways! :P

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Edit: Posted that three minutes too early >>


Now time's up! Who will be the lucky winner? Stay tuned after the break to find out.

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Week 3

Dalinar surveyed the battlefield with a keen eye, taking in all of Prince Aladar's forces as he looked out from the hill while he waited to be fitted out with his Shardplate. Strange. Was this all he could muster? Here they were, fighting against the rest of the Alethi princedoms, their army spread out in three across the borders of Gavilar and Sadeas' princedoms, yet their foe couldn't even raise a force equal to theirs?

"Brightness Kenara," he said, turning to his scribe, "we have a report of the lay of the land, yes? Is there anywhere that Aladar could hide reserves, or perhaps ambush us from?"

Kenara rifled through the papers she had lain out on the table before her. She picked one up and spread the map across the table, rotating it slightly until it fit what they could see. She shook her head. "No, my lord. In front of us, it is almost all plains, and ehind us they would have to fight through our own reserve forces. It is not something he could simply hope to do and succeed at."

"Even with his Spies in our forces?" he sighed and lifted his arms up. A Darkeyed attendant started to snap his Shardplate into place. He lowered then when it had been fitted correctly, not bothering to check that his own armour wasn't damaged. If they had tampered with his Shardplate in an important manner, he wouldn't feel the lightness or strength it bestowed upon its wearer. He took his helmet from them, but didn't put it on. He wanted a completely unobstructed view of the battlefield for now.

"We have taken precautions against that," Brightlord Jost interjected. "Our forces know to be wary of enemies attacking from behind."

Dalinar smiled. Good, it was going to be a proper battle then. War as the Almighty intended. No subterfuge, no tricks, just strategy, skill and strength. And that meant that his army would win. "Assemble my troops," he said. "You know what is required of you."

"...Actually sir, I was hoping we could talk about that before we started," Brightlord Jain said, stepping forward nervously. "you see sir, I'm not perfectly confident that I will be able to carry out my part of the plan as instructed."

"Nonsense," Dalinar said, clapping him on the back with a slightly too cheery grin. Jain practically was thrown to the ground by the strength behind it thanks to the Shardplate. "My apologies. Sometimes I forget my own strength in these things. But still, your part of the plan doesn't even require that much skill."

"Sir," Jain said as he pushed himself back to his feet, "I'm not entirely convinced that we need a Lighteyes at the front of the charge. Surely we should be at the back, where we can see the battlefield and make a difference?"

"Jain, I think you might be a little mistaken about what your part in the battle is."

That caused Jain to falter. "...Sir?"

"Certain people have expressed dissatisfaction as to where they think your loyalties truly lie."

"Sir, this is what happens when you ask Darkeyes for their opinions. They don't care who dies as long as its one of us."

"It's not just them, Jain," Brightlord Jost said, speaking up. "I have heard things during my investigations too."

"...I'd like to request my leave now, sir?" Jain tried, figuratively throwing himself on the Blackthorn's mercy, though there wasn't much hope in his voice.

"Denied. If you are indeed one of my men, then obey my orders as you should. If not... Go and die in battle, and reclaim some of your blackened honour."

Jain grimaced. "It seems I have no choice then," he muttered. He drew his sword from its scabbard and lunged at Dalinar, attempting to strike his currently unprotected neck.

But even without a weapon, a man in Shardplate was still a force to be reckoned with. Dalinar's fist slammed into his stomach as though it were a warhammer, crushing through Jain's armour and driving all the air out of his lungs. He stumbled back and collapsed from the sheer force behind the blow, looking up at the man he had betrayed.

"You should have died in battle," Dalinar said, not taking his eyes off Jain in the ten heartbeats it took to summon his Shardblade. "Then perhaps you might still have found a decent place in the Tranquiline Halls." He swung his Shardblade, and Jain's eyes burned.


Tal had always considered war to be glorious before he signed up. True, there were moments where it was still fun, but those mostly took place off the battlefield, where you were just glad to have survived the last battle and be able to spend time with your comrades-in-arms. Now he knew better, after fighting alongside men sent to die for the glory of a Lighteyes, and burying some of his friends.

But even then, in the midst of battle with the dying and the dead, there was a certain beauty to it. A moment of perfection where there was nothing in the world but you and your foe. When the Thrill overrode all other feelings within him. There was pride in those moments, when it felt as though you faced the world and won. It was a moment when he could be proud to be a soldier.

Those moments seemed too far gone right now. The battle had started off perfectly for Dalinar's army. They made massive ground and surged forwards, but all that served to do in the end was separate them. While Prince Aladar didn't have any reserves to commit to the fight, he had the next best thing.

A Shardblader.

How could one kill so many so easily and still remain human? Storm them. This one was cutting through their ranks as though they weren't even there. Everywhere he turned the gargantuan sword, men were either permanently maimed, or simply fell to the ground for him to step over. He didn't even have Shardplate, but simple platemail.

There were a mere dozen men between them. The only strategy they were taught that was really possible was for enough spearmen to surround the Shardblader that they could get a few decent hits in before they died. But even that didn't seem to work here.

Three men fell with a single stroke of the sword, followed by two more. He sheared through the spear hafts as they attacked him, and the men surrounding him scattered. A clearing opened in the battle around the Shardblade-wielder, who turned to look at him. Tal belatedly realised that he was the only one left trying to face the man. Tal gripped the spear in his hand, his only weapon. Well, he might as well go down fighting. If he was going to die here, he'd do it right. He charged forward-.

Suddenly grey armour stood before him, a bulwark for him to hide behind. He stopped before he crashed into Dalinar's towering figure, Shardblade there to block the attack that was aimed to kill Tal like so many of his friends. The enemy Shardblader took a step back. Tal could see fear in his eyes now.

A few seconds later proved why - There was nothing that a man with a mere Shardblade could do against someone with the full set of blade and plate. Dalinar cut him down almost as easily as the Shardblader had his army. He knelt down and picked up the blade. And then, inexplicably, he passed the hilt to Tal.


"You gave a Shardblade to a Darkeyed soldier?!"

"Please, calm down, Brightlord Jost. Brightlord Tal was willing to charge their Shardblader and throw his life away for our cause. I cannot see us do anything less than reward him for it."

"We can't trust them, Dalinar," Jost growled out, not even bothering to refer to Dalinar with respect. "We know that they have Spies in our army, and you just go and give a Shardblade to someone who might be one of them?"

"We know that the Lighteyes here aren't incorruptible either," Dalinar snapped, turning to look at Jost. Then realisation hit him. "You're just angry that you weren't given it, aren't you?"

"I am trained in the sword, Dalinar. I've served your family since before that boy even heard of you. I'm a better soldier than him in every way. We need experienced swordsmen to hold a Shardblade in this war, not a boy who wouldn't even know how to hold it right."

"Dismissed, Brightlord Jost."

"You shouldn't-"

"I said dismissed, Jost," Dalinar said more firmly, giving him a stony glare. "Be grateful that I am willing to let it go there."

Jost held his gaze momentarily, then looked away. He didn't apologise, but simply left the tent silently.

Lightsworn Panda was a Lighteyed Swordsman, loyal to Prince Vamah! His Spanreed has been given to a random player.

Jain (3): Alinel Lenia, Jost Joslin
Marand (1): Meller
Odysa (1): Kenara
Karlin (1): Reihmer
Ace (1): Kaddar

No-one died in Battle!

Tal won a Shardblade and has risen to the ranks of the Lighteyes!

At the end of the week, there will be a Highstorm.


Player List
Damon Shan, Worldhopper [Jasnah Damodred]
Norlav, a mercenary drafted by the Blackthorn [Alvron]
Wok, a Horneater princess serving the Blackthorn [Ashiok] - Messenger
Reihmer, a bad ketek poet [Renegade]
Newan, a failed (and failing) Envisager [Newan]
Odysa of Shao, a former-assassin turned mercenary [Winter Cloud]
Karlin, a Jah Keved Purelaker [surgebound Rainspren]
Aonaran Faialen, a wannabe musician [Aonar Faileas]
Marand, no further description [Mailliw73]
Mek, a defector from Highprince Yenev's army [mckeedee123]
Alinel Lenia, Horneater exile, second son [Araris Valerian]
Torwel, reluctant conscript, wants ale [twelfthrootoftwo]
Eoldren, guy with a sweet tooth and a grudge [Eolhondras]
Meller, a bridge builder for the Blackthorn [Metacognition]

Kaddar, a one-eyed veteran spearman with a fondness for riddles. [Kasimir]
Kenara, a scribe for the Blackthorn [little wilson]
Jain, a possibly-resurrected Shin traveller with a panda [Lightsworn Panda] - Swordsman
Jost Joslin, a soldier who never had a Shardblade [The Only Joe]
Ace, a guy with an oversized mallet and a talisman [Macen]
Tal, an enthusiastic young recruit and Shardblade wielder [luckat]

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H-How did no one die? Weren't we suppose to be able to tell if the Surgeon or Guardsmen saved someone? Did the spies just never put in their orders? Are we really that lucky? What is going on here?!? 


On the bright side, good call Jost. That's one down!

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H-How did no one die? Weren't we suppose to be able to tell if the Surgeon or Guardsmen saved someone? Did the spies just never put in their orders? Are we really that lucky? What is going on here?!?


You will indeed be informed if the Surgeon or Guardsman is saved. No-one was saved by a Surgeon or Guardsman last Cycle. I must admit to laughing quite a bit when I realised that no-one would die in the first Battle :P.

Edited by Wyrmhero
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Meta's vote is counted twice. It should only be on there once, for Maill/Marand, since he never retracted it.


As for the lack of kills. My personal theory is that Jain's team targeted a spy loyal to Aladar on accident. Either that or they just forgot to put in a kill. Or maybe an Officer blocked Jain, and Jain was the one who submitted the name. Most plausible of those is that they targeted another spy. But that still leaves the other team(s). I'm inclined to think that because not even one kill got through means that there's probably only one other team. And they could've gotten blocked from adding their name to the list.

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I'm more surprised by the fact that Jain was actually evil for once.  :P


But this lack of deaths is actually a bit unnerving, as it may very well mean that one (or possibly more) team of Spies has found a Spy from Prince Aladar's army.  And if one of those armies has a Messenger, they can start coordinating among each other.


On the other hand, we did find a Spy, and we now have Luckat proven innocent, so we can start making some more concrete connections between players.


EDIT: I looked at it, and there are a number of reasons the Spies' kills could have not gone through.  Either they targeted an Aladar Spy, a Scout on Scouting duty, a player who was being blocked by the Officer (I think that's possible?), or a lighteyes who skipped the battle.


Also, the lighteyed vote doesn't appear to have targeted anyone.

Edited by Renegade
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EDIT: I think I missed something about the different roles. How would they "start" coordinating? If one had a messenger, wouldn't they have started from day 1?


Yes, but the messenger can only contact one person per cycle, assuming they're not blocked by an officer, and they can only have one PM going at a time. So what Ren means is that if the team that hit Aladar's spy has a messenger, that messenger could contact the spy they tried to hit. They couldn't communicate this cycle, but they'd be in communication the next one, since PMs are started at the rollover.



Ren, if the spies sabotaged a player blocked by an Officer, that player would still die. It's when the Officer blocks the spy from submitting the name that makes the spy team's sabotage fail. However, good call on the Scout. I'd forgotten about that. And that's true about the lighteyes combat skip. I sort of doubt any of the lighteyes skipped though. I sure didn't, and I don't see why any of the others would, since it's a one-shot.

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I'm going to have to agree with Wilson on this. Either a spy was blocked by an officer (I believe that Wyrm said the officer block would be told to the person being blocked?), the Scout, Aladar spies, or Lighteyes skipping combat. I also did not skip combat.

I highly doubt that any Lighteyes would have skipped combat this turn since there is a much lower chance you are the one targeted.

In my opinion. There are either only 2 spy teams, and the non Aladar team hit an Aladar spy and the Aladar spy team hit a scout? 

Or some teams didn't pick someone to sabotage?

Honestly - I have no frakkin clue how this happened. I figured we had 3 eliminator deaths to worry about (figured one might be a spy team killing another spy). Instead we got 0 eliminator kills.

Could this cycle have gone any better for us?

*EDIT* Color...

Edited by Macen
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Wow, Jain actually was a spy. I guess that breaks his streak.


It looks like people said how there could have been no kills. I think there is also a possibility that a team decided not to sabotage in order to obfuscate the number of spies since it was pointed out that the number of people who died would give us that information, but since even they don't know the number of spies that seems less likely. It would only take one pair of people deciding to do that for it to happen though.


I am wondering why two lighteyes have said that battle would be a worse time to skip combat than a skirmish. It might be true that it is less likely for them to be targeted during battle, but that takes guesswork, and if they are targeted at all during a battle, they will die, so it could be good to make a potential sabotage attempt carry over to a skirmish, when there is a chance that they wouldn't be the one to die.


Also, I think we should account for what happened with the lighteye vote, since it appears it was a tie. I think each lighteye should say who they placed that vote on.

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