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It means nothing.  We are no closer to being sure of anyones guilt than we were at the start of last cycle.


I beg to differ. There are likely only two guardsman. One evil, one good. Both of them made an appearance today. The good one saved Kaddar (no doubt counting on the Surgeon to protect luckat). The bad one saved Macen. Macen is trying to say that they used that guardsman to implicate him more, but there is no way that the spies used their one-shot protective role just to delay us for one more cycle. No. They used their one-shot protecting their Officer. Give up the charade, Macen. Start trolling. It's much more amusing that way.


Also, both guardsmen are now out of commission. This means that, if the three teams are in communication with each other, one of them will put a hit on Alvron, and the other two will put a hit on Luckat. Unless I can block one of them, we'll lose both our Surgeon and our Shardbearer in the battle. As it is, we're guaranteed to lose one of them.

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...Let me get this straight. I basically agonised about lynching Macen for nothing? Well, ok, I guess? :P


Thanks, whoever you are. I quite appreciate it, since I'd suspected I'd be lining up as a target.


Edit: As my card says, with regard to my allegiances: L.A.F.O. Further attempts to discover my allegiance may be met by egregious trolling, rickrolling, and last but not least, creepypasta. You have been warned. I have creepypasta and I am not afraid to use it.

Edited by Kasimir
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I don't know why people are saying that we learned nothing. The eliminators tried to kill Kasimir. Plus, unless the guardsman who saved Macen comes forward, it's almost certain he's bad.

Maybe the guardsman was convinced that Macen was legit, and just wanted to save a surgeon. Please come forward. Now that you have used up your power, I doubt you have anything to fear from the eliminators, at least for a few more cycles.

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Ace doesn't matter at this point. We haven't really got new information (well, I haven't, Newan, that I'm loyal to Gavilar Dalinar isn't news to me :P ), and if we spend most of this cycle immediately going after Macen, we're not going to learn anything, and then we'll be in for it the moment next cycle rolls around. Say, rather, that Luckat, myself, and Alvron are likely to be the battle's targets. Now, Luckat can be protected (remember, she's a Lighteyes now), while Alv could, for instance protect me. The problem is that he can't protect himself, and unless, as Wilson said, she's very good with that roleblock, then we're in for it.

The only other good point I can see is that even if all three of us die, two being the safe roles, there's going a new Shardbearer at the end of that battle. But the problem is that all the structures so far have been based on the Messengers contacting Luckat. Now, I'm going to come out and admit that I have been previously contacted as well, but given that I wasn't Luckat, I didn't want to be the one coordinating Messengers, so there's that. The challenge will be to keep most of that structure intact, with what we have. So I do have one or two suggestions for how we can do that, but at the same time, I'd like to hear Alv and Luckat's input on that front. Especially Alv, seeing as he's the one with the most fragile protection currently existing. And before that: Ren. I notice that you and Maili basically accused each other, which is very much like what you were doing with Hero and Jaelre in QF2. Got anything else to bring to the table at the moment?


Incidentally, I would like to appeal to all: say more. If you've been hit by a role-block, please speak up and confirm it, especially since we're trying to trace that second Officer. We know that Officer #2 hit Meta on Cycle One but that's it. He just seems to disappear into thin air after that. Who has been role-blocked and when? Please come forward, because the more information we have, the more we can bring to bear on the problem.


Edit: 'Doesn't matter' = 'We can decide what to do with him later. We need some discussion now and we can't close off the possibility of talking about other things and finding other suspects.'

Edited by Kasimir
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A few telling/interesting things:

Compare to Luckat's table shortly before the cycle ended. [The one below is Luckat's]

Marand (1): Reihmer
Odysa (2): Mek, Newan
Ace (5): Norlav, Eoldren, Jost, Odysa, Kenara
Jost (3): Aonaran, Ace, Torwel
Karlin (1): Kaddar
Reihmer (1): Marand

1. I'm listed as voting for Karlin. I clearly retracted that (I think I retracted all my votes and one I didn't even make >>) and voted for Macen, just to be sure. I'm not really sure why that hasn't been counted.

2. Would be nice to have an account of the Lighteyes votes. I put my Lighteyes vote on Karlin, but not my actual one.

3. Marand and Aonar seem to be both missing from their respective votes. Jost only has two votes on him, while Marand just vanishes. I'm guessing they were silenced by Squadleaders, or they were Scouts. I'm favouring the former, if only because it seems rather...strange to vote on a cycle when you're away from camp, knowing that would make your vote vanish.


Edit: Please ignore the bit about Aonar and myself. It seems that Wyrm has just changed the votes because he's misrecorded them >> So the main takeaway is that Maili, who was voting for Ren was silenced. Interesting.

Edited by Kasimir
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1. I'm listed as voting for Karlin. I clearly retracted that (I think I retracted all my votes and one I didn't even make >>) and voted for Macen, just to be sure. I'm not really sure why that hasn't been counted.

3. Marand and Aonar seem to be both missing from their respective votes. Jost only has two votes on him, while Marand just vanishes. I'm guessing they were silenced by Squadleaders, or they were Scouts. I'm favouring the former, if only because it seems rather...strange to vote on a cycle when you're away from camp, knowing that would make your vote vanish.


Actually, entirely my fault. I updated the votes on my spreadsheet but not in my writeup... Fixed.

Edited by Wyrmhero
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I don't think we should lynch Macen. It's pretty much a guarantee what he is. Let's start looking at darkeyes, and leave luckat to deal with Macen.


My current top suspects among the darkeyes: Araris and Maill. There's a reason I role-blocked Araris. I find it interesting that a few people have made mention of those who have been less active, naming Rainspren and Ren, but totally skipping over Araris. He didn't post at all last cycle, and during the highstorm, he only posted once, then twice more in the cycles before that (I didn't link to his posts in Cycle 1). He's posted just enough so people aren't really watching him, but little enough that he doesn't have to say anything of worth. And it's not like he hasn't been around. He has been. I've been paying attention. He's been reading the thread and keeping up with the game. He just hasn't been posting. I'd like him to start.


That's not a bad idea, Kas. Luckat skips the battle and still kills Macen. However, I highly doubt Alvron will be protecting anyone during the battle. Remember that for all intents and purposes, he's a darkeyes. I think it's safe to say that Macen will roleblock him. Which means, if Luckat skips the battle, the spies will probably target the three of us: you, me, and Alvron. Get rid of the Surgeon, the Wit, and both the Officers (since Luckat will be ridding us of Macen). That's a rather unpleasant body count. I'll do what I can to lessen it. No guarantees.

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I was roleblocked last cycle.  My hands trained in the art of saving lives spent the week mucking out the lighteyes latrine.  You lot are SO messy.  Lay off the bran muffins.


I had a feeling that was the case. It explains why they saved Macen. They wanted him alive to roleblock you again.

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But Maili's vote on Ren was suppposed to not be there, right? I'm not mistaken in that, at least?


All the votes this Cycle are meant to be there. No silencing actions (if there were any) took effect. If I have missed any others, please let me know.

Edited by Wyrmhero
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All the votes this Cycle are meant to be there. If I have missed any others, please let me know.

Thanks, understood.

I had a feeling that was the case. It explains why they saved Macen. They wanted him alive to roleblock you again.

...That's it. I've had enough. This is so on.

Anyway, Wilson: correct me if I'm wrong, but you have a Battle skip ability as well? Or did you also blow it on the first battle? The most important, I reckon, is that Luckat is still alive, because the Messenger-structure will be anchored in to her. And we're gonna have to hope that Dalinar makes a good choice in who he gives a shiny new Shardblade to.


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Yes. I have a battle skip. I'm contemplating using it on this battle, but I haven't decided.


Also, when Macen told us who he "protected" as the Surgeon, he said Meta in the first cycle. It's true he had an action against Meta. Do you think he might've been honest with us about his targets? If so, his second role-blocked target was Maill....

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Because of my rugged good looks and my charming personality? Seems likely to me.


There you go. That's how you start trolling. :P


Well done, whoever the good Guardsman is. You chose the perfect time to use your power. About Macen's save, I'm inclined to think that it was the spy on his team, but it could very well be any of the other ones, since it was pretty certain that he was a spy and they probably just wanted to save one of their own. Which means that that Guardsman just lost his save. There is no point in voting for MAcen though, since he's guaranteed. I'd say that he's a perfect Shardblade target for Tal's first kill. Wyrm, can a surgeon save themselves?


"Mailiw's acted like an Eliminator throughout the course of the game. I'm also suspicious of Odysa and Kasimir being in the same team. Additionally, it's always good to suspect Wilson. Still, Mailiw is a good bit more suspicious than the other three. Can't colorcode on mobile, voting for Mailiw. "
Jasnah, what is this about? What have I done that is "acting like an Eliminator?" I'm very curious to hear about this, particularly since you pop in just to accuse me.
To  try and figure out why Ren seems off to me, I went through and read his posts again. I don't really suspect him anymore, but figured that I'd post this summary of his actions since I already typed it up.:
Ren, during the first cycle posted twice, both with extensive RP and keteks. He also voted each time. He then said that he would be busy for the next few days. Retracted both votes. Cycle two: posted about wanting people to vote and that he doesnt like poke votes. Posted a second time, voting for Karlin. Posted Keteks at a request. Cycle 3: Posted trying to figure out why there weren't any kills during the battle. Voted for Newan. Wrote Keteks for Jain and Ash's deaths. Cycle  4: Voted for me, because of my suggestions. Posted twice about server issues. Once again, he suggested we vote and discuss more.

Yes. I have a battle skip. I'm contemplating using it on this battle, but I haven't decided.


Also, when Macen told us who he "protected" as the Surgeon, he said Meta in the first cycle. It's true he had an action against Meta. Do you think he might've been honest with us about his targets? If so, his second role-blocked target was Maill....


I haven't been roleblocked, so I don't know whats up with his actions, but they weren't against me.

Edited by Mailliw73
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Yes. I have a battle skip. I'm contemplating using it on this battle, but I haven't decided.


Also, when Macen told us who he "protected" as the Surgeon, he said Meta in the first cycle. It's true he had an action against Meta. Do you think he might've been honest with us about his targets? If so, his second role-blocked target was Maill....

Well, Wilson, I'm convinced, at this point, that we're on the same side. Or maybe there's a possibility for you to be evil, but I'm just way too tired to find it. So given that, I would say that it would be preferable to have you survive the Battle than not at all. Though of course, we don't need to actually make the Gammut's guess. I do not find that likely that Macen was able to role-block Maili on the second cycle. You're going to have to take my word for it, I'm afraid.

...I'll post more when I'm less tired. I have some things to think about. Once again, thank you to whoever who bought me one more cycle of time. I'll try my best to put it to good use.


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I haven't been roleblocked, so I don't know whats up with his actions, but they weren't against me.

I figured not. It was more a blind hope. I'm filling in my spreadsheet with his actions, and I saw that he'd claimed to protect you in Cycle 2. And since we still don't know who was keeping Twei company at the latrines that cycle.....But he wouldn't give up a fellow spy (and I think it's pretty much a guarantee that that second person is a spy, especially now we know there are three teams).



Well, Wilson, I'm convinced, at this point, that we're on the same side. Or maybe there's a possibility for you to be evil, but I'm just way too tired to find it. So given that, I would say that it would be preferable to have you survive the Battle than not at all. Though of course, we don't need to actually make the Gammut's guess. I do not find that likely that Macen was able to role-block Maili on the second cycle. You're going to have to take my word for it, I'm afraid.

It's about time. :P Oh really? That's interesting....I believe you.

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I figured not. It was more a blind hope. I'm filling in my spreadsheet with his actions, and I saw that he'd claimed to protect you in Cycle 2. And since we still don't know who was keeping Twei company at the latrines that cycle.....But he wouldn't give up a fellow spy (and I think it's pretty much a guarantee that that second person is a spy, especially now we know there are three teams).

Storm it, Twei, would it have killed you to see who else was worshipping the latrines?! :P

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There are some pretty good reasons for us to trust Wilson, Kasimir and Alvron.  There are four other experienced players who are still alive: Renegade, Aonar, Mailliw and Joe.  It's likely that at least one of them is bad.  Also, I doubt that there are more than two lighteyed spies.  So I think that either Renegade, Aonar or Mailliw is a spy.  However, this is extremely tenuous reasoning, with lots of "probably"s.  But let's just keep our eyes open.  


"Of the three of those, Renegade and Aonar have done a lot of useful analysis, so I trust them a little bit more" is what Riitiidiikiiiir of the pirate game would have said.  Newan the Invisager is just going to keep an open mind about those two.  

Also, by my count there are 7 loyal darkeyes left.  Come on, shardblade! shardblade shardblade shardblade

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Last advisory before I sleep. This is how I see things, as they stand at the moment (quite an arbitrary divide):


Spy Team #1
Macen - Lighteyed Occifer
Macen's Guardsman BFF.

Spy Team #2
Darkeyes - Messenger?
Darkeyes. -May or may not be roleless.

Spy Team #3
Jain - Lighteyed Swordsman
Jain's BFF. -Darkeyes, likely has role.

I recognise that the Guardsman could really belong to any team, but if that's the case, they do likely have a Messenger connecting them. So. Presuming all the Messengers have contacted Luckat (well, at least I hope you were contacted by a number greater than 1...), then we can probably leave it to Luckat to spearhead efforts to figure out which of them is our Spy without spilling the beans and making them targets. To be fair, I can probably help out a little there. Our main task will be to try and root out Macen's BFF, or at least one more Spy, and preferably get Wilson to do a judicious block. That itself might take one kill out of circulation. Not much, but still valuable. Break these tasks into manageable pieces, I guess.


...Since we're pretty much sure Macen is a Spy, the good thing for us is that this means that we now have some idea of who all the clean Lighteyes are. This in turn, further confirms that the unknowns in the Spy Teams will all be found among the Darkeyes.

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