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Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present to you Sleepy!Kas. (Sorry, Kas. I know you're going to edit it the second you see it, but I had to document it. It was far too funny.)

I'm sorry to say, Wilson, it was deliberate. I've heard enough of my Army friends use it that I thought it was appropriate here... ;)

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I vote we lynch Luckat, shady son of a gun. Can't really see much point in keeping them around. Really though, Ace is a pretty nice guy - keep him around!


The trolling! The trolling has officially begun! Yes!



Really, Kas? That's your excuse? Psh. I believe you. I'm just saddened because now it doesn't humor me nearly as much. : (

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The trolling! The trolling has officially begun! Yes!



Really, Kas? That's your excuse? Psh. I believe you. I'm just saddened because now it doesn't humor me nearly as much. : (

I haven't trolled once this game... I'm a surgeon with my words. It's like crafting a masterpiece.

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Don't you even think of it. Professionals have standards.

Says the man who is lucky he didn't lose his personal game. Who protects the wit, when the shardholder is exposed becuase the spy officer is going to block the surgeon? Seems silly. And lucky.

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Says the man who is lucky he didn't lose his personal game. Who protects the wit, when the shardholder is exposed becuase the spy officer is going to block the surgeon? Seems silly. And lucky.

Your BFF should've told you--tell him I said hi, by the way, rather enlightening conversation, there--I'm a professional. I don't put the village below my personal goals. That would be utter folly and selfishness. You may have heard of this wonderful implementation of classical logic, also known as the conditional, represented by the hook.

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Phase one: cleanse the lighteyes.  (almost complete)


Phase two: scourge the darkeyes.  (commencing) 



Ace (1): Macen, Winter Cloud

Renegade (1): Kasimir

Araris (1): Wilson

Jasnah (1): Mailliw

Luckat (1): Macen


I will probably vote for Renegade, Mailliw or Aonar.  They have more potential to confuse me than somebody like Jasnah, so I view them as larger targets.  No offense, Jasnah.  Take it as a sign of the success of your feigned inactivity.  I'll wait for a little bit more discussion from those three before I throw my vote on there.  

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Well, I guess we could do this House of Paranoia-style, which Newan missed out on, but that wasn't really fun.


On the bright side, we have exactly eleven people, out of which four are Spies. ...I'm going to echo Newan in asking the Guardsmen involved last cycle to step forward. The Spy likely won't, but in the best case, this may let us tentatively boil it down to four out of ten, or three out of nine, depending on whether both Guardsmen step forward. As you can't protect anyone any longer, guys, I think the axhound is pretty much off the leash, as-is.


Now, depending on the Messengers approaching Luckat, we (Luckat, at least) may be able to further chop that number down to two out of seven or eight. Not excellent, but still, better than nothing.


Edit for colour and to add: Odysa, it'd be appreciated if you stop trolling heavily by now. I can't tell Macen to stop, but I really don't want planning and discussion to be further clogged up by random posts in between. You've had your fun. Now let's get down to business, please.

Edited by Kasimir
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Well, with RL stuff (and, yes, I'm still having server issues as well), I'm probably going to be rather inactive over the next few days, as I have the past few days, so I doubt I'll be that useful. :unsure:  I realize that my declining activity is indicative of an Eliminator, but there's nothing I can do about it.  I'll try to post at least once a day, though.


Asking for a darkeyed scourge, Newan?  Well, let me get my suspicions out on every darkeyed player.  First of all, I don't understand your point that Aonar, Maili, or I would "confuse" you.  Do you mean manipulation?  Either way, you're trying to focus suspicion onto a small list of people, for a reason that doesn't seem entirely valid.  (Sorry that I've got to shoot this down.)  You said that because we're more "experienced" that we'd be greater targets.  But, well, we've had two Spy kills, one of which was a failed one on Kas (likely for being too Witty), and Ash (likely because the Spies saw something in his post that indicated that he was a messenger, which, admittedly, would indicated a more experienced player.  But I don't think we should dwell on that.  As far as I know, I could've been targeted by several Spy teams.  Anyone could've, we just don't know.


With Odysa, I was inclined to believe that she wasn't a Spy because of all the votes on her, but with different Spy teams, that doesn't mean much.  That said, I haven't seen any particularly incriminating points made against her.  I will say that, like Jain was in the first few games, trying to get a read on her is difficult.


The same goes for Mek and Eolhondras, as I haven't seen them play before.  Mek's been fairly quiet, and has posted aganst Odysa multiple times.  Again, that can go either way.  Eolhondras seems to be playing passively, from what I've seen.  We definitely shouldn't leave either out as we search for Spies.


Jasnah's been extremely quiet, which I don't like.  It certainly didn't help her in QF 4, so it's not going to help now.  I'd also like to know her suspicions of Maili, besides what I said.


Karlin has also been really quiet, and has only made one non-RP post.  I don't think Karlin made a post, so their life's likely on the line at this point.  I'd also really like some posting from them, as we have practically no way of know their alignment and any connections.


Speaking of connections, Twelfth said once last cycle not to vote for Macen, as he was supposedly the surgeon.  That seems to be a bit of an obvious point to make at that time, and potentially manipulative.  Then again, doing so would've put a connection between her and Macen, so it's not a huge point against her.  However, let's not forget that she was roleblocked the last Battle.


Aonar has undergone practically no suspicion so far.  We can't leave any stone unturned, so I suggest we take a look at him, especially considering that he might've figured out the Ash-Messenger thing on Week 1.


Finally, Mail.  You went to all of the trouble of voting or me, and then realized I wasn't suspicious?  Is that a way of trying to get me to alleviate my suspicions on you?


I'm not a Guardsman, and I haven't been cleaning any latrines (thankfully).

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Finally, Mail.  You went to all of the trouble of voting or me, and then realized I wasn't suspicious?  Is that a way of trying to get me to alleviate my suspicions on you?


I'm not a Guardsman, and I haven't been cleaning any latrines (thankfully).


I still think you're suspicious, I just now can't determine why that is. I just decided that since I can't find anything about your posts yet, I might as well search for the others. We do have four left(excluding MAcen.)

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I did forget Araris, didn't I?  I was going to mention the something similar to what you said, in that he's slipped under the radar, but I guess my forgetting him speaks for that itself, doesn't it?  :P  (I did have him written down in my list, but the "copy/paste" feature doesn't really work for me right now.  Rather annoying.)

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I was going to mention the something similar to what you said, in that he's slipped under the radar, but I guess my forgetting him speaks for that itself, doesn't it?  :P

That's actually exactly what I was thinking when I said that you'd forgotten him. Case. In. Point.

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Asking for a darkeyed scourge, Newan?  Well, let me get my suspicions out on every darkeyed player.  First of all, I don't understand your point that Aonar, Maili, or I would "confuse" you.  Do you mean manipulation?  Either way, you're trying to focus suspicion onto a small list of people, for a reason that doesn't seem entirely valid.  (Sorry that I've got to shoot this down.)  You said that because we're more "experienced" that we'd be greater targets.  But, well, we've had two Spy kills, one of which was a failed one on Kas (likely for being too Witty), and Ash (likely because the Spies saw something in his post that indicated that he was a messenger, which, admittedly, would indicated a more experienced player.  But I don't think we should dwell on that.  As far as I know, I could've been targeted by several Spy teams.  Anyone could've, we just don't know.


Yeah, I mean manipulation.  Of all the remaining darkeyes, you three (not your powers, but your words) are the most dangerous, potentially. 

Thanks for this post.  I agree with everything you said.  Now I shall patiently await Aonar's post.  



I wish the guardsmen would come forward.  If somebody says they're the guardsman who protected Kasimir, we know that they are probably good, unless they are lying about having protected him, or unless they were from another group of spies besides the ones who attacked Kasimir and they thought he was bad (and I seriously doubt both of those possibilities).

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Stripped to his waist and sweat pouring off him Norlav gulped down another ladle of warm water.  Passing the ladle to the one standing beside him, Norlav studied his companion.  Tall, tanned and well muscled he looked like he could be Norlavs twin; he even had the same heterochromatic eyes and carried a halberd instead of the standard spear.  The only real difference between the two was a tattoo the other had, three overlapping diamonds on the inside of his arm just below the elbow.


They had been training together for the last couple of weeks but neither one had managed to gain the upper hand in their sparring.  One day Norlav would win, the next it would be the newcomer standing as the victor.


“I would like to thank you for the sparring practice friend.  It isn't often that I am pushed to my limits as often as you do it.”


“Anytime, I also am rarely pushed this hard.  Should we both survive this stupid war, we might want to team up.  There is a group of like-minded individuals that I work with from time to time that could use someone of your skill.”


“Sounds good.  By the way, what’s your name?  We've been sparring all this time and I still don’t know who you are.”


Shouldering his halberd he extended his hand.  “The name is Alv.  I won’t be around for a couple of days but I expect we will meet again.”


Watching as Alv left, Norlav felt a chill creep along his spine.

For those unaware I had a character named Alv in LG5 who was a heterochromatic cousin to Highprince Roion.  Thought this would be a good place and time for them to meet.

There is far too much blue in this game. :D  As to who may or may not be a spy, I believe that Jasnah is clean.  I am 98% certain of it which is the same percent that I think Kas and Wilson are clean.  Sorry but you two are just too untrustworthy for me to fully believe in you.

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For all of you who are wondering who the guardsman who saved Kas is - it's really kind of obvious if you think about it (I can't believe I didn't notice it sooner).

Luckat is your guardsman. As I pointed out - Kas was very lucky he didn't die - who would have chose to save the Uncertain Possible Wit instead of the Shardblade wielding 100% confirmed good guy? The only probably option (there are plenty of options, but most of them don't make sense) is that Luckat is the guardsman.

So, my advice to the other guardsman? Don't reveal your role, they are just going to lynch you based on principle. *Scratch that, reveal yourself, I wouldn't mind them lynching another one of you.

* = What I edited in.

Edited by Macen
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Alrighty! Four left. (Sort of. Macen isn't quite dead yet, but he will be soon enough.) 


However, I am a little worried about what's going to happen this cycle. I was going over my notes, and noticed something a little worrying. Two somethings, actually. First: if Araris and Karlin don't post this cycle, then we're going to have seven deaths this cycle. Thankfully, at least one of those is guaranteed to be a Spy, so the numbers won't get too close.


Second: There's a good chance two of the Spy teams are in contact with each other. Anyone remember this?


If one of the Eliminators dies, a random player will gain the other Spanreed. Messages may be sent using these spanreeds anonymously, via the GM.


Jain's dead. Has been for a while now. Funnily enough, no one has come forward as having received his Spanreed. The only reason I can see for why? The Spanreed went to a Spy. So I think we can expect all three kills to go through today.


Needless to say, this isn't good. All our protective roles have most likely been used up (other than Scouts) and if Araris/Karlin are good, then we could see our numbers near halved by the end of this cycle.


As for the lynch... I don't know. Wilson/Kas/Vron/Tal confirmed/near confirmed to be innocent. Joe is also pretty likely. Everyone else, (including myself, for all those without the benefit of my role PM [i.e. everyone]) could very well be evil. I don't see a lot of point voting for Araris/Karlin, as they're dying on Wednesday if they don't show up. That leaves Odysa, Newan (both of whom have been called out extensively, and who I don't really know what to make of) Torwel (who is a little suspicious [her role-blocking during the last battle was never really explored all that well]) Reihmer (who has already been called out) Maill, (who has been called out fairly recently ) Jasnah, (who has really contributed very little so far, just remaining active enough to avoid dying) Mek and Eoldren (who are both new players, who are still getting a feel for the game, and haven't really contributed a ton of discussion). I guess I might throw a vote on Torwel, for the moment. 

Edited by Aonar Faileas
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Aonar, Kas did claim to have Jains spanreed in a RP post.


You must know that I lied. I am in possession of the spanreed that was in the possession of the dead Spy, Jain. I have been attempting to ferret out the identity of the man's collaborator, but unfortunately, my efforts have not borne fruit. On the day I requested the Blackthorn to allow me leave from battle, I snuck into Jain's tent and stole his spanreed.

Don't know if he was just playing with us as he was about to be lynched then or telling the truth but he did claim to have it.

Edited by Alvron
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