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PM? With him relaying the messages back and forth? If so, I do not envy him that job one bit.

You don't say... Come to think of it, maybe he's not so cool with us finding and eliminating Spies any more... :P

Anyway. I'm really exhausted, so I'll just make a few quick comments about the things you've said so far, at least so it can be chewed over when I'm gone. I don't know how many Messengers there are, but with Luckat's plan of codewords, the good thing is that it basically guarantees that the Messengers have contacted who they say they have. That's Step One. Whether or not they're reliably carrying information or doing so selectively is a second issue. However, at the very least, I can assure you that [redacted] checks out on the first front. On the Luckat level. (Yes, you know my paranoia. I had to be sure.) And don't forget--the Battle takes place at the end of Week Two, right? And Week Three was the Highstorm. So if all the Messengers checked in with Luckat as they were supposed to, then this Week is actually the first chance they may get to contact a member of another team, using the Week Two information.

With regard to the issue of the Guardsmen, we can't be sure. But that's why I'm considering plans. You know what Meta said about cutting down Eliminator options? I've realised that while I can get behind that, I can get behind something else even better: sharing with them the joy of Zugzwang.

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And don't forget--the Battle takes place at the end of Week Two, right? And Week Three was the Highstorm. So if all the Messengers checked in with Luckat as they were supposed to, then this Week is actually the first chance they may get to contact a member of another team, using the Week Two information.

With regard to the issue of the Guardsmen, we can't be sure. But that's why I'm considering plans. You know what Meta said about cutting down Eliminator options? I've realised that while I can get behind that, I can get behind something else even better: sharing with them the joy of Zugzwang.


They may have hit a spy by luck. I'm not sure how, as a spy, you'd figure out if the person you've contacted is a spy, but it helps that they've got more than one cycle to figure that out.


Ah, yes. Always a good strategy. :)

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Echoing this call at this point. In addition, I'd like to ask again: Mek, who did you check on Cycles One and Two, and did you get a null result from them? As I mentioned, even knowing that you've received a null result has the potential to be immensely helpful, if we know who you targeted.


Hmm... well, this is... um... really awkward to say, but...


I actually misunderstood how my role worked for rounds 1 and 2.  :( 


When I read the initial post, my assumption was that a watchman didn't have any actions per se, he just sat around and the GM would inform him if someone performed an action against him.


So I didn't send in any names to Wyrm until he sent me a PM during round 3 asking if I misunderstood my role. (I did)


lol, such a waste... and I'm almost certainly getting assassinated this round too  :P  (I wish there was an emoticon for "I feel like a complete and utter noob").


Edit: Storms... and I just realized that my RP is off... Macen was the one who was saved from archers, not Kaddar. I should have written something about him almost getting stabbed in his tent or something. Storms, Storms, Storms! (Not that the actual information was wrong. It was Eoldren on Kaddar)

Edited by mckeedee123
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Please forgive me for what is a rather long post, but I implore you to stick with me. I will attempt to make it somewhat interesting reading, and for the most part I hope you will find it informative.


Please allow me to justify some of my decision making in regards to my protection of Kaddar and the events following, as there has been a fair bit of discussion at how odd some of the actions appeared.


1.       Defence of Kaddar: Kas has become a well-spoken and trusted player in this particular game. Something that I find handy to keep around. He was also very suggestive in the lead up to the skirmish that the good guardsman should double the protection on Luckat, our only definite good guy with a powerful weapon. Understanding the logic of that, I of course, chose not to. That left me with three options according to our little protection list, Macen Wilson and Kaddar. I certainly want going to protect Macen after placing a vote on him early that I didn’t plan on withdrawing, so I was left with a 50/50. Wilson was the obvious choice there, being the officer and as a result, more helpful, but I went with my gut and guessed right.


I am the non-spy guardsman, a role I am (almost) certain that Luckat will not claim, simply because it is not his.


2.       Decision to not step forward as the good guardsman: This I suggest will be the hardest part of my explanation that you will find the hardest to swallow, seeing as there were a number of big names whom I trusted, calling for me to claim my action. I can really only put it down to selfishness and perhaps a little strategy. With a battle coming up, a role blocked surgeon, and hints to a somewhat organised spy team, there will most likely be 2 or 3 successful assassinations at the end of this cycle. Targets for these assassinations include Norlav, Tal, Wilson, Kaddar and Jost. I am under the impression that at least Tal, Wilson and Jost have the capability to skip the coming battle, making them poor targets for the spy teams. (In hindsight there is an argument where role over votes may come into play, but with the possibility of another battle sitting at a lowly 20%, that really doesn’t make much sense. Better to eliminate as many people as possible now.) If I were to come forward as the good guardsman, I would quickly fill the third slot alongside Norlav and Kaddar and be eliminated this cycle. Something that appears to be an inevitability now.


 If I held my silence, as I chose to do however, the spies could either select Norlav or Kaddar twice, or have a blind stab at random dark eyes, possibly hitting one of their own, or possibly (this is the selfish part), hitting someone other than me.


3.       Remaining silent after being called out by Mek: Now we get to the fun part :P (Renegade, this is a little ode to you and your call for blood). I decided to stay silent and wait for a while, figuring that if I remained silent for long enough, whilst still noticeably on the page, my level of alleged guilt would rise in the minds of loyal warriors.  Hopefully enough that one, who did not share the same loyalties, would feel comfortable enough to perhaps attempt to have my head in the form of a bandwagon.



Enter Mailli. How convenient that you have had suspicions of me all game, from the very outset!!, and neglected to speak of them for the entire time except of course your ‘poke’ vote on the first day. In fact you neglect to speak of me at all until the possibility arises that I may be lynched. The only players you really expressed suspicion of were Wilson and Odysa, a topic of popular discussion where you could remain relevant without giving much away. Then there was Meta and Reihmer, your suspicion of Meta in fact was in very similar circumstances as your suspicion of me currently, and we all know how that turned out. Reihmer was a throwaway poke as far as I’m concerned, and I won’t go into it here.


Now let’s go back a bit. This may be the pettiest of my arguments, but not withdrawing your poke vote on the first cycle seemed off, even if others had done the same. I later asked for a clarification, being new to the game. In my mind I was giving you an out, needing only to say, “I was busy” and that would have been the end of it, but no such clarification came.


There was of course the scandal with the light eyes vote, a topic which has already be discussed in much deal, so I will only bring it up to freshen peoples memory. This of course being, where you accept the light eyes vote in return for appearing innocent.


Then there was your last minute vote on Meta which I find suspicious, although could plausibly be explained by technical issues. Although you also mentioned in that post that you would explain your hints come Monday, although no explanation came other than that you had had suspicions of Meta, followed by some rather obvious suggestions.


One such suggestion was the role blocking of Odysa, stating in no uncertain terms that you thought this would save lives. If you thought her a threat why not lynch her? My explanation would be that you were hoping Wilson would agree with you, taking out of play one of our more powerful roles.


I now turn to your most recent post. You speak as though my guilt is certain without giving me a chance to defend myself. Rather heavy handed. As it has been stated by a couple of people recently, I have had a tendency to play rather passively, and so it pains me a little to be made to do this. But an eye for an eye my friend. If you are so brazen as to accuse people of absolute guilt, I would be cautious of the responses you may get.



This was fun! I'll certainly be playing again!




I've been thinking about it, and I've decided that I agree with this. Mailliw's post looks like he was trying to start a bandwagon. So I'm goig to vote for him. Mailliw

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My word, I work for a few extra hours and miss all the fun.


Luckat, your code for me is irrelevant as you and I are the only ones in contact with that messenger.  If they claimed to be talking to anyone else then they are lying, either to you or to me.


I agree that there is either three of four messengers but am wary of blindly killing one of them as they might be pulling a spanreed gambit from LG5.

Not going to bother sending in protection orders.

Odds are I will be mucking out the latrines again.  :(  Good news is that we will gain another Blade welder after the upcoming battle.  With Luckat and Wilson skipping the battle (maybe Joe as well)  We will end up with at least three lighteyes we can trust.


Not sure about Marand.  His jumping on the vote doesn't seem like his normal playstyle when evil so will hold off on voting for now until some of the quieter players have posted.

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Please forgive me for what is a rather long post, but I implore you to stick with me. I will attempt to make it somewhat interesting reading, and for the most part I hope you will find it informative.


Please allow me to justify some of my decision making in regards to my protection of Kaddar and the events following, as there has been a fair bit of discussion at how odd some of the actions appeared.


1.       Defence of Kaddar: Kas has become a well-spoken and trusted player in this particular game. Something that I find handy to keep around. He was also very suggestive in the lead up to the skirmish that the good guardsman should double the protection on Luckat, our only definite good guy with a powerful weapon. Understanding the logic of that, I of course, chose not to. That left me with three options according to our little protection list, Macen Wilson and Kaddar. I certainly want going to protect Macen after placing a vote on him early that I didn’t plan on withdrawing, so I was left with a 50/50. Wilson was the obvious choice there, being the officer and as a result, more helpful, but I went with my gut and guessed right.


I am the non-spy guardsman, a role I am (almost) certain that Luckat will not claim, simply because it is not his.


2.       Decision to not step forward as the good guardsman: This I suggest will be the hardest part of my explanation that you will find the hardest to swallow, seeing as there were a number of big names whom I trusted, calling for me to claim my action. I can really only put it down to selfishness and perhaps a little strategy. With a battle coming up, a role blocked surgeon, and hints to a somewhat organised spy team, there will most likely be 2 or 3 successful assassinations at the end of this cycle. Targets for these assassinations include Norlav, Tal, Wilson, Kaddar and Jost. I am under the impression that at least Tal, Wilson and Jost have the capability to skip the coming battle, making them poor targets for the spy teams. (In hindsight there is an argument where role over votes may come into play, but with the possibility of another battle sitting at a lowly 20%, that really doesn’t make much sense. Better to eliminate as many people as possible now.) If I were to come forward as the good guardsman, I would quickly fill the third slot alongside Norlav and Kaddar and be eliminated this cycle. Something that appears to be an inevitability now.


 If I held my silence, as I chose to do however, the spies could either select Norlav or Kaddar twice, or have a blind stab at random dark eyes, possibly hitting one of their own, or possibly (this is the selfish part), hitting someone other than me.


3.       Remaining silent after being called out by Mek: Now we get to the fun part :P (Renegade, this is a little ode to you and your call for blood). I decided to stay silent and wait for a while, figuring that if I remained silent for long enough, whilst still noticeably on the page, my level of alleged guilt would rise in the minds of loyal warriors.  Hopefully enough that one, who did not share the same loyalties, would feel comfortable enough to perhaps attempt to have my head in the form of a bandwagon.



Enter Mailli. How convenient that you have had suspicions of me all game, from the very outset!!, and neglected to speak of them for the entire time except of course your ‘poke’ vote on the first day. In fact you neglect to speak of me at all until the possibility arises that I may be lynched. The only players you really expressed suspicion of were Wilson and Odysa, a topic of popular discussion where you could remain relevant without giving much away. Then there was Meta and Reihmer, your suspicion of Meta in fact was in very similar circumstances as your suspicion of me currently, and we all know how that turned out. Reihmer was a throwaway poke as far as I’m concerned, and I won’t go into it here.


Now let’s go back a bit. This may be the pettiest of my arguments, but not withdrawing your poke vote on the first cycle seemed off, even if others had done the same. I later asked for a clarification, being new to the game. In my mind I was giving you an out, needing only to say, “I was busy” and that would have been the end of it, but no such clarification came.


There was of course the scandal with the light eyes vote, a topic which has already be discussed in much deal, so I will only bring it up to freshen peoples memory. This of course being, where you accept the light eyes vote in return for appearing innocent.


Then there was your last minute vote on Meta which I find suspicious, although could plausibly be explained by technical issues. Although you also mentioned in that post that you would explain your hints come Monday, although no explanation came other than that you had had suspicions of Meta, followed by some rather obvious suggestions.


One such suggestion was the role blocking of Odysa, stating in no uncertain terms that you thought this would save lives. If you thought her a threat why not lynch her? My explanation would be that you were hoping Wilson would agree with you, taking out of play one of our more powerful roles.


I now turn to your most recent post. You speak as though my guilt is certain without giving me a chance to defend myself. Rather heavy handed. As it has been stated by a couple of people recently, I have had a tendency to play rather passively, and so it pains me a little to be made to do this. But an eye for an eye my friend. If you are so brazen as to accuse people of absolute guilt, I would be cautious of the responses you may get.



This was fun! I'll certainly be playing again!





What with Tal's denial of her Guardsman role and this defense, I'm inclined to take my vote off of you, Eoldren.


I never said that I had suspicions of you from the outset or that they were very strong. I said that I had some suspicions of you when I first voted for you, those were that you were posting infrequently and, at that point, mainly RP. Earlier this cycle, I said that I thought I might've been on to something when I voted for you and then with Mek's reveal, I thought I was correct. Now, I don't believe that I was right anymore and for that, I apologize. 


When I "poke" vote, I don't remove it as soon as the person posts (unless it was just to get them active again), but when I say that I have suspicions, I remove my vote when those are assuaged. When you posted after I called you out, it didn't really lessen my suspicions of you. You just asked some questions, mainly. Also, I wasn't able to get on until later the next cycle, as you can see from my posts. I just went back and looked and I had totally forgotten you said something about those poke votes. I catch up on this thread mainly from email notifications throughout the day, and when doing so, forgot all about that post by the time I got on.


I accepted that light eyes vote because I don't mind taking a vote for the team, but I also didn't want to die. That's the reason I asked Alv to take his vote off of me if the Lighteyes were going to vote for me.


With Meta, I will grant you that I had less concrete suspicions than I thought when I was trying to figure out how to post. 


When I was getting ready to go out of town for the weekend, I quickly jumped on and posted my opinions as I stated later. The blocking of Odysa was just a suggestion so as to limit the Spies further, if she was one. I figured that we might as well try it. Later, as I thought about it, I realized that some of those suggestions weren't as well thought out as I had thought.


I also apologize for your last point. I did jump on that vote too easily, I admit. I thought Mek was onto something there and I was excited to catch another spy so easily. 


With all that said, for now, my suspicions rest most heavily on Alinel. The "sweet spot" of posting as others have brought up seems to be where you are sitting perfectly. You aren't posting as much as normal and I don't think a kill going through while you were role-blocked means anything. If you were a spy, your partner or one of the other teams' targets might have been the one to get through.

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So, here is my plan boys and girls. I'm going to role-block Alv and go after Wilson or Luckat. I have a gut feeling one of them already spent their battle skip.

I don't want to tell you guys what to do in case Wilson role blocks one of you by sheer luck. I would point out that if she doesn't know who you are attacking, and you both don't know who each other is attacking, there is a decent chance that you just both happened to attack the same person if she blocks you.

I would recommend Alv for one of you (why not, I'm blocking him anyways) but you can go for whoever you want. Also, I'm a little upset the Shardblade holder gets an unblockable attack, while being able to use an ability that makes him immune to our attacks (the same turn) while also being 100% confirmed villager.

Seems a bit too strong to me, but oh well. :)

I was really hoping my lighteyes skip would skip the shardblade attack (and I was going to try to scoot by with this) but Wyrm has squashed my dreams.  :P 

Hope you all have fun, I'm looking forward to finding out how the first battle turned out like it did.

I would like to point out that my Surgeon gambit would have worked if Joe was the surgeon and not the heterochromic. I feel like Wyrm trolled us by making the only surgeon the heterochromic! ;)

*EDIT* Color, I did the reddish color for the EVILNESS factor.

*EDIT 2* Sidegame: High-five to anyone who can figure out which parts of this post were troll. ;)

Edited by Macen
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Not sure about Marand.  His jumping on the vote doesn't seem like his normal playstyle when evil so will hold off on voting for now until some of the quieter players have posted.


I plan to analyze his posting this game when I get off work, but I don't expect to really find much. His last post indicates he's probably good, but I'll still do that analysis, just in case.


So, here is my plan boys and girls. I'm going to role-block Alv and go after Wilson or Luckat. I have a gut feeling one of them already spent their battle skip.

 Good luck with that. I meant it when I said there was no point to use it early on. And I'm really glad I didn't at this point. I also highly doubt Luckat skipped the Skirmish last cycle, and that's the only way her skip would be gone. So....you can try to hit us, but you're just going to miss. Too bad, so sad. :P


I would like to point out that my Surgeon gambit would have worked if Joe was the surgeon and not the heterochromic.

I contest this. You might've thought it worked, but that would've just been us ignoring the Officer while we focused on the Darkeyes. We would've found you though. We might've killed Joe in the process, but we would've found you. I'm a little upset I didn't trust my gut from early in the game (I freaking pegged you the first cycle. It's inexcusable that I dropped you from my suspect pool after that), but with the way my notes were going in reference to you, it was only a matter of time before I had enough evidence to convince me of your treachery.

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I plan to analyze his posting this game when I get off work, but I don't expect to really find much. His last post indicates he's probably good, but I'll still do that analysis, just in case.


 Good luck with that. I meant it when I said there was no point to use it early on. And I'm really glad I didn't at this point. I also highly doubt Luckat skipped the Skirmish last cycle, and that's the only way her skip would be gone. So....you can try to hit us, but you're just going to miss. Too bad, so sad. :P


I contest this. You might've thought it worked, but that would've just been us ignoring the Officer while we focused on the Darkeyes. We would've found you though. We might've killed Joe in the process, but we would've found you. I'm a little upset I didn't trust my gut from early in the game (I freaking pegged you the first cycle. It's inexcusable that I dropped you from my suspect pool after that), but with the way my notes were going in reference to you, it was only a matter of time before I had enough evidence to convince me of your treachery.

True, I wasn't going to avoid suspicion 100%, it's nearly impossible with my playstyle.

As far as your first cycle points were good ones, I think I would have made those same mistakes good or bad though. My defenses were 100% sincere (with the exception of me saying I was good). The culling of the lighteyes is what got me caught now. I was just hoping to get a few other people killed before I went down. If cycle 2 hadn't gone so poorly (I figured we would get 2/3 not 0/3) we would be 4-1 now instead of 2-1.

So, it would be 15 people and a 10/5 spread with us getting 3 more tonight (hopefully) and 7/4. Which isn't bad.

Oh well, things went wrong - oh so wrong.

*EDIT* You are ignoring the fact that the Officer could just as easily have been a heterochromic spy. If that would have happened you guys would have lynched every lighteyes until there were none left.


*EDIT 2* Actually, I wish I would have thought of this sooner. I might have been able to put together a pretty strong argument against Alv. DOH

Edited by Macen
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*EDIT* You are ignoring the fact that the Officer could just as easily have been a heterochromic spy. If that would have happened you guys would have lynched every lighteyes until there were none left.


*EDIT 2* Actually, I wish I would have thought of this sooner. I might have been able to put together a pretty strong argument against Alv. DOH

​Disagree with you there.  If I hadn't been the surgeon then I wouldn't have come forward as I did.  And as was pointed out, there was no reason for me to out myself as the heterochromatic if I was evil.  I had a perfect hiding spot where I was.

Edited by Alvron
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*EDIT* You are ignoring the fact that the Officer could just as easily have been a heterochromic spy. If that would have happened you guys would have lynched every lighteyes until there were none left.


*EDIT 2* Actually, I wish I would have thought of this sooner. I might have been able to put together a pretty strong argument against Alv. DOH


No, I considered that. I also dismissed it, because it made utterly no sense for a heterochromic spy to come forth. If it were me in that position, I would've sat back and gladly watched the lighteyes massacre each other to find the nonexistent spy in their ranks. I'm pretty sure most players would. The fact Alv came forward indicated he was good, especially since no one else said "Hey, he's lying! I'm the heterochromic!" 

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No, I considered that. I also dismissed it, because it made utterly no sense for a heterochromic spy to come forth. If it were me in that position, I would've sat back and gladly watched the lighteyes massacre each other to find the nonexistent spy in their ranks. I'm pretty sure most players would. The fact Alv came forward indicated he was good, especially since no one else said "Hey, he's lying! I'm the heterochromic!" 

Valid point on the second part. It would have been an argument though (better than nothing).

The first part though - if the heterochromic was the officer and a spy you would have slowly lynched every lighteyes looking for the officer.

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Valid point on the second part. It would have been an argument though (better than nothing).

The first part though - if the heterochromic was the officer and a spy you would have slowly lynched every lighteyes looking for the officer.


I disagree. I see why you're saying we would've, but that's in the context of what's happened, and you're suggesting something that didn't happen. So the situations don't fit. Solely using my thoughts before Alv came forward, I was ready to turn to the Darkeyes, because I knew the heterochromic was a possibility for a spy, and I wasn't willing to do exactly what you're suggesting. The fact that he came forward made it possible to find the spy in the lighteyes because we knew all the players it could possibly be.

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(I can only change colors in the first paragraph for some odd reason, so I'll explain the vote somewhere below.)


We've basically narrowed down the last 4 Spies (obviously excluding Ace) to 12 players, 3 of which are less likely to be Spies, if only because of their eye color (you storming spoiled lighteyes), or today's events.  Karlin still hasn't posted, so it looks like we'll have an unnecessary death, unless they post soon.  (Though, of course, if you're a Spy, take your time...)


Statistically speaking, Torwel has the greatest chance of being a spy, if only for the lack of kills on Day 2.  There was that whole "messaging" thing on Day 2, but I don't know what it means.  Apparently, some of you lighteyes do.  But, either way, she's also been about as quiet as in MR 3, when she was an Eliminator.


Other than that, I don't know who's most suspicious at this point.  Odysa's become quieter and more unhelpful recently.  Jasnah's still being unnecessarily quiet.  I don't really know what to do about her.  If she is a spy, how will be able to figure that out, at this rate?  Considering that Araris is now under suspicion, we seem to be forgetting about her.  Aonar hasn't commented on any suspicions lately, which makes me slightly suspicious, in that trying to find connection between him and other players will be difficult.  I also feel like he could've been one of the ones to figure out Ash's role on Week 1.  Not much to go off of, but it's a point that hasn't been brought up in a while.


Joe, while your lighteyed status makes you statistically less likely to be a spy, you've said nothing this cycle, which is particularly unusual for you.


I haven't really been able to find any solid connections between players yet, but Newan has tried to get Odysa lynched multiple times, and I think we still ought to keep an eye out on Maili.  Hopefully, we'll get some communications established soon, and get another player proven loyal this cycle.


Edit: Fixed some math. :P

Edited by Renegade
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@Maili: The main reason for my silence this game has been IRL stuff. Otherwise, I would be posting a bit more frequently. Also, I'm pretty sure that I mentioned in my last post that blocking me would be useless, and although that was due to a misunderstanding of the rules, it still applies. There are enough spies left that even a lucky block on one would not stop a kill during a skirmish. Also, this game doesn't really have as much of a numbers element to it, which is usually where I post the most.


I am drawing a bit of a line between Kaddar and Odysa, since both of them seem to be acting a little off, which seems to imply that one of the two is the Wit. Most likely the Wit is somebody who has been active, and both of them have. However, the only thing that matters for is that if we lynch them then we don't want the person that votes first to have any role.


I'm going to vote for Jasnah, since I think that we are at a pretty comfortable spot right now in terms of team numbers and we can afford to lynch an inactive to see if they are trying to hide their evilness through silence.

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I am drawing a bit of a line between Kaddar and Odysa, since both of them seem to be acting a little off, which seems to imply that one of the two is the Wit. Most likely the Wit is somebody who has been active, and both of them have. However, the only thing that matters for is that if we lynch them then we don't want the person that votes first to have any role.


This is the second time you've said something that's been off in interpretation, and I can't decide if that's intentional because you're trying to hide your spy status behind naivety and inattention or if you legitimately have been busy enough that you're barely able to keep up with the game, and even then just through skimming so you end up missing out on some pretty evident points.


Odysa's not the Wit. She'd like us to think she is, but she's not. The only way she could've been is if she were heterochromic, but since Alv is the heterochromic, it's literally impossible for Odysa to be the Wit. Which means Kaddar is. And the spies seem to think killing him via sabotage is a good idea, so I don't think we need to worry about lynching him. And anyway, why would we even want to lynch him in the first place? The Wit is the only role (not counting Shardbearers) that is certifiably good.


I sort of take issue with your comment about the numbers too. It seems like we're in a good position with the numbers. However, there are still 3 teams of spies out there, and it's a battle cycle. Which means that unless they double up on someone, target someone skipping battle, I'm able to get in a lucky role-block, or we have another Guardsman who protects someone who gets attacked, we're going to lose 3 people today (4 if we lynch one of our own). And that's not counting Karlin if he doesn't post. If today goes poorly, we won't be sitting pretty enough to go lynching inactives. We can't afford to do that until at least one of the spy teams is gone.



On a separate note, I'll be starting up that analysis on Maill here in a bit, and I'll get it posted before I go to bed (so in a little under 4 hours, I think). For now, I'm keeping my vote on Araris, because I still think there's something off about him.

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I was more trying to say that acting erratic could be an attempt to fake being the Wit to avoid being lynched. The is my first game with a suicidal role, so I'm not fully up to speed on how people have dealt with that in the past. My mistake was that I just now realized that the Wit has to be a lighteyes. (Although, we don't have confirmation that there is only one heterochronic, do we?)


Also, while the battle could become an issue if we lose 3 people, and I agree that the numbers are as good as they look, we are also going to get another shardblade and hopefully have a highstorm that gives us back to back lynches without a kill in between.

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Retracted my vote because I realized that Aonar already voted for Torwel, and I'm not going to be able to get back on until after the rollover (most likely).


Anyway, figured that I haven't done any poems in a while.  This first one's nonsense, but the last one's game-relevant.


Dalinar's stinking breath, the breathing, stinking Dalinar

Nauseates me, causing utter revulsion.  Utterly causing me nausea.

Storming lighteyes; they care little of our safety; our of care... uh...


Dalinar's stinking breath

Is nauseous and revolting.

The storming lighteyes don't care about out safety, they...


Reihmer stopped, realizing that his poem didn't make sense.  He balled it up and threw it at Karlin.  The poor man didn't even flinch.  "Erm... hello?" Reihmer said.  No response.  Shrugging, Reihmer took out a new sheet and wrote a new form of poetry he had discovered.


Karlin we have sought out suspicions of quietness before, but a message from the third week striketh me startled: Karlin says that he "Should've known that Jain was evil."  A slim hope, but O Wit, perchance Karlin be thine ignoble contact?

As for Damon, his words come by little.  Stated he, that he would return by Monday, but alas!  Monday hath come and passed.

Odysa, as my previous letters hath spoken, suddenly says little, what be thine reasoning for so?

Aonaran, I note, hath gone little suspicion.  Perchance for good reason, or perchance he's of treason.  Know I not, but he hath not said as much as some other darkeyed men, nor hath he been voted for this present Week.

Newan, also, hath not attained a vote this Week.  For that, what doth it mean?  Still of the old Lynchmaster spirit have I seen little; perchance he hides behind an innocent ruse?

Torwel, hath I explain'd already.  Also a player who hath not said particularly much.

Alinel, too, doth the suspicions now fly.  His disregard for the Wit alone is startling!  Surely, you could discern his identity by the foul scent of his trolling alone!

Marand, hath mine suspicious eye fallen before, and now hath little changed.  Perhaps I shall rest and think more of it upon the morrow.


Reihmer looked at his poetry, crumpled it up, and threw it away too.  Ugh... who even writes that kind of poetry? he protested in disgust.  It was a strange poetry form he'd learned from a strange man in a strange place.  Probably.  Reihmer forgot the details.  But whoever it was, they had a bad sense of poetic style.  Disgraceful.

Edited by Renegade
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We do have confirmation that there is only one Heterochromic.  It says so in the main post.


There will be many more Darkeyes than Lighteyes, and only one Heterochromeric, who will be hidden amongst the list of Darkeyes.

Also this is the first time any of us has come across a suicide role in these games.  Your continued misinterpretations are baffling.  Normally you are much more clued in on these games.


I am very interested in how this battle will go.  I know that I am dead and roleblocked which is why I only sent in orders for some pink paint so I can paint the latrines after I've finished cleaning them. (upvote for the first to get that reference.)  Mostly I am wondering which spy team is going for Kas.  Will both or none?  Will they hope the other team goes for him and go for someone else? or will they take the risk and hope the other spy team goes after another?  Which (if any) team will Wilson block?

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We do have confirmation that there is only one Heterochromic.  It says so in the main post.


Also this is the first time any of us has come across a suicide role in these games.  Your continued misinterpretations are baffling.  Normally you are much more clued in on these games.


I am very interested in how this battle will go.  I know that I am dead and roleblocked which is why I only sent in orders for some pink paint so I can paint the latrines after I've finished cleaning them. (upvote for the first to get that reference.)  Mostly I am wondering which spy team is going for Kas.  Will both or none?  Will they hope the other team goes for him and go for someone else? or will they take the risk and hope the other spy team goes after another?  Which (if any) team will Wilson block?

Alv, I'm not going to say more than I sincerely hope that you will send in something, despite what Macen says. It really doesn't hurt, and it could help us make sure that other, valuable roles don't end up being role-blocked.

And yes, I got the reference :P Stomper, isn't it?

Ren--Karlin is apparently RL friends with Jain, but yes, the "Should've known that Jain was evil" thing threw me a bit.


Edit: Karlin, yeah, futile, I know. Aonar. I suspect Ren may have a point, though Wilson probably knows best.

And s'cool, Mek--these things happen.

Edited by Kasimir
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Apologies to all for the double-post. This is new and substantial information, and so I've chosen to convey it in the form of a separate post.


Ink smeared his fingers, but Kaddar finished off the letter with a graceful signature, blowing on the page to dry it. And then, he heated wax, folded the letter and sealed it with Gavilar's blue wax, and then added it to the bundle in his messenger's satchel.

Brightlady Kenara was in her tent. He rapped on the flap to get her attention, cleared his throat and said, "Brightlady. This is for you." He thrust the letter into her hands, added, "Mind, you should probably show this to Brightlord Tal," and left.

To Brightlady Kenara, to be read as well to Brightlord Tal,
Greetings! This letter may be somewhat terse on the pleasantries and overly-heavy in detail, but you have caught me at a bad time. An important part of life, as I have come to regretfully discover, is timeliness. As such, I was reluctant to let this information slip earlier, but by this point, I fear that I may be too late.
You may have remembered that the last time we met, Norlav mentioned the spanreed I'd stolen from the dead Spy of Highprince Vamah. His name, if you will recall, was Jain. I had told it to no-one, but all the same, I claimed that I would eventually present my information.
You must understand, Brightlady. There are many of them among us--four, now that Tal will shortly excise Brightlord Ace from amongst our numbers. I thought to myself that perhaps it was time that we had one of us amongst them. As I have claimed from the beginning, I am a spy--or at least, a fool trying his hand at spycraft; a poor one, but nonetheless, loyal to Gavilar and Dalinar. And this is what I have managed to discover from my rather uninspired conversations with Jain's partner.
Upon first stealing the spanreed, I did not ponder as to what message to send. I sent a provocative message, using an old honorific, referring to the Spy as 'Spy-san' and telling him that we were new BFFs and friendship was magic and all that. I'd hoped that the trolling would've provoked a response. Alas, had I been thinking more clearly, I would've posed as a fellow Spy. But this was not to be. I do not, of course, claim foresight among my virtues. You know this.
There was no reply. And then, I sent the bridge-builder--Meller--to his death. An action I still regret, I assure you. Thereafter, having been revealed as Gavilar's Wit, I composed a second missive to 'Spy-san' and had it sent by the Stormwarden named Wurum, barely an hour after Meller's demise. Apparently, the spanreed is keyed to Wurum, and my own efforts could not operate it. I informed them that I was, in fact, Kaddar (notably, I did not inform them I was the King's Wit, as I had thought it was blindingly obvious from the commotion surrounding Meller's death) and noted that with the death of Jain, they were in need of a partner. Further, I observed that our goals were aligned; leaving aside the matter of the fact he wanted to bloodthirstily slaughter his way through us all, he did not want to be lynched. I, however, wanted to be lynched, despite being a safe role. That, I suggested, formed some grounds for a temporary alliance. In addition, I took credit for Meller's death, informing them that they could consider it an audition; a demonstration of my capabilities.
By late afternoon (Meller's death took place in the morning, so almost twelve hours later), I composed a second addendum, noting that I had, after all, very little stomach for duplicity and betrayal. While our alliance was meant to eventually dissolve, the Spy had no reason to fear coming out on the worse end.
Very shortly after that was sent, I received my first response. Note, however, that Wurum's intervention makes it difficult--or nigh impossible, at any rate--to know if the Spy had seen my second note. In the same way, I am challenged to identify them, purely on the basis of timing alone. Based on the Spy's writing alone, I very much suggest that they likely responded from some mobile device or other. There were exactly three sentences and they were spaced as follows:

'Today, I counted five spearmen squads deployed along the border.
Tell Hatham.
I said hi.'
Compacted, and with a few spelling errors plus an extraneous letter, which further suggested the mobile device. More important, perhaps, is the Spy's response. I was informed that they preferred to remain anonymous as they were rather experienced with--I presume here that the Spy mispelled 'matters', and that they were referring to the usual cloak-and-dagger that accompanies their regular activities. The Spy further acknowledged my point that they did in fact quite require a new partner--he phrased it as being a dire need, if it is in any way informative, and then added an interesting final line: I was asked to inform him of my role within the Blackthorn's camp, in order for us to begin planning just what we could do with our combined resources.
You must see why I found this peculiar. The Spy only responded to an offer of alliance, and not to what I consider a joke, but furthermore, the Spy did not seem to have been aware that I claimed to be the Wit. Of course, this could be misdirection, but that is a layer I leave to your mind to unravel. If it is misdirection with words, it likely points us in the direction of certain persons accustomed to employ these, such as Reihmer. I must confess that for a time, it sounded uncannily like [redacted] as well.
Our mutual friend, [redacted] for the record, is convinced that it must be Aonaran, or perhaps Alinel. We shall see, however. This has, hopefully, been revealed to Brightlord Tal through a contact. However, as you have previously accused me, Brightlady, paranoia is one of my faults. I would like to think that the times we are now in may perhaps have me making a virtue of a vice.
I continued the conversation. I repeated that I was the King's Wit, and that my abilities, if any, consisted strictly in bringing down the wrath of Gavilar upon whoever who got it into their heads to kill me. It isn't particularly useful, I suppose, though it is quite entertaining to think about, on occasion. I further add that I wasn't expecting a revelation of the Spy's identity from them. That, I think, is quite true: I would not have trusted such a revelation in any case. However, I cautiously noted that referring to them as 'Spy-san' was rather awkward, and if it please them to give themselves a usename that I could refer to them by.
The reply was brisk. The Spy told me to call them 'Wolf'. This took place shortly around the point when Stormwarden Wurum was crying out the time.
This, to me, seemed to be a further indication that Odysa was being framed, and that our Spies are, perhaps, playing on prejudices surrounding that of a woman taking up arms. Blasphemy or not, I must put it quite frankly, you understand.
As a rather cheeky person who cannot, on occasion, control my tongue, I thereby dubbed the Spy 'Ser Wolf' and will this refer to him throughout the rest of this letter. In my response, I informed Ser Wolf that while he spoke of strategising, we hadn't yet at all talked about what we were going to do. I reminded him that I'd been trying to sneak into a position of relative trust and influence, and asked for our goals.
By this point, [redacted], as my contact, knew of my correspondence with Ser Wolf, and we tried to figure what we could do, as Torwel had previously deduced identities from text before.
By two hours before we attempted to rid ourselves of Brightlord Ace, there was no reply on the spanreed from Ser Wolf, or so Stormwarden Wurum informed me. Again, nearly twelve hours later, there was a response. This one was somewhat different from the others: he informed me he was a guardsman (notice that Ser Wolf is loath to capitalise--an 'i' is left in small letters; he is, in turn, not overly-fond of punctuation either) and that upon Jain's death, he found himself in the rather lamentable position of having no-one to protect. Chronologically speaking, if Ser Wolf is being truthful, I cannot discern if a friendly Guardsman has, by accident, saved Macen. That the Spies have two of three Guardsmen seems a slightly strange accident of fate.
I suspect that by this point, there will be little further correspondence between Ser Wolf and myself. I write to you, of course, in hopes that others will make better sense of this information than I myself could. This explains, in part, my suspicions of Karlin. Candidates for Ser Wolf compatible with this information, I suggest, would also be: Marand, Newan, Alinel and Reihmer. Consider that Jain emphasised that he believed the Spies to be new and wildcards. I suggest that he would not have said such a thing, had his teammates been otherwise. Strictly speaking, Karlin is not new, though I acknowledge that he is likely to be lumped in with the new persons at the warcamp. Consequently, perhaps we can factor him out of the candidate pool.

The rest, my dear Brightlady and Brightlord, is in your hands. I suspect that my days are numbered, and my only regret is that I could not present you with much more valuable information.

I remain as always, your most humble servant.

King's Wit.

Kaddar left the tent, and held out his hand. A shape arrowed through the sky, landing with a slight thump of impact on the leather bracer he wore. "Good to see you again, my friend," Kaddar said quietly, running his fingers through Hulin's feathers. "I need you to do something very difficult for me. I need you to find someone we don't know. Can you do this?"
Hulin let out an indignant squawk, as Kaddar fed her a few nuts. "Oh, I wasn't questioning your abilities," Kaddar said. "I was simply wondering if you were up to it. Very well, then." He bound the next letter to a foot with rough cord. "Take this to Ser Wolf, Hulin. And be careful."

My dear Ser Wolf,


Doubtless you must be wondering why I have chosen to write to you in such a manner, instead of by spanreed. The truth is, as I think we both knew, we were hardly going to be the best match for allies. Perhaps you were even among those who attempted to kill me last week. Perhaps not.
It does not matter, at this stage. I suspect, good Ser Wolf, that I am about to die.
You may have realised that some of our conversations have wound their way into the hands of good people; people I have reason to trust. You may also have realised that in a response to the Spy named Ace, I declared that I was--that I am, rather--a consummate professional. That is, in fact, true. I informed you that I had little stomach for betrayal and duplicity. That is, in fact, as well, true. What is in fact untrue is the idea that I might put my own goals ahead of Gavilar's.
To be the King's Wit, you must understand, is a lonely task. It is the task of destroying who you are; submerging your identity in service to someone greater--a king, if you will. Whoever Kaddar was, he died the day I took up the mantle of King's Wit. I am, you see, accustomed to sacrifice. Have I ever told you about how I lost my eye? No? Pity. Perhaps one day, we may meet face to face, and we may be that honest with each other.
Why this letter then? Perhaps allow me one last conceit; indulge my flair for the dramatic one last time. After all, it does me little harm to write to a worthy adversary. And who knows? Perhaps you will do me the honour of allowing me to die by your hand.
I remain, in all things, true,

King's Wit.


Edit for spelling.

Edited by Kasimir
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I want to apologize in advance for the length of this analysis. Really truly. Kudos to everyone who reads it all.


Okay. Analysis commencing for Maill/Marand.


Cycle one, five posts


The only post of merit is his second one, where he votes for Eoldren, mostly because he’s tired of the RP and he wants more discussion. He’d like Jasnah to show up, and he volunteers himself to be the lighteyes secret vote target, on the condition that Alvron will remove the vote from him.


There’s nothing that sticks out to me particularly here. It’s standard Maill behavior.


Cycle two, three posts


His first post was a vote for me, with terrible reasoning that he acknowledged was awful:


She's also very good at being bad. Something in my just wants to trust her right now and I don't know why that is. Something about her seems too innocent. I know, this is awful reasoning, but it has been right for me on occasions.


His second post involved a retraction of the previous vote, and a statement that both mine and Odysa’s votes were “weird.” He listed what he found weird about Odysa’s vote, but forgot to mention mine. That’s fine. He also had a white text message mixed in with the post telling people to “watch kas”.


His third post was a warning to Odysa, telling her that random behavior switches (like with her all of a sudden RPing out of nowhere) is what got Jain and Ash killed so many times in their first games.


For the most part, his posts here aren’t of particular worth either. His first post with the awful reasoning is something he’s done in the past, so that’s fine. The second post interests me slightly, in that he never fully backs up his statement for “weird” and while he retracts his vote for me, he immediately lays groundwork for further suspicion on me. And the last vote is standard behavior for him. It could be him warning a potential spy to knock off the random behavior, but I’m not going to read too much into that one.


Cycle three, three posts


This is where things really start getting interesting.


His first post is a response to my “research paper on the habits of the common Odysus wintercloudisis” as Kas put it.


He accused me of heavy-handed manipulation and said that I seemed certain of her guilt and I went on to show my “proof”. He then contested me about my stated strategy for this game, bringing up LG9 and my desire to kill the Serial Killer. He then ended the post placing a vote on me, and listed some players who are likely to be my partner based on my desire to keep connections to a bare minimum.


I find this post particularly interesting because of his accusation about the certainty of my guilt, and then he turns around and pretty much does the exact same thing. With far less backing up his stance than I had in my “research paper.”


His second post, which he posted after my reveal as the Officer, is another response to me. He says I used “wording that assumes Odysa’s guilt,” and makes it sound like I “know that she’s guilty.” Now let’s look at the facts: in that initial post, I analyzed behavior and came to a logical conclusion. After that logical conclusion, it should come as no surprise that I made a few statements about who her teammates could be. At the very end of both of my posts where I talked heavily about Odysa, I gave her an out if she were innocent. If I were certain of her guilt, as his accusation states, I would never have given her that out. He conveniently forgets this.


He then concedes my point about the Serial Killer, saying he forgot about the stalking (which I’m not entirely sure how one forgets about that, but whatever…).


Then he makes mention of my reveal, basically saying that the fact that I didn’t announce my role right off the bat when it’s obvious to everyone what I am doesn’t make sense. He says that while he’s convinced slightly of my innocence, it’s a little too easy. He admits that I’m a better player than this when I’m evil, but he’s going to leave his vote on me, waiting for Twei to defend herself before he tests my claim.


I’m just going to nitpick here, because this last bit actually really irked me. I got legitimately upset about the game for a decent while because it was so contradictory, and in retrospect, I should’ve called him out on this, but I was so peeved that I couldn’t think straight. Well, now I can.


That logic doesn’t make sense. I’m guessing, if he’s good, he was keeping a close eye on me because I’m very good at being evil. And then when inconsistencies popped up, he got suspicious of me. I can understand that. But you can’t have it both ways. If I’m so good, as he readily admits, why am I making amateur mistakes? You can’t use the reasoning that I’m good at being evil and back it up with suspicions that are fundamentally based on actions that get amateurs revealed. A true pro would never be caught making those kinds of inconsistencies. I don’t even think someone trying to use an I Know You Know gambit would try that for something like this. It just doesn’t make sense.


Anyway, his third post that cycle retracted his vote for me and placed a vote on Meta. He says that I’ve eased some of his suspicions and he’s inclined to believe Kas. He then says that he’ll explain on Monday a little more why he voted like he did.


Nothing to say about this one.


Cycle four, two posts


His first post is an exclamation about Meta’s innocence. He’d thought Kas had been onto something with his suspicions, and he’d had his own “small suspicions” as well. He suggested the messengers contact Tal, for me to roleblock Odysa, and for the scouts to leave the camp once again.


Biggest point of contention with this one: asking me to roleblock Odysa. The reason for this is two-part. One, why’s he asking me to role-block a specific person in the thread? By default, asking that means that they’re not going to have her put in an order. And two, why’s he suddenly suspicious of Odysa? Where’s his reasoning for this? He hasn’t expressed anything remotely close to suspicion about her for the past few cycles, not since he said her vote was “weird.” In fact, he seemed to be passively defending her by attacking me as hard as he did. But now, all of a sudden, he wants me to roleblock her.


His second post explains that he’d been out of town, and he wanted to get his opinions and suggestions out early in the cycle, since he wouldn’t be around after that. He also stated that he’d been “fairly convinced” that Macen was the Officer Spy, but since Macen claimed Surgeon, he was hesitant to lynch him, since he didn’t want to lose one of the few protective roles. Then he messed up the lighteyes number, saying that lynching Macen, if Macen is good, would decimate the lighteyes, since there would only be two loyal lighteyes and one traitor, making the vote easy to manipulate, when in actuality, there would’ve been three loyal lighteyes left (assuming Macen died and was good) versus one traitor. He then placed his vote on Reihmer, saying that he’ll have more time the next day to analyze why Ren feels off to him.


In this post, he seems to be trying to manipulate us from going after any lighteyes at all. I get that feeling mostly through the mistaken numbers. It could be an honest mistake, but he’s good at analysis. He also keeps track of numbers, which is why this sticks out to me. He’s making things seem worse than they actually would be with a mistaken lynch. While, yes, lynching the wrong person would be bad, it wouldn’t mean that the vote would be up for manipulation right then. A second mislynch and that’s when things would start getting a little tricksy. In my opinion, an extremely educated guess on who the spy is within a small group of suspects, regardless of the potential risk, is far better than a fairly random hit in a larger group. And I’m pretty sure he knows that.


Cycle five, six posts (so far)


His first post starts by congratulating the Guardsman on a good save, and saying that Macen’s save could’ve come from any of the spy teams, but he thinks it was probably from Macen’s own spy team. He then voted for Jasnah, asking her why she voted for him, saying that he’s been “acting like an Eliminator,” and he’s “very curious” to hear about this. After that, he said that he no longer finds Ren suspicious.


There isn’t really much in this one. I noticed the way he said that he was very curious why she thinks he’s been acting like an eliminator, but that could easily be something someone on either team would ask. The other thing is that he couldn’t find anything on Ren. This seems to be a habit of his in this game. Not counting his votes on me, he’s made a number of votes that he says he’ll back up later, but then he never does. Conveniently, he finds that his gut feelings didn’t have much merit in the end, which is interesting, since at the beginning of the game, he said those gut feelings have been known to serve him well (when he first voted for me, with the awful reasoning).


His second post was a response to Odysa’s dark-humor joke about the person who acquires the Shardblade this cycle dying. Nothing of worth in this post.


His third post was a response to Ren, telling him that he still thinks he’s suspicious, he just can’t figure out why.


Post number four is his “bandwagon” vote on Eoldren. He makes a joke about Ace giving them the last piece to the puzzle, with luckat, votes for Eoldren, says he thought he had something early on when he voted for him (at the beginning of the game), and then talks to Mek. He says that Mek should’ve waited a little longer before revealing that kind of information. Now the spies are likely to vote for Eoldren so they’re not suspected as much.


I think this post is quite intriguing, mostly due to the advice there at the end. He’s trying to be helpful, but he really should’ve taken his own advice. If he’s so sure that the spies would vote for Eoldren, he should’ve waited to see who would vote for Eoldren. He also shouldn’t just be taking a known spy’s word on luckat being a guardsman. Maill is normally more careful about jumping on votes like that. While, yes, he likes to lynch the bad guys, he typically like to affirm their badness, at least a bit, first. With this, there wasn’t any confirmation whatsoever. Mek even said he wasn’t sure if Eoldren was the guardsman or the saboteur. It made sense for Mek to place a vote on Eoldren. An additional vote, before luckat could confirm or deny Macen’s post, or Eoldren defending himself, though? That’s sketchy.


His fifth post is a retraction of that vote, based on luckat’s denial and Eoldren’s defense. He then says that he never had suspicions of Eoldren from the outset, but he did have some suspicions when he first voted for him, because of the infrequent posts and the mostly-RP. He said he thought he might’ve had something when he voted for him, and then with Mek’s reveal, he thought he was right. He then apologized for the vote.


I want to make some comments about this first bit before I go into the rest of his post (mostly because the rest isn’t particularly suspicious). His vote on Eoldren was in the first cycle. So I’m skeptical when he says that Mek’s reveal made him think he was right about those suspicions. I mean, think about it. What he’s basically saying is that some suspicions he had in the first cycle, which were based on infrequent, mostly-RP posts, had him convinced that he was right come cycle five when a watchman stepped forward and said that Eoldren could’ve either guarded Kas or sabotaged him…...Is that supposed to make sense? I’m unaware of a time when “some suspicions”--which implies a somewhat vague set of suspicions--holds over for a full four cycles, never becoming enough for him to mention previously, but being enough to place a vote without any real evidence.


Moving on, the rest of his post explains his “poke voting” tendency, his reasoning for the whole lighteyes-secret-ballot-target fiasco, his suspicions about Meta (which weren’t as concrete as he’d thought they were), his reason for suggesting Odysa as the target for my roleblocking (which he says was to limit them, although I’m not sure how it was really supposed to limit them), and another apology for jumping on the vote too easily. After that, he voted for Alinel, who is in the “sweet spot” of posting.


And that’s it. After doing this, I’m inclined to think he’s a spy, but I’m not sure if that’s because I’ve just spend the last two-three hours analyzing his posts looking for suspicious behavior and now I’m seeing spies where there are none, or if he’s actually a spy and I’ve accurately analyzed the posts. To be fair, when I started this, I wasn’t expecting to find anything. I was actually surprised when I did. So I think I’m right. I’m just not sure I’m convinced enough to place a vote…. I am convinced enough to do this: Alinel.


Again, I'm truly sorry. I'll stop talking now....

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