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Seriously guys? Y'all are placing votes like there's no tomorrow :P

Ace (1): Ace, Odysa, Alinel, Mek
Reihmer (1): Kaddar

Alinel (1): Kenara, Marand
Jasnah (1): Marand, Alinel
Tal (1): Ace
Torwel (1): Aonaran, Kaddar, Reihmer
Eoldren (0): Mek, Marand
Marand (3): Eoldren, Newan, Wilson
Karlin (1): Kaddar

Aonar (1): Kaddar

Odysa (1): Mek

As far as I can trace, these are the votes as they stand. Odysa and Mek, I'd encourage you to take your votes off Macen. He's dying by Luckat's spanking new Shardblade, and you're driving us close enough to a no-lynch or shenanigans. Wanna know why? Look at the other vote leader. It's Marand. Unless any of us are especially convinced enough to throw votes and dogpile on someone, leaving votes on Macen just encourages a Spy Squadleader (if there is one) to mess around with our votes. Don't do it.


Edit: Not to say anything about Marand's suspiciousness or no--I've yet to make a good decision on that. All I mean is, let's make sure the people we want lynched die and stay dead, alright? No shenanigans.


Edit 2: Missed a vote on Aonar, and tracked Mek's vote switch.

Edited by Kasimir
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As a reminder, the Cycle will end in 10 hours. There may be the slight possibility of a short delay due to it being the last Gamesoc of the year, but I should be home in time to start writing, cross it all out when someone else is lynched, start writing, cross it out when someone is saved...

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I question the wisdom of making a post while half asleep. Ah well. I don't want to place a vote, because I don't trust myself to make such a judgement at the moment :/


Ren, I explained why I was less active in this post, and the reasons haven't changed.


If I understand correctly (I found the sequence difficult to follow, so I could be wrong), Kas thinks Jain's partner is trying to set up Odysa - reasonable, given the evidence. (I don't have time to analyse, but I don't recall ever noticing Odysa making punctuation errors. She uses conversational and "Internet colloquial" phrasing in places, but that's hardly the same thing.) It might then be someone who's cast suspicion on Odysa in the thread - Marand and Newan come to mind...?


Not sure what's happening up north, but where I live, looks like it's going to be a wet summer.


edit: so many formatting mistakes

Edited by twelfthrootoftwo
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If I understand correctly (I found the sequence difficult to follow, so I could be wrong), Kas thinks Jain's partner is trying to set up Odysa - reasonable, given the evidence. (I don't have time to analyse, but I don't recall ever noticing Odysa making punctuation errors. She uses conversational and "Internet colloquial" phrasing in places, but that's hardly the same thing.) It might then be someone who's cast suspicion on Odysa in the thread - Marand and Newan come to mind...?

I'm not sure I would go all out in describing these as punctuation errors, per se, and more of that apart from capitalisations at the start of a sentence and the period and ellipsis, Jain's partner doesn't seem particularly fond of anything else. No sign of innovations such as the comma. I'll try and get a more lucid, non-RP-ish post up then: I'm obviously not allowed to do copy-and-pasting, but I'm allowed to refer to mispellings, and we've had one more exchange since my last post.

Could be someone who's cast suspicion on Odysa--on the other hand, it could be someone simply trying to bank on the already-existing suspicion of Odysa. There are lots of levels here and I'm not sure which one is the right one. Could it be someone setting up Odysa and the people who frame her? Could it be someone who has been already setting up Odysa?

I'm rather surprised you did not hear of it, given our mutual friend, I must admit.

Our most recent exchange: Ser Wolf claims that he'd no computer access for the cycle where Jain was lynched and so didn't pick up on the fact Jain was knee-deep in crem until it was too late to stop the lynch train. (My paraphrase, obviously.)


Edit: I don't recommend reading this literally, because the only two it implicates are Karlin and Jasnah. Both of whom seem in danger of getting hit by the inactive purge. These messages, particularly the most recent, may or may not, in addition, be compromised.

Edited by Kasimir
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8:00 GMT is 2:00 US central time, so it looks like this is my last post this cycle. You guys are right in saying Macen is a waste of a lynch, so I'll retract my vote.


Well, seeing as Odysa put a vote on MAcen, while not being as nooby as I am, I think I'll put a vote on her. Again.


The spy teams wanted us to lynch MAcen, and she hasn't retracted her vote yet, even after 2 days.

Edited by mckeedee123
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After sleeping on that analysis and considering my findings more this morning, I feel more comfortable placing a vote on Marand. While I didn't come out of the analysis convinced he was evil (I'd be concerned if I had, as that would likely mean my thoughts were compromised going into it), I did find enough discrepancies that really just don't make sense. There's his double standard in attacking me for attacking Odysa, his utter lack of showing any actual suspicion on the vast majority of his votes even though he says he will, and then the whole situation with his vote on Eoldren. While all of that could be coincidental--and I'm sorry if it is, Maill--past experience with him indicates that it is not.


EDIT: I'm placing my lighteyes vote on Karlin this cycle.

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Okay. On a mobile, so no color. Retract vote on Macen. Vote for Marand, these are rather convincing reasons. Kas, I'm not completely sure how I'm being framed due to the fact that I posted my posts myself, but I'm glad you trust me.


I noticed yesterday that when Jasnah tried to do that, her votes didn't get counted. If you want, I can edit the color in for you, but I'll need you to tell me to do that.

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Since we've probably found all the lighteyed spies, it probably doesn't matter much as long as the vote isn't on someone who might be part of a tie, but I figured I should mention that my lighteye vote was on Alinel last cycle before I forget again. Joe, did you use yours last cycle?

I really don’t have much time right now, but I’ll try to put something together.

We have a few leads on who the spies can be. One is the guardsman who protected Ace. Obviously, anyone who has another role or who was roleblocked last cycle cannot be them. Another is Kas’s contact through Jain’s spanreed. I have no clue what to make of that. Another is the lack of kills during the previous battle. Torwel was roleblocked at the time, but due to the many possible reasons for the lack of kills, that might not mean anything.

For the possible evil guardsmen, I think the most likely candidates are Reihmer or Aonaran. I’d particularly like to hear a defense from Aonar, since he’s been triggering my suspicions. I feel like he hasn’t had as much to say as he should. What connections has he noticed? Who can he link Ace to? Why hasn’t he said much? But there’s really not enough time left in the cycle to get a response from either. 

I’m worried about what Karlin is doing. He seems to be posting the minimal amount to be active, and he’s been on, so I suspect he will make a last-minute post to keep from being killed from inactivity. No one will try to lynch him because it looks like he’ll die anyway, but then he’ll be saved last-minute and we still won’t have anything from him to figure out his alignment. I really can’t tell if he’s feigning inactivity or just not paying attention to the game. I guess we'll see if he posts something this cycle.
I'm pretty suspicious of Alinel. It feels like he's holding back and trying to hide. Of course, he can't be the guardsman.

I am uneasy about the vote for Marand. I never really like pushing a vote for someone through when they won’t have a chance to defend themselves (he was on this morning, but I doubt he had time to compose a response to Wilson at that time). However, given the cycle end time there might not be a way we can help that with any of our suspects. I still feel like we should give him a chance to respond to Wilson’s suspicions. He looks suspicious, but so did Wilson when people went looking for inconsistencies in what she said, and I am in no way convinced that he’s a spy. For those who have voted for him, I hope you’re really certain he’s a spy.
And now Ace is doing ... something.

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For those who have voted for him, I hope you’re really certain he’s a spy.


Certain? No. It's a very strong hunch based on my analysis. I would like to hear his defense to it, and I realize I posted it rather late last night (it took far longer than I'd thought it would), but he's rather good at this game and so far his responses to suspicions have alleviated those same suspicions--but I'm not sure if that's because he's genuinely innocent or if it's simply eliminator skill. The most recent issues with the Eoldren situation has me thinking it's far more likely the latter than the former. But there's not really more I can say about that situation than I've already said.


Macen has me almost wanting to rethink, but this is essentially exactly what he did last cycle, so I'm leaving my vote where it is.




Sorry Wilson. I look at this, and all I can say is: Awes did it first, it didn't work and Gleeman was better. Three charges of failure; guilty, court adjourned.


Are you saying that this is probably indicative of Maill's guilt or of his innocence?

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Are you saying that this is probably indicative of Maill's guilt or of his innocence?

Nope. I'm just commenting that trick isn't a particularly good one and we know where he got it from, since I got to see it done by the master from behind-the-scenes. And that didn't work so good.


Quite frankly, I think he's spitting into the wind here. The lynch train looks about set, so I'd say that unless Torwell is a Spy, or unless Maili is Macen's BFF, then he's just pretty much taking a guess like the rest of us. Macen loves to talk big and sound assured, even when he's just making guesses, or desperately trying to defend himself. (For obvious reasons, I think the fact we were more willing to give him the benefit of the doubt helped him more than any defense he mustered.) If you haven't noticed what went on with Luckat's alleged protection of me, which you probably have.

With regard to Marand, I really don't know. But at this point, I want to at least leave a one-vote pressure on Aonar. If it looks like there's gonna be lynch shenanigans, then yeah, I guess I'll throw a vote on Maili, but for the moment, I'm staying with Aonar because like Ren, he seems to be more intent on maintaining an illusion of helpfulness than actual, substantive help. Sure, they both said they're gonna be busy. So did Odysa. He talked about setting up his diagrams in Week 1. So if he's been following this, where's his analysis apart from hedgy "Well, I'm not real sure..." which pretty much everyone's been throwing out? And why do I seem to get the feeling that Aonar's analysis is consistently skewed towards painting our situation as dire (not that it isn't, but I'm also a little puzzled by how immediately he just says, "Ok, no one came forward with the Spanreed, ergo it must've been with a Spy.) Well, sure. Clearly there aren't any other good reasons someone might have for remaining silent? Such as, y'know, attempting to gain information? And Aonar overlooked that? Really?


They're not big things. But I'm not comfortable with them either. So unless it's a dire thing, I'd like my vote to stay put.

(For Ren, I don't know what to think either. He did say a little more, but he's also being curiously non-commital. And I admit I raised an eyebrow a bit upon seeing his retraction from Twei when he previously made a general call to all to say more and to be more bloodthirsty. He's made more promissary notes than actual commitments, it seems. Then again, he's made an attempt to say more after I mentioned in an aside that he was being too quiet and I was uneasy about it. Which could go either way; attempting to start being helpful, or attempting to negotiate that suspicion line. Neither of them are actual suspicions, but I'm just futilely hoping they'd both say a bit more here. And I guess it would be good not to have to unsay what I've already said.)


I do have some things that don't match up for me about Maili. Most notably, that you mentioned that Maili told people to watch me in Cycle Two--and indeed, consider that I was behaving suspiciously in the first two Cycles (I suppose, considering I was topping suspicion lists.) How on earth does that explain Cycle One, then, when he should be looking for people who were far cleaner? Did he suspect I was the Wit from the get-go? That doesn't make sense to me. At the same time, I'm not entirely sure I think he's a Spy, but the lynch train can't be diverted at this point; I just thought I'd state something that didn't make sense for me.


And Karlin's last post was indeed in Week 3, so if he doesn't say anything in the next half an hour, he's due a grave of his own.

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Kenara sat in her tent, going over her notes and trying to find connections between different members of the army. After a while, she gave up and pushed her notes away, groaning and covering her face in her hands. She sat there for a while like that, and then, making a decision, stood up and walked to the tent flap. She called for a messenger, and a few moments later, a woman around Kenara's age appeared.


"Yes, Brightness?"


"I have a message for you to deliver throughout the camp while we're in the battle today. I want to make sure everyone sees it, hears it, and understands it when they return. Is that clear?"


"Yes, Brightness. What's the message?" the woman said, ready to write her words down.


Kenara glanced over at her desk. She took a breath, and began.


"I may die today. I decided against skipping the battle, because I knew the risk would be far greater on me next week or the next time we are in combat. I wanted to save my battle skip until then. I tried to convince the spy Ace to refrain from killing Brightlord Tal or myself, telling him that of course we would skip, so he would be better off picking someone else. However, he may have called my bluff, and if he did, I will die today. I apologize for this.


"In case I die, there are certain pieces of information Dalinar, the other Brightlords, and the loyal members of the camp will need to know. The first is that I sent Aonaran to clean the latrines today. Ace's choice of sending Meller to clean the latrines in the first week led me to look at a certain type of person. Most of those people are lighteyes, making them untouchable by Ace. However, three of them--Aonaran, Norlav, and Marand--were likely choices for him in the second week.


"I have reason to believe Marand sent a message to Kaddar in the second week, which he wouldn't have been able to do had he been on latrine duty. We know Norlav is a loyal Surgeon, and he never told us he was mucking out the latrines that week, so he's also clear. Which only leaves Aonaran. I'm hoping that the spies will only be able to successfully sabotage a maximum of two of the army in this battle, and that will help you know if I am correct.


"Lastly, I have a list of possible suspects. Leading that list are Aonaran and Marand, the second of which will, Stormfather willing, die today, so we'll know for sure about him. The next one on the list is Reihmer. He encouraged the camp to be more active and bloodthirsty, but he hasn't been either of those since that week. Fourth on the list is Alinel, as she's been mostly silent. We need her to speak up more if we're to discover her alignment. The last few on the list are Newan, Odysa, and Torwel. I don't think all three of them are disloyal, but I'm suspicious of them for the same reason, and I believe one of them is disloyal. I believe that there is spearman among the spy ranks, and these are the only three who I believe are spearmen.


"I hope that, should Dalinar win a Shardblade in battle today, the person he bestows it on will help our course further. Should I die, good luck, and I will see you in the Tranquiline Halls."


She stopped, and the woman's hand fell still. She looked up, and Kenara could tell she was troubled. "What is your name?"


"Wilson, Brightness."


Odd name, Kenara thought. "Well, Messenger Wilson, don't worry. Whatever happens happens. I have confidence that we will defeat these spies. We just need to stay vigilant. Make sure that everyone hears that," she nodded to the paper Wilson held.


Wilson nodded and walked out of the tent.



I've laid most of it out above, but for a little bit more detail: I don't think we have more than 3 spearman, and Newan, Odysa, and Torwel are the only three that have claimed or implied to be spearmen. I think one of them is a spy. I'm not sure which one, as I suspect all three of them equally (and that's a low suspicion anyway), but I figured I should mention it.


And that's all that I have. Good luck (assuming I'm dead. If I'm not....well. Transparency is key, eh?)

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Week 6

"So, Ace," Brightlord Jost began, a slight smile playing across his face. "I do find it rather strange that you survived that little fight last week. Most of your squadmates died, but I received an interesting report stating that one of them seemed to be taking special care of you. Care to say anything about this?"

Ace simply spread his hands out in a gesture of defeat.

"You don't deny this?" Dalinar asked, somewhat surprised. "You're simply going to let him accuse you of that? If true, I should have you executed."

"I am indeed a spy for one of your enemies, Dalinar," Ace said, smiling a little. "Prince Aladar," he elaborated, leaning back a little and reclining, as if it really didn't matter to him anymore. "Don't look so shocked. We had to have some people high up, didn't we?"

"Were you always his, or did he make you a better offer than I was paying my officers?"

"Oh, I've always been Prince Aladar's man," Ace tapped his foot on the rocky floor of the tent distantly. "So you see, I've never actually betrayed anyone. I lied to you, yes, but I think my soul is only slightly stained, rather than blackened, for this. And the writing thing, of course."

"So, you know what happens next," Dalinar said, readying his Shardblade.

"Actually," Ace said, sitting back up properly. "I will take the offer that Jain did not. I wish to go out fighting. But not in battle. I wish to fight Tal. For his Shardblade"

At this, Jost could no longer contain himself. "You're making a mockery of this!" He spat on the floor. "Dalinar, slay him so we can get on with some actual work." His hand went to his sword, preparing to draw it.

Dalinar held his hand up to stop his Brightlord from carrying out the execution right there, in the command tent. "No, I will honour his wish."

"But...!" Jost raises his hands, then went to lower them, but stopped again, just clenching and unclenching his hands multiple times. "That boy can't beat a properly trained Officer. And then he'll run off, taking both Shardblade and plate with him. That's just what he wants."

Dalinar turned to Jost, and smiled a little. There was a slight cruel streak in there. "I never said I would give him a Shardblade in his duel."


The duel took place barely an hour later, and for all the talk that had sprung up over it in the short time, and despite the sudden crowd flocking to the makeshift arena to watch two Lighteyes try to kill each other, it was rather anticlimactic.

Ace tried to disarm Tal and grab the Shardblade, as it was practically the only way to win against a man with both blade and plate, but failed in his attempt. Tal's Shardblade struck through his arm, then curved upwards towards his spine. Ace's eyes burned.


Norlav muttered to himself as he checked his mental list (for obviously, he couldn't write) to see what he needed to grab for the battle ahead. Spear, armour, helmet... Well, that was it, for a lowly soldier such as himself, wasn't it?

He headed back to his tent to collect his gear. From the meagre light outside, he could see a shadow inside, kneeling down. Well, it was probably just one of his squadmates, collecting their own equipment. The shadow then stood up, walked to the next bunk, and knelt again.

By the time the shadow was on the third bunk, Norlav knew something was wrong. He burst into the tent quickly, ready to shout to distract the man and stop him from ruining their weapons and armour, but found himself instead behind held at knifepoint.

"Little boys claiming to be smart should keep their mouths shut," the figure said. Even this close, Norlav couldn't make out who it was, as they were hooded and cloaked. His hand was lazily on the hilt of the dagger, just holding it to Norlav's jugular, ready to pierce his neck. "I wouldn't shout, if I were you. That wouldn't be very smart."

"You'd know all about being dull, wouldn't you?" Norlav muttered, as he just stepped backwards quickly, out of the tent, backtracking before the figure realized what he was doing. The man hadn't even considered holding him in place.

There was a snarl, and the figure followed him out of the tent, dagger arcing towards his throat, where it had been placed just a few seconds before. Norlav brought his arms up, and instead of a slash across the throat, he got a rather nasty cut on the arm instead.

The next strike went towards his face, and was deflected once again by his arms. Norlav's blood wet the dirt and earth beneath their feet, slowly staining it red. His attacker did not slow down, however, and soon there were lacerations all across his arms. The figure then changed track, striking at his leg, and Norlav fell back as he tried to avoid it, tripping over a rockbud shell.

By now, however, the commotion had been noticed. The figure looked down at Norlav, then up, briefly, as a group of soldiers hurried towards them. "Next time," the figure promised, before running off.


Before the battle, there was an execution.

Some said it was a little cruel. Karlin didn't seem to always be present. Perhaps due to an injury earlier on in the war sometime. These things happen. It wasn't deliberate obstruction, they said. But even so, war is war. Sometimes an example must be made.

After Karlin's things were taken to be redistributed to the soldiers, Dalinar was informed that a Spanreed happened to be amongst them. He snapped it in half, glad that another of the infiltrators had been dealt with, even if it was mostly by accident. Tossing the pieces of the once-valuable artifice aside, he returned to his battle plans.

"You know..." Kaddar said, putting a hand to a chin as he thought about the discovery. "I could've sworn I saw a Darkeyes with a Spanreed recently. Can't for the life of me remember his name. M-something."

Kenara looked at the list before her. "Mek? Marand? Meller? No, wait, Meller's dead..." she crossed his name out neatly.

"Marand!" Kaddar snapped his fingers, and grinned triumphantly.

"Marand?" Dalinar repeated, looking at his four loyal (or at least, as loyal as he could tell) Lighteyes. "I suppose this is worth looking at then. Brightness Kenara, remain here and continue to collect reports from out scouts. The rest of you, with me."


"I didn't do anything!" Marand said, raising his voice despite the presence of Lighteyes nearby. Indeed, despite the fact that he was shouting at Lighteyes.

"You know," Kaddar said conversationally to Jost, the only one unfortunate enough to be near him, "if I had to describe Marand in some way, I think I know what word I'd pick. Do you want to know what that word is?"

"So what?" Marand asked, holding up his Spanreed. "You don't have to be Lighteyed to own a Spanreed."

"No," Jost said, firmly, hand on the sword at his side. "Of course I don't."

"Bah, you're no fun anymore since your friend died." Kaddar chuckled, missing the anger Jost looked at him with. He was too busy watching Marand make a fool of himself.

"Fine, maybe you do in this army, but that still doesn't mean I'm a traitor," Marand continued, still not quite realising he was arguing with the army's leader. Or perhaps he did, Kaddar thought, but was just too afraid to die.

His thought process was interrupted when Jost grabbed Kaddar's shirt and hauled him up, so he could glare down, straight into Kaddar's eyes. "That traitorous filth was not my friend."

Kaddar chuckled nervously. "Oh, sorry about that..."

Jost dropped Kaddar to the floor, and then returned to being a dutiful Lighteyes and serving his commander. "He has a Spanreed, Sir, as we were told. At the very least, regardless of where his loyalties lie, we should execute him for illegal possession of one."

Marand looked at Jost, now worried. "Look, if it's just the Spanreed you want, you can have it. I don't need it for anything."

"I'm afraid, not," Dalinar sighed, though he took the Spanreed all the same. "You two," he pointed at two more soldiers, "Guard him. Jost, get someone to equip this man out for the main assault tomorrow."


As the four of them returned, it was to the sounds of a struggle. Then there was no sound at all. They broke into a run to get to the command tent quicker, and only just managed to avoid a Shardblade to the throats, as it cut through the side of the tent and a man stepped out. He was surprised by their presence, clearly, but did not slow his retreat.

"S-Someone stop him!" Kaddar shouted. "Go on!" he said, pushing Tal forward. The young soldier looked at him briefly, somewhat confused, but then took off after the other Shardblade-wielder.

Before Tal could catch up, however, the man fell, an arrow in his neck. Tal looked around wildly, before realising that they weren't under attack. He then picked the Shardblade up, letting his own disappear.

Newan lowered his bow, grinning a little. "I guess that makes me a Lighteyes then."


When they returned to the tent, they found the air somewhat full of smoke. The papers that were left on Dalinar's desk were burning slowly, though the fire itself was rather slow and was easily and quickly put out. However, they were badly damaged and difficult to read.

Of course, more immediately distressing than the notes was the fact that the one who knew what they all said was lying on the floor, her eyes burnt through by a Shardblade.

Marand was a Darkeyed Messenger, loyal to Dalinar!
Karlin disobeyed orders and was executed. She was a Darkeyed Guardsman, loyal to Prince Vamah! The Spanreed has been destroyed.

Marand (4): Newan, Eolhondras, Kenara, Ace
Odysa (1): Mek
Towel (1): Aonar Faialen
Damon Shan (1): Alinel Lenia
Eolhondras (1): Marand
Aonar Faialen (1): Kaddar
Ace (1): Odysa
Karlin (1+Inf): Dalinar, Dalinar's Army

Macen was a Lighteyed Officer, loyal to Prince Aladar! His Spanreed has been given to a random player.
Norlav was wounded in the Skirmish, but saved by a Guardsman!
Kenara was a Lighteyed Officer, loyal to Dalinar!
Newan won a Shardblade!

At the end of the week, there will be a Skirmish against Prince... Roion. I swear my dice are rigged >>.

The Cycle will end at 8PM on Friday, though the flavourful writeup may be late depending.


Player List
Damon Shan, Worldhopper [Jasnah Damodred]
Norlav, a mercenary drafted by the Blackthorn [Alvron]
Wok, a Horneater princess serving the Blackthorn [Ashiok] - Messenger
Reihmer, a bad ketek poet [Renegade]
Odysa of Shao, a former-assassin turned mercenary [Winter Cloud]
Karlin, a Jah Keved Purelaker [surgebound Rainspren] - Guardsman
Aonaran Faialen, a wannabe musician [Aonar Faileas]
Marand, no further description [Mailliw73] - Messenger
Mek, a defector from Highprince Yenev's army [mckeedee123]
Alinel Lenia, Horneater exile, second son [Araris Valerian]
Torwel, reluctant conscript, wants ale [twelfthrootoftwo]
Eoldren, guy with a sweet tooth and a grudge [Eolhondras]
Meller, a bridge builder for the Blackthorn [Metacognition] - Watchman

Kaddar, a one-eyed veteran spearman with a fondness for riddles. [Kasimir]
Kenara, a scribe for the Blackthorn [little wilson] - Officer
Jain, a possibly-resurrected Shin traveller with a panda [Lightsworn Panda] - Swordsman
Jost Joslin, a soldier who never had a Shardblade [The Only Joe]
Ace, a guy with an oversized mallet and a talisman [Macen] - Officer
Tal, an enthusiastic young recruit and Shardblade wielder [luckat]
Newan, a failed (and failing) Envisager and Shardblade wielder [Newan]

Edited by Alvron
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Marand, I'm sorry. I really did think you were a spy. I guess that just means I need to play more games where you are an eliminator.

I doubt there were more than 2 spies among the lighteyes. I trust Norlav because he had no reason to tell us he was heterochromic if he was bad. I trust Mek and Eolhondras because of last cycle's exchange.

Our three spies are likely to be hidden among these six:

Damon Shan






With a lynch and two shardblades, we have the ability to kill three people this cycle. I say we go for it.

I don't know what to make of Torwel, Alinel, or Damon. I'll have to go back and read Torwel's posts again when I have time, and Wilson's post explaining why she voted for Alinel. I remember somebody saying that Jasnah has feigned inactivity before, so that's not a good sign. This is why I'm voting for Damon Shan.

I think Reihmer is less likely to be bad than Aonar. I'm not saying that Aonar is suspicious. He's too careful for that. But Aonar has been jeeping my name on possible people to block or kill with a shardblade, even though it didn't make sense. Obviously, I'm too compromised to make a decision there until I here some others' opinions on the matter.

Odysa! Your malarky, shenanigans, and tomfoolery have gone on for too long! Unless I hear a solid reason not to, I am going to kill you.

That's right, cremlings. The Supreme Lynchmaster is back, and he means business.

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And there goes the good Ser Wolf. Requiescat in pace.

That was a lot better than expected, despite losing Maili (Maili, I'm so sorry, but I guess you can punch Wilson in the Tranquiline Halls.)

1. We now know that Newan is cleared, as Dalinar as favoured him with a Shardblade. The worst result we could've had was one of the cleared people like Alv getting a Shardblade. All in all, I think this was as good an outcome as could be expected from a Battle.

2. To the Guardsman, whoever you are, once again, thank you. (Eoldren, if I was half-hearted in my thanks previously, thank you once more.) Furthermore, I'd like to appeal to the Guardsman who performed the save on Alv to come forward. You would be helping us clear yet another person, and at this point, you cannot threaten the Eliminators anymore.

3. With only two Eliminator teams left to go, kills are down to 2 in Battles and 50-50 in Skirmishes, so I guess that's not necessarily a great thing, as people now have higher chances of dying. Still, let's try to make some headway, shall we? This leaves us with three of them and one pair, as far as we know.

4. Maili was innocent. I'm going to read this as one of the times when the Village screws up because Wilson was clean, Newan is clean, and I think we can pretty much consider Eoldren to be clean (someone correct me if I'm missing something out here.) I'm going to leave it up to Luckat and Alv to decide whether it's a good time to re-examine the last Messenger(s). We don't want to keep blindly lynching people just because they're Messengers, after all. I will note, however, that it is not impossible that the Spies either don't have a Messenger, or, as Alv pointed out, they pulled a Spanreed trick on us and were waiting to watch us lynch everyone who was a Messenger. The big four unknowns who've never made a single claim and we don't have a read on at all are, surprise, surprise: Aonar, Ren, Araris, and Jasnah. I'd be more inclined to put more weight on the first three, given they're behaving a lot more strangely than Jasnah. And so to start, I'm going to call out Aonar, for the reasons I've already mentioned just before last cycle ended.

5. Mek--did you see anything?

6. My Lighteyes vote went onto Ren, so probably Wilson and someone else voted Karlin.


7. A list, of what we currently know, based on claims. Things that we have Word of Wyrm for will be underlined. Now that Maili's dead, the information's not sensitive any longer, I guess. The Messenger information still is, though. Also, it would be appreciated if no-one counted my list colour-coding as votes, because it would be ridiculous. Thanks. In addition, I've italicised the people who I think we can consider to be somewhat trusted, though they're clearly not green.



1 Surgeon = Alv, Heterochromic

2 + ? Messengers = Ash, Maili, + ?

3 Spearmen = Odysa, Newan, Torwel

4 Guardsmen = Karlin, Eoldren, ?, ?

2 Watchmen = Meta, Mek

? Scouts = ?

? Squadleader(s) = ?



1 Wit = Kaddar

2 Swordsmen = Jain, Joe

2 Officers = Macen, Wilson

2 Shardbearers = Luckat, Newan


I left Darkeyes entries for Newan and Luckat because their base role is a Darkeyes one--Shardbearer is kind of like an applied template. Whether Karlin used his abilities will determine whether we have 4 Guardsmen or 3. Certainly, he claimed to me that he didn't, but considering the fact that messages had to pass through Wyrm, it's possible he saw Macen's danger and decided to save him. But I don't find that likely to be the case, I reckon.


Again, the glaring black holes amongst the Darkeyes are Aonar, Ren, Jasnah and Araris. Since we can trust Luckat, knowing what Luckat is doesn't really matter; Luckat can fill in the list on her own and we don't have to know that.


This is off the top of my head, at any rate. I need some rest, and hopefully, everyone will discuss all the things in my absence! ;)

Edit: Edited so many storming times because of formatting and colour. Grrr.

Edit 2: Uh, Newan, I suggest you not go immediately Rambo with that Shardblade, because there are three of them left. We're now 10:3. We know the Spies aren't likely to mis-kill, but a mislynch plus two missed Shardblade kills on our part will put us 6:3. Not lynch and lose, not exactly, but it'd be very uncomfortable territory, I'd say. Not to say we shouldn't employ Shardblade kills--just be careful about those!

Edited by Kasimir
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One last thing, I forgot: two kills means that Team Aladar (on Wilson) and Team Roion (on Alv) got their kills in. Team Vamah (Karlin) did not. (Most likely anyway, based on how they were planning, and since Ser Wolf probably could've dropped a post if he'd sent in Sabotage orders.)
...Odysa. I don't know what to think anymore. I am, to a decent extent, inclined to trust you. After all, it was clear that Ser Wolf was trying to frame you. At the same time, he did seem to be rather isolated and not in the game. So I don't know how much his convictions stand as evidence, one way or another. That everyone and their grandmother seems to be trying to kill you since Cycle One does partly nudge me in favour of your innocence. However, you're not really helping things by behaving like a depressed Eliminator at the moment. Instead of trolling, I do hope you'll take some time to help us try to narrow down on the last three Spies remaining amongst us, please.
Thank you. Same goes to everyone who's been popping in and out. We've come out of the Battle being pretty lucky, all things considered. Our losses could've been far worse. Let's make the best of it, and let's find those Spies!

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I can assume this is my last cycle alive, then, Newan?

You know what I'm going to do, then?

I'm going to follow in Mace's footsteps and troll you guys.

Because whatever I say, I doubt it will be enough. 



Is Odysa really doomed, Newan?

Edited by mckeedee123
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Really, I thought I was one of the last Eliminators. Seriously, though? Jasnah is active enough to avoid dying through inactivity, but she has helped even less than I have. I'm going to be as helpful as I can this cycle because, according to our lovely Shardbearer over there in Lynchmaster Town, I'm not going to be surviving to next cycle.

EDIT: Color


I won't kill you if there are others who more urgently need my attention.  You've been pretty suspicious for this entire game. Jumping on bandwagon votes and trolling alongside Macen has actually worked pretty well for you, but I'm just not convinced that you are good.  And you're right.  Chances are, I'm not going to be convinced that you are good.  But it's very likely that I will be convinced that someone else is bad.  I'm just saying, if I don't come up with any ideas of somebody else who I need to kill, you will be my default.  


And please don't take this the wrong way, Winter Cloud.  The way I've been playing makes it seem like I have a vendetta against you, but I'm a fan of you.  You have been one of the most entertaining parts of this game.  I just also think that you're rather suspicious.  


Long story short: no, you're not doomed.  Currently, it is my plan to shardblade you in the face, but that plan is just as liable to change as my vote.  I'm sorry I made my convictions sound so harsh in my first post this cycle.  

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Many thanks to the Guard who saved my life.  Hopefully I can repay the favor.


Kas, despite what I posted I did send in protection orders.  I was hoping that Ace would fall for my bluff and I could save someone else with my dying breath, reasoning that it was better that my target was blocked instead of killed along with us.  Unfortunately I was still sent to the latrines but no one attacked my target.


Congrats to Newan for winning a Shardblade.  You are now of the fourth dahn and outrank most of the lighteyes in camp.  Scary thought to have the Lynchmaster given so much power over life and death.


​I have reason to believe that Jasnah is good, however I could be wrong as it is based on several things that I could easily have mis-interpreted..


Given Odysa supposed confession I have no problem if someone wanted to use their new Blade on them.  They are either an eliminator or not helping so killing them will only help us narrow down the list.  And free us up to vote on someone else.


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