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Rule Clarifications:

Meta: I do have two clarificatory questions, off the top of my head. First, if the Rioter does not actually place a vote, can they still use their Rioting ability? (I notice you say their vote will be nullified and it sounds a bit like a necessary condition, but not quite, at the same time...)

My second question just refers to your comment that no hints will be given in the write-up. Might I just ask what the purpose of that statement is for? (I'm just wondering how to square that with Thug survival reveals--are you just basically saying that the usual stuff will be in a write-up but nothing more, so don't bank on the gender of attackers as reflected in the write-ups, etc, and all those little tricks?  :P)


The Rioter doesn't have to vote to use their ability, but they can't switch someone who hasn't voted to a vote. Your target has to be emotionally involved enough to be affected by the Rioter in the first place. 


That's basically it. I will try to be very careful not to reveal anything within the write ups as is, but, as an example, if I wind up writing a scene that involves a lot of acrobatics and strength, that doesn't mean that you can rule out the geriatric members of the game!  :) I just wanted to clarify that, since it seems that people tend to try to find more hidden within the write up than just a fun way of conveying the information that so and so was killed. That and there might be a game sometime in which I actually will give hints in the write ups!  ;)


Is this actually going to be in effect this time?  :P


Also, if a Mistborn draws Pewter for a turn, gets attacked, and then draws Pewter, say, 3 cycles later, will the Pewter actually do anything the second time they draw it?


I don't know Ruin's mind. Depends on if he thinks they can still be useful to him afterwards. Fair warning though, there was a Mistborn amongst the surviving Spiked last time and he still killed them! I wouldn't get my hopes up.  ;)


Since they only have Pewter for that cycle, yes, each time they draw it, they get the extra life from it. It is unlikely that they will draw it twice so soon though. The way that I go about determining what power the Mistborn has is that I roll a ten sided die. If it comes up as 9, 10, or if they already received that power once already, I reroll and take the next result, even if they already had that power. This way, early on, they're likely to receive a different power each time. 



Edited by Metacognition
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I suggest reading the General Rules to get a feel for how everything works. Also, check out the Etiquette thread as well! 


Other than that, you just have to come up with a character that will be your avatar for the game. You pick a name (preferably something somewhat similar to your username, so everyone will know who's who a bit easier) and your character's occupation within the town. That's basically it! After that, you wait until the game starts, maybe do a little RP with your character and all that and then try not to die while also trying to figure out who the Spiked are! :P


Good to have you with us! I hope you have as much fun with this as I do! :)

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Create a character, eh? Well then, I choose to be...

Baron Von Piffertiff the Third

A professional rich person who lives in a manor on top of that big hill in the middle of town. You know, the one with the iron fences and the secret passageways. It's hard to miss.

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I tried a bit of serious RP in the last game and found it a bit dreary and boring.. So back to the sarcasm, frivolity, and inappropriate pop culture references!


Eoladdin belonged in a mad house. He was a kook. Insane, batty and more than a little bit 'touched' and in fact, if you took the two seconds to picture the archetypal inhabitant of a loony bin, you would be starting Eoladdin in the face. 


Ever since the death of the Lord Ruler, everyone in town was a little too preoccupied with the preparation of defences to notice the lunatic walking amongst them, particularly since it had emerged that those preparations were being sabotaged. Finding a seat atop the city wall Eoladdin placed his pet lamp in his lap and began stroking it before surveying the crowd below. Adamant that at some point in a previous life he had been a detective, perhaps he could be of some assistance.


The Baron, Joe, Maill and Melend seemed to be the only ones preparing at the moment but more would come no doubt and this perch seemed as good a place to watch them from. Not to mention it was a great place from which to throw pebbles at unsuspecting beggars. 

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Excellent! I've been looking forward to this one :P Hurrah to the anniversary of Sanderson Elimination!




Karnad stared outside the window at the softly falling ash and sighed. Of all the times to be caught up in one town's mess...He'd just finished dropping off a package in Fadrex City--the recepient hadn't even so much as given him a tip, before he'd found himself stopping at Tyrian Falls, in time to hear word of the Lord Ruler's death.


Well, rust. He made his money running messages for the nobles and for the Lord Prelan Tevidian--he'd built up a reputation for swift delivery and honesty, having never taken a look at the letters he delivered. And working for Tevidian had given him a safe job--one which he knew he'd not be fired from. But now, all of it...


Rust, Karnad thought again. Word was that Luthadel had fallen to a skaa riot, and the last thing he wanted was to go back to a city in the middle of a chaotic revolution for his pay. Was Tevidian even going to pay him at this rate?


Wistfully, he stared at the falling ash outside the inn and wished that the world had not, all of a sudden, become so much more complicated.

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Like Maill, I'm reincarnating Wilson, the town messenger. Note that this Wilson is not the same as the other one--the one that's been running around the Cosmere getting into all sorts of trouble. This Wilson is an innocent. She's lived her whole life in Tyrian Falls, and she never plans to leave.

(Yes, this means there are multiple Wilson's. And the one true Wilson is a distant relation to this Wilson. The one true one will hunt down anyone who kills her most favorite (great grand) niece. And she's a bloodthirsty little devil... :P )

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Vron has risen from the grave for this game.  An alchemist who dabbles in metallurgy.  For some reason he distrusts any messengers called Wilson, I believe it has something to do with past lives.

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Good old classic rules. I'm in. Peng will be a crazy old man. He had a habit of telling everyone he was an allomancer. Or a feruchemist. Or an inquisitor. Some days he claimed he was The Lord ruler reincarnated.

Edited by jasonpenguin
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Meta: I do have two clarificatory questions, off the top of my head. First, if the Rioter does not actually place a vote, can they still use their Rioting ability? (I notice you say their vote will be nullified and it sounds a bit like a necessary condition, but not quite, at the same time...)

My second question just refers to your comment that no hints will be given in the write-up. Might I just ask what the purpose of that statement is for? (I'm just wondering how to square that with Thug survival reveals--are you just basically saying that the usual stuff will be in a write-up but nothing more, so don't bank on the gender of attackers as reflected in the write-ups, etc, and all those little tricks? :P)

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Senn Conrad, a minor noblemen from Fadrex who'd built up a respectable trade in hardwood before the Collapse, managed to find himself caught in Tyian Falls negotiating a contract when the Lord Ruler died. He's rather upset that the plans for the town's defense are being sabotaged, as it might prevent him from getting out of here in time to make the party at Keep Orielle in a week.


I'll get some RP up later, but I do want to sign up now.

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I'll be Dom, a 60-year old retired Hazekiller who moved to Tyrian Falls to find a bit of peace after long years of fighting. After serving as a captain of Hazekiller squads in the employment of many noble lords Dom is finding it difficult to simply let others take control of the security of the village.  


With the Koloss fast approaching Dom has given up on finding peace and has decided to stand with the people of Tyrian Falls. This may well be his final stand but he is determined not to give up without fight.

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The Rioter doesn't have to vote to use their ability, but they can't switch someone who hasn't voted to a vote. Your target has to be emotionally involved enough to be affected by the Rioter in the first place. 


That's basically it. I will try to be very careful not to reveal anything within the write ups as is, but, as an example, if I wind up writing a scene that involves a lot of acrobatics and strength, that doesn't mean that you can rule out the geriatric members of the game! :) I just wanted to clarify that, since it seems that people tend to try to find more hidden within the write up than just a fun way of conveying the information that so and so was killed. That and there might be a game sometime in which I actually will give hints in the write ups! ;)

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People hurried in and out, buying their metals, attempting to buy the Customer List, or offering to pay him to refuse to sell to certain people. But Joe refused. He sat behind the counter, gave out the exact amount of the Metal asked for, accepted cash only, and asked no names. He didn't even try to remember faces. He refused all deals that sounded corrupt. That would hurt his sales. The smart customers knew he couldn't be bought. That was why he was the most popular Metallurgist around.


More people entered. Some hid their faces to prevent being their powers being known, Others deliberately bought all 8 metals, Either buying for others or masking their own power. Joe didn't care. They all paid, that was what he cared about. The only reason he was helping to stop the saboteurs was because they were bad for business. They killed his customers. But they would be found. Maybe he should start keeping track of Sales. But that would cut into the profit. Decisions, decisions. They would all face them soon.

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No anniversary game would ever be complete without a greedy, territorial landlord!  :P




“Woah there, pal!” Rent said, stopping the scruffy-looking man who was walking nearby.  “Didn’t ya see the sign?  There’s no trespassing, unless yer willin’ to pay the fee.  Since ya trespassed, yer gonna hafta pay the fee.  Thirty boxings.”  Rent held out his hand.


The man looked around the ashy town square.  “I see no such sign.”


“Then yer as blind as an Inquisitor,” Rent sighed.  “Look, just pay the rent, and ya won’t have to deal with the army of koloss behind yer back.”


The man whirled around, frowning.  “There… are no koloss.”


“Must ya make this so difficult?” Rent exclaimed.  “It’s just a flat fee… actually, no it isn’t.  Ye’ve wasted several minutes of my time now, so ye’ll be payin’ another twenty boxings.  This is nonnegotiable.”


The man yawned, and started to walk away.


“Hey!  Hey, wha-- where do ya think yer going?  Ya can’t just… walk away like that!  That’s jus’ rude!”


“Sorry, did you say something?” the man said, still walking.


“I -- are ya deaf too?  Lord Rulah, man, yer not foolin’ anyone!  Ya can’t be both blind and deaf!  That’s… that’s like having two Allomantic powers!  Impossible!”


“Yes, goodbye,” said the man, not looking at Rent.


Rent fumed.  “This is disgrace!” he shouted.  “This is injustice!  Ya owe me… seventy-five boxings now!  Ye’d better pay, or I’ll… I’ll… I’ll send my… my squadron of flying kandra at ya!  Don’t think I won’t!  Don’t think ya can get away with this!  I’ll do it!  Just ya wait!  Yer gonna regret it!”


The man turned the corner and was out of sight.  “Lord Rulah!” Rent swore.  “Ya can’t defy me like this!  I am Rent, LORD OF LANDS, and I will bring peace and justice to this here town square!  Well... for a relatively reasonable price, of course!”  Rent cackled, and went off in search of a large sign and some paint.

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Just want to say, I'm impressed with the amount of crazy people within this town so far. They should maybe build a place to keep them all... an asylum of sorts. ;)


Of course, if the Koloss get here first, it won't matter. Are the Koloss here for the precious minerals or to stop the spread of insanity? Only time will tell! :P

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