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Hey guys!  Sorry I'm late.  You remember me, right?  It's me, Newan!  Well I wanted to announce to you all that I've decided to be a HERO.  That's right.  I'm turning fifteen next week, and because I'm good and old now, I think it's high time I save the world.  I forged this sword here, see, and I plan on becoming a mighty warrior.  

For old times' sake, you see?  To those of you who already figured it out, I applaud you.  

I know, Joe!  I already said I was sorry for using your rare metals to make this sword.  I promised I would pay you back.  You don't have to embarrass me in front of the whole village. 

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SPIKED: Beyond possibly having one of the above roles, you can hear Ruin talking to you. He’s told you who else in the town is spiked and together you’re to keep the town from mounting a defense before the Koloss arrive. In return, you will be spared.

Is this actually going to be in effect this time? :P


Also, if a Mistborn draws Pewter for a turn, gets attacked, and then draws Pewter, say, 3 cycles later, will the Pewter actually do anything the second time they draw it?

Edited by Renegade
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Yay Anniversary Game! Since I missed out on the first game, I'll be resurrecting my character from game 2: Herwynbe, the Former Terris Steward!


Herwynbe strode in to the town, then paused to brush the ash and dust off of his travel robes. He looked up, surveying Tyrian Falls. He was no keeper, but still, the Synod had entrusted him with a sacred duty: It was his job to save this town. From their own ignorance and madness. It was up to him to bring wisdom and sanity to this town. And then, once that task was done, maybe he would be able to help deal with the rampaging Koloss horde heading this way...

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Like Maill, I'm reincarnating Wilson, the town messenger. Note that this Wilson is not the same as the other one--the one that's been running around the Cosmere getting into all sorts of trouble. This Wilson is an innocent. She's lived her whole life in Tyrian Falls, and she never plans to leave.

(Yes, this means there are multiple Wilson's. And the one true Wilson is a distant relation to this Wilson. The one true one will hunt down anyone who kills her most favorite (great grand) niece. And she's a bloodthirsty little devil... :P )


Maill, similar to Vron, received a letter from his cousin cobbler warning him against blindly following any sons of Wil, especially when they are following after a bug from Bart. He was slightly confused by that, but then met Wilson and it all clicked into place.



Hey guys!  Sorry I'm late.  You remember me, right?  It's me, Newan!  Well I wanted to announce to you all that I've decided to be a HERO.  That's right.  I'm turning fifteen next week, and because I'm good and old now, I think it's high time I save the world.  I forged this sword here, see, and I plan on becoming a mighty warrior.  

For old times' sake, you see?  To those of you who already figured it out, I applaud you.  

I know, Joe!  I already said I was sorry for using your rare metals to make this sword.  I promised I would pay you back.  You don't have to embarrass me in front of the whole village. 



I was pretty sure I knew what you were talking about, but I had to go and check to be sure. Yep. You just stole Chid's role from LG3. ;) I had a a good time with that RP, but that was with Maw, who was one of my favorites(partially because of his being a Tineye.). Maill is a lot more suspicious, arrogant, and rude.


"Hey guys!  Sorry I'm late.  You remember me, right?  It's me, Chidden!  Well I wanted to announce to you all that I've decided to be a HERO.  That's right.  I'm turning fifteen next week, and because I'm good and old now, I think it's high time I save the world.  I fashioned this dueling cane here, see, and I plan on becoming a mighty warrior.  


I know Maw!  I already said I was sorry for ruining your fig tree to make my cane.  I promised I would pay you back.  You don't have to embarrass me in front of the whole village.  "


Yay Anniversary Game! Since I missed out on the first game, I'll be resurrecting my character from game 2: Herwynbe, the Former Terris Steward!


Herwynbe strode in to the town, then paused to brush the ash and dust off of his travel robes. He looked up, surveying Tyrian Falls. He was no keeper, but still, the Synod had entrusted him with a sacred duty: It was his job to save this town. From their own ignorance and madness. It was up to him to bring wisdom and sanity to this town. And then, once that task was done, maybe he would be able to help deal with the rampaging Koloss horde heading this way...



Hero's here! Welcome back, honorary Tineye! It's good to have you back. I was looking back and some of the older games and forgot about a lot of those previous players who had been a lot of fun. A lot of them haven't played in while. :P I'm actually slightly surprised you showed up to play, what with there being a Tineye role again. :P

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Maill, similar to Vron, received a letter from his cousin cobbler warning him against blindly following any sons of Wil, especially when they are following after a bug from Bart. He was slightly confused by that, but then met Wilson and it all clicked into place.

.... I'm not sure why Maill would be warning his relatives to be wary of sons of Wil, since we were on the same side that time. The bugs from Bart make perfect sense though. If he plays this game, there's no way I'll trust anything he says. Ever. Especially if it has to do with being a Seeker (although that would be a perfect troll from Meta. Let's make Barty the Village Seeker this time....ugh)

Also, I'm still highly amused every time people with threat levels just as high as mine (like you, Alvron, and Meta) call attention to me and try to slide by themselves. I embrace it. You guys should too. :P

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Yay Anniversary Game! Since I missed out on the first game, I'll be resurrecting my character from game 2: Herwynbe, the Former Terris Steward!


Herwynbe strode in to the town, then paused to brush the ash and dust off of his travel robes. He looked up, surveying Tyrian Falls. He was no keeper, but still, the Synod had entrusted him with a sacred duty: It was his job to save this town. From their own ignorance and madness. It was up to him to bring wisdom and sanity to this town. And then, once that task was done, maybe he would be able to help deal with the rampaging Koloss horde heading this way...


You're back!  Does this mean that you are going to be able to GM your Elantris and Legion games without having to postpone them?



I was pretty sure I knew what you were talking about, but I had to go and check to be sure. Yep. You just stole Chid's role from LG3. ;) I had a a good time with that RP, but that was with Maw, who was one of my favorites(partially because of his being a Tineye.). Maill is a lot more suspicious, arrogant, and rude.


Well, lots of old characters were being revived, and none of Newan's Scadrial characters were as fun as Chid's.  


.... I'm not sure why Maill would be warning his relatives to be wary of sons of Wil, since we were on the same side that time. The bugs from Bart make perfect sense though. If he plays this game, there's no way I'll trust anything he says. Ever. Especially if it has to do with being a Seeker (although that would be a perfect troll from Meta. Let's make Barty the Village Seeker this time....ugh)

Also, I'm still highly amused every time people with threat levels just as high as mine (like you, Alvron, and Meta) call attention to me and try to slide by themselves. I embrace it. You guys should too. :P


Oh yeah, I almost forgot to remind everyone of how much of a threat I'm not!


Hey everyone, remember that pirate quick fix where I did so poorly?  Yeah. That means you don't have to pay attention to me.

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Hero's here! Welcome back, honorary Tineye! It's good to have you back. I was looking back and some of the older games and forgot about a lot of those previous players who had been a lot of fun. A lot of them haven't played in while. :P I'm actually slightly surprised you showed up to play, what with there being a Tineye role again. :P

Ha ha, don't worry, if I'm the Tineye again you'll know pretty quickly. My first message will probably be something "oh crap I'm the tineye again. Spiked players: please just kill me now. Love, Herwynbe."

(Actually now that I've posted that whoever the REAL tineye is will probably post that as the first message and I'll be killed first anyway.

You're back! Does this mean that you are going to be able to GM your Elantris and Legion games without having to postpone them?

No, this is my way of easing back into it. It will still be a month or two at least before I'm ready for either of those.

Hey everyone, remember that pirate quick fix where I did so poorly? Yeah. That means you don't have to pay attention to me.

Umm... Actually, how about we choose to forget about who did what in the pirate game. :D
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Wow, been a whole year since that first game 0_o




I really want to play again. I know I shouldn't with the amount of irl stuff I have going on, but still...Ok, fine, I'm in. Time to revive Clancy the (totally not spiked) storyteller. (I'll pop some rp in later.)



And if I'm a tineye again, someone is going to die, probably Clancy. :P

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Is this actually going to be in effect this time? :P


Also, if a Mistborn draws Pewter for a turn, gets attacked, and then draws Pewter, say, 3 cycles later, will the Pewter actually do anything the second time they draw it?


I don't know Ruin's mind. Depends on if he thinks they can still be useful to him afterwards. Fair warning though, there was a Mistborn amongst the surviving Spiked last time and he still killed them! I wouldn't get my hopes up. ;)


Since they only have Pewter for that cycle, yes, each time they draw it, they get the extra life from it. It is unlikely that they will draw it twice so soon though. The way that I go about determining what power the Mistborn has is that I roll a ten sided die. If it comes up as 9, 10, or if they already received that power once already, I reroll and take the next result, even if they already had that power. This way, early on, they're likely to receive a different power each time. 


I can't say I'm not tempted to give you Tineye again, Hero, just so we can get more of your amazing messages, but I'll be fair about it. You have the same chance as everyone else of getting Tineye! :)


Also, Clancy's back! That means every should probably start highlighting for hidden text again! ;)

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I can't say I'm not tempted to give you Tineye again, Hero, just so we can get more of your amazing messages, but I'll be fair about it. You have the same chance as everyone else of getting Tineye! :)

If there are two tineyes and it comes out as Hero and I we're gonna be a tad suspicious ;)




Also, Clancy's back! That means every should probably start highlighting for hidden text again! ;)


Nah, not now. I don't think it's worth delving into the reasons why.

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Baron von Piffertiff was hungry. His steward was taking quite a long time to bring him his afternoon snack. Piffertiff sighed, and resumed writing his third book, On the Creations of Cans and Can-like Vessels.

"Traded in a lot of favors for permission to write this, I did." mumbled Piffertiff. "And for what? To see the manuscript here rot after the koloss slaughter the whole town? Load of rubbish, this is." 


Piffertiff sniffed, then looked up from his writing to glimpses at the sun. He had been seeing less and less of that fiery old thing as of late, thanks to the mists. The mists always had frightened Piffertiff, but nowadays even thinking about it made his body shiver. It was a good thing coin was still valuble in this broken world of ours, else Piffertiff would have had to pay his guards in bread. He had precious little of that left.


Piffertiff thought he saw Yulin again, this time outside his window. Insufferable old fool, that one. He'd always be there to help once you'd all but helped yourself. "Still managed to annoy me, even in death, Yulin?" Piffertiff grumbled, cursing his former steward. If only that fool had left well enough alone. He knew to not interfere with Canton business.


His steward was certainly late this time. You'd think after a few beatings he'd learn to be punctual. Piffertiff sighed. Insufferable as he was, at least Yulin was on schedule. Former farmhands really couldn't compete with Terrisman. He must have gone through three this month. They were just so idiotic, so incompetent, so fragile. 

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When will the game be starting? I'm going away in a few days, and don't want to sign up if I'm absent for the beginning of the game.


Sign ups should last for about a week from now, so we won't actually be starting until after Jan 1st, but soon after. Let the mayhem begin! :)

Depends how long you're gonna be away I spose.

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Also, I'm still highly amused every time people with threat levels just as high as mine (like you, Alvron, and Meta) call attention to me and try to slide by themselves. I embrace it. You guys should too. :P

Hey now, I am no where near as much of a threat as you.  I admit that when evil I can be dangerous but when good I am almost useless.  It even says that on my Chart.


Alvron: Evil: 26.667% Evil Victory: 75%  About as dangerous as a boxful of kittens. Inquisakittens that is.

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Hey now, I am no where near as much of a threat as you. I admit that when evil I can be dangerous but when good I am almost useless. It even says that on my Chart.

Alvron: Evil: 26.667% Evil Victory: 75% About as dangerous as a boxful of kittens. Inquisakittens that is.

Sure, Mr Letter Bearer. That description applies better to me than to you. :P

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Except the kittens are catquisitors, and the box is a shardpool.

Also, Ashette is the genius who forgot to RP, so...


A month ago:

"Father, don't make me go! I don't want to leave! I can't live in that squalor, and not with dreadful Aunt Rae. You can't do this, you just can't!" Ashette yelled as her father picked her up, bodily throwing her into the carriage.

"Young lady, it's for your own good. We've spoiled you. Aunt Rae will fix that." Her father said gruffly.


As the carriage pulled away, sending Ashette away, she began to cry, perhaps knowing that she would soon be... In the Wake of the Koloss.

Edited by Ashiok
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With the numbers growing, (excellent! This looks to be a big game! :P) I've decided to be useful procrastinate from work and do up a quick player list to track the growing number of players.

1. Lord Pifferdoo - Baron Von Piffertiff the Third, professional rich person
2. Joe - Joe, the town's metallurgist
3. Mailli - Maill, cobbler
4. mckeedee123 - Melend Venture, stranded nobleman, plus Terrisman Mazed
5. Eoldren - Eoladdin, madman with a lamp
6. Kas - Karnad, stranded courier for Tevidian
7. Wilson - Wilson, town messenger (innocent and not bloodthirsty)
8. Winter Cloud - Cleo, metallurgist apprentice, kleptomaniac
9. Alv - Vron, alchemist who dabbles in metallurgy
10. Peng - Peng, a crazy old man
11. Seonid - Senn Conrad, minor nobleman
12. dominic1994 - Dom, retired Hazekiller
13. Jain - Jain, traveller with a toy panda
14. Ren - Rent, a greedy, territorial landlord
15. Ash - Ashette Cett, noblewoman
16. Newan - Newan, a teenaged hero
17. Hero - Herwynbe, former Terris steward
18. Claincy - Clancy, storyteller
19. Araris - Aralis, resident town grump
20. dowanx - Ament, local tailor
21. Jasnah - Damon Shan
22. ostrichofevil - Lord Ostrich Maliscei Tekiel, stained glass merchant

23. Sart - Satrams, the nervous barkeep

24. Unodus - Odustren Kuethershud, a travelling painter

25. Wyrm - Wyra, argumentative lurker

26. Weiry - Riew

27. Macen - Larry, balding, middle-aged dude

28. Sarcomere - Reeco, pizza-maker

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