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Dang it. It's understandable, but a bummer. I have quite the number of characters myself and I get backlogged on them quite often. I haven't even started RPing in Edassa yet. Does that mean we won't get to see Jingleberry in action?


Sorry. :( If I had infinite time--or Mitosis' power--I'd have a dozen characters in every RP on the forum. As things stand, I'll have to prioritize a little bit.


I may find a way to include Jingleberry at some point. I mean, she has a pony and everything. It'd be a downright waste if she never appeared at all. :P   (Perhaps if Aldo or one of my characters in another RP dies.)

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Blargh. Yes, it is. Electro just tried to make friends with Quota and Timeport by killing a bunch of people and allowing one poor old lady to live, correct?


They probably wouldn't have seen that though. Unless they were heading back towards the armory. Electro did that somewhere to the west of the armory I believe.

So, I'm starting to work on my next RP. However, my old nemesis - the writer's block - is once again plaguing me again. After a most determined and inspiring rush of effort, I managed to write ten words.  <_<


Does anyone have tips for overcoming this predicament?

You never did quite answer the question about how Panda would've managed to get an army of animals through Oregon without anyone noticing or why the Panda didn't use them at first.

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Alright, I've come up with some stuff for Ozymandias. Here's the contents of a couple PM posts I've made.

Post 1: General description

Ozymandias (High Epic)

Primary Power: Entropic Decay

Increases the entropy of anything non-living that he touches i.e.: Rots wood instantly, metal rusts, buildings collapse, soda goes flat. He can control this entropic decay to a degree.

Secondary Power: Danger Speed

When something is threatening Ozymandias, he speeds up. He moves faster. His mind moves faster, which lets him analyze the situation at lightning speed. (almost like burning atium, but only when he is in danger) His Primary Power works faster and instinctively, so if a bullet is shot at him, it will immediately dissolve when it touches him.

Passive Ability: Healing Factor

He heals much faster than a normal human. Small injuries heal almost instantaneously, while arms, legs, hair, nails, and teeth take longer to regrow.

Post 2: Further explanation of Entropic Decay

So basically, his level of control is directly related to his level of concentration. Unless he's in a danger speed situation, in which case it's instinctive.

I should probably give a better explanation of the Entropic Decay power, though...

It has two parts, General Decay and Specific Decay (I'll have to come up with better names for those...).

General Decay is for taking down buildings. With General, Ozy can touch some large structure or object, like a building, and the entire thing will slowly decay. It will collapse, but it will take some serious time. The key of General Decay is that it refers to the whole of an object and its workings. So Ozy could use General on a gun and the gun would start jamming, rusting, and generally failing. General is much easier to control than Specific. Ozy has a inherent basic level of General always on, but with even just a tiny bit of concentration, he can suppress that. So yes, if he is ever totally distracted from keeping the General off, his clothes will start to decay.

(It would take a lot of distraction though. Otherwise, some horrible scenes would occur:

Ozy saw a pretty girl walking down the other side of the street. Suddenly all of his clothes fell off.



Ozy reached down and grabbed a largish starfish off the sidewalk. He speedily placed it between his legs and anchored its suction cups to his stomach and back. Problem solved. He nonchalantly grinned at the horrified girl as she scurried past...) You will probably see Ozy a couple times with his clothes in tatters.

Specific Decay is for dissolving dice, rocks, gun grips, etc. It is basically the same as General Decay, only more specialized and over a smaller area. It has more do with what exactly Ozy is touching. It is much harder to control, thus it requires more concentration. It also works faster, assuming the concentration can be had. This is what turns on with Danger Speed, only amped up with no concentration necessary. If Ozy wanted to rob a safe, he could just push his hand through the safe door, powdering it, and get the contents in a very short amount of time. Again, concentration is key.

Thoughts so far?

If you have any questions, comments, or requests for clarifications, please let me know through this thread or a PM.

I haven't come up with personality, backstory, or a weakness (Twi, I could use some help on this) yet, but I'd love to hear your thoughts so far.

Edited by inexorablePanda
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Alright, I've come up with some stuff for Ozymandias. Here's the contents of a couple PM posts I've made.

Post 1: General description

Post 2: Further explanation of Entropic Decay

If you have any questions, comments, or requests for clarifications, please let me know through this thread or a PM.

I haven't come up with personality, backstory, or a weakness (Twi, I could use some help on this) yet, but I'd love to hear your thoughts so far.


I like him. :) I don't have anything to say about him that I haven't said in the PM, but I will say that I think starfish loincloths will quickly become the fashion in Oregon. :P

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I like him. :) I don't have anything to say about him that I haven't said in the PM, but I will say that I think starfish loincloths will quickly become the fashion in Oregon. :P

It has been decided. Ozy will have a pet starfish that he may or may not use as a loincloth.

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Is his name Patrick? Because his name should totally be Patrick. :P


"Once, there was an ugly barnacle. And he was so ugly, Nighthound died! The end." :P


(I never watched that show often, but Patrick's barnacle story stuck with me for some reason. :P)

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Alright, I've come up with some stuff for Ozymandias. Here's the contents of a couple PM posts I've made.

Post 1: General description

Post 2: Further explanation of Entropic Decay

If you have any questions, comments, or requests for clarifications, please let me know through this thread or a PM.

I haven't come up with personality, backstory, or a weakness (Twi, I could use some help on this) yet, but I'd love to hear your thoughts so far.

Sounds good so far. As for questions, is it tecnically possible to hit him with something his powers could affect by moving it fast enough.


I like him. :) I don't have anything to say about him that I haven't said in the PM, but I will say that I think starfish loincloths will quickly become the fashion in Oregon. :P

Think of all the characters you don´t want to see like that first, you know, like Nighthound or drunk!Lightwards.


I'm putting up the next Altermind post now. I think the only things left in the meeting are for Funtimes to respond and Sam's reaction and then the call from Thoughttown can come in. Anything else you guys have?

Nothing I could think of but I´m certain that it could be funny for Lightwards and Lucentia to have a "You´re drunk" conversation.

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Sounds good so far. As for questions, is it tecnically possible to hit him with something his powers could affect by moving it fast enough.

No. That's his Prime Invincibility. Not only is Specific Decay on at an extremely high level, but he would probably just get out of the way.

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No. That's his Prime Invincibility. Not only is Specific Decay on at an extremely high level, but he would probably just get out of the way.

So does "extremly high" mean instant? On a similar note, when does he count as in danger and how fast does he become?


Fatebreaker, when do you think the next Fade post is going to go up?

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I'm putting up the next Altermind post now. I think the only things left in the meeting are for Funtimes to respond and Sam's reaction and then the call from Thoughttown can come in. Anything else you guys have?


Great post, Mailliw! I do have one question, though. How difficult to get rid of is the Mrs. Trattner hallucination? We've seen from Thoughttown posts that Altermind can cause hallucinations in people even after he's left their presence. Will the sobbing Elizabeth stay put in the Sadry residence, or will she invisibly follow Sam around wherever she goes until AM's weakness is activated again?


(If the latter, then Altermind would have just made a huge mistake--both by threatening her mother, and by giving her a direct means of testing which part of her message set off his weakness.  :ph34r:)

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Did anyone notice the flickering of Altermind's illusions?


Am I going to get RAFO'd?

Well, people were having a conversation with him, so that not happening would be rather preposterous.


Sparks, given that Sam ought to act weird with the illusion of her mother it wouldn´t even be a far stratch for other people to notice that and make a connection. Thinking about it, with someone setting of his weakness shouldn´t he have become visible outright spelling it out to people. Only a short flikering seems like getting of easy after having his weakness activated.


Edit: Alright Funtimes, no more drugs for you. :P

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Well, people were having a conversation with him, so that not happening would be rather preposterous.


Sparks, given that Sam ought to act weird with the illusion of her mother it wouldn´t even be a far stratch for other people to notice that and make a connection. Thinking about it, with someone setting of his weakness shouldn´t he have become visible outright spelling it out to people. Only a short flikering seems like getting of easy after having his weakness activated.


It wasn't his exact weakness. Think of it like how Kool-Aid effected Sourcefield. Sam came close to it, close enough to cause him to flicker, but my understanding is that she wasn't precise enough to completely shut it down.


Lightwards didn't notice since he was tipsy and glaring at Funtimes. Funtimes doesn't seem to have noticed since... well, she's Funtimes and she was too busy giggling.  (Great Funtimes post by the way, Twi.)


Aldo noticed, and Lucentia probably did too. I can imagine either one of them cornering Sam after the meeting is over and trying to pressure her to reveal what she said that set AM off.

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It wasn't his exact weakness. Think of it like how Kool-Aid effected Sourcefield. Sam came close to it, close enough to cause him to flicker, but my understanding is that she wasn't precise enough to completely shut it down.


Lightwards didn't notice since he was tipsy and glaring at Funtimes. Funtimes doesn't seem to have noticed since... well, she's Funtimes and she was too busy giggling.  (Great Funtimes post by the way, Twi.)


Aldo noticed, and Lucentia probably did too. I can imagine either one of them cornering Sam after the meeting is over and trying to pressure her to reveal what she said that set AM off.

I do know his weakness as well actually and unless someone needs to rattle of specific measurments (in which case I got cheated :ph34r:) she pretty much nailed it.


 Lucentia has been taking side glances at Sam the entire meeting over, because she enjoys her suffering, so she´s ought to notice both.

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I do know his weakness as well actually and unless someone needs to rattle of specific measurments (in which case I got cheated :ph34r:) she pretty much nailed it.


 Lucentia has been taking side glances at Sam the entire meeting over, because she enjoys her suffering, so she´s ought to notice both.


Hmm. I was under the impression that she was pretty close, but it took a little bit more to trigger it fully. (I thought she needed to actually know what she was saying in order to activate it fully. :ph34r:) But then, that was just the general impression I was under. We'll need to talk to Mailliw about it to be sure.


Also, Lucentia's a slontze. An observant slontze perhaps, but a slontze nonetheless.

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Hmm. I was under the impression that she was pretty close, but it took a little bit more to trigger it fully. (I thought she needed to actually know what she was saying in order to activate it fully. :ph34r:) But then, that was just the general impression she was under. We'll need to talk to Mailliw about it to be sure.


Also, Lucentia's a slontze. An observant slontze perhaps, but a slontze nonetheless.


"And lo, the bite of praline Lucentia took was her last, for that bite caused her to immediately gain a million pounds. The human race had no choice but to enlist Mobius to send the Diamond Queen through a wormhole out of Earth's atmosphere. Though Lucentia did manage to use her diamonds to protect herself from the icy cold vacuum of space, she was forced to spend the rest of her life orbiting the planet as a very shiny, very foul-tempered moon. The end." 

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"And lo, the bite of praline Lucentia took was her last, for that bite caused her to immediately gain a million pounds. The human race had no choice but to enlist Mobius to send the Diamond Queen through a wormhole out of Earth's atmosphere. Though Lucentia did manage to use her diamonds to protect herself from the icy cold vacuum of space, she was forced to spend the rest of her life orbiting the planet as a very shiny, very foul-tempered moon. The end." 


"Astronomers call her 'The Mare in the Moon.' She's not a horse, nor is she ugly, but astronomers know how much it irritates her when they call her that."

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Hmm. I was under the impression that she was pretty close, but it took a little bit more to trigger it fully. (I thought she needed to actually know what she was saying in order to activate it fully. :ph34r:) But then, that was just the general impression I was under. We'll need to talk to Mailliw about it to be sure.


Also, Lucentia's a slontze. An observant slontze perhaps, but a slontze nonetheless.

Someone having to know the actuall details would seem arbitrary.


With Newton for example it didn´t matter if the compliments were genuine or obvious insincere lies her weakness triggered anyway.

Although this reminds me that for fairness sake I should tell the ones I told before Nighthound´s new weakness. :ph34r:


Something that can be said about her brother as well. (Am I the only one that things that using the in world insults is to tame for these two, especially given that Slontze gets used rather jokingly at times?)

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Something that can be said about her brother as well. (Am I the only one that things that using the in world insults is to tame for these two, especially given that Slontze gets used rather jokingly at times?)


Pretty sure that any word that accurately described those two would be blocked by the forum's profanity filters. :P 

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