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Also before I forget:


1. What time of year is it in the Dalles?

2. Is Vondra still checkpointing all the entrances into the Dalles?

3. Does anybody have a plan for an Epic named Mastermind?

4. The second-to-last post. (Really need to know about Ozymandias!)

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Also before I forget:


1. What time of year is it in the Dalles?

2. Is Vondra still checkpointing all the entrances into the Dalles?

3. Does anybody have a plan for an Epic named Mastermind?

4. The second-to-last post. (Really need to know about Ozymandias!)


  1. September, in the year 2023
  2. He usually does, but the invasion of samurai pandas has disabled usual security for the time being.
  3. Not that I know of.
  4. I think it's fine, but I tend to err on the side of overpoweredness in this sort of thing. I'd seek the opinions of Twi and Edgedancer.
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  1. September, in the year 2023
  2. He usually does, but the invasion of samurai pandas has disabled usual security for the time being.
  3. Not that I know of.
  4. I think it's fine, but I tend to err on the side of overpoweredness in this sort of thing. I'd seek the opinions of Twi and Edgedancer.


In re to 2, if it's okay with you, I want him to have one post still open.

Edited by inexorablePanda
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Kobold, did Thomas Cardinal have depression, or bipolar depression? And was he ever diagnosed, or did he just exhibit signs? Was he ever referred to a university counselor? And is it okay if he taught at UC Davis, or did you want a university closer to downtown? (I picked UC Davis because of its research programs, but if you'd envisioned something different, I'll research it some more.)

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Ozymandias  looks fine to me, even with 2 PIs since they're both incomplete.

Awesome. And thanks to everybody for your comments!

I want to get Twi's opinion before I finalize it though, because she's the GM.

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In re to 2, if it's okay with you, I want him to have one post still open.


There might be one blockade still open, I suppose. They'd be in a state of red alert due to the aforementioned invasion of katana-wielding panda bears. :P



Kobold, did Thomas Cardinal have depression, or bipolar depression? And was he ever diagnosed, or did he just exhibit signs? Was he ever referred to a university counselor? And is it okay if he taught at UC Davis, or did you want a university closer to downtown? (I picked UC Davis because of its research programs, but if you'd envisioned something different, I'll research it some more.)


He was diagnosed with both, and he was actively taking prescribed antidepressants when he gained his powers. It's quite possible that he could have been referred to a counselor, though he likely wouldn't be very cooperative with whoever they assigned to him and would have insisted that his medications were more than enough to maintain his mental well-being.


UC Davis sounds perfect to me. I never had a specific college in mind.

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There's always shipping! :P 


…though probably not the two of them together. I'm still holding out for Flashpoint/Edgerunner, by the way.  :angry:  :P

 My current plans don't prohibit this from happening, and I quite like the idea too. (She's also a girl he'd be particularly interested in, which is completely a happy coincidence.) We have to get through Portland first though.


But Glamour and Edgerunner have such a sweet chemistry with one another!




your definition of sweet is much different from mine then. :P


I was thinking Impact might meet up with Frequency soon if that's alright Mailliw? Although she'll need to get the hang of flying first :P

To join with him or what? I'm game for it, but Newan needs to post and get us caught up first and then we can get this worked out.

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... So, erm, sorry to interrupt, but how does one go about joining this thing? (Aside from posting and asking to join and all.)  :P This RP looks really awesome. 


I have a couple ideas for Epics, and, (thanks to the very helpful summary posts a little ways back) pretty well understand what's going on in the Dalles. 


However, I have two(-ish) problems. I'm having difficulty thinking up a suitably pretentious and self-important name, and I'm wondering whether or not I should add more limitations on the powers of the Epic I'm thinking of running. At the moment, he's not super-powerful (it's not like he can level city block or anything) he can just do a crap ton of stuff, with clever applications of the one ability. (I'm not sure exactly where to introduce him into the thread either, as depending on who he met and when he met them, he could fall on pretty well any side. This can come later, however.)


Anyways onto a (relatively) brief description:

Name: ?? (I'm kinda leaning towards Frostfire, or something similar, because it reflects the main use of his power.)


Primary Power:
Energy Manipulation: Can transfer energy from himself, or any object in direct physical contact with him, to anything within sight. Is allowed to choose the vectors of the energy he's applying (in the case it is something that can be described in vectors). 


Secondary Power:
Life Sense: More energy-sense than anything, but he has the ability to gauge the rough location of objects around him. (The greater net energy the object has, the clearer it is, and the further away he can sense it from. Cool/room temp. stone is a dim blur. Quickly moving objects, open flames, people etc., are fairly definite, bright shapes. Epics (High Epics in particular) tend to be like small suns.) The more he concentrates on it, the better he can see like this.


Limitations: Can draw energy only from things he is touching. He can also only transfer energy to things roughly within his line of sight, and to only one target at a time. The more distant an object is, the less effective his power becomes. Can only hold energy for a very short amount of time. Whenever possible, he needs to be rid of whatever he’s absorbed very quickly; the more energy he has, the quicker he needs to be rid of it before losing control and sustaining injury. (For example, when being shot at, he has very little time to stop and choose targets. If he's prepared, he usually won't suffer injury though.)


Has no prime invincibility. If you manage to catch him unawares, or somehow dump energy into him faster than he can transfer it (by no means impossible, a small group of people with automatic firearms could probably do it, if they managed to make him stay still long enough), he will die like anyone else.  



What do you guys think?

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... So, erm, sorry to interrupt, but how does one go about joining this thing? (Aside from posting and asking to join and all.)  :P This RP looks really awesome. 


I have a couple ideas for Epics, and, (thanks to the very helpful summary posts a little ways back) pretty well understand what's going on in the Dalles. 


However, I have two(-ish) problems. I'm having difficulty thinking up a suitably pretentious and self-important name, and I'm wondering whether or not I should add more limitations on the powers of the Epic I'm thinking of running. At the moment, he's not super-powerful (it's not like he can level city block or anything) he can just do a crap ton of stuff, with clever applications of the one ability. (I'm not sure exactly where to introduce him into the thread either, as depending on who he met and when he met them, he could fall on pretty well any side. This can come later, however.)


Anyways onto a (relatively) brief description:

Name: ?? (I'm kinda leaning towards Frostfire, or something similar, because it reflects the main use of his power.)


Primary Power:

Energy Manipulation: Can transfer energy from himself, or any object in direct physical contact with him, to anything within sight. Is allowed to choose the vectors of the energy he's applying (in the case it is something that can be described in vectors). 


Secondary Power:

Life Sense: More energy-sense than anything, but he has the ability to gauge the rough location of objects around him. (The greater net energy the object has, the clearer it is, and the further away he can sense it from. Cool/room temp. stone is a dim blur. Quickly moving objects, open flames, people etc., are fairly definite, bright shapes. Epics (High Epics in particular) tend to be like small suns.) The more he concentrates on it, the better he can see like this.


Limitations: Can draw energy only from things he is touching. He can also only transfer energy to things roughly within his line of sight, and to only one target at a time. The more distant an object is, the less effective his power becomes. Can only hold energy for a very short amount of time. Whenever possible, he needs to be rid of whatever he’s absorbed very quickly; the more energy he has, the quicker he needs to be rid of it before losing control and sustaining injury. (For example, when being shot at, he has very little time to stop and choose targets. If he's prepared, he usually won't suffer injury though.)


Has no prime invincibility. If you manage to catch him unawares, or somehow dump energy into him faster than he can transfer it (by no means impossible, a small group of people with automatic firearms could probably do it, if they managed to make him stay still long enough), he will die like anyone else.  



What do you guys think?


There really isn't a "process" for joining—except for asking politely, which you did. :P So welcome. 


I'm the wrong person to ask for names, but I'll comment on his powers in more detail later. Personally, I like him. 

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... So, erm, sorry to interrupt, but how does one go about joining this thing? (Aside from posting and asking to join and all.)  :P This RP looks really awesome. 


I have a couple ideas for Epics, and, (thanks to the very helpful summary posts a little ways back) pretty well understand what's going on in the Dalles. 


However, I have two(-ish) problems. I'm having difficulty thinking up a suitably pretentious and self-important name, and I'm wondering whether or not I should add more limitations on the powers of the Epic I'm thinking of running. At the moment, he's not super-powerful (it's not like he can level city block or anything) he can just do a crap ton of stuff, with clever applications of the one ability. (I'm not sure exactly where to introduce him into the thread either, as depending on who he met and when he met them, he could fall on pretty well any side. This can come later, however.)


Anyways onto a (relatively) brief description:

Name: ?? (I'm kinda leaning towards Frostfire, or something similar, because it reflects the main use of his power.)


Primary Power:

Energy Manipulation: Can transfer energy from himself, or any object in direct physical contact with him, to anything within sight. Is allowed to choose the vectors of the energy he's applying (in the case it is something that can be described in vectors). 


Secondary Power:

Life Sense: More energy-sense than anything, but he has the ability to gauge the rough location of objects around him. (The greater net energy the object has, the clearer it is, and the further away he can sense it from. Cool/room temp. stone is a dim blur. Quickly moving objects, open flames, people etc., are fairly definite, bright shapes. Epics (High Epics in particular) tend to be like small suns.) The more he concentrates on it, the better he can see like this.


Limitations: Can draw energy only from things he is touching. He can also only transfer energy to things roughly within his line of sight, and to only one target at a time. The more distant an object is, the less effective his power becomes. Can only hold energy for a very short amount of time. Whenever possible, he needs to be rid of whatever he’s absorbed very quickly; the more energy he has, the quicker he needs to be rid of it before losing control and sustaining injury. (For example, when being shot at, he has very little time to stop and choose targets. If he's prepared, he usually won't suffer injury though.)


Has no prime invincibility. If you manage to catch him unawares, or somehow dump energy into him faster than he can transfer it (by no means impossible, a small group of people with automatic firearms could probably do it, if they managed to make him stay still long enough), he will die like anyone else.  



What do you guys think?


Welcome to the RP! We're quite excited to have you. :)


I love the name Frostfire. One thing I'd like clarification on is how his energy transference manifests. Are we talking the transfer of kinetic energy from one object to another, like in momentum Epics, or can he project actual beams of raw energy like Steelheart?

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Thanks. :) I might well end up going with Frostfire.


It depends a lot on what exactly he's transferring. The way it's working in my head right now, it's not instantaneous transfer, but it's not exactly easy to see, either. Kinetic energy would appear similar to the momentum twins, powers (ie, as not much of anything, until it struck it's target). Frostfire would be able to trace it's path through the air due to the nature of his gifts, but most people wouldn't. Light/heat/electricity would be a little more visible. Probably just as a warping in the air, (like a heat mirage) as some of the energy is lost over the intervening distance.


Think of it more as Steelheart's energy beams I guess, just not quite as flashy.

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My main concern would be to do with heat transfer, heat energy is just so abundant on earth as compared to the rest of the universe. Even an object at room temperature, if completely drained of heat would give ~300 degrees to play with. Considering that few Epics in the Dalles have a PI (Actually I don't know if any have a proper PI) he'd be a bit OP.

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There's a limit on his heat transfer. It gets exponentially harder to remove energy from things as they get colder. For example, at room temperature, for an object on the upper end of his range for size* (something like a cubic meter) Frostfire usually only gains enough heat to light a few things on fire. I wouldn't even know where to start with exact calculations, but it'll just say that past about -20/30* C, it gets impractically difficult to lower the temperature of the object in question, even though he could theoretically make it much colder.


*(Seeing how the Earth is technically an object, and contains an incredible amount of heat, I needed to limit this somehow. If he attempts to drain energy from an object larger than a cubic meter, heat is only actually drained from the immediate area he is touching, with a range of about a cubic meter.)

Edited by Aonar Faileas
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I´m torn between pointing out that clearing the debris out of the tunnels and stabilizing them, so the entire army can savely pass through would take weeks if not months of work and that digging close enough to the surface to attack guards would have buildings collapse on them and just not carring about details like that anymore.



The pandas only have wooden/bamboo arrows, so unless the guards are not wearing any armour, which they should, I don´t think they would get the necessary piercing strenght. They were only really useful to set stuff on fire.


one guard took an arrow to the throat and collapsed, the other taking several to the chest.



An ordinary mole can tunnel about 12-15 feet in an hour. Assuming the said mole digs 24 hours a day (or works in shifts, as is the case here), it could cover around a maximum of 110 metres in a day (I'm using the non-American spelling, for those of you who are abut to point out that supposed mistake). Now, this is an ordinary mole. What if the said mole was enhanced and enlarged? The digging rate could be at least doubled, if not tripled. As long as the Panda Army did not march very far from The Dalles, the moles could dig the the required tunnels within a week. The debris could also simply be carted away by pandas (Moles don't leave much in term of debris, anyway. Some moles compress the dirt against the walls) and the walls could also be strengthened by said pandas.


It's amazing how much damage fire-hardened or stone tipped arrows can do. Especially if fired by enhanced pandas that can put hundreds of pounds of pressure behind an arrow with a bow.

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Two things, one of them a Firefight spoiler.

My brother is convinced Conflux's Rending was blowing up a microwave.

My sister isn't confident in drawing faces just yet, but I told her she needs to gain confidence so she can draw Conflux with the pure energy of an enormous sun exploding behind him...as he tries to feed a kitten a frozen burrito.

What say you all? Should she attempt this drawing? :D

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Aonar! Glad to have you here. As far as I can see your epic makes sense, though there is the PI problem and the introduction to the story problem.


I've been thinking, What if we started the Astoria thread sooner rather than later? The regular plans happen, but the epics under Lucienta's command hold off contacting her, trying to do everything themselves, and only call Lucienta after Portland gets destroyed?


Also, are we going to have only one planning thread for the whole RP, or are we going to eventually make a Question: Portland and Question: Astoria threads? This thread already expands at an Exponential rate.

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Two things, one of them a Firefight spoiler.

My brother is convinced Conflux's Rending was blowing up a microwave.

My sister isn't confident in drawing faces just yet, but I told her she needs to gain confidence so she can draw Conflux with the pure energy of an enormous sun exploding behind him...as he tries to feed a kitten a frozen burrito.

What say you all? Should she attempt this drawing? :D


I believe the world would be a much more hilarious place with that drawing in it. :D

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Aonar! Glad to have you here. As far as I can see your epic makes sense, though there is the PI problem and the introduction to the story problem.


I've been thinking, What if we started the Astoria thread sooner rather than later? The regular plans happen, but the epics under Lucienta's command hold off contacting her, trying to do everything themselves, and only call Lucienta after Portland gets destroyed?


Also, are we going to have only one planning thread for the whole RP, or are we going to eventually make a Question: Portland and Question: Astoria threads? This thread already expands at an Exponential rate.

I don't know if I could manage keeping up with two Questions threads.

It might be good to start Astoria soon though I agree.

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Well here's how I visualize it. We keep this Main Question thread for cross overs and the random talk we always have, but also make dedicated planning threads, to make it easier to figure out what is going on.


I think those dedicated planning threads would have straight dedicated planning for about a half a page before going back to jokes and ponies :P

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Yeah….even if I put "Planning ONLY. NO JOKES/SHIPPING/PONIES/RANDOM CHITCHAT, GUYS" at the top of each thread, there would still be a pony comic by post 15. <_<:P 


That said, Joe does have a point. It's difficult enough to sift through all the posts in one of these threads when it's just Portland and The Dalles; if we added Astoria and even just one of the other areas we'd mentioned, the Question threads would fill up very quickly. I'm not sure what the best solution is—multiple Questions, keep the Questions for all-purpose pony comics and crack shipping and add a few planning threads, something else entirely—but I do think we need a solution. 



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