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Which is why I'm going to resist Flashback shipping. Flashrunner is a million times more adorable. :P (That, and I'm pretty sure Backtrack would be too afraid of Flashpoint to introduce himself, much less date him. <_<)


Backtrack has to be pretty deep into Overconfident Slontze Mode before he initiates a flirt. :P

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New Electro post up! It's short, but it's setting up the next big atrocity. Portlanders have gotta hate us. :P

"Portlanders hate him! Man figures out how to destroy cities with this one weird trick."

^ Preview for my upcoming Epic character, Clickbait. :P ^

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"Portlanders hate him! Man figures out how to destroy cities with this one weird trick."

^ Preview for my upcoming Epic character, Clickbait. :P ^

"Eat THIS, never starve again!*"

*Offer only good in the presence of Big Al. Alliance with Big Al essential to obtain full access to Sausage McMuffins.

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Glamour's just the tip of the iceberg. Just wait for the mass panda carnage Deathwish, Vondra, and Arsenal will be causing.  :P


I actually haven't heard much from Imagine Dragons. Just "Radioactive," though I've been meaning to listen to some of their other work. Any recommendations?





I highly recommend "Bleeding Out'. It is, in my view, the best Imagine Dragons song. Try "Demons" and "Warriors" (I also highly recommend the latter) if you like the "Radioactive" kind of music. "Round and Round", "Monster" and "Tiptoe" are also worth listening to.


For my next RP, would anyone object if the pandas captured the Northern part of The Dalles? Also, could I create some Epics in the city's Guard to kill off? Or would someone like to offer their Epics on the Panda Sacrifice Altar it's got cookies on it!?


I finally came home from China. While holding on to dear life during the torturous 9 hour trip (Pandas are not comfortable with flying, especially inside cramped metallic containers that reek of dead air), I came to a conclusion that the third line in the Surgebinder's oath (Journey before destination) most certainly did not apply certain situations.

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I highly recommend "Bleeding Out'. It is, in my view, the best Imagine Dragons song. Try "Demons" and "Warriors" (I also highly recommend the latter) if you like the "Radioactive" kind of music. "Round and Round", "Monster" and "Tiptoe" are also worth listening to.


For my next RP, would anyone object if the pandas captured the Northern part of The Dalles? Also, could I create some Epics in the city's Guard to kill off? Or would someone like to offer their Epics on the Panda Sacrifice Altar it's got cookies on it!?


I finally came home from China. While holding on to dear life during the torturous 9 hour trip (Pandas are not comfortable with flying, especially inside cramped metallic containers that reek of dead air), I came to a conclusion that the third line in the Surgebinder's oath (Journey before destination) most certainly did not apply certain situations.

Thanks for the recommendations! I'll be sure to listen to them later. :D

Unfortunately, creating cannon fodder Epics for The Dalles City Guard is not an option. It's been too definitively established that their ranks include only a very small number of documented Epics. Cannon fodder vanillas would be fine, but random Epics aren't.

I'll have to check a map of The Dalles. By this point though, the City Guard will have a solid perimeter around the city, well-equipped by Arsenal. It would be exceedingly difficult to breach any part of it, and holding onto captured territory would be very difficult for pandas in wooden armor.

Ultimately, the pandas are good at causing chaos, but I think occupying a part of the city for more than a few minutes would be impossible for them.

Also, welcome home. I've never been on a plane, but it doesn't sound fun. :(

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Thanks for the recommendations! I'll be sure to listen to them later. :D

Unfortunately, creating cannon fodder Epics for The Dalles City Guard is not an option. It's been too definitively established that their ranks include only a very small number of documented Epics. Cannon fodder vanillas would be fine, but random Epics aren't.

I'll have to check a map of The Dalles. By this point though, the City Guard will have a solid perimeter around the city, well-equipped by Arsenal. It would be exceedingly difficult to breach any part of it, and holding onto captured territory would be very difficult for pandas in wooden armor.

Ultimately, the pandas are good at causing chaos, but I think occupying a part of the city for more than a few minutes would be impossible for them.

Also, welcome home. I've never been on a plane, but it doesn't sound fun. :(


Rightyo then. Now, pardon me while I go and kill off a couple hundred vanilla guards.  :)


Pandas aren't the only things that're attacking the city. Also, The Panda still has a couple of aces up his sleeve. A zombie-disease (28 Days Later type), for example. I'm also planning to merge all the dead pandas together to form a giant panda. And of course, The Panda still has a supply of recruits that can be transformed drawn from the totally willing human population of The Dalles.


There are not many things in this world that can give you a thousand-yard stare, but a substandard airline company is one. A good one will at least try to make the trip comfortable. Being on a plane, as you can see, is a... unique experience.  <_<

Edited by Lightsworn Panda
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I'm also planning to merge all the dead pandas together to form a giant panda. 


How? That sounds like it'll take some time, what with reshaping all of those skulls to form one giant skull, reshaping and reprogramming all those brains into one giant brain, plus the internal organs and body mass….I mean, it sounds really cool, but it also sounds like it'll take a while. 

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How? That sounds like it'll take some time, what with reshaping all of those skulls to form one giant skull, reshaping and reprogramming all those brains into one giant brain, plus the internal organs and body mass….I mean, it sounds really cool, but it also sounds like it'll take a while. 


Yeah, I'd have to side with Twi on this one. Fleshwarping isn't the same as necromancy; while the effect would be totally awesome, I simply can't see the Panda being able to pull off such a feat quickly. Personally, I don't think the Panda should be able to affect dead tissue at all. It... doesn't really fit with his power profile. The ability to transform dead organic matter into living flesh seems like a totally different power than the ability to manipulate living tissue.


You're welcome to all the vanillas you can round up, though. It'll be tragic, and it'll enrage the City Guard, but it's certainly a logical and solidly attainable strategy for the pandas.


EDIT: I should, of course, point out that the necromancy issue is only my opinion. Lightsworn, I'll accept anything you decide and the GM allows. Hope I didn't come across as too harsh. :)

Edited by Kobold King
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In the interests of scientific accuracy I'd strongly recommend you look up something called the square-cube law before creating any giant animals. Simply put the issues that arise are numerous, from cooling to simply supporting their weight.

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Big Al and Voidgaze need a date. A picnic, maybe. Certainly not all this death and destruction. Who's with me? :D

They do so very much. I feel sorry for the guards though. :unsure:


Yeah, I'll have some guard radio Altermind in my next post, unless someone wants their TT Epic to do it? Edge?

Nope, I think neither of them will have that on their mind for the next couple posts.


New Electro post up! It's short, but it's setting up the next big atrocity. Portlanders have gotta hate us. :P

All of them would have gotten along swimmingly with Nighthound.


You're welcome to all the vanillas you can round up, though. It'll be tragic, and it'll enrage the City Guard, but it's certainly a logical and solidly attainable strategy for the pandas.

Before we talk about the Pand going down and change vanillas, does anyone want their Epic to engage the very obvious target that is the flying angel Panda? I would offer Shiny Sparkle for that but I still don´t think the timeline mashs up there yet. 


In the interests of scientific accuracy I'd strongly recommend you look up something called the square-cube law before creating any giant animals. Simply put the issues that arise are numerous, from cooling to simply supporting their weight.

Talking about accuracy, there´s also the problem of getting the viruses for that zombie infection close enough to town. (Doubly so if one considers that viruses technically don´t count as alive, so there´s the question if the Panda should be able to do anything with them.)

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From the amount of convincing arguments, I guess I'll have to scratch the giant panda idea then (as hilarious as it is).




Talking about accuracy, there´s also the problem of getting the viruses for that zombie infection close enough to town. (Doubly so if one considers that viruses technically don´t count as alive, so there´s the question if the Panda should be able to do anything with them.)


Keep the virus in a syringe (I'm pretty sure zombie viruses are hardy enough to survive inside a syringe for long periods of time). Plunge syringe into unlucky victim when things get serious. Evacuate town immediately. Panda can still animate dead flesh.


By the way, before anyone asks why The Panda didn't just release the virus right off, remember that The Panda still wants to create his safe haven for pandas. It's a bit hard to settle a place when it's infested with zombies, and The Panda couldn't just contain and starve the zombies to death like they did in 28 Days.

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From the amount of convincing arguments, I guess I'll have to scratch the giant panda idea then (as hilarious as it is).



Keep the virus in a syringe (I'm pretty sure zombie viruses are hardy enough to survive inside a syringe for long periods of time). Plunge syringe into unlucky victim when things get serious. Evacuate town immediately. Panda can still animate dead flesh.


By the way, before anyone asks why The Panda didn't just release the virus right off, remember that The Panda still wants to create his safe haven for pandas. It's a bit hard to settle a place when it's infested with zombies, and The Panda couldn't just contain and starve the zombies to death like they did in 28 Days.

Still leaves the question how he developed the virus in the first place. That´s a very distinct field of science to put on top of the whole cloning deal.

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Still leaves the question how he developed the virus in the first place. That´s a very distinct field of science to put on top of the whole cloning deal.


Everyone has hobbies and free time. It should be noted that The Panda rarely needs to sleep, since he has changed himself to the point that he doesn't need to to sleep (The nap he took was simply to pass time). One of Panda's pursuits was creating new creatures/life-forms (like the flying pigs). The zombie virus was the result of considerably enhancing rabies. 


I don't think I repeat this enough: The Panda can change biological matter at will. While he does have a background in biology, he doesn't necessarily need it. His power does all the complicated things for him (like identifying and changing cells).

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I can agree with that to an extent, like not needing to figure out the exact genetic changes needed for pigs to grow wings but rather just thinking 'grow wings' but something like a virus is a bit different, symptoms of virus' are secondary effects of changes in the cell structure of the virus itself, I just don't find it likely that he could think 'turn into a zombie-virus' and his power would accurately change the structure of the virus in the thousand different ways necessary, it's just not specific enough. Now if he directly altered the people himself I can absolutely believe he could turn them into zombies, albeit of a non-infectious variety.

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Before we talk about the Pand going down and change vanillas, does anyone want their Epic to engage the very obvious target that is the flying angel Panda? I would offer Shiny Sparkle for that but I still don´t think the timeline mashs up there yet. 


Actually, I was planning on having someone engage him in midair. Give me another couple of hours and I'll get that second Dalles post I've been promising written.  :ph34r:

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If anyone's characters in the Dalles are just waiting for something to happen we could arrange a meetup with MV and Elsa, other than that my only idea for them is to just try and find Backtrack in the hospital.

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Lightsworn, I could possibly write a vanilla guard character if you let me know the basics about what you want for cannon fodder in a PM.

I... don´t think it´s worth it to write a character that´s only there to be mutated and mind controled but hey, that´s your business.


Actually, I was planning on having someone engage him in midair. Give me another couple of hours and I'll get that second Dalles post I've been promising written.  :ph34r:

Another crisis of non/miscommunication averted. B)


If anyone's characters in the Dalles are just waiting for something to happen we could arrange a meetup with MV and Elsa, other than that my only idea for them is to just try and find Backtrack in the hospital.

And then Backtrack was already epicnapped back to Portland. :ph34r::P

Edited by Edgedancer
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I... don´t think it´s worth it to write a character that´s only there to be mutated and mind controled but hey, that´s your business.


I wouldn't say it's not worth it. If we'd let fate dictate which characters we developed, we'd never have seen the Sadry's, the Regways, or Mr. Meh. :P

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I wouldn't say it's not worth it. If we'd let fate dictate which characters we developed, we'd never have seen the Sadry's, the Regways, or Mr. Meh. :P

To be fair, the Sadry´s only got attention because you described their funiture and the Regways still have a living famiily member... well kind of :ph34r: that is getting the attention and not the other ones. So those have nothing to do with the detail the characters got before they meet their fate. You also didn´t went through the effort of planning them out in a PM with another player.

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To be fair, the Sadry´s only got attention because you described their funiture and the Regways still have a living famiily member... well kind of :ph34r: that is getting the attention and not the other ones. So those have nothing to do with the detail the characters got before they meet their fate. You also didn´t went through the effort of planning them out in a PM with another player.


True. My planning for Mister Meh involved going to the Uncyclopedia and scrolling through a list of terrible superheroes until I found a name that stuck out to me. 

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True. My planning for Mister Meh involved going to the Uncyclopedia and scrolling through a list of terrible superheroes until I found a name that stuck out to me.

I love the Uncyclopedia!!

And okay. I would like to do another character, and I don't know where. It would be kind of interesting to have a panda viewpoint.

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I love the Uncyclopedia!!

And okay. I would like to do another character, and I don't know where. It would be kind of interesting to have a panda viewpoint.

Well I´m not a authority on the topic but from the Panda giving his creations mental commands and Reader describing the mind of the shadow panda´s as


still screaming for freedom, trapped in their panda bodies

... well let´s just say that free will is usually a valued trait in a RP characters.

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