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Yeah...25 isn't old. I'm 25, and I'm not old. (I meant it when I said that I'd been working on Edassa for a decade - it's actually more than that now)


And on the subject of burning all of my teenage writing - well, all of my fiction from before 20 or so is never going to see the light of day, but some of my writing assignments for high school English classes weren't half bad. And my Honors Thesis on string theory that I wrote for my Associate's Degree is something I don't cringe to read through again (I cringe leading up to it, then read it, then think - that really wasn't all that bad. It even had a few really good points.) But all of the fiction can join yours on the bonfire.


Ooh!!! We should all have a teenage fiction bonfire burning party!


EDIT: And my wife has celiac disease, so we eat gluten free (except for when I can get my hands on some Chex mix...)


Dang. I've spent the past ten years bouncing around from idea to idea, so that's impressive. And if the detailed worldbuilding I've glimpsed during my peeks into the Edassa thread are any indication, it looks like your dedication is paying off. 


But yay, another twentysomething! 


I put the first novel I ever wrote, The Legeand of the Black Diamond (yes, the misspelling was mine; no, I didn't catch it until I started typing it up into a Word doc) through the shredder. Other half-finished LOTR ripoffs like Renegade Sorceress were given similar treatment. I could probably still find my notes from the latter one, though, and I think I still have a Mary Sue superhero story floating in a drawer somewhere that we could use as fuel. Oh! And I'll dig up some opinion pieces I wrote for the school paper! This will be quite the bonfire. 


(Edit: I forgot to mention the best part: The heroine of Legeand was given my name…spelled backward. And her instalove interest was named Kaland. Yeah.) 


My whole family eats additive-free, but my brother occasionally buys a bag of Skittles.  

Edited by TwiLyghtSansSparkles
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The thing about viruses, though, is that they're a very specialized branch of medical knowledge. People spend their careers studying existing viruses just to learn how the flu might mutate this year; creating an entirely new virus would be a lifetime acheivement (albeit a dubious one) for many. If the Panda's motif was viruses and bacteria, it wouldn't be hard to swallow, but his thing so far has been cloning, which is itself a very specialized and speculative branch of medicine. That he has mastered both in the time he's been an Epic is a little farfetched to me.

Not only that, but getting an army of pandas to take over a city is a pretty remarkable acheivement on its own. It already presents endless opportunities for the Panda to show off his might, so why is the virus necessary?


The Panda's is limited by science and his imagination.


It's a last ditch plan. Perhaps I could scratch that idea too, in favor of creating a new Epic in The Panda's army: Siren.


Epic Name: Siren


Gender: Male


Primary Power: Deathsinger


Whenever Siren sings, people (and animals) die, Epic or not.  The area of effect and time taken to die depends on the song Siren is singing. A pop song would have an area of effect the size of a circle with a 10 metre radius, and would have a kill time of 3 or less seconds (although Siren can prolong the kill time for the sadistic pleasure of watching people slowly dying), while a requiem would have a city-wide kill-range, but would require the entire song to be sung (and a requiem generally lasts for an hour). While the song is being sung, people inside the area of effect will begin to wither, and may become overcome with bouts of pain, and will even begin to rot just before their time of demise. Epics are affected by Siren's songs the same way a vanilla would be. Interrupting the sung will avert death, but the damage done will remain. People with a strong sense of determination or is unnaturally attached to living or achieving a goal can cling to life longer than an ordinary person would.


After death, a miasma of energy leaves the victim's body (some would call this their "soul") and is absorbed by Siren. These "souls" can be drawn upon later by Siren when he sings again, and can be manipulated by him as he sings. These souls have the denseness of water vapour, but can apply many kilotons of pressure.


Secondary Power: Costume-materialization


Siren manifests the costume/clothes of the original singer of the song he is singing (regardless of whether he wants to or not). Can be a bit awkward when he sings the songs of a female pop singer.


Appearance: Siren is a tall, gaunt man of unknown Caucasian descent, and is starting to bald. His most remarkable feature are his harrowing eyes, which are unusually dark and glows with a strange energy.


Yes, Siren is inspired by Karthus from League of Legends. Pls dont sue me, Rito. 




That sums up my thoughts entirely. The virus is both a little farfetched and unnecessary. The Panda's a terrific antagonist already; does he really need another trick up his figurative sleeve? At a certain point we risk becoming unnecessarily convoluted, if we add layers upon layers of separate organic threats to The Dalles.


And I'll stress again that I love the Panda. I hope it doesn't sound like I don't, with all the nitpicking; I look forward to every post from you, Lightsworn. :)




Thanks! :D I'll admit to have felt pretty awkward about that particular post, so it's good to hear someone liked it.


Don't devalue your own writing, though. You're a spectacularly, consistently great writer yourself. :)



I'm actually going to cry now. Thank you, Kobold.  :wacko:


It's true. When is learned you were still a teen, I was surprised. The quality of your character development and writing is far above what I've seen from a lot of teens.


I actually might be the Youngest Sharder here.  <_<

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I thought I was the only teen here who liked the RP stuff! mail-mi is two days older than me...

I'm a yearish older than Mail-mi, Joe is a month older than me, and Kobold's a year older than I am. The oldest is likely Twi, maybe Edge.


I would not be against this :P

My recent stuff is okay. Early teens and tweens. UGH! :P 



I actually might be the Youngest Sharder here.  <_<

Really? Younger than 16? I know there's at least two that age.

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By youngest sharder, do you mean in this RP? Or in the Forum? Cause I know a 13 year old Sharder.


EDIT: Mailliw, I'm about half way through the Reckoners post. What did I need to say to max?

Really? The youngest I know is Ash and he just turned 14 I think.


Umm, I can't remember exactly. Something to set it up so that he can present his plan to the rest of the cell.

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Really? Younger than 16? I know there's at least two that age.


There's people younger than 16 on this forum?


Yeah...25 isn't old. I'm 25, and I'm not old. (I meant it when I said that I'd been working on Edassa for a decade - it's actually more than that now)


And on the subject of burning all of my teenage writing - well, all of my fiction from before 20 or so is never going to see the light of day, but some of my writing assignments for high school English classes weren't half bad. And my Honors Thesis on string theory that I wrote for my Associate's Degree is something I don't cringe to read through again (I cringe leading up to it, then read it, then think - that really wasn't all that bad. It even had a few really good points.) But all of the fiction can join yours on the bonfire.


Ooh!!! We should all have a teenage fiction bonfire burning party!


EDIT: And my wife has celiac disease, so we eat gluten free (except for when I can get my hands on some Chex mix...)


Ugh. Early teenage fiction. Another bad memory I've tried to bury.  <_<


So, uh, any opinions on Siren?

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Firefight spoilers:

Refills weakness used to be just because he hated his job, I've tried to change it so that it was a representation of his fear that he'd never go anywhere in life, I didn't want to change it too much but I think it worked out pretty well.


Siren sounds good but I don't know about the range you've set up. Again an Epic who can kill an entire city like that is a bit OP, particularly for the Dalles. Even with the limitation that it takes over an hour, Obliteration, one of the most powerful, destructive Epics in the Fractured States takes days to be able to destroy a city and he at least needs to be out in the open to gather sunlight and he starts glowing like the sun so he's pretty easy to spot.
Siren could just hide in a room somewhere and slowly kill everyone.

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Ah, I forgot to add that people who are within Siren's area of effect can clearly hear him, regardless of their distance from him, and can also find their way towards him through sense of hearing. Generally, the older and more haunting a song is, the wider its range and the longer duration needed to kill is.

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Accepting a ride from a strange Epic: a bad idea.


Accepting a ride from a strange Epic who suffers the delusion that she's Queen Elsa of Arendelle: a REALLY bad idea. :P

Don´t forget, what said Epic said could be interpreted as a declaration that she wants to conquer Oregon. :ph34r:


You guys mind if I write the occasional Mastermind post in L.A.? It'll really just be a mu-ha-ha-ha evil villain hideout location. Winter decided that she didn't want him.

Not me, although he would need some kind of reason for his involvment being about a thousand miles away.



Sir: you are no panda. :P


You're much quicker than I am, if it's any consolation. I look forward to seeing how the Panda survives and utterly curbstomps the helicopter. Getting beaten up is half the fun in this game. :P

I dunno, the helicopter definetly had better ranged capabileties and shouldn´t stand back in mobility either, so I don´t exactly see the Panda curbstombing it.


Why thank you :D. I am pretty good at writing...

1. Deranged, axe-crazy, sociopathic teleporters

2. Wine-addicted slontzes of the highest degree and

3. Constantly and consistently complaining grown men

...if I do say so myself ;).

You´re good at that. Timeport might actually start giving Nighthound a run for his money, concerning random slaughters. :unsure::ph34r:

(This was meant as a compliment to your skills by the way.)


I don't know if I'd mind if my character's army got wiped out by Funtimes' dancing. The RP's meta goal is entertainment, and I don't think you can get more entertaining than Funtimes defending her own through the Power of Dance. :P

It is wonderful to imagine. Lightwards going all "What is she doing!" and Nathan responding, "She´s winning."


I'm a yearish older than Mail-mi, Joe is a month older than me, and Kobold's a year older than I am. The oldest is likely Twi, maybe Edge.

I... I posted a picture of my birthday cake with a 20 on it just three weeks ago. :(  :P  Joking aside, I´m really twenty, so definetly not the oldest here.


The Panda's is limited by science and his imagination.


It's a last ditch plan. Perhaps I could scratch that idea too, in favor of creating a new Epic in The Panda's army: Siren.


Epic Name: Siren


Gender: Male


Primary Power: Deathsinger


Whenever Siren sings, people (and animals) die, Epic or not.  The area of effect and time taken to die depends on the song Siren is singing. A pop song would have an area of effect the size of a circle with a 10 metre radius, and would have a kill time of 3 or less seconds (although Siren can prolong the kill time for the sadistic pleasure of watching people slowly dying), while a requiem would have a city-wide kill-range, but would require the entire song to be sung (and a requiem generally lasts for an hour). While the song is being sung, people inside the area of effect will begin to wither, and may become overcome with bouts of pain, and will even begin to rot just before their time of demise. Epics are affected by Siren's songs the same way a vanilla would be. Interrupting the sung will avert death, but the damage done will remain. People with a strong sense of determination or is unnaturally attached to living or achieving a goal can cling to life longer than an ordinary person would.


After death, a miasma of energy leaves the victim's body (some would call this their "soul") and is absorbed by Siren. These "souls" can be drawn upon later by Siren when he sings again, and can be manipulated by him as he sings. These souls have the denseness of water vapour, but can apply many kilotons of pressure.


Secondary Power: Costume-materialization


Siren manifests the costume/clothes of the original singer of the song he is singing (regardless of whether he wants to or not). Can be a bit awkward when he sings the songs of a female pop singer.


Appearance: Siren is a tall, gaunt man of unknown Caucasian descent, and is starting to bald. His most remarkable feature are his harrowing eyes, which are unusually dark and glows with a strange energy.


Yes, Siren is inspired by Karthus from League of Legends. Pls dont sue me, Rito.

Appart from what Voidus already said the "souls" are also broken, even one defender that is pretty much invulnerable and can create kilotons of force would be immensly powerful, all on its own. However, he could easily gather an army of those things.

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There's people younger than 16 on this forum?

Ugh. Early teenage fiction. Another bad memory I've tried to bury. <_<

So, uh, any opinions on Siren?


In this very RP, actually. :P


Definitely something I can agree with. I've got a whole document folder on my computer labeled, "Utter Crem I Will Never Show to Anyone." This folder has slowly started to stop expanding, but there's still the odd thing that makes its way in there.


He looks pretty cool. I'd like to ask a couple clarifications though (aside from what's already been mentioned).


1. How the heck did someone this powerful end up working for the Panda? While the Panda has more versatile powers, nothing he can do would give him a real hold over Siren, what with being able to kill anything within earshot, and all.


2. Can he affect someone physically incapable of hearing? Or perhaps someone draining the kinetic energy from the air around him before it hits his eardrums, perchance? (Totally not just asking to see if Frostfire could take him down. :ph34r:)

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Hmm...The Siren seems to be a little bit OP for The Dalles, even if we can get the soul stuff worked out.


Might be a good candidate for Astoria, however. I wonder, Lightsworn, have you considered having The Panda pull out of The Dalles (after a suitably Epic fight, of course) and move towards Astoria? Just a thought. The Astoria is much higher power level, and The Siren and some others seem like a more balanced fit over there.



Dang. I've spent the past ten years bouncing around from idea to idea, so that's impressive. And if the detailed worldbuilding I've glimpsed during my peeks into the Edassa thread are any indication, it looks like your dedication is paying off.


Thanks. I've done my fair share of bouncing around, but funnily enough, all of that bouncing all led me back to the same place. My sci-fi trilogy even found its way into the future extension of Edassa's universe.

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Kobold King, on 30 Jan 2015 - 12:33 PM, said:


Sir: you are no panda.  :P


You're much quicker than I am, if it's any consolation. I look forward to seeing how the Panda survives and utterly curbstomps the helicopter. Getting beaten up is half the fun in this game.  :P

I dunno, the helicopter definetly had better ranged capabileties and shouldn´t stand back in mobility either, so I don´t exactly see the Panda curbstombing it.


Oh, ye of little faith. A panda can overcome anything with the power of friendship and cuddliness!  :P


Here's how The Panda will take down Vondra's chopper: After healing from his wounds, Panda emits a high pitched screech, forcing the gunner and pilot to cover their ears. While they're still distracted, the Panda flies forward, punches through the bullet-proof glass of the cockpit, tears out both pilots, and proceeds to watch the chopper fall towards the ground. After the dust and smoke dramatically clears, The Panda flies down to pull Vondra (who has miraculously survived thanks to the protective power granted by being a character) out of the wreckage and transforms him into a panda.


Do you agree to that, Kobold?  :)



Hmm...The Siren seems to be a little bit OP for The Dalles, even if we can get the soul stuff worked out.


Might be a good candidate for Astoria, however. I wonder, Lightsworn, have you considered having The Panda pull out of The Dalles (after a suitably Epic fight, of course) and move towards Astoria? Just a thought. The Astoria is much higher power level, and The Siren and some others seem like a more balanced fit over there.




Thanks. I've done my fair share of bouncing around, but funnily enough, all of that bouncing all led me back to the same place. My sci-fi trilogy even found its way into the future extension of Edassa's universe.


(Seriously? No one is agreeing to a regime of tyranny under pandas? Think of the appeals of being watched over by your panda overlords!)


The Panda probably will join the Astoria thread latter, although without his army but with his Epics. 


Don´t forget, what said Epic said could be interpreted as a declaration that she wants to conquer Oregon. :ph34r:


Not me, although he would need some kind of reason for his involvment being about a thousand miles away.



I dunno, the helicopter definetly had better ranged capabileties and shouldn´t stand back in mobility either, so I don´t exactly see the Panda curbstombing it.


You´re good at that. Timeport might actually start giving Nighthound a run for his money, concerning random slaughters. :unsure::ph34r:

(This was meant as a compliment to your skills by the way.)


It is wonderful to imagine. Lightwards going all "What is she doing!" and Nathan responding, "She´s winning."


I... I posted a picture of my birthday cake with a 20 on it just three weeks ago. :(  :P  Joking aside, I´m really twenty, so definetly not the oldest here.


Appart from what Voidus already said the "souls" are also broken, even one defender that is pretty much invulnerable and can create kilotons of force would be immensly powerful, all on its own. However, he could easily gather an army of those things.


In hindsight, I admit the spirit ability is a bit broken. I'll remove it and give it to another Epic.

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Stephen Vondra was too high to smell the smoke


I did the biggest double take after reading this. Hadn't pegged Stephen Vondra for a stoner.

But seriously Kobold, that was a quality post. 


Question: will the attacks on thought town and the MoNA be happening simultaneously?

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No the Thought town attack is earlier since the MEE was spying on them and saw them leave for the meeting, by virtue of flying the MoNA is harder to spy on. The MoNA and the Corpsemaker attacks will both be later on.

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1. How the heck did someone this powerful end up working for the Panda? While the Panda has more versatile powers, nothing he can do would give him a real hold over Siren, what with being able to kill anything within earshot, and all.


2. Can he affect someone physically incapable of hearing? Or perhaps someone draining the kinetic energy from the air around him before it hits his eardrums, perchance? (Totally not just asking to see if Frostfire could take him down.  :ph34r:)


Sorry for not answering your question earlier, Aonar.  -_-


Well, now that I've nerfed him like Rito, he isn't that powerful. The Panda could simply just interrupt the singing with a screech or a rock thrown at dangerously high speeds towards the cranium.


Yep, he can still affect a deaf person. Blocking it out won't help either. 

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It is wonderful to imagine. Lightwards going all "What is she doing!" and Nathan responding, "She´s winning."


"Doing that?" 

"Sir, you're losing." 


 1. How the heck did someone this powerful end up working for the Panda? While the Panda has more versatile powers, nothing he can do would give him a real hold over Siren, what with being able to kill anything within earshot, and all.


Given how Epics normally act, it does seem odd that an Epic powerful enough to kill with a song would forsake his humanity to serve an anthropomorphic panda. 


I also agree with others who have said he's OP for The Dalles, but would fit in perfectly in Astoria. (Especially if he went with a costume inspired by The Phantom of the Opera. Seriously, that would look awesome.) 


Oh, ye of little faith. A panda can overcome anything with the power of friendship and cuddliness!  :P


Here's how The Panda will take down Vondra's chopper: After healing from his wounds, Panda emits a high pitched screech, forcing the gunner and pilot to cover their ears. While they're still distracted, the Panda flies forward, punches through the bullet-proof glass of the cockpit, tears out both pilots, and proceeds to watch the chopper fall towards the ground. After the dust and smoke dramatically clears, The Panda flies down to pull Vondra (who has miraculously survived thanks to the protective power granted by being a character) out of the wreckage and transforms him into a panda.


Do you agree to that, Kobold?  :)




(Seriously? No one is agreeing to a regime of tyranny under pandas? Think of the appeals of being watched over by your panda overlords!)


There has to be a way Vondra can survive without relying on Plot Armor. We've done really well in avoiding it so far; why bring it into play now? I say if the only way a player character can survive is being protected by plot, we ought to come up with a different, more survivable scenario. 


(I prefer my privacy, thank you very much. :P)

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Whoa! July 30th?

Well, June 30th. I misread your birth month on 'dis tiny widdle scween.

Funny thing is, I never would have pegged you, Joe, Kobold, and Mailliw as teens.

I haven't posted my actual birthday on my profile for

1. Privacy

2. I was on a forum before where once people knew my birthday, it seemed as though my opinion became unimportant by virtue of my age. After being here for a while though, I'm fairly certain that that won't happen.

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Sorry for not answering your question earlier, Aonar.  -_-


Well, now that I've nerfed him like Rito, he isn't that powerful. The Panda could simply just interrupt the singing with a screech or a rock thrown at dangerously high speeds towards the cranium.


Yep, he can still affect a deaf person. Blocking it out won't help either. 

3 seconds is not a lot of time to hear, realize what you're hearing, find Siren and interrupt or kill him, particularly with what you described as people slowly dying throughout the song, 1 and a half seconds in and you've already half died.



There has to be a way Vondra can survive without relying on Plot Armor. We've done really well in avoiding it so far; why bring it into play now? I say if the only way a player character can survive is being protected by plot, we ought to come up with a different, more survivable scenario. 


(I prefer my privacy, thank you very much. :P)

There's a few flying Epics around to save him, at least one of whom has a somewhat fanatical devotion towards him, or of course he can parachute out which was the original plan for his introduction into the RP :P

The problem as I see it is that he has Redlight with him in the copter doesn't he? So any plan involving the Panda attacking in melee combat would just end in him getting frozen and captured.

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Aaaaand introducing Mastermind!

Here's what I gots on him.


Primary Power:

He can set no more than one goal and know up to one week in advance what he has to do to accomplish that goal. He can change this goal at any time and it can be pretty much anything.

He can also set no more than two sub-goals inside the main goal. He can change these at any time.


He doesn't necessarily know why he needs to make a certain action to accomplish his goals.


He is very persuasive to Epics, and can form a thrall-like bond with only non-Epics. They must initially give their consent to this bond, but Mastermind can trick them into it. The bond involves a two-way thought-only telepathic link, regardless of distance. His thralls are compelled to obey his orders. Mastermind can bond 10 people at a time. He can discard and make new bonds as desired.


Epics cannot be bonded, but can be fairly easily persuaded.

Head trauma or mental attack on either side of the bond will break it.


Mastermind knows what he has to do to avoid being killed, injured, or captured/imprisoned 5 minutes in advance. This is not and cannot be one of his Goals.

Traits and Backstory:

Mastermind is highly intelligent.

He is the head of a vast criminal organization based in L.A. that has its fingers in most pies.

He is fit.

He is in his mid-forties.

Name: ?? Haven't gotten that far.

Weakness: ?? Haven't gotten that far.

That's it. Obviously a lot of work needs to be done on him.


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We don't have many precogs so I like that, but on the other hand the reason we don't have many precogs is because we don't usually know what's going to happen in the story so they'd be kind of hard to write.

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…you know, grasshoppers are a somewhat popular snack item here in Arizona, but I've never tried them. Partly because all the prepared grasshoppers I've come across have had varying types of food coloring and/or flavors in their seasonings. <_< (It's kind of amazing what companies will put food coloring into. Some pizza chains even put Blue 1 into their dough. Apparently, just a tiny bit makes it look whiter?) 

But yeah, sometimes I think it's an evil Liebrarian conspiracy to keep me from trying tasty things. :P


It's cheaper if you don't buy them. Here in Texas the summer is plagued by grasshoppers. They get everywhere; in the garden, in the house, in your boots, in your garden, in your windshield, in your car, in your garden... did I mention the garden? Because a green garden can be turned tan from the number of locusts invading it.


So we decided: Wait. Don't some people eat these things?


Once they went from "nuisance" to "free food," they really weren't that bad. 


Collecting them is a simple matter of going through a garden or other infested area with a ziploc bag. Fill up the bag with live grasshoppers, and then place said bag into a freezer. After about an hour in the freezer, snap off their heads and throw them in a frying pan. Voila! Free protein and the right to tell everybody you meet that you harvest and consume your own grasshoppers.



Yeah...25 isn't old. I'm 25, and I'm not old. (I meant it when I said that I'd been working on Edassa for a decade - it's actually more than that now)


And on the subject of burning all of my teenage writing - well, all of my fiction from before 20 or so is never going to see the light of day, but some of my writing assignments for high school English classes weren't half bad. And my Honors Thesis on string theory that I wrote for my Associate's Degree is something I don't cringe to read through again (I cringe leading up to it, then read it, then think - that really wasn't all that bad. It even had a few really good points.) But all of the fiction can join yours on the bonfire.


Ooh!!! We should all have a teenage fiction bonfire burning party!


EDIT: And my wife has celiac disease, so we eat gluten free (except for when I can get my hands on some Chex mix...)


Wow. Over a decade, you say? :huh: My current setting is a composite of a dozen alien races / magical concepts that I've been brainstorming since I was fifteen. I've only recently put them all together, though. Hopefully in another seven years I'll have a much larger, more well-rounded setting than what I have now. Rather than giving up altogether and writing historical soap operas about the Aztecs. :P



Oh, ye of little faith. A panda can overcome anything with the power of friendship and cuddliness!  :P


Here's how The Panda will take down Vondra's chopper: After healing from his wounds, Panda emits a high pitched screech, forcing the gunner and pilot to cover their ears. While they're still distracted, the Panda flies forward, punches through the bullet-proof glass of the cockpit, tears out both pilots, and proceeds to watch the chopper fall towards the ground. After the dust and smoke dramatically clears, The Panda flies down to pull Vondra (who has miraculously survived thanks to the protective power granted by being a character) out of the wreckage and transforms him into a panda.


Do you agree to that, Kobold?  :)


Nice try idea, but here's what I'd keep in mind:


The pilots are trained and experienced in going up against flying Epics. The moment it becomes clear that the Panda's healing factor has kicked in, they will quickly fall back and cover their retreat with their remaining anti-aircraft weaponry.


If the Panda continued to pursue them, they'd evade his attacks long enough to call Deathwish into the area to engage him directly. And if Panda actually came close enough to smash the front windshield, then Redlight would freeze him in a heartbeat. Unable to move his own muscles, his wings would stop flapping and he'd drop to the ground.


So yeah... I may have been slightly facetious when I said Panda could take the helicopter in a curbstomp battle. :P The helicopter will definitely put up a good fight.

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Oh, ye of little faith. A panda can overcome anything with the power of friendship and cuddliness!  :P


Here's how The Panda will take down Vondra's chopper: After healing from his wounds, Panda emits a high pitched screech, forcing the gunner and pilot to cover their ears. While they're still distracted, the Panda flies forward, punches through the bullet-proof glass of the cockpit, tears out both pilots, and proceeds to watch the chopper fall towards the ground. After the dust and smoke dramatically clears, The Panda flies down to pull Vondra (who has miraculously survived thanks to the protective power granted by being a character) out of the wreckage and transforms him into a panda.


Do you agree to that, Kobold?  :)

Problems with this plan.

First let me bring up a few limits you set for the Panda, he needs half an hour for a clone, can only make twenty or so complex alterations a day before collapsing from exhaustion, his powers need a certain amount of concentration and can die from brain damage. Between exhausting himself the day before by creating that tree fortres, already growing himself wings, being fired at with missiles and even if he turned his skull into something hard enough to survive the explosions his landing will give him some rather serious brain bleedings, things don´t exactly look good for him.

Now, it´s his own body, so we can give him some slack but he should still need some time to heal, letting Vondra get some distance between them, and be noticalby exhausted afterwards, especially if he grows himself a new pair of wings. Overall, I would say the Panda should be more concerned with survival than attacking.


In case the Panda, somehow still finds himself in a condition to attack he first needs to catch up the the helicopter, at which point Redlight, as already mentioned, can stop him. Screaching won´t work either here, because if the helicopter crew isn´t  wearing some kind of ear protection firing all their weapons made them officially deaf.


With the time it would take to get to this point reinforcment could also arrive. Namely, Deadwish (one post by Kobold), Scribbler, Edgerunner (1/2 posts by Mailliw/Voidus) and Shiny Sparkle (one post by Twi and another from me). Now we would have a redlighted panda being wailed on by four Epics and whatever the soldiers bring with them.


Sorry but I don´t think we have enough plot armour/convenience to let the Panda win here.

Sorry for not answering your question earlier, Aonar.  -_-


Well, now that I've nerfed him like Rito, he isn't that powerful. The Panda could simply just interrupt the singing with a screech or a rock thrown at dangerously high speeds towards the cranium.


Yep, he can still affect a deaf person. Blocking it out won't help either. 

Appart from what Voidus already said, if blocking it out won´t work how would screeching help?


I also agree with others who have said he's OP for The Dalles, but would fit in perfectly in Astoria. (Especially if he went with a costume inspired by The Phantom of the Opera. Seriously, that would look awesome.)

The problem with bringing him and his likes to Astoria is that most Epics there can kill those that don´t qualify as high Epics wiithin seconds.


Aaaaand introducing Mastermind!

Here's what I gots on him.


Primary Power:

He can set no more than one goal and know up to one week in advance what he has to do to accomplish that goal. He can change this goal at any time and it can be pretty much anything.

He can also set no more than two sub-goals inside the main goal. He can change these at any time.


He doesn't necessarily know why he needs to make a certain action to accomplish his goals.


He is very persuasive to Epics, and can form a thrall-like bond with only non-Epics. They must initially give their consent to this bond, but Mastermind can trick them into it. The bond involves a two-way thought-only telepathic link, regardless of distance. His thralls are compelled to obey his orders. Mastermind can bond 10 people at a time. He can discard and make new bonds as desired.


Epics cannot be bonded, but can be fairly easily persuaded.

Head trauma or mental attack on either side of the bond will break it.


Mastermind knows what he has to do to avoid being killed, injured, or captured/imprisoned 5 minutes in advance. This is not and cannot be one of his Goals.

Traits and Backstory:

Mastermind is highly intelligent.

He is the head of a vast criminal organization based in L.A. that has its fingers in most pies.

He is fit.

He is in his mid-forties.

Name: ?? Haven't gotten that far.

Weakness: ?? Haven't gotten that far.

That's it. Obviously a lot of work needs to be done on him.


We don't have many precogs so I like that, but on the other hand the reason we don't have many precogs is because we don't usually know what's going to happen in the story so they'd be kind of hard to write.

I think as long as Mastermind stays in the background that isn´t to much of a problem, but should he ever come into the action I don´t think even he could tame our chaos.



It might be interesting to you that I get to answer this RAFO. :ph34r:

Edited by Edgedancer
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