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They probably don't. If they had to make that a rule, I doubt the problem is going away anytime soon. :P


"Malcolm Reynolds--hic--is the captain of the starship--hic--Serenity in the popular--hic--"


"Darn it, Stevo55! You don't have to type your hiccups into the article itself!"

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"Malcolm Reynolds--hic--is the captain of the starship--hic--Serenity in the popular--hic--"


"Darn it, Stevo55! You don't have to type your hiccups into the article itself!"


Given his background as an internet troll, I may or may not be starting to regret making a non-alcoholic beverage Quota's drink of choice. :ph34r: 

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"Malcolm Reynolds--hic--is the captain of the starship--hic--Serenity in the popular--hic--"


"Darn it, Stevo55! You don't have to type your hiccups into the article itself!"


I find it a strange coincidence that one of my friends uses that as a Wiki account name.


I find it an even stranger coincidence that I'm currently re-reading A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, a book that has coincidences as one of its main topics.

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I find it a strange coincidence that one of my friends uses that as a Wiki account name.


I find it an even stranger coincidence that I'm currently re-reading A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, a book that has coincidences as one of its main topics.

I find it an even stranger coincidence that Kobold King somehow knew about this Stevo55...

Also, thanks to whoever just upvoted me. I finally hit 500.

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With Lockvault I wouldn´t wait for Astoria, the power level there is planned to high for this fellow.


On another note, did I read the post right that he just slaughtered some people to get food? Because that would make the entire discussion pointles and instead raise the question how he didn´t get killed himself, if he went into a town and just started killing people, given that he isn´t a high Epic.

I think I will shelve him for now and come back to him, as I would rather join a new thread than an existing one.

And no, he did not just go slaughter some people for food. He traded them some guns and ammunition for the food.

With Lockvault I wouldn´t wait for Astoria, the power level there is planned to high for this fellow.


The think with storing emotions is that it could also store fear and getting rid of that would completely change the way the Epic's mind works. Given that Calamity has shown to posses some control over the power Epics get and the scale of said power I just find it unlikely that he would give out such a power.


Conflux and Dawnslight are very bad data points for Lockvault. Conflux not being corrupted has nothing to do his powers not being directly harmful, in fact we know that even Epics with powers that can´t be used offensively at all, like illusions get corrupted. The reason he didn´t get corrupted is because he was imprisoned and forced to gift away all of his power to Enforcment, so he couldn´t use any of the power himself and even then the book implies that his powers had negative effects on the members of Enforcment.

Dawnslight, well he´s just an anomaly in every regard, concerning Epics. He appeared at the same time as Calamity even though Epics supposedly only appeared a year later, he has sweet dreams instead of nightmares ect. For all we know he wasn´t even created by Calamity.

Regarding all of that being apathic towards other people and not wanting to hurt them still is kind of an odd match. From what we know the primary impulse isn´t to kill. It´s to think they are more important than others. Killing, for whatever reason serves them is just a result of that. Unless they get stuck in their Rending like Obliteration.


Your right that storing emotions doesn't make sense, I will probably take that out for when I actually do add him.

I am mainly trying to create a character with Lockpoint who sees himself as not belonging in either the Epic circles or the non Epic circles. I still like his powers, even if I can't make this happen the way I wanted to originally. That is why I asked for advice with him. I have never done an RP and going with a character that is so against what Epics are was probably too ambitious for me at this time.

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Wow. There's a lot of new people showing up. :P
I've got an Epic I might run for Astoria. If the main qualification for Astoria is OPness, then he fits quite well.

Primary Power: Shadowshaper: From an available shadow that he is within five feet of, he may form physical objects that he can manipulate mentally, with a range of about fifty feet. The strength of these objects is dependent upon how dark the original shadow was. (Purely free of light, neigh on impenetrable, only slightly dimmer than surroundings, weak and brittle.)
Secondary: Teleportation: He can travel from any shadow he is in direct contact with, to any shadow within his line of sight, instantly. 
Tertiary/Passive: Healing: While in darkness, he can regenerate. Speed of healing is dependent upon light levels. Does not stop completely in bright light, but does slow significantly.
Appearance: Unknown. He wears a loose, dark robe that obscures every element of his person. All that has every been glimpsed of him are his hands, thin and pale, traced with black designs. There are two slits concealed in the back of the robe, for reasons unknown.
Personality/MO: Look at his name, power-set, and description for a moment. I think you can extrapolate from there. :P (If any of you have read the Lightbringer series,

try imagine a Black Wight [or better yet, a Black Bane],

and all the implications that follow.)

In other news, a new Frostfire post should be up soon-ish. I warned you that insulting Frostfire wouldn't go over well, mail-mi. :ph34r:


Also, this is the icon I'm thinking of using for Frostfire:



Edited by Aonar Faileas
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Wow. There's a lot of new people showing up.  :P
I've got an Epic I might run for Astoria. If the main qualification for Astoria is OPness, then he fits quite well.

Primary Power: Shadowshaper: From an available shadow that he is within five feet of, he may form physical objects that he can manipulate mentally, with a range of about fifty feet. The strength of these objects is dependent upon how dark the original shadow was. (Purely free of light, neigh on impenetrable, only slightly dimmer than surroundings, weak and brittle.)
Secondary: Teleportation: He can travel from any shadow he is in direct contact with, to any shadow within his line of sight, instantly. 
Tertiary/Passive: Healing: While in darkness, he can regenerate. Speed of healing is dependent upon light levels. Does not stop completely in bright light, but does slow significantly.
Appearance: Unknown. He wears a loose, dark robe that obscures every element of his person. All that has every been glimpsed of him are his hands, thin and pale, traced with black designs. There are two slits concealed in the back of the robe, for reasons unknown.
Personality/MO: Look at his name, power-set, and description for a moment. I think you can extrapolate from there.  :P (If any of you have read the Lightbringer series, try imagine a Black Wight [or better yet, a Black Bane], and all the implications that follow.)

In other news, a new Frostfire post should be up soon-ish. I warned you that insulting Frostfire wouldn't go over well, mail-mi.  :ph34r:


Also, this is the icon I'm thinking of using for Frostfire:



I have a group of Shadow Epics if you'd like some backstory for him/some shadow manipulating underlings to enter Astoria with him.

With all of these hard-hitters entering Astoria I may have to introduce one of my most powerful Epics yet to keep up. That's right, you may have heard of him you may not have but the all-powerful Metronome will be entering Astoria!

And likely dying half a second after arriving.

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i don't get it, who IS the Unicyclist? I've been in the Questions since near the end of 4, I think, but I'm confused about him. 


He's one of the vanillas Funtimes pulled out of the crowd when Lightwards made his "I am your Emperor now and you're all doomed" speech. For visualization purposes, he looks something like this: 




And yes, he's currently a real person in Portland. In real life.


I mentioned making him an Epic as a joke a while back, Edgedancer liked the idea of Epic!Unicyclist trying to free Ray only to succumb to corruption, I liked it too, and so Epic!Unicyclist will become a thing just as soon as the MEE attack gets underway. 

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Voidus, will you post the Shadows again? I loved some of them, but I can't find that post.

League of Shadows:

Shadowstep: Shadow merging passive ability, merges into any shadows he comes into contact with, allowing instant travel across a shadow or seeming invisibility while hiding in the shadow. Former member, currently in the MEE.

Flicker: Can teleport only while in shadows, can also produce an EMP which temporarily shorts out electronics.

Nightshade: Can ‘pull’ an object or beings shadow from the ground causing it to become a 3 dimensional object capable of everything the possessor of the shadow is capable of (Excluding Epic abilities), living shadows will obey orders given by Nightshade

Midnight Tears: Can suck all light from a room, becomes completely intangible when in darkness however can solidify parts of his body at will however any parts of his body that become solid while still in darkness slowly exude a thick black liquid. Typically gouges out his victims eyes to kill them, leaving his signature ‘black tears’ on the corpse.

DarkQuake: Can cause any shadows to become a solid surface and also capable of sending ripples or vibrations through that surface.

Twilight spark: Technically an energy Epic however his energy constructs draw in light from around them, capable of creating replicas of living beings which can act with a degree of free will but will obey any of his mental commands.

Eclipse: Illusionist who creates a bright halo around himself, but shrouds his body itself in darkness. The halo is bright enough to blind anyone looking directly at it.

Halflight was also in it but he just got killed :P

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I'm assuming the MEE is in Portland?

And are all of these free for the taking, or do we have to pay in blood and Epic DNA?

I'm interested in Nightshade and Midnight Tears, and possibly Flicker, in that order.

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An Epic born of my frustrations with learning Arabic.

Name: Translate

Primary Ability: The ability to make other people speak in Arabic.

Passive Ability: The ability to understand Arabic.

Corruption: Making a massive amount of people forced to only speak in Arabic. 

Now, I don't have anything against Arabs as a people, just frustrated with the language. 

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I'm assuming the MEE is in Portland?

And are all of these free for the taking, or do we have to pay in blood and Epic DNA?

I'm interested in Nightshade and Midnight Tears, and possibly Flicker, in that order.

The MEE is currently in Portland but will be branching out soon probably (By which I mean all members still in Portland will soon be slaughtered  :P) The League of Shadows itself is currently no where in particular so they can be wherever people need them to be.

Shadowstep is already taken, I think someone might have wanted Flicker for some backstory but I don't remember who. Nightshade and Midnight Tears are both unclaimed (Feel free to update their names/powerset however you want)

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He could be very useful as a translator/info-gatherer. What's his effective range?

Didn't actually mean as a real Epic, but okay. A quarter of a mile. However, he can't keep it on forever. It doesn't work on Epics and it exhausts him if he does it for a long period of time.

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I have a group of Shadow Epics if you'd like some backstory for him/some shadow manipulating underlings to enter Astoria with him.

With all of these hard-hitters entering Astoria I may have to introduce one of my most powerful Epics yet to keep up. That's right, you may have heard of him you may not have but the all-powerful Metronome will be entering Astoria!

And likely dying half a second after arriving.


Azrael would be more than happy to have some underlings. :D They're the one thing every delusional Destroying Angel needs! :P (And being part of the League would definitely make for some good backstory, before the whole Destroying Angel shtick.)


He sounds terrifying, Voidus.




If you're taking a couple, Snoopy, do you mind if they're in Astoria?

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