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With the new revalation about the EXoSS-league (Evil Exes of Shiny Sparkle) Autumn and Shiny Sparkle need a conversation that goes kind of like this:

A: Say Shiny, is there any thing you haven´t told me about?
S: Well, I have an league of evil Exes.

A:*sounding tense* They don´t happen to be High Epics, do they?

S: Ever heard about that Obliteration fellow?

A: *drops whatever she is holding and runs away screaming*


I get a long weekend this week, so I may get around fleshing the league out. Here are just some random names, that may or may not make it into the EXoSS: The World, Devastation, Sunnyside, Break(ingpoint), Texas Holdem, Pinup, Foldthem.

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With the new revalation about the EXoSS-league (Evil Exes of Shiny Sparkle) Autumn and Shiny Sparkle need a conversation that goes kind of like this:

A: Say Shiny, is there any thing you haven´t told me about?

S: Well, I have an league of evil Exes.

A:*sounding tense* They don´t happen to be High Epics, do they?

S: Ever heard about that Obliteration fellow?

A: *drops whatever she is holding and runs away screaming*

I get a long weekend this week, so I may get around fleshing the league out. Here are just some random names, that may or may not make it into the EXoSS: The World, Devastation, Sunnyside, Break(ingpoint), Texas Holdem, Pinup, Foldthem.

The next day....

Autumn: I'm sorry, but I can't go out with you today. My allergies are acting up.

Shiny Sparkle: What are you allergic to?

Autumn: All of your exes.

Shiny Sparkle dated the world? All at once? :o

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The next day....

Autumn: I'm sorry, but I can't go out with you today. My allergies are acting up.

Shiny Sparkle: What are you allergic to?

Autumn: All of your exes.

Shiny Sparkle dated the world? All at once? :o

"Don´t worry, I know an Epic that can cure people from their allergies. Still owns me a favour."


Yes, everyone except Autumn is her Ex and is after her current girlfriend... well everyone of age that isn´t Backtrack, she does have some standards. :P (Actually the name is a reference and might only serve as a stand in. :ph34r:)

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"Don´t worry, I know an Epic that can cure people from their allergies. Still owns me a favour."

Yes, everyone except Autumn is her Ex and is after her current girlfriend... well everyone of age that isn´t Backtrack, she does have some standards. :P (Actually the name is a reference and might only serve as a stand in. :ph34r:)

"I have a very specific type of allergy. They only go away when the thing causing them drops off the face of the earth. So....the best thing I can do right now is just hide in my fallout shelter."

It wouldn't be a reference to a film/graphic novel about a young man named Scott taking on a planet, would it?

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"I have a very specific type of allergy. They only go away when the thing causing them drops off the face of the earth. So....the best thing I can do right now is just hide in my fallout shelter."

It wouldn't be a reference to a film/graphic novel about a young man named Scott taking on a planet, would it?

"Fine, want me to bring something along when I pay you a visit? Me teleporting in and out is probably the only connection to the outside you´ll have for a while."


:mellow: Didn´t even think of that one. What it is a reference to is the Stand of Dio Brando, a vampire whose Stand has the power to stop time. It´s from the time when Stands where still named after Tarot cards and not after songs, although, the stand´s design was clearly inspired by the song "Holy Diver" from Dio.

(By the way, if anyone has an Epic they want to incorporate into this backstory, for whatever reason, you may speak now or be silent forever.)

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"Fine, want me to bring something along when I pay you a visit? Me teleporting in and out is probably the only connection to the outside you´ll have for a while."


:mellow: Didn´t even think of that one. What it is a reference to is the Stand of Dio Brando, a vampire whose Stand has the power to stop time. It´s from the time when Stands where still named after Tarot cards and not after songs, although, the stand´s design was clearly inspired by the song "Holy Diver" from Dio.

(By the way, if anyone has an Epic they want to incorporate into this backstory, for whatever reason, you may speak now or be silent forever.)

Given the sheer quantity of my Epics I choose to believe they're already in everyone's backstory :P

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From the lack of response to the diplomat pig, I was guessing no one was going to pick up from the que. As for the level-headness of The Panda, players of Sanderson Elimination will know that I can be, at times, a (cough) perfectly calm, non-erratic (cough) and reasonable player that makes sense (vomit). I suppose I could chalk The Panda's erraticness up to being a fanatic zealot determined to transform the whole of mankind into pandas.  <_<

So, he sent the diplomat pig first and then waited to see if they would call a ceasefire and when they didn't, he sent in the jungle? I'm confused.

Would anybody mind if I gave Desolation a minor fire ability too? I'm thinking flaming fists. Is that too OP?

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General question: I'm considering pinning the Epics of Oregon thread. Thoughts?

Second question: Kobold, Lightwards was one of the early Epics, correct? How long before or after Annexation was the approximate date of his attack on his university?


I'd support that!


Probably about eight to ten months before Annexation Day. He was pretty early on the timeline, early enough so that a lot of his students had never seen an Epic in person before. His Epic awakening took place during the period of confusion and chaos that predated the Capitulation Act.


I also have a question for whoever can answer it. Was Big Al already working for Thoughttown six years before the current date?

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I'd support that!

Probably about eight to ten months before Annexation Day. He was pretty early on the timeline, early enough so that a lot of his students had never seen an Epic in person before. His Epic awakening took place during the period of confusion and chaos that predated the Capitulation Act.

I also have a question for whoever can answer it. Was Big Al already working for Thoughttown six years before the current date?

One vote in favor, then.

Early enough for it to make it on the news, then; I'd imagine something like that would still be alarming enough to be reported by national media outlets. He was still at large after that attack, wasn't he? And did you name his school, or was that left open?

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One vote in favor, then.

Early enough for it to make it on the news, then; I'd imagine something like that would still be alarming enough to be reported by national media outlets. He was still at large after that attack, wasn't he? And did you name his school, or was that left open?


I don't know the name of the university. I don't really know a lot about major colleges, and I thought it'd be better to leave it open. If you're referencing it though, feel free to give it a name.


Lightwards was definitely at large, but the media may have reported him killed in the attack, depending on whether or not Jake Subly or other witnesses of his death were interviewed. I imagine the news agencies would have reported that the Epic was killed, but that a body had not yet been recovered.

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I'd support that!


Probably about eight to ten months before Annexation Day. He was pretty early on the timeline, early enough so that a lot of his students had never seen an Epic in person before. His Epic awakening took place during the period of confusion and chaos that predated the Capitulation Act.


I also have a question for whoever can answer it. Was Big Al already working for Thoughttown six years before the current date?

Can you tell me when I said that Altermind set up Thoughttown? I can't quite remember and I'm not sure where I put it.

Did you guys see my question about Desolation?

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Can you tell me when I said that Altermind set up Thoughttown? I can't quite remember and I'm not sure where I put it.

Did you guys see my question about Desolation?


I put Thoughttown's formation down as 2016, putting it after Annexation Day and the Capitulation Act.


I'd support giving Desolation fire powers. Over-poweredness is what the Astoria thread is all about, after all. :P

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I don't know the name of the university. I don't really know a lot about major colleges, and I thought it'd be better to leave it open. If you're referencing it though, feel free to give it a name.

Lightwards was definitely at large, but the media may have reported him killed in the attack, depending on whether or not Jake Subly or other witnesses of his death were interviewed. I imagine the news agencies would have reported that the Epic was killed, but that a body had not yet been recovered.

Cool. I'm not terribly familiar with California colleges, either, having gone to school primarily in the Northwest, but I was planning on referencing it later through a news story, so they'd definitely name it.

So there was a long enough delay between his death and resurrection for Subbly and others to assume the worst, or else enough chaos for Lightwards to escape after his resurrection? What are the chances of Subbly witnessing something that would lead to his being assumed at large?

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Cool. I'm not terribly familiar with California colleges, either, having gone to school primarily in the Northwest, but I was planning on referencing it later through a news story, so they'd definitely name it.

So there was a long enough delay between his death and resurrection for Subbly and others to assume the worst, or else enough chaos for Lightwards to escape after his resurrection? What are the chances of Subbly witnessing something that would lead to his being assumed at large?


I think his resurrection would have taken about twenty to thirty minutes the first time. (There's not really a system in place for it; his resurrection is a very random and chaotic process.) But even after he died, his Warriors would have continued with their default instructions to kill indiscriminately, so there'd definitely be enough chaos for him to escape after the fact.


I don't think Subbly knows that Lightwards resurrected. Someone else could have though; there's enough leeway in the scene for you to write it any way you like. The way I have it in my head, Lightwards was presumed dead but the body was never recovered. But since I don't have any plans of including a news story about the incident, you can write it so that he was either presumed dead or known to be still at large.

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I put Thoughttown's formation down as 2016, putting it after Annexation Day and the Capitulation Act.


I'd support giving Desolation fire powers. Over-poweredness is what the Astoria thread is all about, after all. :P

So that was only fiveish years before the RP right?

Okay cool! If anyone is opposed, speak soon or forever hold your peace. I've written his introduction scene, without Firefight spoilers(but it will make a but more sense to those who've read it), and it isn't pretty. Fire fists will just make it cooler worse. :P

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So that was only fiveish years before the RP right?

Okay cool! If anyone is opposed, speak soon or forever hold your peace. I've written his introduction scene, without Firefight spoilers(but it will make a but more sense to those who've read it), and it isn't pretty. Fire fists will just make it cooler worse. :P


The RP is set in 2023, so there are seven years in between Thoughttown's founding and the current date. I'm just wondering whether Big Al was one of the early Epics to have joined with Altermind. (I have a scene written up right now which assumes so, but I can edit it if need be.)


Fire fists are better for us readers, but definitely worse for the citizens of Astoria. :P

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I think his resurrection would have taken about twenty to thirty minutes the first time. (There's not really a system in place for it; his resurrection is a very random and chaotic process.) But even after he died, his Warriors would have continued with their default instructions to kill indiscriminately, so there'd definitely be enough chaos for him to escape after the fact.

I don't think Subbly knows that Lightwards resurrected. Someone else could have though; there's enough leeway in the scene for you to write it any way you like. The way I have it in my head, Lightwards was presumed dead but the body was never recovered. But since I don't have any plans of including a news story about the incident, you can write it so that he was either presumed dead or known to be still at large.

How many Warriors did he have? The flashback seemed to indicate at least a dozen; were there more or less?

In that case, and in that social climate, it would probably make sense for authorities to tell the public he was presumed dead so as not to cause mass panic, but carry on their search just in case he was a resurrection Epic. I'd imagine there would probably be at least a few rumors circulating among students as they waited for the school to reopen; and when it did, I'd imagine classes would be much smaller as some students chose to go home to their families....

Sorry. Thinking out loud.

I am both apprehensive and intrigued to see fists of fire.

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How many Warriors did he have? The flashback seemed to indicate at least a dozen; were there more or less?

In that case, and in that social climate, it would probably make sense for authorities to tell the public he was presumed dead so as not to cause mass panic, but carry on their search just in case he was a resurrection Epic. I'd imagine there would probably be at least a few rumors circulating among students as they waited for the school to reopen; and when it did, I'd imagine classes would be much smaller as some students chose to go home to their families....

Sorry. Thinking out loud.

I am both apprehensive and intrigued to see fists of fire.


I intentionally have left some details vague just in case I ever decided to go back and write these scenes, but you can presume that he had not quite reached his Warrior limit by the time he was shot. So there would have been fifteen or sixteen undead shooters attacking the school.


Your reasoning makes a lot of sense. That may be canon now.  :ph34r:  :P

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The RP is set in 2023, so there are seven years in between Thoughttown's founding and the current date. I'm just wondering whether Big Al was one of the early Epics to have joined with Altermind. (I have a scene written up right now which assumes so, but I can edit it if need be.)


Fire fists are better for us readers, but definitely worse for the citizens of Astoria. :P

I thought that was when Steelheart took place and so this was two or three years before. Either way, yes, Big Al was kicked out of Thoughttown at first, but when he gained powers a hearing later, he came back to Thoughttown and joined the kitchen staff.


I am both apprehensive and intrigued to see fists of fire.

Me too. :)

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I intentionally have left some details vague just in case I ever decided to go back and write these scenes, but you can presume that he had not quite reached his Warrior limit by the time he was shot. So there would have been fifteen or sixteen undead shooters attacking the school.

Your reasoning makes a lot of sense. That may be canon now. :ph34r::P

Sweet. By which I mean "poor students." :wacko: Would those Warriors have said anything if captured by police? Or would they have been too intent on gunning down their fellow students for police to judge taking them alive worth the risk?

Were there any RP characters who received their powers early enough to make headlines in September 2014 (working off the assumption that Steelheart took power in September 2015)?

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Sweet. By which I mean "poor students." :wacko: Would those Warriors have said anything if captured by police? Or would they have been too intent on gunning down their fellow students for police to judge taking them alive worth the risk?

Were there any RP characters who received their powers early enough to make headlines in September 2014 (working off the assumption that Steelheart took power in September 2015)?


The Warriors wouldn't have surrendered, nor would they have spoken if by some chance they'd been restrained and captured. I think it's likely that in the social climate of the time, the police would have killed all of them rather than take the risk of capturing them, knowing Epic powers were involved.


Voidgaze and someone named Dave Elwes gained their powers then. Altermind too, according to my timeline.

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The Warriors wouldn't have surrendered, nor would they have spoken if by some chance they'd been restrained and captured. I think it's likely that in the social climate of the time, the police would have killed all of them rather than take the risk of capturing them, knowing Epic powers were involved.

Voidgaze and someone named Dave Elwes gained their powers then. Altermind too, according to my timeline.

Perfect. I think Writer's Block my be just about vanquished in this fight.

Voidus, can I buy an Epic off you?

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Perfect. I think Writer's Block my be just about vanquished in this fight.

Voidus, can I buy an Epic off you?


Good to hear it. :)


In other news, What Happened in Portland post 857 is out. I call it "In Which There is a Long and Boring Backstory Sequence, and a Veiled Reference to One of TwiLyght's Old Fanfiction.net Stories." :P

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