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Wow. I just looked at the rep I got on Altermind's last post and apparently, hinting towards a weakness gets you more upvotes than usual. I didn't think that post was anything exceptional either. ;)

If that's the case, you're all going to love Funtimes' first flashback. :ph34r:

I liked the post, though. You did a good job conveying his terror and how quickly it transitioned to anger.

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If that's the case, you're all going to love Funtimes' first flashback. :ph34r:

I liked the post, though. You did a good job conveying his terror and how quickly it transitioned to anger.

I think we'd love that regardless.

Thanks. :)

Kobold, what exactly are Glamour's powers? I thought they were simple illusionary ones, but these new sun-draining, blinding badchull ones are awesome. I'm just not sure what his powers are exactly. I loved his post, I'm just confused.

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I think we'd love that regardless.

Thanks. :)

Kobold, what exactly are Glamour's powers? I thought they were simple illusionary ones, but these new sun-draining, blinding badchull ones are awesome. I'm just not sure what his powers are exactly. I loved his post, I'm just confused.


Thanks. :)


Glamour has the ability to control light. He can use that for simple and unconvincing illusions, but he can also manipulate it on a large scale to perform feats like causing flash blindness or submerging a small area in darkness.



Wow. I just looked at the rep I got on Altermind's last post and apparently, hinting towards a weakness gets you more upvotes than usual. I didn't think that post was anything exceptional either. ;)


Like I said before, I liked it. :) Though it does make me think I should start hinting about more of my Epics' weaknesses if I'm to stay ahead of TwiLyght.  :ph34r:



I asked her for permission to post the graffiti, and she said maybe. :P

She's 17, and she's been drawing for about 3 years. She says she only started "trying" to draw (instead of doodle, I guess?) about a year ago.


Tell her the King of the Kobolds has specially requested her work. Maybe having a royal patron will boost her confidence. :P

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Sounds good so far. As for questions, is it technically possible to hit him with something his powers could affect by moving it fast enough?


No. Basically, everything is sped up. His vision, his Specific Decay field ability, his movements, his thought processes. (It's important to realize that this is NOT time dilation, as that wouldn't work with what I'm about to describe. It would seem a bit like time dilation to him, but really, it's similar to Quicksilver's ability, from Days of Future Past.) The moment an object touches him, the Specific Decay field would dissolve the first layer, and then repeat ad molecular nauseam for the entire rest of it. If you threw a building at him, he would just burn an Ozymandias shaped hole through it. (Although I may have to create a loophole for his underpants...What do you guys think?) 


And what group should I join? I really don't know where to start. You guys appear to have specific turns that you are taking. Oh and by the way, I PMd his weakness to Twilight. 


Edit: Sorry for taking so long with this, BTW. I've been battling over in Social Groups.

Edited by inexorablePanda
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I want to see this graffiti too. :)

It's weird to see you guys with younger siblings who are my age. :P Tell her it'll help boost you up in the ranks of the Sharders and their upvotes to lessen the gap between you and the king of Kobolds. She might think you're crazy, actually. :P

Tell her the King of the Kobolds has specially requested her work. Maybe having a royal patron will boost her confidence. :P


She has agreed to your demands, and here it is. :P 




Me: If you drew that in Newcago, Steelheart would kill you in five minutes flat. 

Sister: Yeah, but it would be the happiest five minutes of my life, knowing he'd seen it.

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And what group should I join? I really don't know where to start. You guys appear to have specific turns that you are taking. Oh and by the way, I PMd his weakness to Twilight. 


The turn structure is pretty fluid, actually. We tend to follow a general order just to make sure everyone gets a chance to post, but really, we're not nearly as regimented or precise as we look. :P


As for groups: I'd say it depends on how you want to RP your character. If you'd like him to be not yet fully corrupted, working to keep The Dalles safe from Epic tyrants, then he'd be welcome to join The Dalles City Guard.


If you'd like him to follow an Epic zealot in his attempt at taking over the city, then Frequency's gang is right for him.


If you'd like for him to a criminal/mobster type working for a larger crime syndicate, then you should consider having him join Quicksilver's gang.


If you'd like for him to completely renounce his humanity, allow himself to be transformed into a humanoid panda bear, and lead an army of mutated yet inexplicably adorable monsters into The Dalles, then the Panda Empire would be the perfect place for him.


And if none of those sound right, you could always have him show up at the edge of town to form his own faction. We're pretty loose with rules here, so you'd be welcome to try. Just give us some general idea of what you're planning, and nine times out of ten we'll accept it. :)



She has agreed to your demands, and here it is. :P




Me: If you drew that in Newcago, Steelheart would kill you in five minutes flat. 

Sister: Yeah, but it would be the happiest five minutes of my life, knowing he'd seen it.


Oh. My. Stars. That is the derpiest Epic I have ever seen. And the thought of Steelheart finding this on a bridge as he patrols the city just makes it better.  :lol:

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I think I'll have him show up in town and poke around a bit. With the possibility of joining Quicksilver later. How much backstory should I post here, and how much in the Dalles?


Poking around a bit is a perfectly valid (and encouraged) course of action. As for backstory: that's all up to you. You could post it all in his official bio here, and we'd read and love every word of it. It would also be quite fine--and it is in fact quite common--to reveal details of his backstory through flashback sequences or through his thoughts on the thread itself.


It all boils down to personal preference, and how you'd like to write his character. As a general rule, those of us who make complicated plans for our characters' story arcs and personalities in advance tend to reveal their backstories more slowly. Those of us who create characters with little idea of where they'll ultimately end up tend to reveal more details from the beginning. Either style is perfectly fine.

Edited by Kobold King
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I think I'll have him show up in town and poke around a bit. With the possibility of joining Quicksilver later. How much backstory should I post here, and how much in the Dalles?


Like Kobold said, it's completely up to you. If you're more of an outliner when it comes to character arcs, feel free to post more of his backstory. If, like me, you're more of the fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants type, just post what you feel we need to know about what we can expect from him in the RP (how he uses his powers, etc.). I honestly didn't know everything about my characters' backstories when I started writing them, so posting very little about where they came from helped me figure it out as I went along. :P

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I think I'll go with seat-of-the-pants. Do you want me to post a complete powers list and whatever bio I decide on here, or on the Epics of Oregon thread?

Also, I will try to read the whole Dalles thread and work up a little something tomorrow, so expect a first post for Ozymandias tomorrow or the next day. Unfortunately, I don't have a cool icon for him...

And one last question. What ever shall I do about his underpants when danger speed is on. Does it matter if he fights naked? Or will someone be offended. I feel like there's some way that he wouldn't have to.

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I think I'll go with seat-of-the-pants. Do you want me to post a complete powers list and whatever bio I decide on here, or on the Epics of Oregon thread?

Also, I will try to read the whole Dalles thread and work up a little something tomorrow, so expect a first post for Ozymandias tomorrow or the next day. Unfortunately, I don't have a cool icon for him...

And one last question. What ever shall I do about his underpants when danger speed is on. Does it matter if he fights naked? Or will someone be offended. I feel like there's some way that he wouldn't have to.


Both here and on the Epics of Oregon thread is fine.


Looking forward to it! :)


Nudity isn't really an issue here, provided you don't obscenely describe anything. If I'm not mistaken Nighthound from the Portland thread has fought in the nude multiple times now. But if it helps, you could always handwave it and say his entropic decay doesn't effect his clothes. After all, Nightwielder was able to go incorporeal without phasing through his suit, and it's mentioned in Firefight that shapeshifting Epics usually shift along with their clothing. Allowing Ozymandias to maintain his decency would hardly be incongruous in any way.

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I think I'll go with seat-of-the-pants. Do you want me to post a complete powers list and whatever bio I decide on here, or on the Epics of Oregon thread?

Also, I will try to read the whole Dalles thread and work up a little something tomorrow, so expect a first post for Ozymandias tomorrow or the next day. Unfortunately, I don't have a cool icon for him...

And one last question. What ever shall I do about his underpants when danger speed is on. Does it matter if he fights naked? Or will someone be offended. I feel like there's some way that he wouldn't have to.

Pantsers unite! :P

Um. Well. Nighthound once fought in the nude after Funtimes turned his clothes to acid, and he remained naked long enough to give one of the vanillas a creepy shoulder pat, so...he wouldn't be alone.

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Thanks. :)


Glamour has the ability to control light. He can use that for simple and unconvincing illusions, but he can also manipulate it on a large scale to perform feats like causing flash blindness or submerging a small area in darkness.


Like I said before, I liked it. :) Though it does make me think I should start hinting about more of my Epics' weaknesses if I'm to stay ahead of TwiLyght.  :ph34r:


Tell her the King of the Kobolds has specially requested her work. Maybe having a royal patron will boost her confidence. :P

Ah, I see. It makes much more sense now. :)


You've still got almost a 2,000 rep lead. Not sure you need to worry about it yet.


I think I'll go with seat-of-the-pants. Do you want me to post a complete powers list and whatever bio I decide on here, or on the Epics of Oregon thread?

Also, I will try to read the whole Dalles thread and work up a little something tomorrow, so expect a first post for Ozymandias tomorrow or the next day. Unfortunately, I don't have a cool icon for him...

And one last question. What ever shall I do about his underpants when danger speed is on. Does it matter if he fights naked? Or will someone be offended. I feel like there's some way that he wouldn't have to.


Well, as mentioned above, Nighthound fought naked earlier and just barely, Mike, a character who just became an Epic, just vaporized the clothes of a whole squadron of soldiers, so it would probably make for some very awkward scenes in the RP, but it wouldn't be a huge deal. Or, like Mike/Desolation, you could make it so that certain items Ozymandias can choose not to affect with his powers.

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My sister has drawn a few more doodles in a collection she calls Graffiti in Newcago.






"Oh! You should draw Fortuity flirting with the lamp from A Christmas Story!" 




...I no longer understand the madness I am looking at. The last one in particular bewilders me on more levels than I could count. But, you may inform your sister that I just handed her another upvote.  :lol:

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...I no longer understand the madness I am looking at. The last one in particular bewilders me on more levels than I could count. But, you may inform your sister that I just handed her another upvote. :lol:

Quote: "Tell Kobold King that I'm drawing an actual picture of Nightweilder. Or I'm trying to. Tell him not to expect anything too soon."

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Quote: "Tell Kobold King that I'm drawing an actual picture of Nightweilder. Or I'm trying to. Tell him not to expect anything too soon."


Tell her that Kobold King is a creature of great patience and art appreciation, especially when it comes to Epic fan art.  :ph34r:  :P



(It's rather amusing to me that at least one member of your family now knows my screen name. You may find it amusing that my mother not only has an account here, but she's upvoted a post of yours before. :P)

Edited by Kobold King
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(It's rather amusing to me that at least one member of your family now knows my screen name. You may find it amusing that my mother not only has an account here, but she's upvoted a post of yours before. :P)

WHAT?! And you never told us this till now? :P That's awesome! I don't think there are many people with another member of their family also registered here.

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Tell her that Kobold King is a creature of great patience and art appreciation, especially when it comes to Epic fan art. :ph34r::P

(It's rather amusing to me that at least one member of your family now knows my screen name. You may find it amusing that my mother not only has an account here, but she's upvoted a post of yours before. :P)

I shall tell her of your art appreciation. :P

Seriously? :mellow: I...that's kind of weird, to me. In my family, obsessing over fandoms is MY thing. Everyone else just sort of shakes their heads and smiles. :P But yeah, the only site where more than one member of my family has an account is Facebook.

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So, Kobold, either you aren't your own mother's friend on here, she's registered as a male, or one of the people whose identity I know is lying to me. :P



Or I'm really bad at looking at all your friends profiles, but I can't seem to find her.

Edited by Mailliw73
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WHAT?! And you never told us this till now? :P That's awesome! I don't think there are many people with another member of their family also registered here.

I shall tell her of your art appreciation. :P

Seriously? :mellow: I...that's kind of weird, to me. In my family, obsessing over fandoms is MY thing. Everyone else just sort of shakes their heads and smiles. :P But yeah, the only site where more than one member of my family has an account is Facebook.

So, Kobold, either you aren't your own mother's friend on here, she's registered as a male, or one of the people whose identity I know is lying to me. :P



Or I'm really bad at looking at all your friends profiles, but I can't seem to find her.


She's very inactive, never made more than about ten posts, hasn't logged on in over a month, and I never officially friended her since we decided to preserve her relative anonymity. :P


But yeah, she's awesome. She's the one who introduced me to Brandon Sanderson, in fact, and is the one who first informed me that he had a fansite that I might want to check out. ;) She's also read one more Brandon Sanderson novel than I have, a fact which she frequently throws in my face whenever I mention my rep level on the site. :P


The really funny thing is that both Voidus and mail-mi offered her spiked cookies from the Dark Alley on her introduction thread, which she turned down due to the sage warnings I had given her about "cookies" around here. :P

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She's very inactive, never made more than about ten posts, hasn't logged on in over a month, and I never officially friended her since we decided to preserve her relative anonymity. :P


But yeah, she's awesome. She's the one who introduced me to Brandon Sanderson, in fact, and is the one who first informed me that he had a fansite that I might want to check out. ;) She's also read one more Brandon Sanderson novel than I have, a fact which she frequently throws in my face whenever I mention my rep level on the site. :P


The really funny thing is that both Voidus and mail-mi offered her spiked cookies from the Dark Alley on her introduction thread, which she turned down due to the sage warnings I had given her about "cookies" around here. :P

Wow. I never would've known. 


Well, she's definitely very cool then if she's the one who got you here. Alcatraz? Or which one is it?


I feel like I vaguely remember that...

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Wow. I never would've known. 


Well, she's definitely very cool then if she's the one who got you here. Alcatraz? Or which one is it?


I feel like I vaguely remember that...


You'll still never know. There are over seven thousand registered users on this forum, and I won't answer questions about who it is. :P (Though the more chaotic part of me wants to pick a random inactive female poster on the Introduce Yourself board and claim that she's my mother. That way if she ever did come back online, she'd be confused by all the rumors going around that her son is Kobold King. :P)


She read the Infinity Blade book, which I've never gotten around to.

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Does her blood sugar spike occasionally? I think I found her.



You'll still never know. There are over seven thousand registered users on this forum, and I won't answer questions about who it is.  :P (Though the more chaotic part of me wants to pick a random inactive female poster on the Introduce Yourself board and claim that she's my mother. That way if she ever did come back online, she'd be confused by all the rumors going around that her son is Kobold King.  :P)


She read the Infinity Blade book, which I've never gotten around to.


Read my post. :P


There's actually two. I read the first, but never read the second as I never really played the game.

Edited by Mailliw73
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Since I just remembered I hadn't….


Grandmaster: Can cause chess pieces to grow and become animated, limited to one full set of pieces at a time.
Ballitzo: Can surround herself with a form-fitting force field capable of vaporizing anything it touches, including organic matter.

Viscera: Can manipulate atmospheric pressure, in combat creates a small ball of incredibly dense air which she feeds to her opponent, then allows it to expand again.
Vitae: Capable of animating any representations of living organisms, however has no control over the organisms personality once it is animated. (Eg. Could turn a statue of an angel into an actual angel but it may try immediately to kill him)**Possibly remove the lack of control on this one, it was just a thought to keep him as a minor Epic**

Some random selection that could be appropriate.

Framework: An Epic capable of controlling skeletal matter, reinforcing his own bones into an indestructible skeleton and creating bone spikes from his arms and legs. The rest of his blood vessels/muscles rearrange around the new bone structure. Can instantly pulverize the skeletons of other human beings with a touch.


Miasma: Can spontaneously create a cloud of purple, lethal gas, with the ability to control it as well. Uses her ability to create toxic, corrosive barriers between locations, and can create near-solid constructs out of the gas.


Threeleaper: A former chess champion with a highly strategic mind. Line-of-sight teleportation, which allows three teleports in a row with a thirty minute cooldown period. Can teleport objects such as swords or daggers directly into the hearts of people.



Those are all off the top of my head. I can try to come up with others, though.

Before Annexation you could achive some effects by giving him powers people haven´t adapeted to yet, for example throwing in the ability to walk through walls. Otherwise offensive powers like laser beams, fire balls or other elemental control and some damage resistance (but not necessarily full invincibility) are always a way to make them powerful and probably enough for a one of backstory Epic.


If you want a following you could potentially throw in gifting, maybe making the power he gives his helpers their payment for the job.


Thank you, all of you. :) I think I'm going to go with walking through walls for sure, and probably another offensive power. 

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