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I don't know how kosher it is with the canon, but I'm definitely adding that to Backtrack's vocabulary. :P

Yayifications to Backtrack´s added vocabulary. Let´s hope no one tries to steal Autumn´s cuteness.


(Extra cookie to whoever gets the reference. ;) )

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Alright, I've finished Ozymandias (hopefully). :unsure: I will post here and on the Epics of Oregon.

Ozymandias (High Epic)
Primary Power: Entropic Decay

Increases the entropy of anything non-living that he touches i.e.: Rots wood instantly, metal rusts, buildings collapse, soda goes flat. He can control this entropic decay.
So basically, his level of control is directly related to his level of concentration. The main focus is through his hands.

More detail about the Primary Power:

I should probably give a better explanation of the Entropic Decay power, though...
It has two parts, General Decay and Specific Decay (I'll have to come up with better names for those...).
General Decay is for taking down buildings. With General, Ozy can touch some large structure or object, like a building, and the entire thing will slowly decay. It will collapse, but it will take some serious time. The key of General Decay is that it refers to the whole of an object and its workings. So Ozy could use General on a gun and the gun would start jamming, rusting, and generally failing. General is much easier to control than Specific.

Specific Decay is for dissolving dice, rocks, gun grips, etc. It is basically the same as General Decay, only more specialized and over a smaller area. It has more do with what exactly Ozy is touching. It is much harder to control, thus it requires more concentration. It also works faster, assuming the concentration can be had. If Ozy wanted to rob a safe, he could just push his hand through the safe door, powdering it, and get the contents in a very short amount of time. Again, concentration is key.

Secondary Power: Speed

He appears as a fast-moving blur to those watching. While Speeding, his vision, mind, and powers speed up as well to comprehend what he is seeing. They remain the same relative to him (and anything he happens to grab), but faster relative to those watching. (This was recently changed)

Passive Ability: Healing Factor

He heals much faster than a normal human. Small injuries heal almost instantaneously, while arms, legs, hair, nails, and teeth take longer to regrow.

Passive Ability: Specific Decay Field

An intense Specific Decay field that instinctively turns on whenever someone or something intentionally makes an action that causes harm to come to Ozy. Bullets dissolve upon touching him, buildings dropped on him get an Ozy-shaped hole burnt through them. (Clothes and shoes are not affected by this XD)(This was also recently changed)

Weakness: PM’d to the GM.

Personality Traits and Other Stuff:

            He likes to wear green shorts, flip-flops, aviators, and mussed-up hair.

As for personality traits, humor, backstory, etc…You’ll see. I’ll add to this post as more becomes available shown in the Dalles.

Again, I sincerely hope this is his last iteration, so please let me know any questions/comments you have soon.

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Secondary Power: Speed

Always available, but it turns on by instinct when someone or something intentionally makes an action that will cause harm to Ozy. As for how fast he can be, use Quicksilver from Days of Future Past as a benchmark.

Now explain this to someone that hasn´t watched that movie.

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I haven't seen the movie either. I just found that clip and my jaw dropped.

*Jaw droppes* *Watches a second time with working brain*

Okay, first of all, watching the little details shows that we actually have an advanced form of time dilation here. (and I´m not just saying that because the movie itself slows down) His interaction with objects like the soup or the knives flying in the air show that other objects also speed up while in his range but slow down again after he´s done with them.


Second, that´s a way more impressive power than his decay ability and coupled with the danger sense easily enough to make him an high Epic, giving that to him all the time together with his other powers seems a bit over the current power scale of the Dalles. (For anyone that wants to dispute this, name anything that could stand against him in the Dalles. Some might be able to survive but that´s it.)

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Second, that´s a way more impressive power than his decay ability and coupled with the danger sense easily enough to make him an high Epic, giving that to him all the time together with his other powers seems a bit over the current power scale of the Dalles. (For anyone that wants to dispute this, name anything that could stand against him in the Dalles. Some might be able to survive but that´s it.)


Glamour blinds him.


Edgerunner prevents him from gaining a solid footing.


Redlight freezes him.


Deathwish goes in for the kill.


That's how The Dalles City Guard would handle his assassination.



I like the character, Inexorable! :) (And I've seen Days of Future Past. Quicksilver was definitely one of my favorite parts of the whole movie.)

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*Jaw droppes* *Watches a second time with working brain*

Okay, first of all, watching the little details shows that we actually have an advanced form of time dilation here. (and I´m not just saying that because the movie itself slows down) His interaction with objects like the soup or the knives flying in the air show that other objects also speed up while in his range but slow down again after he´s done with them.


Second, that´s a way more impressive power than his decay ability and coupled with the danger sense easily enough to make him an high Epic, giving that to him all the time together with his other powers seems a bit over the current power scale of the Dalles. (For anyone that wants to dispute this, name anything that could stand against him in the Dalles. Some might be able to survive but that´s it.)

Something you may be concerned about that I didn't mention is:

Ozymandias can't affect stuff while he's fast. All he can do is go fast, unlike Quicksilver. I realize he would be too overpowered otherwise...

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Glamour blinds him.


Edgerunner prevents him from gaining a solid footing.


Redlight freezes him.


Deathwish goes in for the kill.


That's how The Dalles City Guard would handle his assassination.



I like the character, Inexorable! :) (And I've seen Days of Future Past. Quicksilver was definitely one of my favorite parts of the whole movie.)

Healing factor counters the blinding.


Danger sense allows him to run away before she can do that.


I forgot who Redlight is. :ph34r: (You seem to be laking quite a bit of the Dalles Epics.)




Something you may be concerned about that I didn't mention is:

Ozymandias can't affect stuff while he's fast. All he can do is go fast, unlike Quicksilver. I realize he would be too overpowered otherwise...

That´s slightly less broken.

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Healing factor counters the blinding.


Danger sense allows him to run away before she can do that.


I forgot who Redlight is. :ph34r: (You seem to be laking quite a bit of the Dalles Epics.)




That´s slightly less broken.

If you want me to get rid of either the healing or the speed, I can, but I'd prefer to leave it how it is, with the non-affecting speed.
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If you want me to get rid of either the healing or the speed, I can, but I'd prefer to leave it how it is, with the non-affecting speed.

Thing is with the danger sense he can simply switch bewteen his two powers on the fly and given that both work insanly fast being able to use only one isn´t much of a disadvantage, at least unless using one of his powers also drops out the danger sense.


I forgot who Redlight is. :ph34r: (You seem to be laking quite a bit of the Dalles Epics.)

I meant over in the Epics of Oregon thread by the way.

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I meant over in the Epics of Oregon thread by the way.


I put her in the "Unclaimed/Minor Epics" section. I may add more detail to her and make her a little more major in the future, but until then:


Redlight: A mobility Epic, twenty-three years old and formerly named Rhonda Stick. She is capable of "freezing" up to ten people within her line of sight, preventing them from moving. Targets thus freezed are still capable of speech or using most Epic powers.


After years of having Mayor Vondra refer to her as Ms. Stick, she's really kicking herself for not choosing "Mystic" as her Epic name. Status: Employed by The Dalles City Guard.

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I put her in the "Unclaimed/Minor Epics" section. I may add more detail to her and make her a little more major in the future, but until then:


Redlight: A mobility Epic, twenty-three years old and formerly named Rhonda Stick. She is capable of "freezing" up to ten people within her line of sight, preventing them from moving. Targets thus freezed are still capable of speech or using most Epic powers.


After years of having Mayor Vondra refer to her as Ms. Stick, she's really kicking herself for not choosing "Mystic" as her Epic name. Status: Employed by The Dalles City Guard.

Huh, so that´s where they are, might be more easy to find them is you gave the city guard Epics their own folder.


Alright, one Epic that has powers to especially counter his power. They would still need some kind of energy, explosion or strenght Epic to actually take him out. (Of which I think the only two currently in the Dalles are Shiny Sparkle and Blitz but I´m not entirely sure on that.)

Could Ozymandias pull of an "don´t blink" with his speed?



Maybe if his speed were more like Newton's—extremely fast, but not so fast that the theory of relativity comes into play—he would seem a bit less OP? 

That could also work.

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Thing is with the danger sense he can simply switch bewteen his two powers on the fly and given that both work insanly fast being able to use only one isn´t much of a disadvantage, at least unless using one of his powers also drops out the danger sense.

I meant over in the Epics of Oregon thread by the way.


I could cut out speed and have the intense specific decay field switch on with danger. That way he'll not be fast. I want to keep the healing factor. How's that?

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Maybe if his speed were more like Newton's—extremely fast, but not so fast that the theory of relativity comes into play—he would seem a bit less OP?

Sorry for the double post, but I was ninja'd by three people. What do you mean by this? Edited by inexorablePanda
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Sorry for the double post, but I was ninja'd by three people. What do you mean by this?


She's a somewhat minor character in Firefight. One of her powers is super speed, and although she's extremely fast, she appears as a blur to others. Contrast this with the super speed in the movie Clockstoppers, which is explained by the theory of relativity: Those using the magic-sciency watches are able to move so quickly that others appear to be standing still, and those watching can't see them at all. This seems to be the case with Quicksilver's power, at any rate—he perceives others as motionless, while they are oblivious to his presence. 

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She's a somewhat minor character in Firefight. One of her powers is super speed, and although she's extremely fast, she appears as a blur to others. Contrast this with the super speed in the movie Clockstoppers, which is explained by the theory of relativity: Those using the magic-sciency watches are able to move so quickly that others appear to be standing still, and those watching can't see them at all. This seems to be the case with Quicksilver's power, at any rate—he perceives others as motionless, while they are oblivious to his presence.

Oh, okay. Still haven't read that. Soon.

I like that idea. The super-speed decay makes more sense that way. How 'bout this. His normal Decay powers will obviously work faster relative to bystanders when he uses his speed power, (Newton-type, not Quicksilver-type) but he has no instinctive reaction to danger. However, if he's moving but not superspeeding, and someone shoots him or drops a building on him, his intense Specific Decay field will kick on. His speed will never automatically kick on.

Edited for clarity.

Edited by inexorablePanda
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Let the music glamour you.  :P


I actually worry a bit that Impact is going to overestimate her ability to fly and break something while changing directions.


Oh Backtrack, you might start thinking positiv with MV maybe being your girlfriend and a nice doctor soon taking care of you but little do you know that MV is already alone with another man. Do I smell a triangle.  :ph34r:

That is quite possible, she's never used it to fly before, it's really only good if she slowly accelerates and decelerates, otherwise bones will break. I was thinking something more like tearing a muscle a bit to keep her in action for now but still keep it realistic.

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The army arrived through underground tunnels, dug by giant moles. I'm intending to introduce the said moles in my next RP, surprising and eating some hapless guards.


I thought I'd already answered the second question, but I'll repeat it again. The Panda started the siege wanting to solve it as peacefully as possible. However, due to the lack of response and the dream (which instilled a sudden hate of humanity), Panda decided to end the siege and en mass storm The Dalles.

That makes more sense now, thanks.


If he meets up with Sam and Revolution it can be :P

Well necks are still pretty unguarded, I might change the other one though, thanks for the spot.



Don't forget next to a giant mutant animal army.  :unsure:  Defensively she's still pretty fine but yeah she's not going to be in luck if she runs into any enemy Epics. I was thinking about her running into Elsa so she can get into the story a bit more.

If Elsa doesn't work out, either MV or I pact could continue onto Scribbler and Edgerunner. I don't know what else to do with them besides animal slaughtering.

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If Elsa doesn't work out, either MV or I pact could continue onto Scribbler and Edgerunner. I don't know what else to do with them besides animal slaughtering.


There's always shipping! :P 


…though probably not the two of them together. I'm still holding out for Flashpoint/Edgerunner, by the way.  :angry:  :P

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Oh, okay. Still haven't read that. Soon.

I like that idea. The super-speed decay makes more sense that way. How 'bout this. His normal Decay powers will obviously work faster relative to bystanders when he uses his speed power, (Newton-type, not Quicksilver-type) but he has no instinctive reaction to danger. However, if he's moving but not superspeeding, and someone shoots him or drops a building on him, his intense Specific Decay field will kick on. His speed will never automatically kick on.

Edited for clarity.

Before everyone forgets, what feedback can I get on this? You may need to look back a page for context.

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