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I think we should all join this tradition. Not only is it symbolic of Epics throwing their morality to the wind, but it will give us an excuse to fling Epics around allow for some memorable scenes. :P

I'd support this solely on the grounds that it would result in Nighthhound existing in a state of constant freefall. :P


Lightwards' moral event horizon could be attempting to kick a dog at the top of a flight of stairs, only to miss and fall himself.

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I'd support this solely on the grounds that it would result in Nighthhound existing in a state of constant freefall. :P

Lightwards' moral event horizon could be attempting to kick a dog at the top of a flight of stairs, only to miss and fall himself.

I suppose that means I'll have to have Funtimes build a giant trampoline soon. Especially since she'll be dropping Quota onto it after having a turn. :P

Oh my gosh. THIS MUST HAPPEN. Especially if the dog he attempts to kick is Sam's pug. Instant karma!

Edited by TwiLyghtSansSparkles
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I suppose that means I'll have to have Funtimes build a giant trampoline soon. Especially since she'll be dropping Quota onto it after having a turn. :P

Oh my gosh. THIS MUST HAPPEN. Especially if the dog he attempts to kick is Sam's pug. Instant karma!


Revolution's not allowed to have a turn, since by the new logic spending more than two seconds in the air would trigger Instant Sunburst. :P


Protector Pug. Primary Ability: karmically thwarting Kick the Dog moments. :P

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Revolution's not allowed to have a turn, since by the new logic spending more than two seconds in the air would trigger Instant Sunburst. :P

Protector Pug. Primary Ability: karmically thwarting Kick the Dog moments. :P

Flame on? :P

Here's how it would probably happen:

1. Lightwards sees Protector Pug sleeping at the top of the stairs.

2. He pauses for a long internal monologue about how that idiotic vanilla gets a dog of all things, and she's allowed it because of Funtimes.

3. Realizing Funtimes isn't there, he marches over to the pug and directs a mighty kick at her side--completely forgetting to grab the handrail.

4. He tumbles down the stairs, perhaps violently enough to trigger another resurrection.

5. Protector Pug gazes worriedly down at the fallen necromancer.

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I have just noticed a pattern emerging in my writing, whenever I start corrupting one of my Epics I throw them into the air. First PP falling from the museum and now Impact. I suspect that Strongsteel will decide to go and inspect the tallest buildings in ThoughtTown soon...

There´s also the scene with MV stopping her own, Impact´s and Backtrack´s fall out of the museum.

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Test test for color: so Winter do you want to go? Otherwise my post will boil down to the simple question of "So what has you searching for an Epic to do with Lightwards asking about pre-Calamity Portland?"


Does red work for everyone? It stands out very obviously. I like it. You guys are very quiet today though. What's up?

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Why would we need a third color?

Third? We don't even have one. We brought up having a separate color(like OoC Blue in Elimination) for important things pertaining to the RP or questions about turns and such so that people who skim or don't quite catch up on all the pages we write in this thread can scan for the red to know what is actually important.

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Does red work for everyone? It stands out very obviously. I like it. You guys are very quiet today though. What's up?


Red it is, then! We could have a catchy slogan like "Red gets read" or something or like that. :P


I've been physically and mentally preoccupied today, plus there wasn't much conversation to take part in anyway.


And by "mentally preoccupied," I largely mean "still trying to figure out whether Glamour should play songs from MLP." :P

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Should Glamour play songs from MLP? Why is this even a question, Kobold? :P

Also, if Backtrack didn't already have a surname, I would suggest the saddest author name I glimpsed while shelving books: McPhail. :P


Fair point. :P If he'd been an Epic back during Koschei's rule, he'd have spent the entire regime playing The Living Tombstone's "Discord" behind his back.


Koschei! We can't take it anymore!

So take your tyranny awaaaaaaay....!


That is the saddest name I have ever seen.  :mellow: Almost sad enough to make me want to retcon all instances of the name "Lawrence" in favor it. :P

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Fair point. :P If he'd been an Epic back during Koschei's rule, he'd have spent the entire regime playing The Living Tombstone's "Discord" behind his back.


Koschei! We can't take it anymore!

So take your tyranny awaaaaaaay....!


That is the saddest name I have ever seen.  :mellow: Almost sad enough to make me want to retcon all instances of the name "Lawrence" in favor it. :P

Firefight spoilers

Just have Megan appear and swap him for a version with a different last name but otherwise identical :P

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Firefight spoilers

Just have Megan appear and swap him for a version with a different last name but otherwise identical :P


Lawrence!Backtrack would be very confused and upset about finding himself in a universe where everyone calls him "McPhail" all the time. :P

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Lawrence!Backtrack would be very confused and upset about finding himself in a universe where everyone calls him "McPhail" all the time. :P


McPhail-verse!Reader would have been even more amused by Backtrack than he already was. :P


If McPhail!Backtrack bought or built a boat, I have no idea what he would name it. Not that it would matter. Everyone would call it the Phailboat. 

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McPhail-verse!Reader would have been even more amused by Backtrack than he already was. :P


If McPhail!Backtrack bought or built a boat, I have no idea what he would name it. Not that it would matter. Everyone would call it the Phailboat. 


Is the McPhail-verse where all characters have surnames starting with "Mc" and finishing with a description? Because I'd like to see McGlitter, McSnark, McHippie, McRifle, McServer, and the other inhabitans of this 'verse. :P


I'm pretty sure people would call it that even if in the Lawrence 'verse. :P

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Is the McPhail-verse where all characters have surnames starting with "Mc" and finishing with a description? Because I'd like to see McGlitter, McSnark, McHippie, McRifle, McServer, and the other inhabitans of this 'verse. :P

I'm pretty sure people would call it that even if in the Lawrence 'verse. :P

McMancer, McMother, McAxeman, I like this plan :P

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Is the McPhail-verse where all characters have surnames starting with "Mc" and finishing with a description? Because I'd like to see McGlitter, McSnark, McHippie, McRifle, McServer, and the other inhabitans of this 'verse. :P


I'm pretty sure people would call it that even if in the Lawrence 'verse. :P


So when is he getting a boat? :ph34r:


Edit: Today I learned that this RP changes the way you see the world. The store at the mall called Aldo always makes me glance over my shoulder again, and the Reader section of the library makes me very angry for some reason….

Edited by TwiLyghtSansSparkles
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McMancer, McMother, McAxeman, I like this plan :P


Just one question: is Steelheart McFly, and does he use the expression "this is heavy"? :P


So when is he getting a boat? :ph34r:


Just as soon as he can paddle a rowboat into an Astoria harbor to pathetically challenge the Tidebreaker to ship-to-ship combat. :P

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Unrelated, but I just randomly visited an old Question page, and found Backtrack's bio as I originally posted it.


It's... not really up to date. :P


His name was originally Victor. Huh. Forgot about that. :mellow: 


Am I the only one who finds it ironic that we have nicknamed the former Victor "McPhail"? 

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His name was originally Victor. Huh. Forgot about that. :mellow:


Am I the only one who finds it ironic that we have nicknamed the former Victor "McPhail"? 


Me too, somewhere between the time I wrote that bio and the time I started writing his posts. :mellow: This is why I'm going to need a lot of editors if I ever write a novel. :P


Victor McPhail. That is either the best or the worst protagonist name ever. :P

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