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That's awesome. :D




In a world where a deranged necromancer and a glittering menace threaten to tear society apart at seams, a band of misfit heroes emerge...


Alright, so only Remington only counts as a hero in the villain-stopping sense of the word. But you can bet that Sam and Revolution will mock them at every turn, and Nathan will try desperately to talk some reason into them.


Also, one of them unicycles in a kilt and a Darth Vader mask.


So, okay, they're not really heroes, per se, except for the guy who took out an immortal Epic all by his lonesome. 


But—c'mon. If you don't want to see the movie after watching this trailer, you're probably the most boring person on the planet. 


And we're guessing you don't have a pulse, either. Which is fine. Dead people aren't big theatergoers. 



I learned something today. 


In 2001, a man named Ryan Roberts was accepted to NASA's co-opt program. Although he had always dreamed of going to the moon, he changed his mind when he saw a collection of moon rocks and one from Mars in a locked safe. He fell for an intern, who conspired with him in stealing the moon—which they did several months later. You might ask what sort of heist they pulled off to get a 600-pound moon rock out the door. From what I understand, they just sort of walked out. 




So when he tried to sell the moon rock, it turns out the buyers were undercover FBI agents, because of course they were. The FBI agents Roberts somehow didn't suspect of working for the FBI searched his apartment—and found he had also stolen several fossils from a museum in Utah. 


What is the moral of this story? Lightwards' real name isn't Thomas Cardinal, apparently. That, or he changed it sometime between the year 2001 and Calamity's rise. ;) 

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I was going to, but I was too busy. Maybe this summer. 


Mailliw, would you want to do an Electro post when she's done, or have me do a Timeport post in between?

 depends on how she sets it up. It may be better for me to go first, but we'll see.


Not yet. Thank my professors and the classroom overachievers. <_< I'll have it done by the time I post next in the meeting, though.

okay, cool! Not in a huge hurry or anything.   

Portland post is up. I've gotta admit, I quite enjoy writing Drunk!Lightwards. Far more than when he's somewhat more rational in his evil at other times. :P


Also, Sam may or may not hold onto her fleeting brush with badchullery. I think the most reasonable thing for her to do with that clipboard note right now is to let Remington deliver it to the Reckoners. :P

I enjoyed reading that too. :P

I'm so excited for her! :) One minor thing though, Altermind moved the pen with telekinesis not illusions.

Now that the meeting's almost over, get ready for the MEE in Thoughttown to get wrecked soon. ;)

So, in tonight's episode of The a Flash, there's a character with basically the exact powerset of Frequency, only is is amped up. It was really cool to see. :)

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Okay, so I've gone over the last couple of Timeport and Electro posts. Just so I've got this right: Timeport and Quota are leaving the coffee shop, and Electro headed toward them? They'll presumably meet up in some area halfway between the sites of their respective atrocities, correct? 


Edit: Oh my gosh. I just went to my school's discussion forum, where we've been discussing the strategic plan for the Chicago Public Library, and one of my classmates wondered how the plan appeared to "the average Chicago Joe." 


I don't know which Chicago Joe she's thinking of, but I doubt ours cares much about libraries.  :lol: 

Edited by TwiLyghtSansSparkles
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Okay, so I've gone over the last couple of Timeport and Electro posts. Just so I've got this right: Timeport and Quota are leaving the coffee shop, and Electro headed toward them? They'll presumably meet up in some area halfway between the sites of their respective atrocities, correct? 

Sounds right to me. I'm fine with whatever random atrocity you want them to commit now.

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Sounds right to me. I'm fine with whatever random atrocity you want them to commit now.

Yep, sounds about right. 


Okay, see, the problem here is that you're assuming the bar hasn't been set high enough already. To even come close to what Electro and Timeport just did, Quota will need to sit down to an evening tea of boiled kittens while casually waving the nuclear missile launch codes in front of Timeport's face, then touch off a race to see who can start a nuclear holocaust first. :mellow::P 

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Okay, see, the problem here is that you're assuming the bar hasn't been set high enough already. To even come close to what Electro and Timeport just did, Quota will need to sit down to an evening tea of boiled kittens while casually waving the nuclear missile launch codes in front of Timeport's face, then touch off a race to see who can start a nuclear holocaust first. :mellow::P

Maybe Upgrade happened to take a stroll too..? ;) Not sure how I feel about that.

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Maybe Upgrade happened to take a stroll too..? ;) Not sure how I feel about that.


Maybe? It might help Quota affect Funtimes more strongly when he sees her, but that introduces the problem of Electro, Timeport, and Quota all getting Upgraded right around the same time. :o It's not exactly a future I want to contemplate. 


I'll just wake up early-ish tomorrow and see what inspires me. 

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Maybe? It might help Quota affect Funtimes more strongly when he sees her, but that introduces the problem of Electro, Timeport, and Quota all getting Upgraded right around the same time. :o It's not exactly a future I want to contemplate. 


I'll just wake up early-ish tomorrow and see what inspires me.

...that may have been the point. If we want to raise the bar, Upgrade would definitely help. But it might scar all those who read it. And Portlanders will not be happy.

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...that may have been the point. If we want to raise the bar, Upgrade would definitely help. But it might scar all those who read it. And Portlanders will not be happy.


He definitely would, and adding him to the mix would certainly raise the bar. But I was wondering if Portland would last the night with Upgraded!Timeport, Electro, and Quota. Funny as it would be to see Lightwards step out of the Sadrys' intent on conquering Portland, only to find that his little neighborhood is the only part of town still standing, it doesn't seem the direction we were heading earlier. :P 

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I do kind of doubt Upgrade would just be allowed to wander given how important but also fragile he is.

On another note all of this red text is kind of reminding me of umineko-no-naku-koro-ni if anyone's watched/played it.

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Is that an evil cowgirl Voidgaze?


I learned something today. 


In 2001, a man named Ryan Roberts was accepted to NASA's co-opt program. Although he had always dreamed of going to the moon, he changed his mind when he saw a collection of moon rocks and one from Mars in a locked safe. He fell for an intern, who conspired with him in stealing the moon—which they did several months later. You might ask what sort of heist they pulled off to get a 600-pound moon rock out the door. From what I understand, they just sort of walked out. 




So when he tried to sell the moon rock, it turns out the buyers were undercover FBI agents, because of course they were. The FBI agents Roberts somehow didn't suspect of working for the FBI searched his apartment—and found he had also stolen several fossils from a museum in Utah. 


What is the moral of this story? Lightwards' real name isn't Thomas Cardinal, apparently. That, or he changed it sometime between the year 2001 and Calamity's rise. ;)

:blink::lol: I´m not sure what to say, so I shall just upvote you for that story.


First Frostfire post is up!


Reader is (for now, anyways) free from the pandas. :P


What do you think?

Nice post and Reader has been safed from limbo, so it gets my total approval. Not sure, how I feel about him identifying with his old name that much.

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Nice post and Reader has been safed from limbo, so it gets my total approval. Not sure, how I feel about him identifying with his old name that much.


And Frostfire likes it, for exactly that reason. :P It tends to disconcert other Epics, and put vanillas off their guard. 


In terms of him referring to himself, it depends. Usually, they're pretty well interchangeable, but depending on the situation, he often uses one far more than the other. In the convoy, surrounded by vanillas and having not used his power for several days, he's going to identify far more strongly as Ethan. While he is using his powers fairly heavily, fighting, angry, etc., he refers to himself as Frostfire almost exclusively. If you want to, you could look at it as a particular quirk of the instability generated by his corruption.

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New Nathan/Quota post up. I left it open for word to reach Altermind about the MEE attack while Funtimes is there, if that's what you were planning, and I left Quota's plans up in the air for now. 


Also, with Funtimes, I figured that when her drunkenness got out of control, Altermind would have Intervention sober her up a bit. If he wouldn't, or if he can't, let me know and I'll change it. 

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New Nathan/Quota post up. I left it open for word to reach Altermind about the MEE attack while Funtimes is there, if that's what you were planning, and I left Quota's plans up in the air for now.

Also, with Funtimes, I figured that when her drunkenness got out of control, Altermind would have Intervention sober her up a bit. If he wouldn't, or if he can't, let me know and I'll change it.

Timeport gave Quota Mister Meh's heart. Unless what Quota sent him to do was cut off the hand of some poor soul, that is. Edited by mail-mi
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It was. I'd assumed he'd put the heart down for their stunt at the coffee shop.

And there's still time for Lycra!Lightwards. ;)


Lycra!Lightwards, at this point in time, would result in an all-out Epic brawl on the street. Not necessarily a bad thing, and it'd certainly be entertaining, but I'm afraid it wouldn't quite mesh with our plans as a whole. :P


(The Drunktimes post was awesome, by the way. And I'm wondering just how accurate Funtimes' estimation of the meeting time was.  :ph34r:)

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Lycra!Lightwards, at this point in time, would result in an all-out Epic brawl on the street. Not necessarily a bad thing, and it'd certainly be entertaining, but I'm afraid it wouldn't quite mesh with our plans as a whole. :P

(The Drunktimes post was awesome, by the way. And I'm wondering just how accurate Funtimes' estimation of the meeting time was. :ph34r:)

(As accurate as I could make it, calculating from Lightwards' first post at the Sadrys'. :ph34r:)

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