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A better monarch than Lightwards, Lucentia, Mobius, and Steelheart combined. :D

Those four would combine into one terrible monarch. Think a super grouchy Stalin, who like a mob boss has a penchant for making enemies "disappear," and just might end you if you interrupt one of his hours-long whine fests. :P

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Those four would combine into one terrible monarch. Think a super grouchy Stalin, who like a mob boss has a penchant for making enemies "disappear," and just might end you if you interrupt one of his hours-long whine fests. :P


Steelwardcentius is the king of the world, but especially of first world problems. :P

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Elsa's delicate blue eyes looked down at the girl staring back at her.

"Yes." She said with worried eyes, looking at the girl's stains of blood and dirt. Her voice was with a clear tone.

"It's not too far from here. About a twenty minute walk. Do you need a lift?"

The Snow Queen positioned her arms and a floating snow cloud appeared beneath her feet. "I'm Queen Elsa. Of Arendelle, now of Oregon."


Accepting a ride from a strange Epic: a bad idea.


Accepting a ride from a strange Epic who suffers the delusion that she's Queen Elsa of Arendelle: a REALLY bad idea. :P

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Accepting a ride from a strange Epic: a bad idea.

Accepting a ride from a strange Epic who suffers the delusion that she's Queen Elsa of Arendelle: a REALLY bad idea. :P

What, are you too good to accept a ride from a delusional Epic who probably killed a dozen people before breakfast? Next thing you know, you'll be expecting her to have some fancy-pants "driver's license" and some big-city "clean driving record."

Pansy. :P

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What, are you too good to accept a ride from a delusional Epic who probably killed a dozen people before breakfast? Next thing you know, you'll be expecting her to have some fancy-pants "driver's license" and some big-city "clean driving record."

Pansy. :P


You know what I admire about pansies?


Their life expectancy. :P

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Let's see, life span of a pansy is a year, maybe less....

Yeah, still longer than someone who asks a delusional Epic for a ride to the store. :P


Remington Springfield once blew his nose on a delusional Epic's cape. Said Epic told him "Gesundheit" before hurrying on his way.



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You guys mind if I write the occasional Mastermind post in L.A.? It'll really just be a mu-ha-ha-ha evil villain hideout location. Winter decided that she didn't want him.


I like that idea.


Lightsworn, I'm almost done with a Vondra post now. Could you hold off on a Panda scene until I post it? If you've already gotten one written, then don't worry, but I'd like to engage Panda in the air before he gets started on the next phase of the invasion.

Edited by Kobold King
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Lightsworn, I could possibly write a vanilla guard character if you let me know the basics about what you want for cannon fodder in a PM.


Sure! I'm always welcome for cannon fodder!


I can agree with that to an extent, like not needing to figure out the exact genetic changes needed for pigs to grow wings but rather just thinking 'grow wings' but something like a virus is a bit different, symptoms of virus' are secondary effects of changes in the cell structure of the virus itself, I just don't find it likely that he could think 'turn into a zombie-virus' and his power would accurately change the structure of the virus in the thousand different ways necessary, it's just not specific enough. Now if he directly altered the people himself I can absolutely believe he could turn them into zombies, albeit of a non-infectious variety.


We havr rpics here that can change objects into buses at will. I think creating a zombie-virus wouldn't be that hard. Also, it's not the type that brings people back from the the dead. It's the sort that gives people an unsatisfiable hunger for flesh and blows away all consciousness, including the threshold for pain.


Pigs: acted on mental command, precise enough to fly in formation and head towards a specific location

Squirrels: raging

pandas: act like people but according to Reader´s reading completely mind raped

Other stuff: unknown


Well, he pulled almost the same reasoning on Sightline. He´s quite the admirable man.


You can put the the other animals as enraged.


Ouch. Getting shot by an entire helicopter's armaments must hurt. Pandas have feelings too, Kobold.


I should have a RP up, sometime before the next week (Yes, I know I take forever to write RP)  <_<

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We havr rpics here that can change objects into buses at will. I think creating a zombie-virus wouldn't be that hard. Also, it's not the type that brings people back from the the dead. It's the sort that gives people an unsatisfiable hunger for flesh and blows away all consciousness, including the threshold for pain.


That is a very good point, but here's the thing: all Epics have limitations, and the Panda's bio is a little foggy on what his limits are. Controlling an animal's body or brain is one thing, but controlling organic molecules on a viral scale is quite another. It's as big a leap as if Steelheart could suddenly turn people to steel just by looking at them, or if Curveball could launch nuclear missiles out of handguns. When discussing the anatomy of an animal and the construction of a virus, we're talking about two very different scales of precision.


Is it possible? That's up for you and the GM to decide. But there are very good reasons for other members' surprise in this. What are the upper limits for Panda's organic control?



Ouch. Getting shot by an entire helicopter's armaments must hurt. Pandas have feelings too, Kobold.


I should have a RP up, sometime before the next week (Yes, I know I take forever to write RP)  <_<


Sir: you are no panda. :P


You're much quicker than I am, if it's any consolation. I look forward to seeing how the Panda survives and utterly curbstomps the helicopter. Getting beaten up is half the fun in this game. :P

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We havr rpics here that can change objects into buses at will. I think creating a zombie-virus wouldn't be that hard. Also, it's not the type that brings people back from the the dead. It's the sort that gives people an unsatisfiable hunger for flesh and blows away all consciousness, including the threshold for pain.

The thing about viruses, though, is that they're a very specialized branch of medical knowledge. People spend their careers studying existing viruses just to learn how the flu might mutate this year; creating an entirely new virus would be a lifetime acheivement (albeit a dubious one) for many. If the Panda's motif was viruses and bacteria, it wouldn't be hard to swallow, but his thing so far has been cloning, which is itself a very specialized and speculative branch of medicine. That he has mastered both in the time he's been an Epic is a little farfetched to me.

Not only that, but getting an army of pandas to take over a city is a pretty remarkable acheivement on its own. It already presents endless opportunities for the Panda to show off his might, so why is the virus necessary?

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The thing about viruses, though, is that they're a very specialized branch of medical knowledge. People spend their careers studying existing viruses just to learn how the flu might mutate this year; creating an entirely new virus would be a lifetime acheivement (albeit a dubious one) for many. If the Panda's motif was viruses and bacteria, it wouldn't be hard to swallow, but his thing so far has been cloning, which is itself a very specialized and speculative branch of medicine. That he has mastered both in the time he's been an Epic is a little farfetched to me.

Not only that, but getting an army of pandas to take over a city is a pretty remarkable acheivement on its own. It already presents endless opportunities for the Panda to show off his might, so why is the virus necessary?


That sums up my thoughts entirely. The virus is both a little farfetched and unnecessary. The Panda's a terrific antagonist already; does he really need another trick up his figurative sleeve? At a certain point we risk becoming unnecessarily convoluted, if we add layers upon layers of separate organic threats to The Dalles.


And I'll stress again that I love the Panda. I hope it doesn't sound like I don't, with all the nitpicking; I look forward to every post from you, Lightsworn. :)



Kobold: that was awesome :D

It beats pretty much everything I've written ;)


Thanks! :D I'll admit to have felt pretty awkward about that particular post, so it's good to hear someone liked it.


Don't devalue your own writing, though. You're a spectacularly, consistently great writer yourself. :)

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That sums up my thoughts entirely. The virus is both a little farfetched and unnecessary. The Panda's a terrific antagonist already; does he really need another trick up his figurative sleeve? At a certain point we risk becoming unnecessarily convoluted, if we add layers upon layers of separate organic threats to The Dalles.

And I'll stress again that I love the Panda. I hope it doesn't sound like I don't, with all the nitpicking; I look forward to every post from you, Lightsworn. :)

Thanks! :D I'll admit to have felt pretty awkward about that particular post, so it's good to hear someone liked it.

Don't devalue your own writing, though. You're a spectacularly, consistently great writer yourself. :)

Why thank you :D. I am pretty good at writing...

1. Deranged, axe-crazy, sociopathic teleporters

2. Wine-addicted slontzes of the highest degree and

3. Constantly and consistently complaining grown men

...if I do say so myself ;).

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Why thank you :D. I am pretty good at writing...

1. Deranged, axe-crazy, sociopathic teleporters

2. Wine-addicted slontzes of the highest degree and

3. Constantly and consistently complaining grown men

...if I do say so myself ;).

It's true. When is learned you were still a teen, I was surprised. The quality of your character development and writing is far above what I've seen from a lot of teens.

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Why thank you :D. I am pretty good at writing...

1. Deranged, axe-crazy, sociopathic teleporters

2. Wine-addicted slontzes of the highest degree and

3. Constantly and consistently complaining grown men

...if I do say so myself ;).


Well, my attempt at creating a complete monster ended up as a sad middle-aged man in a green bowler hat who spends most of his time ranting internally, so you're definitely better at writing villains than I am. :P



It's true. When is learned you were still a teen, I was surprised. The quality of your character development and writing is far above what I've seen from a lot of teens.


Yeah, most teens don't write half as well as you do. The 17th Shard has a lot of awesome teenage writers, and many of them are in this RP.


I'm pretty sure most Oregon RPers are in their teens or early twenties, actually.

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Well, my attempt at creating a complete monster ended up as a sad middle-aged man in a green bowler hat who spends most of his time ranting internally, so you're definitely better at writing villains than I am. :P

Yeah, most teens don't write half as well as you do. The 17th Shard has a lot of awesome teenage writers, and many of them are in this RP.

I'm pretty sure most Oregon RPers are in their teens or early twenties, actually.

A sad middle aged man with no qualms against killing random bystanders to make himself feel better for not getting cooler powers. I'd say Lightwards is pretty bad. :mellow:

It's true. The sheer number of talented teenage writers in this RP makes me want to dig up everything I wrote before I turned twenty...and burn it in a bonfire over which many marshmallows shall be toasted. ;)

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