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A sad middle aged man with no qualms against killing random bystanders to make himself feel better for not getting cooler powers. I'd say Lightwards is pretty bad. :mellow:

It's true. The sheer number of talented teenage writers in this RP makes me want to dig up everything I wrote before I turned twenty...and burn it in a bonfire over which many marshmallows shall be toasted. ;)


Oh, he's evil all right. But the standard for evil has been raised considerably since I joined. There are monsters like Timeport, Quota, and Electro running around now, and they make Lightwards look like a grouchy old man yelling for people to get off his lawn.


I also keep kicking myself for setting his zombie limit so low. Looking at the Panda and Ozymandias and all those Astoria characters, it's becoming increasingly clear that there's no way Lightwards could hold on to any sort of empire in Oregon. :mellow: But what's done is done, I suppose.


I get the feeling I'll feel the same way about my writing in a year or so. Half the stuff I've written in this RP already looks dumb and melodramatic to me. :mellow: On the bright side, your sage advice will prompt me to stock up on marshmallows. :P

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Oh, he's evil all right. But the standard for evil has been raised considerably since I joined. There are monsters like Timeport, Quota, and Electro running around now, and they make Lightwards look like a grouchy old man yelling for people to get off his lawn.


I also keep kicking myself for setting his zombie limit so low. Looking at the Panda and Ozymandias and all those Astoria characters, it's becoming increasingly clear that there's no way Lightwards could hold on to any sort of empire in Oregon. :mellow: But what's done is done, I suppose.


I get the feeling I'll feel the same way about my writing in a year or so. Half the stuff I've written in this RP already looks dumb and melodramatic to me. :mellow: On the bright side, your sage advice will prompt me to stock up on marshmallows. :P


"You kids get off my lawn!" 


"I'm not on your lawn!" Funtimes touched the tip of her shoe to the border of the grass. "Now I am. No I'm not. Now I am. No I'm not." 


Lightwards hefted an AK-47 onto his shoulder. "Get off my lawn or I'll open fire!" 


"Yeah, good luck with that," Remington said through the speaker of his tank.


Funny, I have the opposite problem. I didn't mean to make Funtimes as powerful as I did….and you'd be surprised how much time I spend thinking of ways to nerf her. :mellow: I'm currently thinking she's only able to manipulate matter within a close range, and that the number of people she can take with her shrinks with the distance they travel. So evacuating all of Oregon to the Yukon Territory would be out of the question, as would turning an entire battlefield into tar. 


Why do you think I hate rereading my old posts? :P But yes, marshmallows are good. Buy the kosher ones. They don't have food coloring in them. (Which I only care about because I happen to be allergic to food coloring. Weird allergy, I know.) 

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It's true. When is learned you were still a teen, I was surprised. The quality of your character development and writing is far above what I've seen from a lot of teens.



Well, my attempt at creating a complete monster ended up as a sad middle-aged man in a green bowler hat who spends most of his time ranting internally, so you're definitely better at writing villains than I am. :P




Yeah, most teens don't write half as well as you do. The 17th Shard has a lot of awesome teenage writers, and many of them are in this RP.


I'm pretty sure most Oregon RPers are in their teens or early twenties, actually.


Thanks you guys :D :D



I thought I was the only teen here who liked the RP stuff! mail-mi is two days older than me...


Whoa! July 30th? 

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"You kids get off my lawn!" 


"I'm not on your lawn!" Funtimes touched the tip of her shoe to the border of the grass. "Now I am. No I'm not. Now I am. No I'm not." 


Lightwards hefted an AK-47 onto his shoulder. "Get off my lawn or I'll open fire!" 


"Yeah, good luck with that," Remington said through the speaker of his tank.


Funny, I have the opposite problem. I didn't mean to make Funtimes as powerful as I did….and you'd be surprised how much time I spend thinking of ways to nerf her. :mellow: I'm currently thinking she's only able to manipulate matter within a close range, and that the number of people she can take with her shrinks with the distance they travel. So evacuating all of Oregon to the Yukon Territory would be out of the question, as would turning an entire battlefield into tar. 


Why do you think I hate rereading my old posts? :P But yes, marshmallows are good. Buy the kosher ones. They don't have food coloring in them. (Which I only care about because I happen to be allergic to food coloring. Weird allergy, I know.) 


I'd ask why Remington Springfield has a tank, but... he's Remington Springfield. B):P


I still don't think Doctor Funtimes is overpowered. She's definitely powerful, but not remotely gamebreakingly so. And it's not as if she were an Oregonian Steelheart, both completely invincible and set on world domination. She's a quirky, wacky character who's hard to take in a fair fight; there's really nothing wrong with that.


And as I've said before, practically anyone at the Sadry meeting right now could assassinate her in a heartbeat. Even Lightwards, if I allowed him he thought of it. She has no prime invincibility, she's very easily distracted, and she has a tendency to annoy powerful Epics. That makes her more than a little vulnerable.  :ph34r:


I'm allergic to gluten, and several of my close family members have recently been discovered to be lactose intolerant. There are definitely worse allergies to have.

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I thought I was the only teen here who liked the RP stuff! mail-mi is two days older than me...

My age varies between 5 and 85 most of the time :P But technically I'm 22.



We havr rpics here that can change objects into buses at will. I think creating a zombie-virus wouldn't be that hard. Also, it's not the type that brings people back from the the dead. It's the sort that gives people an unsatisfiable hunger for flesh and blows away all consciousness, including the threshold for pain.

Sorry to keep harping on about it, I'm just a very nitpicky person when it comes to certain things, particularly since I'm a bio student.

The differences are that firstly Busdrivers entire power is turning things into busses, Pandas power is biological alteration, while I can see how is power would filter his intent into its creation I really only think that works on the organism he's altering, he shouldn't be able to for example think to a panda Become something capable of beating Steelheart and then that Panda loses all its capacity for fear. It should filter to the organism he's altering, not be able to change it in such a way that it changes other things.

Secondly a bus is infinitely less complex than even the simplest living organisms.

I guess I just feel that it's taking the Pandas abilities a step further than they were described and that it's actually insanely OP if you think about it, an Epic with the power to manufacture diseases would unquestionably be one of the most powerful Epics in the world, he could level cities even faster than Obliteration, give immunity to himself and his own army and just watch the world slowly destroy itself and that's without adding any mind-altering effects like a zombie virus.

Which is it's own point, although I love the zombie apocalypse as a genre, realistically a zombie outbreak is near impossible to reach apocalyptic levels, it could infect maybe 10 people before they'd all be killed. Particularly in a city already as militarized as the Dalles.

Again I really love the Panda and I like him as a character, I just think he doesn't need things like zombie virus' or giant pandas to stay a viable enemy. I'd really like to see a clever scientist really interested in preserving his army, maybe recalling all his Pandas once they started being defeated, analyzing all the powers they've been up against and altering them to specifically counter certain Epics.

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I'd ask why Remington Springfield has a tank, but... he's Remington Springfield. B):P


I still don't think Doctor Funtimes is overpowered. She's definitely powerful, but not remotely gamebreakingly so. And it's not as if she were an Oregonian Steelheart, both completely invincible and set on world domination. She's a quirky, wacky character who's hard to take in a fair fight; there's really nothing wrong with that.


And as I've said before, practically anyone at the Sadry meeting right now could assassinate her in a heartbeat. Even Lightwards, if I allowed him he thought of it. She has no prime invincibility, she's very easily distracted, and she has a tendency to annoy powerful Epics. That makes her more than a little vulnerable.  :ph34r:


I'm allergic to gluten, and several of my close family members have recently been discovered to be lactose intolerant. There are definitely worse allergies to have.


He's also in a tank, so no funny business. :P


All of this is true. Well, the "easily distracted" part is only true when she's not angry about anything at the moment. :ph34r: Still, I worry sometimes. It's what I do. :P I know she's a heavy hitter, but I don't want her to be wipe-out-all-invading-armies-with-a-single-dance-move powerful. 


Yikes. That must suck. Yeah, I'm okay as long as I stick to homemade or something with "all-natural" on the label. 


My age varies between 5 and 85 most of the time :P But technically I'm 22.



Sorry to keep harping on about it, I'm just a very nitpicky person when it comes to certain things, particularly since I'm a bio student.

The differences are that firstly Busdrivers entire power is turning things into busses, Pandas power is biological alteration, while I can see how is power would filter his intent into its creation I really only think that works on the organism he's altering, he shouldn't be able to for example think to a panda Become something capable of beating Steelheart and then that Panda loses all its capacity for fear. It should filter to the organism he's altering, not be able to change it in such a way that it changes other things.

Secondly a bus is infinitely less complex than even the simplest living organisms.

I guess I just feel that it's taking the Pandas abilities a step further than they were described and that it's actually insanely OP if you think about it, an Epic with the power to manufacture diseases would unquestionably be one of the most powerful Epics in the world, he could level cities even faster than Obliteration, give immunity to himself and his own army and just watch the world slowly destroy itself and that's without adding any mind-altering effects like a zombie virus.

Which is it's own point, although I love the zombie apocalypse as a genre, realistically a zombie outbreak is near impossible to reach apocalyptic levels, it could infect maybe 10 people before they'd all be killed. Particularly in a city already as militarized as the Dalles.

Again I really love the Panda and I like him as a character, I just think he doesn't need things like zombie virus' or giant pandas to stay a viable enemy. I'd really like to see a clever scientist really interested in preserving his army, maybe recalling all his Pandas once they started being defeated, analyzing all the powers they've been up against and altering them to specifically counter certain Epics.


22? Wow, now I feel like an old fart. :P 


And adding onto what Voidus said: The Panda can transform living beings into pandas in a very short period of time, without requiring skin contact or their consent. That's more powerful even than Slaughterhouse, one of Kobold's backstory Epics who needs to touch his victims to transform them. Even without the ability to give himself wings, or create flying pigs and killer squirrels, the Panda could simply walk down the street, transforming passersby left and right, and by the time they opened fire on him, he could just order the soldiers' former loved ones to go on a suicide run and end the attack before it began. If he now has the ability to create a new and terrifying virus, what's stopping him from heading over to Newcago and threatening to murder every one of Steelheart's subjects if his demands aren't met? What's to stop him from doing the same thing in city after city until the Fractured States become Pandatopia? 


I love the Panda as a character. He's wild and wacky, and his devotion to the Radiant Panda—gah, you have no idea how much I laughed at "NOW GO AND BRING FORTH THE GLORIOUS PANDA REVOLUTION!" I just worry that the lack of an upper limit will stretch credulity. 

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He's also in a tank, so no funny business. :P


All of this is true. Well, the "easily distracted" part is only true when she's not angry about anything at the moment. :ph34r: Still, I worry sometimes. It's what I do. :P I know she's a heavy hitter, but I don't want her to be wipe-out-all-invading-armies-with-a-single-dance-move powerful. 


Yikes. That must suck. Yeah, I'm okay as long as I stick to homemade or something with "all-natural" on the label. 



22? Wow, now I feel like an old fart. :P


I don't know if I'd mind if my character's army got wiped out by Funtimes' dancing. The RP's meta goal is entertainment, and I don't think you can get more entertaining than Funtimes defending her own through the Power of Dance. :P


I haven't had gluten in so long that I don't even think of it. Going without milk is still new and annoying for me, but I'll get over it.


I mean, I've eaten grasshoppers I've found in my garden before. It's not like I'm going to starve. :P



25 isn't that old at all. You're still young, hip, and groovy. In that order.


I'd add more to the Panda discussion, but you and Voidus have pretty much summed up my thoughts on the matter.

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I don't know if I'd mind if my character's army got wiped out by Funtimes' dancing. The RP's meta goal is entertainment, and I don't think you can get more entertaining than Funtimes defending her own through the Power of Dance. :P

I haven't had gluten in so long that I don't even think of it. Going without milk is still new and annoying for me, but I'll get over it.

I mean, I've eaten grasshoppers I've found in my garden before. It's not like I'm going to starve. :P

25 isn't that old at all. You're still young, hip, and groovy. In that order.

I'd add more to the Panda discussion, but you and Voidus have pretty much summed up my thoughts on the matter.

I'm picturing Nathan, restrained by zombies on all sides, shouting to the heavens: "DOCTOR! DO WHAT YOU WERE BORN TO DO! DANCE!!!!"

...it's pretty entertaining. :D

Yeah, it was that way when I had to stop eating Skittles. But I found better organic alternatives, so it's all good.

....dare I ask? :P

Thanks. :) It's just weird, going from being the youngest in most RPs to being maybe the oldest.

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I'm picturing Nathan, restrained by zombies on all sides, shouting to the heavens: "DOCTOR! DO WHAT YOU WERE BORN TO DO! DANCE!!!!"

...it's pretty entertaining. :D

Yeah, it was that way when I had to stop eating Skittles. But I found better organic alternatives, so it's all good.

....dare I ask? :P

Thanks. :) It's just weird, going from being the youngest in most RPs to being maybe the oldest.

I'm game for canonizing that if you are. :P

Grasshoppers. Fried in butter with assorted vegetables. Lightly salted. Surprisingly good; honestly, grasshoppers don't seem to have a taste of their own. They seem to take on the flavor of whatever they're cooked with, so I've been meaning to fry some with bacon.

No problem. Its just part of growing up, I suppose. Personally I look forward to the day when I can justifiably call most of the people around me "youngsters." :P

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No problem. Its just part of growing up, I suppose. Personally I look forward to the day when I can justifiably call most of the people around me "youngsters." :P

<Already does this to people several years older :P

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I'm game for canonizing that if you are. :P

Grasshoppers. Fried in butter with assorted vegetables. Lightly salted. Surprisingly good; honestly, grasshoppers don't seem to have a taste of their own. They seem to take on the flavor of whatever they're cooked with, so I've been meaning to fry some with bacon.

No problem. Its just part of growing up, I suppose. Personally I look forward to the day when I can justifiably call most of the people around me "youngsters." :P


I have a few songs in mind already. :P 


…you know, grasshoppers are a somewhat popular snack item here in Arizona, but I've never tried them. Partly because all the prepared grasshoppers I've come across have had varying types of food coloring and/or flavors in their seasonings. <_< (It's kind of amazing what companies will put food coloring into. Some pizza chains even put Blue 1 into their dough. Apparently, just a tiny bit makes it look whiter?) 

But yeah, sometimes I think it's an evil Liebrarian conspiracy to keep me from trying tasty things. :P



<Already does this to people several years older :P


I'd consider doing that….but considering I go to a church where my parents are the "cute young couple with the kids," it probably wouldn't work. <_<

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I don't know if I'd mind if my character's army got wiped out by Funtimes' dancing. The RP's meta goal is entertainment, and I don't think you can get more entertaining than Funtimes defending her own through the Power of Dance. :P


I haven't had gluten in so long that I don't even think of it. Going without milk is still new and annoying for me, but I'll get over it.


I mean, I've eaten grasshoppers I've found in my garden before. It's not like I'm going to starve. :P



25 isn't that old at all. You're still young, hip, and groovy. In that order.


I'd add more to the Panda discussion, but you and Voidus have pretty much summed up my thoughts on the matter.


Yeah...25 isn't old. I'm 25, and I'm not old. (I meant it when I said that I'd been working on Edassa for a decade - it's actually more than that now)


And on the subject of burning all of my teenage writing - well, all of my fiction from before 20 or so is never going to see the light of day, but some of my writing assignments for high school English classes weren't half bad. And my Honors Thesis on string theory that I wrote for my Associate's Degree is something I don't cringe to read through again (I cringe leading up to it, then read it, then think - that really wasn't all that bad. It even had a few really good points.) But all of the fiction can join yours on the bonfire.


Ooh!!! We should all have a teenage fiction bonfire burning party!


EDIT: And my wife has celiac disease, so we eat gluten free (except for when I can get my hands on some Chex mix...)

Edited by Seonid
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Yeah...25 isn't old. I'm 25, and I'm not old. (I meant it when I said that I'd been working on Edassa for a decade - it's actually more than that now)


And on the subject of burning all of my teenage writing - well, all of my fiction from before 20 or so is never going to see the light of day, but some of my writing assignments for high school English classes weren't half bad. And my Honors Thesis on string theory that I wrote for my Associate's Degree is something I don't cringe to read through again (I cringe leading up to it, then read it, then think - that really wasn't all that bad. It even had a few really good points.) But all of the fiction can join yours on the bonfire.


Ooh!!! We should all have a teenage fiction bonfire burning party!


EDIT: And my wife has celiac disease, so we eat gluten free (except for when I can get my hands on some Chex mix...)


Dang. I've spent the past ten years bouncing around from idea to idea, so that's impressive. And if the detailed worldbuilding I've glimpsed during my peeks into the Edassa thread are any indication, it looks like your dedication is paying off. 


But yay, another twentysomething! 


I put the first novel I ever wrote, The Legeand of the Black Diamond (yes, the misspelling was mine; no, I didn't catch it until I started typing it up into a Word doc) through the shredder. Other half-finished LOTR ripoffs like Renegade Sorceress were given similar treatment. I could probably still find my notes from the latter one, though, and I think I still have a Mary Sue superhero story floating in a drawer somewhere that we could use as fuel. Oh! And I'll dig up some opinion pieces I wrote for the school paper! This will be quite the bonfire. 


(Edit: I forgot to mention the best part: The heroine of Legeand was given my name…spelled backward. And her instalove interest was named Kaland. Yeah.) 


My whole family eats additive-free, but my brother occasionally buys a bag of Skittles.  

Edited by TwiLyghtSansSparkles
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The thing about viruses, though, is that they're a very specialized branch of medical knowledge. People spend their careers studying existing viruses just to learn how the flu might mutate this year; creating an entirely new virus would be a lifetime acheivement (albeit a dubious one) for many. If the Panda's motif was viruses and bacteria, it wouldn't be hard to swallow, but his thing so far has been cloning, which is itself a very specialized and speculative branch of medicine. That he has mastered both in the time he's been an Epic is a little farfetched to me.

Not only that, but getting an army of pandas to take over a city is a pretty remarkable acheivement on its own. It already presents endless opportunities for the Panda to show off his might, so why is the virus necessary?


The Panda's is limited by science and his imagination.


It's a last ditch plan. Perhaps I could scratch that idea too, in favor of creating a new Epic in The Panda's army: Siren.


Epic Name: Siren


Gender: Male


Primary Power: Deathsinger


Whenever Siren sings, people (and animals) die, Epic or not.  The area of effect and time taken to die depends on the song Siren is singing. A pop song would have an area of effect the size of a circle with a 10 metre radius, and would have a kill time of 3 or less seconds (although Siren can prolong the kill time for the sadistic pleasure of watching people slowly dying), while a requiem would have a city-wide kill-range, but would require the entire song to be sung (and a requiem generally lasts for an hour). While the song is being sung, people inside the area of effect will begin to wither, and may become overcome with bouts of pain, and will even begin to rot just before their time of demise. Epics are affected by Siren's songs the same way a vanilla would be. Interrupting the sung will avert death, but the damage done will remain. People with a strong sense of determination or is unnaturally attached to living or achieving a goal can cling to life longer than an ordinary person would.


After death, a miasma of energy leaves the victim's body (some would call this their "soul") and is absorbed by Siren. These "souls" can be drawn upon later by Siren when he sings again, and can be manipulated by him as he sings. These souls have the denseness of water vapour, but can apply many kilotons of pressure.


Secondary Power: Costume-materialization


Siren manifests the costume/clothes of the original singer of the song he is singing (regardless of whether he wants to or not). Can be a bit awkward when he sings the songs of a female pop singer.


Appearance: Siren is a tall, gaunt man of unknown Caucasian descent, and is starting to bald. His most remarkable feature are his harrowing eyes, which are unusually dark and glows with a strange energy.


Yes, Siren is inspired by Karthus from League of Legends. Pls dont sue me, Rito. 




That sums up my thoughts entirely. The virus is both a little farfetched and unnecessary. The Panda's a terrific antagonist already; does he really need another trick up his figurative sleeve? At a certain point we risk becoming unnecessarily convoluted, if we add layers upon layers of separate organic threats to The Dalles.


And I'll stress again that I love the Panda. I hope it doesn't sound like I don't, with all the nitpicking; I look forward to every post from you, Lightsworn. :)




Thanks! :D I'll admit to have felt pretty awkward about that particular post, so it's good to hear someone liked it.


Don't devalue your own writing, though. You're a spectacularly, consistently great writer yourself. :)



I'm actually going to cry now. Thank you, Kobold.  :wacko:


It's true. When is learned you were still a teen, I was surprised. The quality of your character development and writing is far above what I've seen from a lot of teens.


I actually might be the Youngest Sharder here.  <_<

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I thought I was the only teen here who liked the RP stuff! mail-mi is two days older than me...

I'm a yearish older than Mail-mi, Joe is a month older than me, and Kobold's a year older than I am. The oldest is likely Twi, maybe Edge.


I would not be against this :P

My recent stuff is okay. Early teens and tweens. UGH! :P 



I actually might be the Youngest Sharder here.  <_<

Really? Younger than 16? I know there's at least two that age.

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By youngest sharder, do you mean in this RP? Or in the Forum? Cause I know a 13 year old Sharder.


EDIT: Mailliw, I'm about half way through the Reckoners post. What did I need to say to max?

Really? The youngest I know is Ash and he just turned 14 I think.


Umm, I can't remember exactly. Something to set it up so that he can present his plan to the rest of the cell.

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Really? Younger than 16? I know there's at least two that age.


There's people younger than 16 on this forum?


Yeah...25 isn't old. I'm 25, and I'm not old. (I meant it when I said that I'd been working on Edassa for a decade - it's actually more than that now)


And on the subject of burning all of my teenage writing - well, all of my fiction from before 20 or so is never going to see the light of day, but some of my writing assignments for high school English classes weren't half bad. And my Honors Thesis on string theory that I wrote for my Associate's Degree is something I don't cringe to read through again (I cringe leading up to it, then read it, then think - that really wasn't all that bad. It even had a few really good points.) But all of the fiction can join yours on the bonfire.


Ooh!!! We should all have a teenage fiction bonfire burning party!


EDIT: And my wife has celiac disease, so we eat gluten free (except for when I can get my hands on some Chex mix...)


Ugh. Early teenage fiction. Another bad memory I've tried to bury.  <_<


So, uh, any opinions on Siren?

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Firefight spoilers:

Refills weakness used to be just because he hated his job, I've tried to change it so that it was a representation of his fear that he'd never go anywhere in life, I didn't want to change it too much but I think it worked out pretty well.


Siren sounds good but I don't know about the range you've set up. Again an Epic who can kill an entire city like that is a bit OP, particularly for the Dalles. Even with the limitation that it takes over an hour, Obliteration, one of the most powerful, destructive Epics in the Fractured States takes days to be able to destroy a city and he at least needs to be out in the open to gather sunlight and he starts glowing like the sun so he's pretty easy to spot.
Siren could just hide in a room somewhere and slowly kill everyone.

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Ah, I forgot to add that people who are within Siren's area of effect can clearly hear him, regardless of their distance from him, and can also find their way towards him through sense of hearing. Generally, the older and more haunting a song is, the wider its range and the longer duration needed to kill is.

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Accepting a ride from a strange Epic: a bad idea.


Accepting a ride from a strange Epic who suffers the delusion that she's Queen Elsa of Arendelle: a REALLY bad idea. :P

Don´t forget, what said Epic said could be interpreted as a declaration that she wants to conquer Oregon. :ph34r:


You guys mind if I write the occasional Mastermind post in L.A.? It'll really just be a mu-ha-ha-ha evil villain hideout location. Winter decided that she didn't want him.

Not me, although he would need some kind of reason for his involvment being about a thousand miles away.



Sir: you are no panda. :P


You're much quicker than I am, if it's any consolation. I look forward to seeing how the Panda survives and utterly curbstomps the helicopter. Getting beaten up is half the fun in this game. :P

I dunno, the helicopter definetly had better ranged capabileties and shouldn´t stand back in mobility either, so I don´t exactly see the Panda curbstombing it.


Why thank you :D. I am pretty good at writing...

1. Deranged, axe-crazy, sociopathic teleporters

2. Wine-addicted slontzes of the highest degree and

3. Constantly and consistently complaining grown men

...if I do say so myself ;).

You´re good at that. Timeport might actually start giving Nighthound a run for his money, concerning random slaughters. :unsure::ph34r:

(This was meant as a compliment to your skills by the way.)


I don't know if I'd mind if my character's army got wiped out by Funtimes' dancing. The RP's meta goal is entertainment, and I don't think you can get more entertaining than Funtimes defending her own through the Power of Dance. :P

It is wonderful to imagine. Lightwards going all "What is she doing!" and Nathan responding, "She´s winning."


I'm a yearish older than Mail-mi, Joe is a month older than me, and Kobold's a year older than I am. The oldest is likely Twi, maybe Edge.

I... I posted a picture of my birthday cake with a 20 on it just three weeks ago. :(  :P  Joking aside, I´m really twenty, so definetly not the oldest here.


The Panda's is limited by science and his imagination.


It's a last ditch plan. Perhaps I could scratch that idea too, in favor of creating a new Epic in The Panda's army: Siren.


Epic Name: Siren


Gender: Male


Primary Power: Deathsinger


Whenever Siren sings, people (and animals) die, Epic or not.  The area of effect and time taken to die depends on the song Siren is singing. A pop song would have an area of effect the size of a circle with a 10 metre radius, and would have a kill time of 3 or less seconds (although Siren can prolong the kill time for the sadistic pleasure of watching people slowly dying), while a requiem would have a city-wide kill-range, but would require the entire song to be sung (and a requiem generally lasts for an hour). While the song is being sung, people inside the area of effect will begin to wither, and may become overcome with bouts of pain, and will even begin to rot just before their time of demise. Epics are affected by Siren's songs the same way a vanilla would be. Interrupting the sung will avert death, but the damage done will remain. People with a strong sense of determination or is unnaturally attached to living or achieving a goal can cling to life longer than an ordinary person would.


After death, a miasma of energy leaves the victim's body (some would call this their "soul") and is absorbed by Siren. These "souls" can be drawn upon later by Siren when he sings again, and can be manipulated by him as he sings. These souls have the denseness of water vapour, but can apply many kilotons of pressure.


Secondary Power: Costume-materialization


Siren manifests the costume/clothes of the original singer of the song he is singing (regardless of whether he wants to or not). Can be a bit awkward when he sings the songs of a female pop singer.


Appearance: Siren is a tall, gaunt man of unknown Caucasian descent, and is starting to bald. His most remarkable feature are his harrowing eyes, which are unusually dark and glows with a strange energy.


Yes, Siren is inspired by Karthus from League of Legends. Pls dont sue me, Rito.

Appart from what Voidus already said the "souls" are also broken, even one defender that is pretty much invulnerable and can create kilotons of force would be immensly powerful, all on its own. However, he could easily gather an army of those things.

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There's people younger than 16 on this forum?

Ugh. Early teenage fiction. Another bad memory I've tried to bury. <_<

So, uh, any opinions on Siren?


In this very RP, actually. :P


Definitely something I can agree with. I've got a whole document folder on my computer labeled, "Utter Crem I Will Never Show to Anyone." This folder has slowly started to stop expanding, but there's still the odd thing that makes its way in there.


He looks pretty cool. I'd like to ask a couple clarifications though (aside from what's already been mentioned).


1. How the heck did someone this powerful end up working for the Panda? While the Panda has more versatile powers, nothing he can do would give him a real hold over Siren, what with being able to kill anything within earshot, and all.


2. Can he affect someone physically incapable of hearing? Or perhaps someone draining the kinetic energy from the air around him before it hits his eardrums, perchance? (Totally not just asking to see if Frostfire could take him down. :ph34r:)

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Hmm...The Siren seems to be a little bit OP for The Dalles, even if we can get the soul stuff worked out.


Might be a good candidate for Astoria, however. I wonder, Lightsworn, have you considered having The Panda pull out of The Dalles (after a suitably Epic fight, of course) and move towards Astoria? Just a thought. The Astoria is much higher power level, and The Siren and some others seem like a more balanced fit over there.



Dang. I've spent the past ten years bouncing around from idea to idea, so that's impressive. And if the detailed worldbuilding I've glimpsed during my peeks into the Edassa thread are any indication, it looks like your dedication is paying off.


Thanks. I've done my fair share of bouncing around, but funnily enough, all of that bouncing all led me back to the same place. My sci-fi trilogy even found its way into the future extension of Edassa's universe.

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